Dell PowerEdge 2650 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

Dell™ Systems
Installing the SCSI Backplane
Daughter Card
D^L |

Notes, Notices, and Cautions

^ NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that heips you make better use of your computer.
O NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potentiai damage to hardware or ioss of data and teiis you
/i\ CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury,
or death.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 2002 Dell Computer Corporation. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Computer Corporation is strictly
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March 2002 P/N 4P220 Rev. AOO
This document explains how to configure the split SCSI backplane by installing a backplane daughter card into your system. In a split backplane configuration, the five hard­drive bays are arranged in one group of two drives and another group of three drives. This configuration is referred to as a 2/3 split backplane configuration.
/K CAUTION: Before you perform this procedure, read the safety instructions in
your System Information Aozumini.
O NOTICE: See "Protecting Against Eiectrostatic Discharge" in the safety instructions in your
System Information document.
O NOTICE: To avoid possibie data ioss, back up aii data on the hard drives before instaiiing the
backpiane daughter card and changing the RAID configuration.
1 Unpack the SCSI backplane board daughter card kit. 2 Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the system
from the electrical outlet.
3 Remove the cover (see "Removing the Cover" in your Installation and
Troubleshooting Guide).
The daughter card fits between the sides of the card guide above the drive bay.
" To install the daughter card in the card guide, performing the following steps (see
Figure 1-1): a Hold the daughter card by its edges with the component side facing up and the
card connector facing the SCSI backplane board. b Ensure that the retention lever is in the open position. c Position the card in the drive bay so that the notches on the left and right edges of
the card are aligned with the tabs on the card guide above the drive bay. d Lower the card into the card guide. e Close the retention lever to slide the daughter card into the SCSI backplane
connector and lock the card into place.
Instaiiing the SCSI Backpiane Daughter Card | 1-1
Figure 1-1. Installing the SCSI Backplane Daughter Card
SCSI backplane daughter card
retention lever
card guides ^ ^
I / SCSI backplane board
5 Reconfigure the SCSI cable connections to the SCSI backplane as necessary to
operate the backplane as a 2/5 split backplane:
• If a RAID controller card is not installed, cables are not required to use either the integrated SCSI controller or optional integrated RAID controller in either a 1 x 5 or 2/5 split configuration.
• If a RAID controller card is installed, you can connect cables from the controller card to SCSIA and/or SCSIB backplane board connector(s). A backplane board connector that is not attached to the RAID controller card uses the integrated SCSI controller or optional integrated RAID controller.
• If a cable is connected to the SCSIB backplane board connector, the SCSI backplane daughter card must be installed in the system to activate the 2/5 split configuration. Otherwise, the system displays an error message.
1-2 I Installing the SCSI Backplane Daughter Card
See "Jumpers and Conneetors" in your Installation and Troubleshooting Guide to loeate the eonneetors on the SCSI baekplane board.
* Replaee the eover (see "Replaeing the Cover" in your Installation and Troubleshooting
7 Reeonneet your system and peripherals to their eleetrieal outlets, and turn on the
Installing the SCSI Backplane Daughter Card | 1-3
1-4 I Installing the SCSI Backplane Daughter Card


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2002 — 3 . P/N 4P220 Rev. A00

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Systèmes Dell™
Installation de la carte du fond
de panier SCSI secondaire
D^L |

Remarques, mises en garde et avertissements

^ REMAROUE : UNE REMARQUE indique une information importante destinée à vous aider à
mieux utiiiser votre ordinateur.
MISE EN GARDE : UNE MISE EN GARDE indique un dommage potentiei pouvant survenir
(ou une perte de données) et vous dit comment éviter ie probième.
/t\ ATTENTION : Le message ATTENTION indique une situation potentiellement
dangereuse qui, si elle n'est pas évitée, peut provoquer une blessure mineure ou modérée.
Les informations fournies dans ce guide sont susceptibles d'être modifiées sans préavis.
© 2002 Dell Computer Corporation. Tous droits réservés.
La reproduction de ce document de quelque manière que ce soit sans l'autorisation écrite de Dell Computer Corporation
est strictement interdite.
Marques déposées utilisées dans ce guide : Dell et le logo DELL sont des marques commerciales de Dell Computer
Corporation. Toutes les autres marques déposées et noms de marques utilisés dans ce document se rapportent aux sociétés
propriétaires des marques et des noms de ces produits. Dell Computer Corporation décline tout intérêt dans l'utilisation des marques déposées et des noms de marques ne lui appartenant pas.
Mars 2002 Réf. 4P220 Rév. AOO
+ 28 hidden pages