DNP DP-DS620, DP-DS620A Driver Users Manual

November 20, 2014 Ver.
Printer Driver User's Manual
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Table of contents
Chapter 1 Installation __________________________________ 1
1.1 Prepare the printer and computer ______________________________________________________________ 2
1.2 Install the driver package _____________________________________________________________________ 2
1.3 Install the printer driver ______________________________________________________________________ 5
1.4 Install drivers for unspecified devices ________________________________ ___________________________ 9
Chapter 2 Properties _________________________________ 12
2.1 Open the printer properties __________________________________________________________________ 12
2.2 Print settings functions ______________________________________________________________________ 14
2.2.1 Layout _______________________________________________________________________________ 14
2.2.2 Advanced options ______________________________________________________________________ 15
2.2.3 Paper/Quality _________________________________________________________________________ 20
2.2.4 Option _______________________________________________________________________________ 20
2.2.5 Color Adjustment _______________________________________________________________________ 22
2.2.6 Printer information ______________________________________________________________________ 23
2.3 Default values for settings ___________________________________________________________________ 25
2.4 Color management ________________________________________________________________ ________ 26
2.5 Print Area ________________________________________________________________________________ 27
2.6 Orientation _______________________________________________________________________________ 28
Chapter 3 Update the driver ____________________________ 29 Chapter 4 Delete the driver ____________________________ 36
Added "(6x4) x N" and "(5x3.5) x N" to the paper sizes (limited to applicable countries)
Added "(6x4) x n" and "(5x3.5) x n" to reduce ribbon consumption by printing at (6x4) and (5x3.5) sizes using the winding print function. For details, see "Paper size (6x4) x n setting" in 2.2.2 Advanced options.
Added printer information
Added a printer information function to display, for example, printer information and the status/number of printable copies on the driver screen. For details, see 2.2.6 Printer information.
Added language settings
Added a function to change the display language for the following print settings: Advanced options-Printer functions, Option, Color Adjustment, and Printer Info. For details, see 2.2.4 Option.
Main additional functions from previous models
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
CChhaapptteerr 11 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Installation procedure
The installation procedure is made up of three steps. The details of each step are explained below.
USB cable
Insert the included CD into the disk drive, and then install the driver package.
Prepare the printer and computer "1.1 Prepare the printer and computer"
Connect the USB cable, switch on the printer, and then install the printer driver. After installation is complete, restart the computer.
At this point, the USB cable is not yet connected.
Install the driver package "1.2 Install the driver package"
Install the printer driver "1.3 Install the printer driver"
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
11..11 PPrreeppaarree tthhee pprriinntteerr aanndd ccoommppuutteerr
Make sure that the DP-DS620 printer power is off. Prepare a USB cable. However, do not use the USB cable to connect the printer and computer at this time.
Log in to Windows as an administrator. The following explanation presumes that the operations are carried out with administrator privileges.
11..22 IInnssttaallll tthhee ddrriivveerr ppaacckkaaggee
Insert the included CD into the disc drive. Open Windows Explorer, and then click the corresponding drive. (If AutoPlay is enabled, select Open folder to view files using Windows Explorer.) If AutoPlay is enabled in Windows 8, a message appears stating “Tap to choose what happens with this disk”. Click the message and select “Open folder to view files Windows Explorer”)
Select one of the following folders on the included CD. *Select the folder for your usage environment. Windows 7 … CD drive:¥¥DP-DS620_Driver¥7
Windows 8 … CD drive:¥¥DP-DS620_Driver¥8
Figure 1.1 Driver Package folder
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
In the selected folder, double click the following file: DriverInstall.CMD. (Depending on your usage environment, the .CMD extension may not be displayed.) The driver package installer appropriate for your operating system (32-bit or 64-bit) is selected automatically.
Figure 1.2 Installation file
When a User Account Control dialog box appears, click Yes.
Figure 1.3 User Account Control
The Welcome to the Device Driver Installation Wizard! screen appears. Click "Next".
Figure 1.4 Start of Installation Wizard
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
Click "Install (I)" when the Windows Security confirmation display appears.
Figure 1.5.i Windows Security confirmation
Installation of the driver package starts. Wait until installation finishes. The Completing the Device Driver Installation Wizard screen appears. Click Finish.
Figure 1.4 Finish of Installation Wizard
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
11..33 IInnssttaallll tthhee pprriinntteerr ddrriivveerr
Use the USB cable to connect the printer and computer, and then switch on the power of the DP-DS620 printer. After the printer is recognized, installation of the driver starts. *For the connection, see the User’s manual of the DP-DS620.
If driver installation starts, the following message appears in the taskbar: “Installing device driver software”. In Windows 8, this message does not appear. Proceed to page 7.
Figure 1.7 Driver installation message
If you click on this message, the Install driver software screen appears and displays the installation status of the driver. If Close is clicked, this screen closes.
Figure 1.8 Installing the driver software
*About the “Skip obtaining driver software from Windows Update” option If your operating system is configured to obtain driver software from Windows Update, it may take time for installation to complete because the process searches for drivers from Windows Update first. You can reduce the time until the completion of installation by choosing to skip obtaining driver software from Windows Update. (Depending on your operating system, it may take some time until installation is complete.) From the Driver Software Installation dialog box, click "Skip obtaining driver software from Windows Update".
Figure 1.9 Option to skip obtaining driver software from Windows Update
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
A confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes.
Figure 1.10 Confirmation to skip getting driver software from Windows Update
Soon after installation starts, a message appears in the taskbar stating “Your device is ready to use”, and then printer
driver installation finishes.
Figure 1.11 Installation complete message
If you click on the message, the Driver Software Installation dialog appears, and the “Your device is ready to use”
message appears. Click Close. (If the Driver Software Installation screen is open when installation starts, the abovementioned taskbar message is not displayed.)
Figure 1.12 Completion of driver software installation
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
Click "Start", and then click "Control Panel" to open the Control Panel. In Windows 8, right click the Start screen. In the bottom right area, select All Apps, and then select Control Panel. In Control Panel, click "View devices and printers".
Figure 1.13 Control Panel
In Devices and Printers, make sure that “DP-DS620” is present. Note: In Windows 8, when the printer is offline (the printer is not on and connected), the DP-DS620 icon is not displayed. This completes installation of the DP-DS620 printer driver.
Figure 1.14 Devices and Printers screen
After the installation of the printer driver is complete, always restart the computer.
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
When it was not possible to install the DP-DS620 printer driver correctly, the following message appears in the taskbar: Device driver software was not successfully installed.
Figure 1.15 Message indicating that the driver was not installed
If you click on this message, the Install driver software screen appears and displays the message "Device driver software was not successfully installed". Click Close. (If the Driver Software Installation screen is open when installation starts, the abovementioned taskbar message is not displayed.)
When the driver could not be installed correctly, see the next section, 1.4, “Install drivers for unspecified devices”, and
then install the printer driver.
Figure 1.16 When the driver was not installed correctly
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows 7, 8)
11..44 IInnssttaallll ddrriivveerrss ffoorr uunnssppeecciiffiieedd ddeevviicceess
If you connect a printer that is on to the computer before installing the driver package, a device is created under “Unspecified” in Devices and Printers. In such a case, use the following method to install the printer driver. Furthermore, use the following method to install the printer driver if you use the standard installation procedure (install the driver package, connect the printer, and then install the printer driver), but the driver is not installed correctly, and a device is created under “Unspecified”.
1. Install the driver package
When the driver package has not yet been installed, install it by following the procedure in 1.2, “Install the driver package”. If you install the driver package, installation of the printer driver for the unspecified device completes it automatically.
2. Installing a driver for an unspecified device
In Devices and Printers, under Unspecified, right click on “Photo Printer”. From the menu, click "Troubleshoot".
Figure 1.17 Photo Printer under Unspecified
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