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Document History
TitlePublication numberSummary of changesDate
Fabric OS Documentation Updates53-1002165-01New documentJune 2011
Fabric OS Documentation Updates53-1002165-02Update to include FCIP
Administrator’s Guide correction
Fabric OS Documentation Updates53-1002165-03Updates to CEE Command
Reference, Encryption (RKM), Fabric
Watch, FOS Administrators, and
Troubleshooting guides.
Fabric OS Documentation Updates53-1002165-04Updates to 6510, 8510-8, 8510-4,
DCX, and DCX-4S hardware manuals.
Fabric OS Documentation Updates53-1002165-05Updates to support Fabric OS 7.0.1.December 2011
This document contains updates to the Fabric OS v7.0.x product manuals: These updates include
document fixes and changes covering new features. Tab le 1 below list the most recently released
Fabric OS v7.0.x product manuals.
TABLE 1Documentation Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.x
Publication TitleFabric OS ReleasePage NumberPublication Date
Access Gateway Administrator’s Guidev7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 1April 2011
Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guidev7.0.0 and laterNo UpdatesApril 2011
Converged Enhanced Ethernet Command Referencev7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 3August 2011
Fabric OS Administrator’s Guidev7.0.0 and later
v7.0.1 and later
Fabric OS Command Referencev7.0.0
Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (LKM)v7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 13June 2011
Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (RKM)v7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 15June 2011
Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (SKM)v7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 19July 2011
Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (TEMS)v7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 21June 2011
Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (TKLM)v7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 23June 2011
Fabric OS FCIP Administrator’s Guidev7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 25April 2011
Fabric OS Message Referencev7.0.0 and laterNo UpdatesApril 2011
Fabric OS MIB Referencev7.0.0
Fabric OS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guidev7.0.0 and laterUpdate on page 33June 2011
Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guidev7.0.0 and laterUpdate on page 35April 2011
FICON Administrator’s Guidev7.0.0 and laterNo UpdatesApril 2011
Updates on page 5
Updates on page 6
Updates on page 9
Updates on page 7
No Updates
Update on page 27
July 2011
December 2011
April 2011
December 2011
April 2011
December 2011
Fabric OS Documentation Updatesvii
TABLE 1Documentation Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.x (Continued)
Publication TitleFabric OS ReleasePage NumberPublication Date
Web Tools Administrator’s Guidev7.0.0
6510 Hardware Reference Manualv7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 41August 2011
DCX 8510-8 Backbone Hardware Reference Manualv7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 43July 2011
DCX 8510-4 Backbone Hardware Reference Manualv7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 45July 2011
DCX Backbone Hardware Reference Manualv7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 47March 2010
DCX-4S Backbone Hardware Reference Manualv7.0.0 and laterUpdates on page 49June 2010
Updates on page 37
Updates on page 37
April 2011
December 2011
What’s new in this document
The following changes have been made since this document was last released:
• Updates for the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide have been added for the 7.0.1 release, to
correct the table “Configurable distances for Extended Fabrics”. Also, corrections were made
to the updates for the 7.0.0 release regarding this same table.
• Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.1 have been added to the Fabric OS Command
Reference chapter. The following command help pages have been updated or corrected:
• Chapter for the Fabric OS MIB Reference has been added to include the 7.0.1 release updates.
• Updates for the Fabric OS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guide have been added, for both
the Fabric OS v7.0.0 release and for the v7.0.1 release.
• The Web Tools Administrator’s Guide has been updated to include the 7.0.1 release updates.
• Chapters have been added for the following Hardware Reference Manuals:
-Brocade 6510
Several small changes for “Local time sychronization,” “Setting the date,” both in “Chapter
2, Brocade 6510 Installation and Configuration,” and the “General specifications” table in
“Appendix A, Brocade 6510 Specifications.”
-Brocade DCX 8510-8 Backbone
Significant changes to the “WWN card removal and replacement” procedure in “Chapter 5,
Removal and Replacement Procedures.”
-Brocade DCX 8510-4 Backbone
Significant changes to the “WWN card removal and replacement” procedure in “Chapter 5,
Removal and Replacement Procedures.”
-Brocade DCX Backbone
Significant changes to the “Removal and replacement of WWN card” procedure in
“Chapter 5, Removal and Replacement Procedures.”
-Brocade DCX-4S Backbone
Significant changes to the “Removal and replacement of WWN card” procedure in
“Chapter 5, Removal and Replacement Procedures.”
viiiFabric OS Documentation Updates
Brocade Resources
To get up-to-the-minute information, go to and register at no cost for a user
ID and password.
For practical discussions about SAN design, implementation, and maintenance, you can obtain
Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches through:
For additional Brocade documentation, visit the Brocade SAN Info Center and click the Resource
Library location:
Release notes are available on the MyBrocade web site and are also bundled with the Fabric OS
Document feedback
Quality is our first concern at Brocade and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that a
topic needs further development, we want to hear from you. Forward your feedback to:
Provide the title and version number of the document and as much detail as possible about your
comment, including the topic heading and page number and your suggestions for improvement.
Fabric OS Documentation Updatesix
xFabric OS Documentation Updates
Access Gateway Administrator’s Guide
In this chapter
The updates in this chapter are for the Access Gateway Administrator’s Guide, publication number
53-1002156-01, published April 2011.
•Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.0 and later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.0 and later
Chapter 2, Configuring Ports in Access Gateway Mode
Under the heading of “Default port mapping” on page 11, the following note has changed to
include the Brocade 6510:
All ports on demand (POD) licenses must be present to use Access Gateway on the Brocade 5100,
300, and 6510.
Fabric OS Documentation Updates1
Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.0 and later
2Fabric OS Documentation Updates
CEE Command Reference
In this chapter
The updates in this chapter are for the Converged Enhanced Ethernet Command Reference,
publication number 53-1002164-01, published April 2011.
• Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.0 and later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.0 and later
Under the command show statistics access-list mac, replace the Command Modes entry with the
Privileged EXEC mode
Under the command show mac-address-table, replace the Command Modes entry with the following:
Privileged EXEC mode
Fabric OS Documentation Updates3
show running-config
show running-config
Displays the contents of the configuration file currently running on the system.
•Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.0 and later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
•Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.1 and later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.0 and later
The updates in this section are for the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide, publication number
53-1002148-03, published July 2011.
Chapter 22, Managing Long Distance Fabrics
Under the heading of “Configuring an extended ISL” on page 451, in step 3, change the default
value of R_A_TOV from 1000 to 10000.
Under the heading of “Buffer credits for each switch model” on page 458, change the first
paragraph to the following:
Table 78 shows the total ports in a switch or blade, number of user ports in a port group, and
the unreserved buffer credits available per port group. The number in the Unreserved buffers
column is the number with QoS enabled. This number is higher if QoS is not enabled.
In Table 78, “Buffer credits” on page 458, change the name of the last column to “Unreserved
buffers (per port group) with QoS enabled”.
In Table 79, “Configurable distances for Extended Fabrics” on page 460, change the values for the
Brocade 6510, FC16-32, and FC16-48 to the following:
TABLE 79Configurable distances for Extended Fabrics
Maximum distances (km) that can be configured assuming 2112 Byte Frame Size
Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.1 and later
On page 460, change the note after Table 79 from this:
QoS requires an additional 20 buffer credits per active port so maximum supported distances
may be lower.
To this :
The distances in Table 79 assume QoS is enabled. If QoS is disabled, the maximum supported
distances are higher because QoS requires an additional 20 buffer credits per active port.
Documentation updates for Fabric OS v7.0.1 and later
The updates in this section are for the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide, publication number
53-1002446-01, published December 2011.
Chapter 23, Managing Long Distance Fabrics
In Table 80, “Configurable distances for Extended Fabrics” on page 462, change the values for the
Brocade 6505, 6510, FC8-32E, FC8-48E, FC16-32, and FC16-48 to the following:
TABLE 80Configurable distances for Extended Fabrics
Maximum distances (km) that can be configured assuming 2112 Byte Frame Size
On page 462, change the note at the bottom of the page from this:
QoS requires an additional 20 buffer credits per active port so maximum supported distances
may be lower.
To this :
The distances in Table 80 assume QoS is enabled. If QoS is disabled, the maximum supported
distances are higher because QoS requires an additional 20 buffer credits per active port.
The updates in this section are for the Fabric OS Command Reference, publication number
53-1002447-01, published December 15, 2011.
The note on page xxi in the Preface includes an incorrect platform reference. The note should read:
portCfgOctetSpeedCombo - Not supported on the Brocade 6505; supported on the Brocade FC8-32E
and FC8-48E port blades only with the default combination.
Add the following configuration option to the portCfgDport --enable command:
portcfgdport --enable [slot/]port_listdwdm
Skips the optical loopback test when you run the D_Port diagnostics over a Dense
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) link or any third party equipment that
connects two switches.
D_Port functionality is only available on 16Gbit-capable platforms with 16Gb SFPs and 10Gb FC SFPs.
On page 688, add the following descriptions under the "Non-GbE port displays" section:
Octet Speed Combo: Displays the current octet speed combo setting. This parameter is set by the
portCfgOctetSpeed command. In unsupported platforms, this display is not
D-Port over DWDM Displays ON when the D_P ort is configured over a DWDM link. This parameter is
set by portCfgDPort command and displays only if portcfgDPort is configured
with the dwdm option.
This command has been updated to include the following counters. These counters are supported only
on Condor3-based platforms and display only on these platforms
Fabric OS Documentation Updates7
Displays the number of times that the port lost single VC_RDY primitive signal or
a single frame.
Displays the number of times that the port lost multiple VC_RDY primitive signals
or multiple frames
To display the port statistics on the Brocade 5610:
switch:admin> portstatsshow 0
stat_wtx 635621 4-byte words transmitted
stat_wrx 386290 4-byte words received
stat_ftx 31573 Frames transmitted
stat_frx 27373 Frames received
stat_c2_frx 0 Class 2 frames received
stat_c3_frx 0 Class 3 frames received
stat_lc_rx 13678 Link control frames received
stat_mc_rx 0 Multicast frames received
stat_mc_to 0 Multicast timeouts
stat_mc_tx 0 Multicast frames transmitted
tim_rdy_pri 0 Time R_RDY high priority
tim_txcrd_z 62084 Time TX Credit Zero (2.5Us ticks)
tim_txcrd_z_vc 0- 3: 62084 0 0 0
tim_txcrd_z_vc 4- 7: 0 0 0 0
tim_txcrd_z_vc 8-11: 0 0 0 0
tim_txcrd_z_vc 12-15: 0 0 0 0
er_enc_in 0 Encoding errors inside of frames
er_crc 0 Frames with CRC errors
er_trunc 0 Frames shorter than minimum
er_toolong 0 Frames longer than maximum
er_bad_eof 0 Frames with bad end-of-frame
er_enc_out 8336 Encoding error outside of frames
er_enc_pcs_err 0 pcs error
er_bad_os 6 Invalid ordered set
er_rx_c3_timeout 0 Class 3 receive frames discarded due to timeout
er_tx_c3_timeout 0 Class 3 transmit frames discarded due to
er_unroutable 17 Frames that are unroutable
er_unreachable 0 Frames with unreachable destination
er_other_discard 0 Other discards
er_type1_miss 0 frames with FTB type 1 miss
er_type2_miss 0 frames with FTB type 2 miss
er_type6_miss 0 frames with FTB type 6 miss
er_zone_miss 0 frames with hard zoning miss
er_lun_zone_miss 0 frames with LUN zoning miss
er_crc_good_eof 0 Crc error with good eof
er_inv_arb 0 Invalid ARB
er_single_credit_loss 0 Single vcrdy/frame loss on link
er_multi_credit_loss 0 Multiple vcrdy/frame loss on link
The statement on page 877 regarding the persistence of the rtLogTrance configuration is incorrect. It
should read: "The RTLog is enabled by default and persistent across reboots. The rtLogTrace
configuration is lost after a power cycle."
8Fabric OS Documentation Updates
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