Carbon-Z® Cub Fastner Guide • Befestigungen Carbon-Z Cub
Guide des éléments d’assemblage du Carbon-Z Cub • Carbon-Z
Cub Guida Viteria
Location Size (Qty)
Spinner / Spinner / Cône / Ogiva 2 X 8mm
Cowl / Motorhaube / Capot / Naca 2 X 10mm (2)
Motor / Motor / Moteur / Motore 2.5 X 20mm (4)
Landing Gear / Fahrwerk / Train d’atterrissage / Carrelli 2 X 10mm (4)
Rudder / Seitenruder / Dérive / Direzionale 2 X 10mm
Control Linkages / Anlenkungen / Commandes / Lincaggi 1.5 X 10mm (2)
Größe (Stk)
Dimensions (Qté)
Horizontal Stabilizer and Struts / Leitwerk und Streben / Stabilisateur et haubans /
Elevatore e tiranti alari
Struts / Streben / Haubans / Tiranti alari 3 X 18mm (4)
Wing Screw Front / Tragflächenschraube vorne / Vis avant de fixation d’aile / Viti Ali
Wing Screw Rear / Tragflächenschraube hinten / Vis arrière de fixation d’aile / Viti Ali
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43608 Created 10/13
E-flite and Carbon-Z are a registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, Inc.
© 2013 Horizon Hobby, Inc.
www.e-fl iterc.com
3 X 12mm (8)
3 X 30mm (2)
3 X 22mm (2)