DAVIS WeatherLink Palm Downloader User Manual

Van t ag e Pr o
WeatherLink Downloader
User’s Manual
For Remote Field Installations
The Vantage Pro WeatherLink Downloader allows a Palm Pilot PDA to down­load archived weather data from a Vantage Pro weather station console or Weather Envoy for transfer to WeatherLink on the PC.
Vantage Pro Weather Station or Weather Envoy
WeatherLink Software version 5.3 or later
Palm or Palm-compatible PDA with serial interface
Palm OS 3.5.1 to 4.1

Installing the Software

The first step is to install the WeatherLink Downloader software on your Palm.
Note: These instructions were written for Palm Desktop 3.1.1. If you are using different
software for your Palm OS PDA, please refer to the instructions for your software to install the WeatherLink Downloader software.
1. Open the Palm Desktop or equivalent software on your PC.
Note:If you haven’t yet installed the Palm Desktop or equivalent software on your
computer, please refer to the instructions that came with your PDA to install the software before proceeding.
2. Click the Install button from the programs tool bar, from the View menu, or press the F7 function key. Or, click the Windows Task Bar Start button, high­light Programs, highlight Desktop, and select Install Tool.
3. Verify that the correct user account is displayed in the User box.
4. Click the Add button in the Install Tool dialog box
5. In the Open dialog box, locate and select “weatherlink.prc” which is on the WeatherLink Downloader CD.
6. Click the OK button in the Open dialog box.
7. Click the Done button.
8. Place your Palm P DA in the Hot Sync cradle.
9. Press the Hot Sync button on the cradle. The Palm Desktop automatically installs the WeatherLink Downloader software on your Palm.
Product # 6538
Configuring WeatherLink Downloader
Before you can download weather data into your Pal m, y o u must create a sta­tion in the WeatherLink Downloader software and set the serial port data rate. You can also set the unit of measure used in the weathe r summary display.
Create a New Station
1. Open the Palm Launch window and tap on the WeatherLink icon .
2. Tap WeatherLink Downloader in the title area at the top of the screen.
3. Tap New Station in the drop-down File menu.
4. Enter the station name.
• The station name can be up to 8 characters l on g.
Note:You can give it any name you like, but we suggest using the same station name
used in WeatherLink.
5. Tap Done when you are finished entering the name. The station name appears in a text field.
6. Tap OK to save the new station, tap Cancel to exit without saving the station.
Set the Serial Port
1. Tap WeatherLink Downloader in the title area at the top of the screen.
2. Tap Setup in the menu bar.
3. Tap Serial Port.
4. Ta p in the appropriate check box to select the data rate you will use to down­load from your Vantage Pro console.
• 19200 is the default setting for the Vantage Pr o console. The da ta rate you select here must match the configuration on the console.
• You must use 19200 to download from a Weather Envoy.
5. Tap OK to save the new setting or tap Cancel to exit without changing the setting.
Set Unit s
1. Tap WeatherLink Downloader in the title area at the top of the screen.
2. Tap Setup in the menu bar.
3. Tap Set Units.
4. Select the units of measure to be used for the listed weather data parameters.
• You can set the units for temperature, rain, barometer, and wind speed measurements.
5. Tap OK to save the new setting or tap Cancel to exit without changing the setting.
Page 2 WeatherLink Downloader
Downloading Weather Data to Palm PDA
Use the following instructions to download archived weather data from a Van­tage Pro console or from a Weather Envoy.
Note: Each download to the Palm will automatically overwrite the previous download for
that station in the Palm. The entire data logger archive is downloaded each time.
1. Referring to th e illustration, use the supplied 9-pin cable adapter and your
Palm serial cable to connect your Palm to the data logger installed on a Vantage Pro console or Weather Envoy.
Vantage Pro ConsolePalm Pilot
Serial Port
Cable Adapter
Palm PDA to Vantage Pro Connections, Weather Envoy Connection is Similar
Battery Cover
8 feet (2.5 m)
Data Logger Cable
2. Open the Palm Launch window and tap on the WeatherLink icon .
3. Tap WeatherLink in the title area at the top of the screen.
4. If necessary, open a station by Tapping Open Station in the drop-down File
menu, tapping the name of the Palm station you will be downloading to, and tapping OK to select the station.
5. Tap WeatherLink in the title area at the top of the screen.
6. Tap Download in the drop-down File menu. The Download window shows
download status as the data is transferred to the Palm .
7. When you see the Download Complete message, tap OK to return to the
WeatherLink Downloader main window.
Downloading Weather Data to Palm PDA Page 3
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