Delfield F18PD72 User Manual

Self-Contained Refrigerated Dual Rail Prep Table with Flush Mount LiquiTec® Raised Rails
F18P D48 - 48” Dual Rail Prep Table with (4) 12”X20” pan openings
F18P D72 - 72” Dual Rail Prep Tab le with (6) 12”X20” pan openings
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
F18PD: Self-Contained Refrigerated Dual Rail Prep Table with Flush Mount LiquiTec® Raised Rails
F18P D72
ste el, wit h int egra l 2.1 2" ( 5.4c m) hi gh s quare nos ing at the
fro nt. Top has two me chan icall y c oole d L iqui Tec® refr iger ated
rai sed r ails at the rear with o peni ngs t o acco mmod ate pa ns
(pr ovid ed by ot hers ). R ail in teri ors ar e 2 2-ga uge st ainl ess
ste el. R aised rail openi ngs h ave 18 -gau ge sta inle ss ste el hi nged
rem ovab le li ds. Un it is equi pped with sepa rate e xpan sion valve
and on/ off sw itch fo r re frige rate d ra ils. Temper atur e in top
ope ning s mai ntai ns 33 °F (1 °C) t o 41° F (5° C) w ith p ans f lush
mou nted at 86°F (29 .7˚C ) am bien t roo m te mper ature , me etin g
NSF 7 requi reme nts.
Ex terio r B ack, Bot tom and Ends : Un fini shed gal vaniz ed s teel
bac k, botto m a nd e xter ior ends.
Bas e Inte rior : Stai nles s stee l back a nd bot tom. B ase int erio r
sid es and doo r fr ames are the rmof orme d AB S pl asti c. E ach
int erio r d oor se cti on has (1 ) 2 5” ( 63.5 cm) de ep rem ovab le
epo xy coate d wi re s helf. Ba se i s in sula ted with 2” ( 5.1c m) h igh
den sity env iron menta lly fr iend ly, K yoto Pr otoco l Co mpli ant,
Standard Features
Upper and lower rails are mechanically
• cooled utilizing LiquiTec® technology with die stamped 12”X20” openings
Top is constructed of 16-gauge stainless
• steel
Pans and adapter bars by others
Flush mount NSF-7 certified pans
High density environme ntally fr iendly,
• Kyoto Protocol Co mpliant, Non O DP (Ozone Depletion Potential), Non GWP (Global Warming Potential) polyurethane foam throughout unit
Dart style quick change gaskets
Stainless steel removable hinged covers
On/off switch is located behind the louver
1.50” diameter hole in louver for easy access
• to rail on/off switch
8’ long electrical cord
Enviro nment ally fri endly HFC -404A
• refrigerant
One year par ts and labor standard
• warranty
No n OD P ( Ozon e D eple tio n Po tent ial ), N on GW P (G lob al
War ming Poten tial ) foa med in p lace poly uret hane. End of b ase
has a mach ine compa rtm ent with con densi ng units ins tall ed.
Do or(s ): 2 2-g aug e st ainl ess s teel e xte rio r fro nt, w ith a
the rmof orme d AB S pl asti c in teri or l iner.
Ref rige rati on Syst em: HF C-40 4A ref rige rant. Cabin et has ( 1)
blo wer co il a ssem bly wi th exp ansio n v alve on 48 ” and 72 ”
mod els. Ref riger ated bas e mai ntai ns t emper atur e of 36°F (2° C)
to 40° F (4 °C). On/ off swi tche s for rai l an d ba se a re lo cate d
beh ind t he lou vere d pane l. A 1. 50” dia mete r hole is on t he
lou ver for easy acc ess to r ail on/o ff s witc h
Ele ctr ical Con nec tion s: 115 volt , 6 0 H ertz , s ingle ph ase. Un it
is w ired wi th 3-w ire, g round ed, ma ximu m 8’ (2.4m ) cord a nd
plu g.
Leg s: E quip ment is moun ted on 6 ” (15 cm) legs .
Options & Accessories
Stainless steel back
Stainless steel ends
Laminate facing (full front), end and/or back
Tray racks
Remote refrigeration
Variable cutting board types and sizes
Cheese grates with removable catch pans
27” wide refrigerated drawers (2) high, holds 6” deep pans
Door/drawer locks
Adapter bars and pans
220V/50 cycle electrical system
Additional shelf
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Door R404A
27" REF'G
17" X 48" X .5"
Poly Cutting Board
Elevation View
Door R404A
27" REF'G
17" X 72" X .5"
Poly Cutting Board
Elevation View
End View
F18PD48 & F18PD72
Plan View
Plan View
Door R404A
27" REF'G
54.00” 137cm
18.00” 46cm
72.00” 183cm
31.50” 80cm
36.00” 91cm
17.67” 45cm
31.50” 80cm
33.00” 84cm
15.00” 38cm
NOTE: Pans and adapter bars are not included.
Self-Contained Refrige rated Dual Rail Prep Table wit h Flush Mount LiquiTec® R aised Rails
Spec ifications
Model 1/3 Pa n
Capacit y
Shel ves
F18P D48 12 1 9.38 3.95 1/5, 1/3 115/ 60/1 10.1 5-20P 691lbs
F18P D72 18 2 16.6 4 7.90 1/5, 1/2 115/ 60/1 12.7 5-20P 873lbs
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
# Of
Capacit y Ft
Shel f
Area Ft
H.P. V/Hz/Ph Amps Nema
Printed in the U.S.A. DSF18PD 02/10