DNP DP-DS620, DP-DS620(A) User Manual

November 20, 2014 Ver.
Printer Driver User's Manual
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Table of contents _________
Chapter 1 Installation __________________________________ 1
1.1 Prepare the printer and computer ______________________________________________________________ 1
1.2 Found New Hardware Wizard _________________________________________________________________ 1
1.3 Install using “Add a Printer” ___________________________________________________________________ 5
Chapter 2 Properties _________________________________ 10
2.1 Open the printer properties __________________________________________________________________ 10
2.2 Print settings functions ______________________________________________________________________ 11
2.2.1 Layout _______________________________________________________________________________ 11
2.2.2 Advanced options ______________________________________________________________________ 12
2.2.3 Paper/Quality _________________________________________________________________________ 17
2.2.4 Option _______________________________________________________________________________ 17
2.2.5 Color Adjustment _______________________________________________________________________ 19
2.2.6 Printer Information ______________________________________________________________________ 20
2.3 Default values for settings ___________________________________________________________________ 22
2.4 Color management ________________________________________________________________ ________ 23
2.5 Print Area ________________________________________________________________________________ 24
2.6 Orientation _______________________________________________________________________________ 25
Chapter 3 Update the driver ____________________________ 26 Chapter 4 Delete the driver ____________________________ 29
Added "(6x4) x N" and "(5x3.5) x N" to the paper sizes (limited to applicable countries)
Added "(6x4) x n" and "(5x3.5) x n" to reduce ribbon consumption by printing at (6x4) and (5x3.5) sizes using the winding print function. For details, see "Paper size (6x4) x n setting" in 2.2.2 Advanced options.
Added printer information
Added a printer information function to display, for example, printer information and the status/number of printable copies on the driver screen. For details, see 2.2.6 Printer Information.
Added language settings
Added a function to change the display language for the following print settings: Advanced options-Printer functions, Option, Color Adjustment, and Printer Info. For details, see 2.2.4 Option.
Main additional functions from previous models
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows XP)
CChhaapptteerr 11 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
11..11 PPrreeppaarree tthhee pprriinntteerr aanndd ccoommppuutteerr
Switch on the power of the DP-DS620 printer, and then use a USB cable to connect the printer and computer. *For the connection, see the user’s manual of the DP-DS620.
If the Found New Hardware Wizard appears after connection, carry out the installation by following the procedure of 1.2 Found New Hardware Wizard”. If the Found New Hardware Wizard does not appear, carry out the installation by following “1.3 Install using “Add a Printer””.
11..22 FFoouunndd NNeeww HHaarrddwwaarree WWiizzaarrdd
Confirm that "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" is selected, and then click "Next".
Figure 1.1 Found New Hardware Wizard
Note) If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, and the following screen appears when the new search wizard starts, select “No, not this time”, and then click "Next".
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows XP)
Select "Search for the best driver in these locations", and then make sure that "Include this location in the search:" check box is selected. Click "Browse", select the installation location, and then click "Next".
Figure 1.2 Search and installation options
If the following screen appears during an upgrade installation, check the Version section, select the most recent version, and then click "Next".
Figure 1.3 Software selections
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows XP)
The following screen appears when you install software. Click "Continue Anyway" to continue with the installation.
Figure 1.4 Installing hardware
If the Search removable media (floppy, CD-ROM...) check box shown in Figure 1.2 is selected, the following message may appear. If the message appears, insert the CD-ROM, and then click OK.
Figure 1.5 Insert Disk
If the following message appears after clicking OK in Figure 1.5, click "Browse", select the installation disk, and then click OK.
Figure 1.6 Files Needed
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows XP)
Click Finish to close the printer wizard.
Figure 1.7 Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard
Click "Start", and then click "Printers and Faxes", and then make sure that “DP-DS620” is present.
Figure 1.8 Printers and Faxes
After the installation of the printer driver is complete, always restart the computer.
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows XP)
11..33 IInnssttaallll uussiinngg
AAdddd aa PPrriinntteer
Click "Start", and then click "Printers and Faxes".
(Depending on the computer you are using, "Printers and Faxes" may not appear. If it does not appear, click the following items in
order: Start, "Control Panel", "Printers and Other Hardware", and "Printers and Faxes".
Click "Add a Printer".
Figure 1.10 Printers and Faxes
The Add a Printer Wizard screen appears. Click "Next".
Figure 1.11 Add a Printer Wizard
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows XP)
The Local or Network Printer screen appears. Select "Local printer attached to this computer", clear "Automatically
detect and install my Plug and Play printer" check box, and then click "Next".
Figure 1.12 Local or Network Printer
The Select a printer port screen appears. Select "Use the following port". From the list, select the USB port connecting
the printer (for example, USB001), and then click "Next".
Figure 1.13 Select a Printer Port
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
[DP-DS620/DP-DS620 (A) Printer Driver] User’s Manual (For Windows XP)
The Install Printer Software screen appears. Click "Have Disk...".
Figure 1.14 Install Printer Software
The Install From Disk screen appears. Click "Browse", and then select the installation location.
Figure 1.15 Install From Disk
Make sure that “DP-DS620” appears, and then click "Next".
Figure 1.16 Install Printer Software
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