If you are a student, and any parts are missing or damaged, please see instructor or bookstore. If you purchased this
kit from a distributor, catalog, etc., please contact ELENCO
(address/phone/e-mail is at the back of this manual) for
additional assistance, if needed. DO NOT contact your place of purchase as they will not be able to help you.
Qty. Symbol Value Color Code Part #
r 1 R5 10Ω 5% 1/4W brown-black-black-gold 121000
r 1 R1 680Ω 5% 1/4W blue-gray-brown-gold 136800
r 1 R3 5.6kΩ 5% 1/4W green-blue-red-gold 145600
r 1 R4 10kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-black-orange-gold 151000
r 1 R2 18kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-gray-orange-gold 151800
r 1 R6/S3 Potentiometer 50kΩ & switch w/ nut & washer 192522
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r 1 C6 33pF Discap (33) 213317
r 1 C7 82pF Discap (82) 218210
r 1 C10 180pF Discap (181 or 180) 221810
r 1 C5 220pF Discap (221 or 220) 222210
r 1 C8 330pF Discap (331 or 330) 223317
r 1 C4 470pF Discap (471 or 470) 224717
r 1 C13 680pF Discap (681 or 680) 226880
r 1 C23 1500pF Discap (152) 231516
r 2 C11, C12 3300pF Discap (332) 233310
r 1 C15 0.033μF Discap (333) 243318
r 1 C19 0.047μF Discap (473) 244780
r 6 C3, C9, C14, C16, C17, C* 0.1μF Discap (104) 251010
r 2 C21, C22 10μF Electrolytic radial 271044
r 1 C20 22μF Electrolytic radial 272244
r 1 C1 100μF Electrolytic radial 281044
r 2 C2, C18 220μF Electrolytic radial 282244
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r 1 L2 Coil 4-turn 430150
r 1 L1 Coil 6-turn 430160
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r 1 D1 BB909/BB910 Varactor 310909
r 1 D2 1N4001 Semiconductor silicon diode 314001
r 1 D3 Red LED 3mm 350003
r 1 U2 LM-386 or identical Low voltage audio power amplifier 330386
r 1 U1 TDA7088T or identical FM receiver SM installed on PC board
Qty. Description Part #
r 1 Antenna FM 484005
r 1
PC board w/ installed U1 (TDA7088T)
r 2 Push button switch 12mm 540005
r 1 Battery holder 590096
r 1 Speaker 8Ω 590102
r 1 Cap push button switch yellow 622001
r 1 Cap push button switch red 622007
r 1 Knob pot / switch 622050
Qty. Description Part #
r 1 Screw M1.8 x 7.5mm 641100
r 2 Antenna screw M2 x 5mm 643148
r 1 Nut M1.8 644210
r 1 Socket IC 8-pin 664008
r 1 Speaker pad 780128
r 3” Wire 22 ga. solid 834012
r 1 Solder Lead-free 9LF99
RF Radio Frequency.
Sensitivity The ability of a receiver to pick
up low-amplitude signals.
Speaker An electronic device that turn
electric impulses into sound.
Surface-mount A method of using special
Technology components that are soldered
to the PC board’s surface.
Trimmer An adjustable fine-tuning
resistor, capacitor, or inductor of
small values.
Transistor A semiconductor component
that can be used to amplify
signals, or as electronic
Varactor A diode optimized to vary its
internal capacitance with a
change in its reverse bias
Voltage Electrical potential difference
measured in volts.
Voltage Regulator A circuit that holds the DC
GLOSSARY (Continued)
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following examination, check your answers carefully.
1. The number of cycles produced per second by a source
of sound is called the . . .
r A) amplitude.
r B) vibration.
r C) sound wave.
r D) frequency.
2. The frequency of the modulating signal determines the
. . .
r A) number of times the frequency of the carrier
changes per second.
r B) maximum deviation of the FM carrier.
r C) maximum frequency swing of the FM carrier.
r D) amount of amplitude change of the FM
3. The FM broadcast band is . . .
r A) 550 – 1,600kHz.
r B) 10.7MHz.
r C) 88 – 108MHz.
r D) 98.7 – 118.7MHz.
4. The AFC circuit is used to . . .
r A) automatically hold the local oscillator on
r B) maintain constant gain in the receiver to
prevent such things as fading.
r C) prevent amplitude variations of the FM
r D) automatically control the audio frequencies
in the receiver.
5. The device most often used for changing the local
oscillator frequency with the AFC voltage is a . . .
r A) feedthrough capacitor.
r B) variable inductor.
r C) varactor.
r D) trimmer capacitor.
6. The capacitance of the varactor is determined by . . .
r A) the voltage level.
r B) the amount of current in the circuit.
r C) the signal strength of the RF carrier.
r D) the amount of resistance in the circuit.
7. The ability to select a specific band of frequencies,
while rejecting others, is called . . .
r A) selectivity.
r B) sensitivity.
r C) demodulation.
r D) none of the above.
8. The process of mixing two signals to produce a third
signal is called . . .
r A) filtering.
r B) detecting.
r C) rectification.
r D) heterodyning.
9. The circuit designed to supply substantial power output
into low impedance load is called . . .
r A) power supply.
r B) pre-amplifier.
r C) power amplifier.
r D) detector.
10.The gain of the LM-386 amplifier can be set in range
from . . .
r A) 1 to 20.
r B) 20 to 200.
r C) 0 to 200.
r D) 50 to 100.
Answers: 1. D, 2. A, 3. C, 4. A, 5. C, 6. A, 7. C, 8. D, 9. C, 10. B