Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 For Dell
PowerEdge Systems
Important Information Guide

Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you
how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
Copyright © 2014 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and
intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other
jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
2014 - 08
Rev. A01

1 Important information about Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 ............4
Minimum supported iDRAC, BIOS, System Firmware, and RAID controller driver versions.............. 4
Dell Systems Management support for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 .....................................7
Multilingual operating system media for Windows Server 2012 R2.................................................... 7
Pre-Installed Virtual Machine................................................................................................................7
Retrieving Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) IP address......................................... 8
Utility to switch system between a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Server Core mode..............8
Update 1 roll-up for enhanced performance and reliability................................................................9
2 Known Issues.......................................................................................................10
Booting to iSCSI or FCoE fails.............................................................................................................10
Yellow bangs in device manager for Dell 12th Generation Servers.................................................. 10
Internet Explorer compatibility with iDRAC....................................................................................... 10
Broadcom BACS software fails to launch.......................................................................................... 10
Drivers without inbox support.............................................................................................................11
3 Getting help......................................................................................................... 12
Documentation matrix........................................................................................................................ 12
Contacting Dell....................................................................................................................................13
Downloading and installing drivers and firmware..............................................................................13
Documentation feedback................................................................................................................... 14

Important information about Microsoft
Windows Server 2012 R2
This document provides important information about Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 for Dell
PowerEdge systems.
Minimum supported iDRAC, BIOS, System Firmware, and
RAID controller driver versions
Table 1. Supported Minimum iDRAC6 Version For 11th Generation Servers
Platforms BIOS Support
Dell PowerEdge R610 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R710 1.97
Dell PowerEdge T610 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R410 1.97
Dell PowerEdge T410 1.97
Dell PowerEdge T710 1.97
Dell PowerEdge T310 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R210 1.97
Dell PowerEdge T110 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R510 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R810 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R910 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R815 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R715 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R415 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R515 1.97
Dell PowerEdge M915 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R210 II 1.97
Dell PowerEdge T110 II 1.97
Dell PowerEdge R310 1.97
Dell PowerEdge M610 3.60
Dell PowerEdge M710 3.60

Platforms BIOS Support
Dell PowerEdge M910 3.60
Dell PowerEdge M710 HD 3.60
Dell PowerEdge M610x 3.60
Table 2. Supported Minimum iDRAC Version (1.50.50) For 12th Generation Servers
Dell PowerEdge T20
Dell PowerEdge R220
Dell PowerEdge R920
Dell PowerEdge M820
Dell PowerEdge R820
Dell PowerEdge R720
Dell PowerEdge R720xd
Dell PowerEdge R620
Dell PowerEdge T620
Dell PowerEdge M620
Dell PowerEdge M520
Dell PowerEdge R520
Dell PowerEdge M420
Dell PowerEdge R420
Dell PowerEdge T420
Dell PowerEdge R320
Dell PowerEdge T320
Table 3. Supported Minimum BIOS Versions For 11th Generation Servers
Platforms BIOS Support
Dell PowerEdge M915 3.2.1
Dell PowerEdge M910 2.10.0
Dell PowerEdge R910 2.10.0
Dell PowerEdge R810 2.9.0
Dell PowerEdge R815 3.2.1
Dell PowerEdge M710 6.4.0
Dell PowerEdge R710 6.4.0
Dell PowerEdge T710 6.4.0
Dell PowerEdge M710HD 8.0.0
Dell PowerEdge R715 3.2.1