Dr.Mach Emergency Power Lamp User Manual

Emergency power lamp
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
MMoouunnttiinngg iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss DDiirreeccttiioonnss ffoorr uussee
Triaflex / Triaflex R96 emergency power lamp Trigenflex / Trigenflex R96 emergency power lamp Mach M3 F- / DF- / F/H- / DF/H emergency power lamp Mach 380 F- / DF- / F/H- / DF/H emergency power lamp
Accessories Clamp rail ___________________________________________ Order no. 74961002 Table _______________________________________________ Order no. 74961004
Dr. Mach GmbH u. Co., Flossmannstrasse 28, D-85560 Ebersberg
Tel.: +49 (0)8092 2093 0, Fax +49 (0)8092 2093 50
Internet: www.dr-mach.com, E-mail: info@dr-mach.de
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Emergency power lamp
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
Table of content
1. Instructions for use/operating instructions for sealed lead-acid batteries .........Page 3
2. General instructions ...........................................................................................Page 5
3. Wiring diagram..................................................................................................Page 6
4. Controls.............................................................................................................Page 6
5. Key to wiring diagram .......................................................................................Page 7
6. Mounting the stand tube and the battery box to the stand foot.........................Page 8
7. Mounting the lamp to the spring arm ................................................................Page 13
7.1 Mounting the lamp to the regular spring arm ..............................................Page 13
7.2 Mounting the lamp to the central spring arm...............................................Page 15
8. Cleaning............................................................................................................Page 16
9. Adjusting the spring arm ...................................................................................Page 17
10. Properties..........................................................................................................Page 18
11. Location ............................................................................................................Page 18
12. Connecting the user and adjusting the secondary voltage ...............................Page 18
13. First use ............................................................................................................Page 19
14. Mains operation ................................................................................................Page 19
15. Battery operation...............................................................................................Page 20
16. “TEST”-operation ..............................................................................................Page 20
17. Remarks concerning the batteries ....................................................................Page 21
18. “BUZZER OFF” ................................................................................................. Page 21
19. Turning OFF the unit.........................................................................................Page 21
20. Malfunction and possible causes ......................................................................Page 22
21. Technical data...................................................................................................Page 22
22. CE-mark............................................................................................................Page 24
23. Disposal ............................................................................................................Page 24
24. Dimensions .......................................................................................................Page 25
25. Spare parts .......................................................................................................Page 26
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Emergency power lamp
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering

1. Instructions for use / operating Instructions for sealed lead - acid batteries

1. Identification, operating data

Type of battery: BTX 12-24 Block voltage: 12 V Length 166 mm Number of blocks: 2 Width: 175 mm Number of cells: 12 Height 125 mm Assembly date: 12-2002

Nominal voltage UN 24 V Capacity* C

Block weight: 9.2 kg Capacity* C Electrolyte density 1.3 kg/l Capacity* C

Nominal temperature 20

Ideal room temperature 20

C Capacity* C
C Torque on installation.: 4.5 Nm
(1.8 V/cell): 26 Ah#
(1.8 V/cell): 24 Ah
(1.75 V/cell): 20 Ah Commissioning date:
(1.75 V/cell): 16 Ah

Antimony content: <<1 % Torque in service: 3.6 Nm

Service interval: see 7.2 Ventilation calculation: DIN/EN 50272-

# = Reference capacity (nominal capacity) according to DIN/EN 60896-1 (x V/cell) = Voltage at end of discharge

2. Safety instructions
2.1 Maintenance free / pressure relief valves
The sealed battery blocks require no maintenance. Topping up with water is not allowed. Pressure relief valves are used
as stoppers. Opening them results in the destruction of the battery.
However, the battery requires regular inspection and maintenance (see Section 7).
2.2 Prohibitions, requirements and disposal instructions

Delivery date: 12-2002

Assembled by:

Commissioned by:

CE-characteristic by:

PERL emer­gency current
PERL emer-
gency current
* = for 25
1 Observe the Instructions for Use.
2. When working on batteries wear protective glasses and clothing as specified in the Accident Prevention Instructions and DIN/EN 50272-2 (VDE 0510).
3. Smoking is forbidden, no naked flames, embers or sparks are allowed in the vicinity of the battery.
4. There is a danger of explosion and fire so avoid short circuits. Metal parts of the poles are always live, therefore do not put tools or other items on the battery.
5. The electrolyte, sulphuric acid, is very corrosive. There is no possi­bility of contact with the electrolyte unless the battery is damaged
If the casing is defective the electrolyte retained in the
fleece behaves like liquid electrolyte.
6. Any droplets of acid that gets into the eye or on the skin must be rinsed out or washed off immediately with a copious supply of water. Then get to a doctor without delay. If clothing is polluted wash it immediately with water.
7. Block batteries are heavy. Take care to put them on a safe base. Only use suitable transport equipment.
8. Old batteries with this sign can be recycled and must be put through the recycling process. Old batteries, which are not put through the recycling process should be dis­posed of in accordance with all the regulations as spe­cial waste products.
3. Storage
All battery blocks are delivered in the charged condition. If they are not to be put into service immediately but are to be put in store for a long time they should be stored in a dry, clean and frost free place. Sealed lead acid batteries are best given a trickle charge when stored. If this is not the case, they must be given an equalisation charge (see Section 6.1.4) at the latest when they sink to
12.5 V open circuit voltage, or every 6 months depending on which occurs first.
4. Commissioning
The ideal operating temperature is 200C. Higher temperatures shorten the life of the battery, lower temperatures reduce the available capacity. The battery blocks must be so set up, that within the same blocks temperature differences of >3
occur. Before commissioning, the batteries should be examined for damage, correct pole connection, solid fit of the connectors (for torques see table above) and secure contacts. If necessary, pole covers should be fitted. After the charging device and loads are switched off the correct poles of the battery should be connected to the d.c. supply. Switch on the charging device and charge the battery as specified in Section 6.1.
The regulations in DIN/VDE 0107, DIN/VDE 0108, DIN/EN 50272-2 (VDE 0510-2) or DIN/VDE 0510-7 as well as IEC 896-2 (DIN/EN 60896-2) should be observed if necessary.
C cannot
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Emergency power lamp
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
5. Operation
The regulations of DIN/VDE 0107, DIN/VDE 0108, DIN/EN 50272-2 (VDE 0510-2) or DIN/VDE 0510-7 as well as IEC 896-2 (DIN/EN 60896-2) should be observed when operating static sealed batteries.

6 Charging, discharging

6.1 Charging
Any of the charging procedures with their limits as specified in DIN 41773 (IU-characteristic), DIN 41774 (W-characteristic) or DIN 41776 (I-characteristic) can be used. Depending on the equipment the batteries in this equipment are charged with the IU­characteristic.
6.1.1 Maintaining the full load condition (maintenance charge)
Equipment with the properties specified in DIN 41773 (IU-characteristic) should be used. The equipment should be so set up, that the cell voltage higher or lower environmental temperature, the charging voltage must be adjusted to:
= 2.3 V/cell (permissible deviation: 1%). If the battery temperature is continuously higher or lower due to
Charging voltage
Charging voltage
Example predominately at 30°C, Charging voltage = 2.3V/cell - 0.040 V/cell = 2.260 V/cell.
: Temperature lies predominately at 15°C, charging voltage = 2.3 V/cell + 0.02V/cell = 2.320 V/cell. Temperature lies
(more than 20°C)
(less than 20°C)
= 2.3 V/cell - 0.004 V • ∆T (T = Temperature difference above 20°C)
= 2.3V/cell + 0.004 V • ∆T (T = Temperature difference below 20°C)
6.2 Discharging
The correct discharging currents are obtained from the capacities as specified in I more than the correct capacity can be taken out. In order to avoid a deep discharge and consequent destruction of the battery, it must be disconnected from the loads before reaching the discharge finishing voltage that is dependent on the bridging time. Guide values are:
Bridging time Discharge finishing voltage Bridging time Discharge finishing voltage
> 3 h 1,80 V/cell 20 min. – 1 h 1,67 V/cell 1-3 h 1,75 V/cell < 20 min. 1,60 V/cell
The connection of the loads should only be done after the power supply has been restored. After discharge, even partial dis- charge, the battery should immediately be charged.
= Ct/t. Unless other data is available, not
7. Battery maintenance, inspection of the battery equipment
7.1 Battery maintenance
The battery should be kept clean and dry in order to prevent leakage currents. The cleaning of the battery should be done in accordance with the ZVEI-leaflet “Cleaning of batteries“. Plastic parts of the battery may only be cleaned with clean water.
7.2 Inspection of battery equipment
It is recommended that every 3 months the following work should be done and documented:
Visual inspection of the battery regarding cleanliness, damaged battery blocks and loose contacts
Measurement of charge maintaining voltage of the battery and the individual battery blocks
Measurement of the surface temperature of the battery blocks
Measurement of the temperature in the battery room.
The following work should be carried out and documented at least every 12 months (guarantee condition):
All connections should be tightened to the recommended values (see table under Item 1) by a torque spanner,
The tests for 6 months should be repeated
If possible, measure the voltage of the battery and the individual battery blocks with the charging device switched off.
Only in collaboration with the System Manufacturer or someone authorised by him:
Record the battery block voltages during the discharge of the battery (capacity test).
When tests are carried out they should be done as specified in IEC 896-2 (DIN/EN 60896-2). Instructions specified in DIN/VDE 0107 and DIN/VDE 0108 should also be observed.
8. Guarantee
Guarantee claims are only accepted if the maintenance and servicing work have been properly carried out. For guarantee claims at least the following data/documents must be provided: the reason for the complaint, contract number and the last two mainte­nance reports. Defective battery blocks must be sent back for defect analysis carriage paid.
If the Instructions for Use are not followed, e.g. if the room temperature is too high, the batteries are left discharged for a long time or stored in unsuitable conditions, trickle charged at the wrong voltage or the service intervals and instructions are not observed, the guarantee becomes invalid.
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Emergency power lamp
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
Extent of supply:
Emergency power unit
Allan key / DIN 911 –5 long –3 and –10
Spring arm / central spring arm
Lamp Mach 380 / Mach M3 / Trigenflex /
Pre-mounted stand tube
Two long feet with brakes
Two short feet without brakes
1x cable binder 2,7mm
Spare parts: 1x fuse 6x35, 10A secondary,
and 2x battery fuse 5x20, 1,6A
These installation instructions must be kept in a safe place together with the relevant operating
instructions for the light, so they can be consulted whenever necessary.
2. General instructions
All Dr. Mach emergency lighting systems are supplied with all parts necessary for installation and connec­tion.
The supporting pole is divided into two parts. The battery box is supplied with a connecting cable and earthed plug.
The plugs used must be installed in accordance with the requirements of IEC or VDE 0107.
A check should be made to ensure that there is a standard electric socket within the working area of the light.
The light must be kept continuously connected to the mains, as otherwise it will not be perma­nently available.
Maintenance of the supporting pole and any special installation work on the sliding contacts can only be carried out by us or by our appointed technicians.
The manufacturer only guarantees the safety of the light if repairs and alterations have been car­ried out by him or by a technician who adheres to the safety regulations.
The manufacturer shall have no legal liability for injury to persons or damage to property if the light is operated wrongly or in any other way or used for any other purpose than that for which it was designed.
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Emergency power lamp
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
3. Wiring diagram
4. Controls
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H5 H4 H3
Emergency power lamp
5. Key to the wiring diagram
A 1 Charge regulator
A 2 Electronic control module
A 3 Output level for charge regulator
F 1 Mains fuse
F 2 Mains fuse
F 3 Battery fuse
H 1 LED green to show mains operation
H 2 LED yellow to show battery operation
H 3 LED green to show battery fully charged
H 4 LED yellow to show battery charged 80% to 20%
H 5 LED red to show battery discharged
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
S 1 Acknowledgement button
Q 1 ON/OFF switch for testing
T 1 Transformer
V 1 Rectifier
K 1 Switchover protector
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Emergency power lamp
6. Mounting the stand tube and the battery box
to the stand foot
Loosen two screws 1 before mounting each foot. Then insert the four feet and fix them with the screws (do not tighten!)
For mounting the stand foot proceed as described in the enclosed figures and drawings.
L = long feet S = short feet
After fixing the feet, tighten all sixteen screws uniformly!
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
Push together both tubes as shown in the photog­raphy.

Connecting the battery box

After mounting the stand foot put the battery box on the stand foot. Use the pad included in the scope of supply.
Remark: Because of the high weight of the battery box it is recommended that this work is carried out by two persons to avoid damage.
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