Davis Wind-tels are shroud mounted wind direction indicators. They fit all shroud sizes.
Effective at any angle of heel and in the lightest winds. Package includes red and green
plastic vanes (port and starboard colors). Marine grade metal parts for durability. Ideal for
saltwater sailing.
How to Install Wind-tels
Wind-tels’ unique attachment prevents
sliding or fouling on shrouds. To install,
place bottom loop of Wind-tel spiral
against shroud and “screw” on counterclockwise until bead locks. See diagram
at right.
Life of vanes can be preserved by
removing Wind-tels after each sailing. To
remove, “unscrew” the Wind-tel spiral
3465 Diablo Ave., Hayward, CA 94545 U.S.A.
Phone (510) 732-9229 • Fax (510) 732-9188
info@davisnet.com www.davisnet.com
June 2005
Replacement vane sets are available from your local dealer or
Davis Instruments. Ask for #1261.