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iiBigIron RX Installation Guide
logo are trademarks of Dell Inc.; Intel, Pentium, and Celeron are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation
This document is designed for system administrators with a working knowledge of Layer 2 and
Layer 3 switching and routing.
If you are using a Brocade Layer 3 Switch, you should be familiar with the following protocols if
applicable to your network – IP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, ISIS, IGMP, PIM, DVMRP, and VRRP.
Supported hardware and software
The following hardware platforms are supported by this release of this guide:
• BigIron RX - 4
• BigIron RX - 8
• BigIron RX - 16
• BigIron RX - 32
Document conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats used in this
BigIron RX Installation Guideix
Text formatting
The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used are as follows:
bold textIdentifies command names
Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
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italic textProvides emphasis
Identifies variables
Identifies document titles
code textIdentifies CLI output
For readability, command names in the narrative portions of this guide are presented in bold: for
example, show version.
Notes, cautions, and danger notices
The following notices and statements are used in this manual. They are listed below in order of
increasing severity of potential hazards.
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xBigIron RX Installation Guide
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Related publications
The following Brocade documents supplement the information in this guide:
• BigIron RX Series Configuration Guide.
• IronView MIB Reference Manual.
• IronView Network Manager User Guide.
For the latest edition of these documents, which contain the most up-to-date information, refer to
Product Manuals at kp.foundrynet.com.
Getting technical help or reporting errors
Brocade is committed to ensuring that your investment in our products remains cost-effective. If
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• A slot blank in each interface module slot. The slot blank covers a slot that does not currently
have a module installed in it, ensuring proper airflow within the chassis.
• Ten fan assemblies located at the rear of the chassis, four for the upper card cage, four for the
lower card cage, and two for the power supplies.
• Five AC power supplies.
In the slots of the chassis you can install the following:
• Two management modules.
• Eight switch fabric modules.
• Up to 32 interface modules.
• Up to eight AC power supplies.
Before installing any modules or power supplies, you must remove the slot blank or blank power
supply faceplate, respectively (BigIron RX-4, -8, and 16). On the BigIron RX-32, before installing any
modules, you must remove the shipping panels covering the upper and lower card cages.
BigIron RX Installation Guide7
Hardware features
If you do not install a module in a slot, you must keep the slot blank in place. If you run the
chassis with an uncovered slot, the system may overheat.
Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 show the BigIron RX Series chassis and the slots into
which you install the various modules. You must install the primary power supplies and the
redundant power supplies as described in the figures.
Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 also show an electrostatic discharge (ESD) connector,
into which you can plug an ESD wrist strap to ground yourself while handling and installing
For safety reasons, the ESD wrist strap should contain a 1 meg ohm series resistor.
The BigIron RX-16 and BigIron RX-32 chassis versions also include a grounding lug connector,
located on the rear panel (left side). The BigIron RX-4 and BigIron RX-8 have two threaded holes on
the right side of the chassis to accommodate the addition of a ground lug connector.
Management modules
The management module controls the BigIron RX Series hardware components, runs the
networking protocols, and provides the Real Time Operating System (RTOS).
Each BigIron RX Series chassis requires one management module and can accept a second one for
redundancy. A redundant management module works along with the active management module.
If the active module becomes unavailable, the redundant management module automatically
takes over the system operation, minimizing system downtime.
You can install management modules in dedicated slots marked M1 and M2. By default, the
system considers the module installed in the slot marked M1 to be the active management
The BigIron RX-32 chassis uses a different management module than any of the other Brocade
products. You cannot use management modules designed for the BigIron RX-32 in any of the other
BigIron RX Series chassis or management modules designed for the BigIron RX-4, BigIron RX-8 or
BigIron RX-16 in the BigIron RX-32 chassis.
The BigIron RX Series management module is dedicated, which means that you must install it in the
BigIron RX Series chassis only. If you attempt to install the BigIron RX Series management module
in another Brocade chassis or a management module intended for another Brocade chassis in the
BigIron RX Series chassis, the chassis and module will not function properly.
Additionally, the BigIron RX-32 chassis uses a different management module than any of the other
BigIron RX Series chassis. You cannot use management modules designed for the BigIron RX-32 in
any of the other Brocade device, because it will not function properly.
A management module is hot swappable, which allows you to remove and replace it without
powering down the system.
8BigIron RX Installation Guide
Hardware features
Port 1
Port 2
Figure 5 shows the management module’s front panel.
FIGURE 5Management module front panel
The front panel includes the following control features:
• Two PCMCIA slots
• A Console port
• A 10/100/1000 Ethernet port
• Six LEDs
PCMCIA slots
The PCMCIA slots support a flash PC card. The flash PC card provides storage space in addition to
the system’s flash memory. A flash PC card can store system files, including boot images, startup
configuration files, running configuration files, and so on. As a result, you can perform system
management tasks, such as copying files between flash PC cards, copying files between a flash PC
card and flash memory, and so on.
Console port
The Console port is a standard DB-9 serial connector through which you can attach a PC or
terminal to configure the BigIron RX Series system using the command line interface (CLI).
This port interfaces the control plane only and not the data plane.
10/100/1000 Ethernet port
The front panel includes a 10BaseT/100BaseTX/1000BaseTX auto-sensing, auto-negotiating
Ethernet port. This port has an RJ-45 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) connector.
Typical uses of this port include but are not limited to the following:
• Connecting a PC through which you can access the system through a Telnet or SSHv2
connection and configure, monitor, and manage the BigIron RX Series system.
• Connecting to the 10BaseT/100BaseTX/1000BaseTX port of a switch or router, for
connectivity to your existing management network. You can then access the BigIron RX Series
system and configure, monitor, and manage the system from a management station.
The existing management network into which you can connect the 10/100/1000 Ethernet port
must be separate and isolated from the network over which user packets are switched and routed.
This port interfaces the control plane only and not the data plane.
BigIron RX Installation Guide9
Hardware features
Tab le 1 describes the LEDs on the management module’s front panel.
TABLE 1Management module LEDs
Port 1
Port 2
ActiveLower LeftOnThe module is functioning as the active management
PwrUpper LeftOnThe module is receiving power.
0 Ethernet
0 Ethernet
Each adjacent to
the PCMCIA slot
that is
Above and right
of RJ-45
Above and left of
RJ-45 connector
On or blinkingYou have inserted a PCMCIA flash card in a slot or initiated
a task related to the file management system on a flash
card. As a result, the software is currently accessing the
flash card.
OffThe software is not currently accessing a PCMCIA flash card
inserted in a slot.
OffThe module is functioning as the redundant management
OffThe module is not receiving power.
On (Green)A link is established with the remote port.
OffA link is not established with the remote port.
On or blinking
Off for an
extended period
The port is transmitting and receiving packets.
The port is not transmitting or receiving packets.
Interface modules
You can install up to 32 BigIron RX Series interface modules in the BigIron RX Series chassis as
• BigIron RX-4: Supports up to 4 interface modules
• BigIron RX-8: Supports up to 8 interface modules
• BigIron RX-16: Supports up to 16 interface modules
• BigIron RX-32: Supports up to 32 interface modules
A BigIron RX Series interface module is dedicated, which means that you must install it in the BigIron
RX Series chassis only. If you attempt to install a BigIron RX Series interface module in another
Brocade chassis or an interface module intended for another Brocade chassis in the BigIron RX
Series chassis, the module will not boot up to become active. Interface modules can be shared
between BigIron RX-4, BigIron RX-8, BigIron RX-16, and BigIron RX-32.
The interface modules are hot swappable, which means you can remove and replace them without
powering down the system.
10BigIron RX Installation Guide
Hardware features
2-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module
Figure 6 shows the 2-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module’s front panel with XFP modules installed.
FIGURE 62-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module front panel
The front panel includes the following control features:
• Four LEDs
• Two 10 Gigabit Ethernet XFP sl ots
The module’s front panel includes two LEDs that indicate the status of each port.
Tab le 2 describes the LEDs on the 10 Gigabit Ethernet module’s front panel.
TABLE 210 Gigabit Ethernet module LEDs
LinkLeft of each
Ethernet port
ActiveLeft of each
Ethernet port
A two 10 Gigabit Ethernet module contain two physical ports, through which you can connect your
BigIron RX Series switch to other network devices at a speed of 10 Gigabits.
Into a physical port, you must insert a fiber-optic module provided by Brocade. The XFP-compliant
fiber-optic modules provide an optical transceiver or physical medium dependent (PMD) interface
for single mode fiber that can be used with the LAN physical layer (PHY).
The following optic modules versions are available from Brocade:
OnA link is established with the remote port.
OffA link is not established with the remote port.
On or blinkingThe port is transmitting and receiving packets.
Off for an extended
The port is not transmitting or receiving
• Short wavelength (86 – 300 meters) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-SR
• Long wavelength (10 kilometers) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-LR
• Extra long wavelength (40 kilometers) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-E=The front panel
includes the following control features:
• Eight LEDs
• Four 10 Gigabit Ethernet XFP slots
The module’s front panel includes two LEDs that indicate the status of each port.
Tab le 3 describes the LEDs on the 10 Gigabit Ethernet module’s front panel.
BigIron RX Installation Guide11
Hardware features
TABLE 310 Gigabit Ethernet module LEDs
LinkLeft of each
Ethernet port
ActiveLeft of each
Ethernet port
10 Gigabit Ethernet ports
A 10 Gigabit Ethernet module contain four physical ports, through which you can connect your
BigIron RX Series switch to other network devices at a speed of 10 Gigabits.
Into a physical port, you must insert a fiber optic module provided by Brocade. The XFP-compliant
fiber optic modules provide an optical transceiver or physical medium dependent (PMD) interface
for single mode fiber that can be used with the LAN physical layer (PHY).
The following optic modules versions are available from Brocade:
OnA link is established with the remote port.
OffA link is not established with the remote port.
On or blinkingThe port is transmitting and receiving packets.
Off for an extended
The port is not transmitting or receiving
• Short wavelength (86 – 300 meters) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-SR
• Long wavelength (10 kilometers) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-LR
• Extra long wavelength (40 kilometers) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-ER
16-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet oversubscribed module
The 16 x 10GE oversubscribed module for the BigIron RX plugs into any port slot of the BigIron
switch and is compatible with all previous generations of card on that switch. It provides interfaces
to 16 X 10GE ports.
Figure 7 shows the 16-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module’s front panel.
FIGURE 716-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module front panel
The front panel includes the following control features:
• 16 LEDs
• 16 x 10 Gigabit Ethernet XFP slots
The module’s front panel includes 16 LEDs that indicate the status of each port.
Tab le 4 describes the LEDs on the 10 Gigabit Ethernet module’s front panel.
12BigIron RX Installation Guide
TABLE 410 Gigabit Ethernet module LEDs
Hardware features
LinkBelow each
Ethernet port
ActiveBelow each
Ethernet port
The following optic modules versions are available from Brocade:
OnA link is established with the remote port.
OffA link is not established with the remote port.
On or blinkingThe port is transmitting and receiving packets.
Off for an extended period The port is not transmitting or receiving
• Short wavelength (86 – 300 meters) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-SR
• Long wavelength (10 kilometers) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-LR
• Extra long wavelength (40 kilometers) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-E=The front panel
includes the following control features:
• 16 LEDs
• 16 x 10 Gigabit Ethernet XFP slots
BigIron RX -16
• The BigIron RX -16 requires upgrading of the rear fan modules to NI-X-16-FAN-EXH-A modules.
If the BigIron RX -16 is not upgraded to support NI-X-16-FAN-EXH-A modules when 16x10G
modules are in the BigIron RX system, then the following syslog message will display:
SYSLOG: Mar 26 14:19:53:<12>R1, 48X1G modules in slots 10,11,13,16 shouldn't
be running without high speed fans.
This message will display at the time of bootup, or when the 1Gx48-T module is inserted in the
NetIron system.
Syslog messages and traps are generated.
• This module is not shipped by default with the NetIron MLX-16. Please contact Brocade for
purchasing this module.
Hardware limitations
• Mirror (analyzer) ports cannot be assigned to the 16x10 card. You can monitor traffic on
16x10 ports.
• Brocade currently only support "strict" and "destination-weighted" scheduling schemes (qos
scheduler). Refer to the Configuring QoS chapter in the BigIron RX Configuration Guide for
more informaton.
10 Gigabit Ethernet ports
A 16 x 10 Gigabit Ethernet module contain 16 physical ports, through which you can connect the
BigIron RX Series switch to other network devices at a speed of 10 Gigabits.
You must insert a fiber optic module provided by Brocade into a physical port. The XFP-compliant
fiber optic modules provide an optical transceiver or physical medium dependent (PMD) interface
for single mode fiber that can be used with the LAN physical layer (PHY).
BigIron RX Installation Guide13
Hardware features
The following optic modules versions are available from Brocade:
• Short wavelength (86 – 300 meters) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-SR
• Long wavelength (10 kilometers) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-LR
• Extra long wavelength (40 kilometers) – Brocade part number 10G-XFP-ER
Gigabit Ethernet interface module (SFP)
The 24-port 1 Gigabit Ethernet mini-GBIC (or SFP) is auto-sensing, auto-negotiating Ethernet port
and will select the FE or GE mode of operation based on the link signal received.
The device will be FE or GE capable, but will only display that is GE to indicate the maximum speed
capability of the module.
The actual speed will be displayed once the link is seen and the port auto-senses the speed of the
You can issue the show media command to display the type of optic installed and determine the
speed the port will run at when the link is received.
Figure 8 shows the 24-port 1 Gigabit Ethernet mini-GBIC (or SFP) module’s front panel.
FIGURE 824-port 1 Gigabit Ethernet SFP module front panel
1Port status LEDs
The front panel includes the following control features:
• LEDs
• 24 1-Gigabit Ethernet mini-GBIC (SFP) ports
TABLE 5Gigabit Ethernet module LEDs
Below each Ethernet
(left-side LED
supports port in top
row while right-side
LED supports port in
bottom row)
On or blinkingThe port is transmitting and receiving packets.
Off for an extended periodThe port is not transmitting or receiving packets.
14BigIron RX Installation Guide
Gigabit Ethernet interface module (RJ-45)
Figure 9 shows the 24-port 1 Gigabit Ethernet module’s front panel.
FIGURE 924-port 1 Gigabit Ethernet module front panel
The front panel includes the following control features:
• LEDs
• 24 1-Gigabit Ethernet ports
TABLE 6Gigabit Ethernet module LEDs
Hardware features
LinkLeft of each
Ethernet port
ActiveLeft of each
Ethernet port
OnA link is established with the remote port.
OffA link is not established with the remote port.
On or blinkingThe port is transmitting and receiving packets.
Off for an extended
The port is not transmitting or receiving
The interface modules are hot swappable, which means you can remove and replace them without
powering down the system.
Figure 10 shows the 48-port GoC interface module’s front panel.
FIGURE 1048-port GoC interface module front panel
1Ports 1 -65Ports 25-30
2Ports 7-126Ports 31-36
3Ports 13 -187Ports 37-42
BigIron RX Installation Guide15
4Ports 19 -248Ports 43-48
Hardware features
The front panel includes eight Mini RJ-21 Connectors that support six 10/100/1000 Gigabit
Ethernet ports each. Figure 10 shows the ports that are supported per RJ-21 connector. A cable
connects from the RJ-21 connector on the interface module to a Mini RJ-21 connector on a patch
panel. At the patch panel, the ports are broken out into individual RJ-45 connectors for each port.
Cables and patch panels that support this module are available through any Tyco International
distribution partner. Information about these products is available at the following URL:
Switch fabric module
The switch fabric module switches uses packets from one interface module installed in a chassis to
another. The BigIron RX Series switches can be configured with switch fabric modules as
• BigIron RX-4: Accommodates three switch fabric elements with two required and one
redundant for a fully loaded system. It is shipped with two switch fabric elements. You must
purchase an additional switch fabric element if you want your BigIron RX-4 equipped for
• BigIron RX-8: Accommodates three switch fabric elements with two required and one
redundant for a fully loaded system. It is shipped with two switch fabric elements. You must
purchase an additional switch fabric element if you want your BigIron RX-8 equipped for
• BigIron RX-16: Accommodates four switch fabric elements with three required and one
redundant for a fully loaded system. It is shipped with three switch fabric elements. You must
purchase an additional switch fabric element if you want your BigIron RX-16 equipped for
• BigIron RX-32: Accommodates and is shipped with eight switch fabric elements. Use with fewer
than the minimum number could result in performance degradation.
The switch fabric elements used for the BigIron RX-4 are a different part than those used on the
BigIron RX-8, BigIron RX-16, and BigIron RX-32.
Also, the switch fabric elements used for the BigIron RX-32 are different than those used on the
BigIron RX-4, BigIron RX-8, and BigIron RX-16.
The BigIron RX Series switch fabric module is dedicated, which means that it functions properly in
the BigIron RX Series chassis only. If you attempt to install a BigIron RX Series switch fabric module
in another Brocade chassis or a switch fabric module intended for another Brocade chassis in the
BigIron RX Series chassis, the chassis and switch fabric module will not function properly.
Figure 11 shows the switch fabric module’s front panel.
16BigIron RX Installation Guide
Hardware features
FIGURE 11Switch fabric module front panel
The front panel includes two LEDs, which Tab le 7 describes.
TABLE 7Switch fabric module LEDs
PwrAbove Active LEDOnThe module is receiving power.
OffThe module is not receiving power.
ActiveBelow Pwr LEDOnThe chassis switch fabric is active and ready
to switch user packets.
Off for an extended
The chassis switch fabric is not active and
cannot switch user packets.
Power supplies
The BigIron RX Series switches support the following power supply options:
• BigIron RX-4: Accommodates three power supplies (AC or DC) with one required and two
redundant. It is shipped with one power supply. You must purchase one or two additional
power supplies if you want your BigIron RX-4 equipped for redundancy.
• BigIron RX-8: Accommodates four power supplies (AC or DC) with two required and two
redundant. Because power is supplied over a common power bus, any power supply purchased
in addition to the two required will provide backup for any supply that fails. Equipping a BigIron
RX-8 with two additional power supplies provides full redundancy for both of the required
power supplies.
• BigIron RX-16: Accommodates eight power supplies (AC or DC) with four required and four
redundant. Because power is supplied over a common power bus, any power supply purchased
in addition to the four required will provide backup for any supply that fails. Equipping a BigIron
RX-16 with four additional power supplies provides full redundancy for all of the required power
• BigIron RX-32: Accommodates eight power supplies (AC only at this time) with five required and
three redundant. Because power is supplied over a common power bus, any power supply
purchased in addition to the five required will provide backup for any supply that fails.
In the BigIron RX-8, BigIron RX-16 and BigIron RX-32, you install the power supplies (AC or DC) in
the slots along the bottom of the chassis. In the BigIron RX-4, the power supplies (AC or DC) are
installed in slots in the rear of the chassis.The installed power supplies provide power to all chassis
components, sharing the workload equally and reporting their status to the management module.
If the management module detects that one of these power supplies has failed or overheated, the
management module will redistribute the failed power supply’s workload to the remaining power
BigIron RX Installation Guide17
Hardware features
Each power supply has three LEDs on its faceplate that provide status for the input power, output
power and notification of alarms sent. If the input power and output power LEDs are on (a steady
green), the power supply is providing power to the chassis components. The power supplies are hot
swappable, which means you can remove and replace them without powering down the system.
The power supplies are hot swappable, which means they can be removed and replaced while
the BigIron RX Series chassis is powered on and running. However, Brocade recommends that
you disconnect a power supply from its power source before removing and replacing it. The
BigIron RX-4, -8, or -16 chassis can be running while a power supply is being removed and
replaced, but the power supply itself should not be connected to a power source. Otherwise, you
could be injured or the power supply or other parts of the device could be damaged. (In the
BigIron RX-32 chassis, you cannot unlatch and remove a power supply without first releasing the
cord retainer and removing the power cord.)
Cooling system
The cooling system of BigIron RX Series switches is configured as described:
• BigIron RX-4: Is equipped with a fan module containing two 4-speed fans.
• BigIron RX-8: Is equipped with a fan module containing four 4-speed fans.
• BigIron RX-16: Is equipped with three fan assemblies. The fan tray located in the lower front of
the chassis contains six 4-speed fans. There are two fan assemblies located in the rear of the
chassis. Each of these contain a 4-speed fan that pulls air through the chassis. The BigIron
RX-16 is equipped with eight controllers to support redundancy.
• BigIron RX-32: Is equipped with ten fan assemblies in the rear of the chassis. Each of these
contain a 4-speed fan that pulls air through the chassis. The bottom fan tray has two fans each
for cooling the power supplies.
As shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13, the fans are located in the front of the BigIron RX-4 and
BigIron RX-8 chassis. Figure 14 and Figure 15 show the front and rear locations of the fans on the
BigIron RX-16. Figure 16 shows the locations of all 10 fans at the rear of the BigIron RX-32 chassis.
A new revision of the controller for the fan tray assemblies has been added for software release
02.2.01 and later. There is no visible change to the fan assemblies or the procedures for replacing
the assemblies. Earlier software versions will not recognize the new controller.
18BigIron RX Installation Guide
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