DNP WPS-1 Quick Start Manual

PN: DOC-Q-WPS-R01 REV: 05.2015
Limited Warranty Accessory Product
This new accessory product carries a limited warranty for a period of (1) one year from the date of purchase against defects in workmanship or materials.
Please refer to our website for complete details on the limited warranty for this product:
Quick Start
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Manage It All Using Your Smartphone
DNP offers three companion apps to help you manage and use your WPS-1 and attached printers.
Before you start, be sure to download the WPS-1 companion apps to your mobile device. Use the apps to print from your camera or photo gallery and to monitor your WPS-1 system status.
Welcome to WPS-1
Print photos wirelessly
Attach the WPS-1 wireless print server to a DNP photo printer (or two) and you’ve
created a wireless printing solution that supports modern photography workows in
a wide range of applications. With WPS-1, you can print to the most popular DNP printers simultaneously from up to 5 wireless devices.
Print from your tablet
With WPS-1, you can select shots and print wirelessly
using your favorite tablet image editing apps. An
increasingly popular work ow is shooting and
transferring numerous photos to a tablet, then editing and selecting multiple shots for printing.
Print from your smartphone
Use smartphones for preview shots, b-roll, candid shots and more. With WPS-1, you can print directly from almost any camera app. You can select shots and print directly from your camera roll or from most image editing apps.
Print from your digital camera
WPS-1 enhances your digital camera capture-to-print
workows. Print your best images by transferring them
to your wireless device. You can also use 3rd party
products to bring standard FTP le transmission to
a compatible digital camera.
Print from your Mac or PC
Use the WPS-1 wireless print server to ‘cut the cord’ and make your PC/Mac setup more
exible. You can copy your les to WPS-1 over
the network to automatically print to your DNP printer.
Another option is to set up a WPS printer driver to print directly from applications.
Start printing in four easy steps!
Set uP the SyStem
 Plug in your DNP printer, power the printer ON, and load the print
media in the printer. For more information on properly loading the printer, see the documentation for that printer. Verify that there are no error lights on your printer.
 Using your printer ’s USB cable, connect the DNP printer to the WPS-1
device via the port labeled USB-1. If you are using two printers, connect the second printer to the port labeled USB-2. (You must connect to the USB-1 port rst.)
 Connect the WPS-1
power cable to the device and plug it in. You can make sure your WPS-1 device is powered on by looking for the blue light on the front of the device.
 WAIT TWO MINUTES. It takes two minutes for the WPS-1 device to
initialize so that the system is ready for use.
DoWnloaD the comPanion aPPS
Download the following companion applications to use with your WPS-1 system. The apps can be found on the Apple® App Store™, the Amazon™ app
store for Android™, and on Google Play™.
WPS Camera: Take a photo and print immediately using this simple camera app.
WPS Print: Print images from your image gallery or photo albums using this app.
WPS Status: Monitor your WPS-1 and printers from your mobile device.
Print a teSt image
Use the WPS camera app to print a test image.
 It’s simple - open the WPS camera app on your device.  When the home screen appears, touch the screen to
launch your device’s default camera app.
 Take your picture. Your image is automatically sent to the WPS-1 device
for printing on your DNP printer.
(When using an Apple device, press the Use Photo button to send your photo to the printer.)
Your rst print will appear in about 25 seconds depending on your
image size, Wi-Fi network strength, and other factors.
connect to the WPS netWork
Use your device’s settings app to connect to the Wi-Fi network named WPSxxxx. (xxxx is a unique number to identify your device.) When prompted, enter the password:
USB-2 USB-1 Network Power
thingS to remember about the WPS SyStem
 Always connect your mobile device, camera or PC to the WPS-1 Wi-Fi network before you
try to print or use the WPS companion apps.
Stay within 30 feet of WPS-1 for a reliable, high-performing Wi-Fi connection.
You can connect up to ve devices to your WPS-1 Wi-Fi connection at a time
The time it takes for your rst print can be 25 seconds or more, depending upon Wi-Fi
trafc, signal strength, your distance from the WPS and image le size.
 Sending multiple prints to WPS-1 can actually increase throughput, since it can receive and
process an image while it is printing the previous image.
DNP is working with leading 3rd party app developers to create new ways to use WPS-1.
Go to for the latest news and product updates.
WPS-1 only accepts JPEG and PNG le formats.
 When you are connected to the WPS-1 Wi-Fi network, you will not have access to the
Internet (unless you plug WPS into an Internet-connected network router using an Ethernet cable)
 When using only one DNP printer with WPS-1, always connect the printer to the USB-1
port. Never connect a printer to the second port if there is no printer in the rst port.
 If you add a printer, change a printer or change the media size that is in your printer, after
the changes are made, you must reboot (disconnect/reconnect the power cable) the WPS­1 for it to see the changes.
If you make any changes on the conguration web page,
be sure to (1) click the Save button at the bottom of the
conguration webpage and (2) reboot your WPS-1 device.
To do this, you need to install an FTP Client app that supports sharing. Once installed, this app should appear as an option alongside text messages, e-mail, and other sharing options.
Conguring the FTP Client App
1. Download a Client FTP app to your mobile device. Select an app that has sharing capabilities. Some example apps are listed below.
2. Launch the Client FTP application.
3. Enter the following settings:
Ê Host: Ê Type: FTP Ê Port: 21 Ê Username: photo Ê Password: none
(type the word “none”)
Ê Remote Dir: /
(forward slash)
Ê Mode: Active
(usually in advanced settings)
Ê Transfer Mode: Binary
(if applicable)
4. Save your conguration settings.
5. From your client FTP application, open a connection to the WPS-1 device.
Printing with your FTP Client App
1. Connect your mobile device to the WPS-1 wireless network named WPSxxx (xxxx is a unique number for your device). When prompted,
enter the password: DNP20153
2. From any of your device’s camera or editing apps, print to your DNP printer by selecting the Share option then selecting your FTP client app.
3. Depending on your FTP client app, you may need to follow a few more steps to print your images.
4. Your photos are sent from your device to the DNP photo printer for printing!
Printing with the WPS-1 Mobile Apps
Use either of the WPS-1 mobile applications to quickly print.
Print a new picture*. Snap a picture and print the image immediately using the WPS Camera app.
*images captured using this app are not saved to your camera roll/gallery.
Print an existing image. Print existing images from your device photo gallery or photo albums using the WPS Print app.
Printing from a Pc
or mac
Printing with Windows File Explorer
One way to print from Windows is to copy images into WPS-1 “hot folders” using the wireless network. If you have two printers connected with two different media sizes, there will be a hot folder for each size. To connect your PC to these hot folders, follow these steps:
1. From your list of wireless networks, select your WPS-1 device.
2. Open a le explorer window. (Be sure you are not opening an internet browser.)
3. Type \\ in the address bar in the explorer window. This accesses the WPS-1 directories.
4. Select WPS Hot Folder Printers folder.
5. Select the folder for your printer. This is labeled with the model of your DNP printer
(for example, DS40.)
6. Select your desired print size (i.e., 4”x6”, 5”x7”, 6”x8”). You must have the printer loaded with the media size that you have selected. For example, if you have 5x7 media loaded in your printer, you cannot select 6x8 as a print size.
7. Open a secondary le explorer window, and browse to the the images you want to
8. Copy the images and paste them into the print size folder in the initial explorer window.
9. Your images are then sent to your DNP printer for printing.
Printing with Mac Finder
You can also print from Mac computers by copying images into WPS-1 “hot folders” using the wireless network. If you have two different printers connected with two different media sizes, there will be a hot folder for each size. To connect your Mac to these hot folders, you begin with the Go drop-down menu and select Connect to
Server. For full instruction, please see your WPS-1 User Guide at
Printing with Native Print
You can also print using native print drivers in
Windows and Mac. For more information, see
your WPS-1 User Guide at www.dnpphoto.
Printing from a
igital camera
WPS-1 can print from FTP-enabled digital
cameras where you can manually set the FTP
location as well as other settings. Please consult your camera’s user guide for compatibility and settings control.
WPS StatuS aPP
The WPS Status app allows you to view the status all of the devices in your WPS network.
By downloading the status app, you can see information about your WPS-1
device and any printers you have connected to the device. You can also check for errors during printing, check printer media levels, and have a better sense of your overall WPS-1 network conditions.
Even if you are printing from a PC or Mac, you can still use the WPS Status app to monitor your WPS-1 system. For more information please see the
WPS-1 User Guide at
configuring your WPS-1
The WPS-1 conguration webpage allows you to change print settings on the WPS-1.
Two of the most popular setting options are shown below. For more information on
other settings you can change with the cong app, see the User Guide at
Selecting a Print Finish
Use the following steps to change the print nish to matte.
1. Open an internet browser window and enter the following web address:guration.html.
2. In the General section, locate the Matte option. Change the value to ON.
3. At the bottom of the page, press Save. Press OK to conrm your change.
4. Wait one minute, then reboot your WPS-1 device.
Wait at least two minutes before you reconnect to the WPS-1 Wi-Fi network.
Archiving Images
Turned ON by default, this feature archives printed images to an SD™
card if it is present.
1. Insert a blank SD card in the slot on the side of the WPS-1 device.
2. Print your images. Once printed, your images are automatically
archived to your SD card.
If you want to turn this feature
OFF, open the WPS conguration
webpage and switch Archive to
OFF. Be sure to save your changes
and reboot the WPS-1 device.
Printing from mobile DeviceS
For more information, see the User Guide at
Example FTP Client Apps
iOS Android
 Transmit™  AndFTP
 FTP Client
 Auto
 Easy FTP Pro  Turbo Client
Printing with FTP
You can print from most mobile apps using your devices’ share features.
Share Sheet Share feature (Apple) (Android)
Remember! WPS-1 only
accepts JPG and PNG photo
le formats!