Setting Menu Instruction
(1) La ngu age : Supp ort Eng lish, Fr enc h, Ger man, Ital ian,
Hebre w, Portu guese ,S panish ,D utch ,Poland,H ungari an.
(3)Play mode: Norma l,repeat one,repeat all,random,
ran do m & shu ffle.
(4)Record forma t:8KHz,11KHz,16KHz,22KHz,32KHz,
44 KHz, 48KHz.
(5)FM band :Su pp ort US-EU band an d Japa n band.
(6) Aut o scan :Sup po rt scan the FM ra di o au tomat ical ly.
(7)Co ntrast :Pr ess rew ind bu tton or fast forw ard bu tton
to set.
(8) Timing off:St op off, sleep off ,Ba ckligh t.
(9)R esu me de fau lt : Return to de fau lt sett ing.
(2)E Q:N orm al, Roc k,Jazz,C las si cal,Pop ,Ultra Bass,Blue s,
Club,D ance,Fu ll Bass and Treble,Fu ll Treble,La rge Hall,
Live,Party,Reggae,S ka,S oft Music,Soft Rock and Techno.