Dnp Q8 User Manual

Copal Printer Manual
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DNP Photo Imaging America Corp.
DNP Photo Imaging America Corp.

Before You Begin Basic Maintenance

Figure 36. Q8 Printer
 Attach the Q8 printer to the USB port on the computer designated for the Q8 or 8x10 printer. See the Installation and
Setup Guide for more information.
 It is recommended that there be at least 50 mm (1.97 in) of space above and on either side of the M8C printer to allow
for proper airflow.


Prior to performing this procedure, you must remove the ribbon from the printer.

Installing the Printer Paper

Touching the paper surface leads to smudges on exposed paper. Only touch the ends of the paper roll.
1. Orient the paper roll with the leading edge of the paper going over the top of the paper roll (with the label arrow pointing down).
2. Open the plastic covering on the right side of the roll.
3. Insert the paper spool with the metal spindle on the right side of the paper roll.
4. Remove the plastic from the new paper roll.
5. Locate the other endcap with the release buttons.
6. While squeezing the buttons, align the endcap on the left side of the paper roll so that the metal bar goes through the
hole in the center of the endcap.
7. Press firmly on the endcaps to make sure the roll is seated against both endcaps and no space remains.
8. Attention:If the endcaps are not properly seated on the roll, the printer can jam.
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