DNP DS-RX1 Driver Manual

Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
Safety precautions
Please read the User’s Manual for the printer carefully before use, and follow the instructions. Note that the contents of directions for use and safety precautions correspond to the safety standards as of the time the User’s Manual has been
For product safety, do not remodel the DS-RX1 printers or the contents of the DS-RX1 printer drivers and the CD.
Copyrights, trademarks or any other intellectual property rights whatsoever that pertain to documents, programs or other items provided with this product, are ascribed to Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., or the respective other holders of rights. Except in cases permitted by applicable laws, these may not be duplicated or used without consent from Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation valid in the USA and other countries. LEADTOOLS Copyright (C) 2008 LEAD Technologies, Inc. The ICC profile is prepared by the technology of X-Rite.
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
Chapter 1 Install ______________________________________ 1
1.1 Printer and Host computer Connection __________________________________________ 1
1.2 Found New Hardware Wizard __________________________________________________ 1
1.3 Install from Add Printer Wizard ________________________________________________ 6
Chapter 2 Properties __________________________________ 12
2.1 Opening Printer Properties _________________________________________________ 12
2.2 Explanation of Print Setting Functions ________________________________________ 14
2.2.1 Layout _____________________________________________________________________________________ 14
2.2.2 Advanced Options ___________________________________________________________________________ 15
2.2.3 Paper/Quality _______________________________________________________________________________ 19
2.2.4 Option______________________________________________________________________________________ 19
2.2.5 Color Adjustment ____________________________________________________________________________ 20
2.3 Default Values for Various Settings ___________________________________________ 21
2.4 Color Management _______________________________________________________ 21
2.5 Print Area _______________________________________________________________ 22
2.6 Print Drection ___________________________________________________________ 22
Chapter 3 Updating the Driver __________________________ 23 Chapter 4 Driver Removal _____________________________ 29
Added "(5x3.5) x 2" and "PR(3.5x5) x 2" to the paper sizes
For details, see "Multiple layout" in 2.2.2 Advanced Options.
Additional functions
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
[DS-RX1 Printer Driver] Instruction Manual for Windows Vista
CChhaapptteerr 11
11..11 PPrriinntteerr aanndd HHoosstt ccoommppuutteerr CCoonnnneeccttiioon
Power ON the DS-RX1 and connect the DS-RX1 printer and the host by USB cable. * Please refer to the manual for the DS-RX1 printer for connection if needed.
Note) Do not insert the accompanying CD at this time. In order to install the driver, log in with administrator right. The following explanations are given on the assumption of use with administrator rights.
After that, if [Found New Hardware Wizard] is initiated, please install using the procedure in [1.2 Found New Hardware Wizard]. If [Found New Hardware Wizard] is not initiated, please install in accordance with [1.3 Install from Add Printer Wizard].
11..22 FFoouunndd NNeeww HHaarrddwwaarree WWiizzaarrd
When Found New Hardware Wizard starts running, click on Locate and install driver software (recommended)”.
Fig 1.1 Found New Hardware Wizard
Note) For user account control, confirmation of Windows needs your permission to continue will be requested. Click on the Continue button.
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
[DS-RX1 Printer Driver] Instruction Manual for Windows Vista
If the message Insert the disc that came with yuor Dai Nippon Printing DS-RX1 appears, click on I dont have the disc. Show me other options.
Fig 1.2 Insert the disc
If the message Windows couldnt find driver software for your device appears, click on Browse my computer for driver software (advanced).
Fig 1.3 Windows couldnt find driver software for your device
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
[DS-RX1 Printer Driver] Instruction Manual for Windows Vista
Insert the accompanying CD here. If the message Browse for driver software on your computer appears, click on the Browse button, designate the location of the Installation Disk, and click on the Next button.
Fig 1.4 Designating the driver software location
If the Windows Security confirmation window appears, click on Install this driver software anyway.
Fig 1.5 Windows Security confirmation
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
[DS-RX1 Printer Driver] Instruction Manual for Windows Vista
The driver software will be installed. When The software for this device has been successfully installed appears, click on the Close button, and end the wizard.
Fig 1.6 Installation Complete window
Select Start, then Control Panel, and open the control panel. Click on Printer in the control panel.
Fig 1.7 Control panel
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
[DS-RX1 Printer Driver] Instruction Manual for Windows Vista
Open [Printer] and confirm that [DS-RX1] is shown. Now installation is complete.
Fig 1.8 Printers
After installation of the printer-driver is complete, be sure to reboot the computer.
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
[DS-RX1 Printer Driver] Instruction Manual for Windows Vista
11..33 IInnssttaallll ffrroomm AAdddd PPrriinntteerr WWiizzaarrd
Select Start, then Control Panel, and open the control panel. Click on Printer in the control panel.
Fig 1.9 Control Panel
Click on Add a Printer in the menu bar at the top of the Printer” window.
Fig 1.10 Printer window
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd.
[DS-RX1 Printer Driver] Instruction Manual for Windows Vista
When the Choose a local or network printer window appears, click on Add a local printer.
Fig 1.11 Choose a local or network printer window
When the Choose a printer port window appears, select Use an existing port:, and select the USB port the printer is connected to (for example, USB001) from the drop-down list, and click the Next button.
Fig 1.12 Choose a printer port window
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