Refrigerant 51
Compressor Event Log 51
History Data 52
Trending 53
Graphs 53
Trending & Data Acquisition 56
Compressor Map 57
Fault Captures 59
Data Capture 60
Appendix A: Determination of Actual Power Setting A-1
iiDanfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
The Turbocor Service Monitor program is a rich, userfriendly, graphical user interface designed to control the
Turbocor compressor and to provide status information
about the compressor. Furthermore, it can be used as a tool
for troubleshooting purposes.
This manual describes the functions provided by the
Turbocor Service Monitor program.
Service Monitor User Manual
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.1
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
System Requirements
2System Requirements
The monitor program must be installed on a PC that meets
the minimum requirements specified in Table 1. For
optimum performance, a 533 MHz Pentium or higher CPU
with 128 MB RAM running Windows 2000 (SP4) or XP is
The monitor program was developed for the .NET
Framework and requires the .NET Framework to be
installed on the PC where the program runs. Microsoft
provides a re-distributable installer, Dotnetfx.exe, that
contains the common language runtime and .NET
Framework components that are necessary to run the
monitor program. Before installing the monitor program,
the .NET framework 1.1 re-distributable must be installed.
This can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.
The latest Windows service packs and security updates
should also be installed on the PC.
Table 1: Minimum Requirements
Processor533-MHz Intel Pentium-class processor
Operating System
The .NET Framework 1.1 Re-distributable is supported on the following
• Microsoft Windows® Server 2003 (.NET Framework 1.1 is installed as part
of the operating system)
• Windows XP Professional
• Windows XP Home Edition
• Windows 2000
• Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me)
• Windows 98
Hard Disk
Input Device
• Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack 6a
The .NET Framework 1.1 Re-distributable cannot be installed on 64-bit
computers; Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server is not supported
128 MB of RAM, 256 MB recommended
110 MB of hard disk space required, 40 MB additional hard disk space
required for installation (150 MB total)
800 x 600 or higher-resolution display with 256 colors
Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device
Install the latest Windows service packs and critical updates from the
Windows Update site.
Installation of the .NET Framework 1.1 is split into two parts: the core
and language packs. The core cont ains everything yo u need to run .NET
Framework applications; all dialog boxes and error messages will be in
English. If you want dialog boxes and error messages in another
language, you must also install the corresponding language pack. For
more information, see the .NET Frame wo rk Dow nlo a ds page.
2Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
3Getting Started
3.1Cable Connection
The monitoring program communicates with the
compressor via the Modbus* protocol using either the
RS232 or RS485 connection at the Chiller Interface
module. RS485 communication requires an RS485/RS232
adapter (user-supplied). RS232 communication is
recommended for cable lengths not exceeding 15 meters
(50 feet) between the PC and compressor. For cables that
run up to 100 meters (328 feet), use the RS485
communication line. Always use shielded, twisted-pair
cable for data communications
*The Modbus protocol was originally developed to exchange information
between products on the factory floor. This protocol has become a de f acto
standard for exchanging data and control between PLC systems. Modbus is
a registered trademark of Modicon Corp.
Service Monitor User Manual
3.1.1 RS232 Connection
1.Connect one end of the RS232 cable (user-supplied) to
the DB9 connector on the Chiller Interface module; see
Figure 1.
2.Connect the other end of the cable to an available COM
port on the PC.
3.Confirm that jumpers JP2 and JP7 are in proper
positions before starting.
JP2 is the Modbus termination jumper. Install the
jumper if the Modbus connection is at the end of a
cable run.
Remove JP7 to enable RS-232 communication with the
Figure 1 RS232 Connector - Chiller Interface
3.1.2 RS485 Connection
1.Connect the RS485/RS232 adapter directly onto the PC
COM port.
Connect the other side of the adapter to the Modbus. Figure
2 shows the PC and adapter connections to the Modbus for
a single compressor application. Ensure that the termination
jumper (JP2) on the Chiller Interface module is installed.
Figure 3 shows the PC and adapter connections to the
Modbus for a multiple compressor application. In this case,
set the termination jumper only on the Chiller Interface
module that is connected at the end of the Modbus cable
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.3
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Getting Started
Figure 2 PC to Modbus Connection (single compressor with > 10 m cable length)
Figure 3 PC to Modbus Connection (multiple compressors with > 10 m cable length)
4Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
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3.2Monitor Program Installation
Service Monitor User Manual
The monitor program is installed on the PC and
communicates with the compressor using the ModBus
protocol over a RS-232 or RS-485 serial link. Administrator
privileges may be required to install and remove software
on the PC.
If a previous version of the monitor program is already
installed on the PC, it must be uninstalled before proceeding
with the current installation. To uninstall the monitor
program: from the “Start” menu, select “Settings” →
“Control Panel”. Double-click “Add/Remove Programs”.
From the list, select “Danfoss Turbocor Service Monitoring
Tool” and then click the “Remove” button.
3.3Starting the Monitor Program
To start the monitor program: from the “Start” menu, select
“Programs” → “Danfoss Turbocor Monitoring Tool”.
3.4User Interface
Installation Procedure:
1.Insert the monitor program CD into th e drive.
2.In Windows Explorer, navigate to the
Turbocor_Service_Tool_Setup.msi file. Double-click
the file to launch the setup wizard.
3.Follow the instructions provided by the wizard to
complete the installation.
4.Click the Close button to exit the setup wizard.
3.4.1 Monitor Program Toolbar
The toolbar (located under the menu bar) provides the user
with easy access to the monitoring windows. Table 2
provides details for each icon on the toolbar.
Table 2 Monitor Program Toolbar Icons
Serial Port ConnectionClicking on the “Serial Port Connection” icon opens the “Serial Port
Connection” window. Refer to section 3.5 "Serial Port Connection"
on page 6.
Compressor Controller
Motor MonitorClicking on the “Motor Monitor” icon opens the “Variable Speed
Magnetic BearingsClicking on the “Magnetic Bearings” icon opens the “Magnetic
Clicking on the “Compressor Controller Parameters” icon opens
the “Compressor Controller” window. Refer to section 6.3
"Compressor Control" on page 23.
Permanent Magnet Motor Monitoring” window. Refer to section
6.4 "Motor Monitoring" on page 28.
Bearing Monitoring” window. Refer to section 6.5 "Magnetic
Bearing Monitoring" on page 31.
Up to three windows can be displayed at one time. If three
windows are already open, one must be closed before
another window can be opened.
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.5
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Getting Started
Table 2 Monitor Program Toolbar Icons (Continued)
Expansion ValvesClicking on the “Expansion Valves” icon opens the “Electronic
Valve / Data Tuning” window. Refer to section 6.6 "Electronic
Valve Data / Tuning" on page 33.
Event LogClicking on the “Event Log” icon opens the “Compressor Event
Log” window. Refer to section 6.10 "Compressor Event Log" on
page 51.
EEPROM SettingsClicking on the “EEPROM Settings” icon opens the “EEPROM
Settings” window. Refer to section 6.9 "EEPROM Settings" on
page 39.
Load Profile GraphsClicking on the “Load Profile Graphs” icon opens the “Compressor
History Data” window. Refer to section 6.1 1 "History Data" on p age
Fault CapturesClicking on the “Fault Captures” icon opens the “Fault Captures”
window. Refer to section 6.14 "Fault Captures" on page 59.
TrendingClicking on down arrow next to the “Trending” icon, and selecting
“Charts 1” opens the trending “Graphs” window; selecting on
“Charts 2” opens the “Trending and Data Acquisition” window.
Refer to section 6.12 "Trending" on page 53.
Chiller ControlClicking on the “Chiller Control” icon opens the “Chiller Control”
window. Refer to section 6.7 "Chiller Control" on page 36.
Compressor EnvelopeClicking on the “Compressor Envelope” icon opens the
“Compressor Map” window. Refer to section 6.13 "Compressor
Map" on page 57.
3.4.2 Entering User Input
When user input is required for the monitor program fields,
perform the following sequence:
1.Double-click the variable field. (This activates the field
for user input.)
3.5Serial Port Connection
The Serial Port Connection window contains fields that
must be filled in order to enable communication between
the monitor program and the compressor; refer to Figure 4.
The comm settings of the compressor must be known in
order for the monitor program to communicate with the
To access the “Serial Port Connection” window, select
“Window”→ “Connection” from the menu bar, or click on
the “Serial Port Connection” icon located below the menu
2.Scroll or type in the new setting.
3.Press Enter. It is important to press Enter as this causes
the user input to be validated.
The following paragraphs describe the dialog box fields.
Comm Port - Serial communication port that the computer
will use to connect to the compressor. Enter the COM port
number such as COM1 or COM2, etc.
Access Code - The access code controls access to all
adjustable parameters. The default user access level on
power up is read only. Enter the code that corresponds to
the access level you require. Contact Turbocor Product
Support to obtain the required access code.
1.Once the serial port connection data has been set, click
the Connect button. At this point, connection status,
compressor details, and user access level appear in the
right-hand pane of the dialog box.
2.If necessary, change the access level. Enter the access
code in the “Access Code” parameter box, then click
“Change Access Level”. Confirm that the correct
access level has been set on the right-hand pane of the
dialog box.
The access level connection cannot be changed prior to a
establishing connection.
Entering the wrong access code more than 3 times will lock
out all communications until a cycle of the power is
3.Click the “OK to start monitoring” button.
Figure 4 Serial Port Connection Dialog Box
4Compressor Configuration
4.1Using the Setup Wizard
The monitor program features a commissioning setup
wizard to guide the user through the complete compressor
configuration process.
1.To launch the commissioning setup wizard, select
“System Commissioning” from the “Advanced” menu
item. The introduction screen for the commissioning
setup wizard appears; refer to Figure 5. Click Next.
(To bypass the setup wizard and use a saved
configuration file to setup the compressor, check the
checkbox and click Next. Continue with 4.2 "Using a
Saved Configuration File" on page 13.)
2.Select the appropriate units of measurement (metric or
imperial). Refer to Figure 6.
3.Select the appropriate compressor control method.
There are three modes available:
external controller. The variable demand signal
corresponds to the range of 0-100% maximum
power available.
• Analog Input: compressor loading controlled using
an analog demand signal of 0-10 VDC from an
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.7
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Figure 5 Commissioning Set-up Wizard
Compressor Configuration
• Modbus Network: the compressor receives a
demand from an external computer, PLC, or
building management system using the Modbus
protocol on a RS-232 or RS-485 communication
• Chiller Control: fully automatic; controls the chilled
water temperature using a temperature sensor
connected directly to the Chiller Interface module.
This mode can also be used to control evaporating
temperature which is derived from the suction
pressure measurement
6.Set the Chiller Control Set Point to the desired value.
7.Set the Proportional and Integral Gain values to obtain
stable control (the Proportional and Integral Gain
values will vary depending on the application).
The Integral part of the internal chiller controller is
switched off until the compressor reaches a speed of 18,500
RPM. Stopping the compressor and restarting also resets the
Integral part to 0.
8.Click in the Chiller Enable checkbox if you would like
to have the compressor start automatically. It is
advised, however, to open the interlock contact (located
on the Chiller Interface module) to prevent the
compressor from starting before the commissioning
sequence is complete.
Figure 6 General Compressor Settings
If the compressor is linked to an external controller, changes
made to the compressor demand via the monitor program
can conflict with controller-issued commands. This
situation can lead to unexpected results. Before testing the
demand input, isolate the compressor from the controller.
4.Click the Next button.
Steps 5 through 8 apply to the Chil ler Control mode
5.Select the type of sensor that will control the chiller. If
selecting Entering or Leaving Chiller Air/Water
Temperature, connect an NTC temperature sensor (as
specified in the compressor Application manual) to
either the Entering- or Leaving Chilled Water
temperature input on the Chiller Interface module.
8Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
Figure 7 Chiller Control Commissioning
4.1.1 Start-up Settings
(Refer to Figure 8)
1.Enter the Temporary Suction Pressure Alarm %. The
limit is set up as a % of the current suction pressure
limit, e.g., if a suction pressure trip of 270 kPa was set
and the temporary suction pressure alarm was set to
50%, the temporary suction pressure trip limit would
be 135 kPa. This temporary alarm is only active while
the Suction Pressure Delay timer is counting down.
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
Figure 8 Start-up Settings
Service Monitor User Manual
This section explains how to set up the expansion valves for
various applications. Both valves can be operated
independently or in parallel.
For Expansion Valve #1:
1.Enter the number of steps to drive the valve from fully
closed to fully open. Expansion valves with different
numbers of steps can be used.
If the incorrect number of steps is selected, the valves
may not have enough travel to allow the required
amount of mass flow or the valve may not be able to
throttle down to the required amount of mass flow.
This situation could cause liquid flood back and
damage to the compressor.
2.Enter the Temporary Suction Pressure Delay Time.
This parameter represents time in seconds that the
temporary suction pressure alarm / fault limit should be
enabled. The timer starts to count down once the shaft
starts to rotate.
3.Enter the Compressor Starting Speed. If the estimated
surge speed is greater than the starting speed setting,
the compressor will ramp up to the surge speed. If the
starting speed setting is greater than the estimated surge
speed, the compressor will ramp up to the starting
speed. In both cases, the compressor speed will
increase at the full ramp rate.
4.Enter the Run Contact Close RPM. The compressor
contains a NO relay contact that closes while the
compressor is running. The speed at which the contact
closes is determined by the Run Contact Close RPM.
5.Enter the Inlet Guide Vane Starting % Open. Typically,
the vanes will be set to the closed or almost closed
position at start-up.This is to minimize the possibility
of liquid flood back and to reduce the compressor’s
start-up current draw.
6.Click Next to continue.
4.1.2 Electronics Valve Control
(Refer to Figure 9)
Figure 9 Electronics Valve Control Setup
2.Select the control mode for the expansion valve.
Available options are: superheat, liquid level, or load
balance. See Table 3 for a description of the modes.
3.Enter the Starting Valve Position. If desired, at
compressor start-up, the valves can be set to open to a
pre-start value for a given time. This value represents
the percentage of maximum steps sent to the motor
upon start-up of the compressor. The stepper motor will
hold at this position until the stepper start delay timer
has expired.
4.Enter the Valve Starting Position Delay Time. The
delay is the amount of time (from compressor start-up)
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.9
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
Compressor Configuration
to hold the number of steps sent to the motor as
determined by the Starting Valve Position %. Value is
in seconds and starts to count down when the drive is
5.Enter the Control Setpoint, i.e., suction superheat or
liquid level. (Not applicable to load balance control
6.Enter the Valve Control Loop Speed. This value
represents the reaction time of the control loop to a
7.Enter the Minimum Closure During Operation. This is
8.Click Next to continue. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for
Table 3 Control Modes
Control ModeDescription
The calculation of superheat can be based on the temperature and pressure
measurements from one of the following sources:
•Superheat control using the compressor flange temperature and pressure (this
mode is not recommended as the temperature at the compressor flange is
influenced by external factors).
•Superheat control using the compressor flange pressure and a 10K thermistor
that is connected to the terminals labeled “ENTRY” on the Chiller Interface
•Superheat control using the compressor flange pressure and a 10K thermistor
that is connected to the terminals labeled “LIQT” on the Chiller Interface
process error and replaces the PID controller gains
(proportional, integral, and derivative).
the minimum close position for the valve while the
compressor is spinning.
electronic expansion valve # 2.
Liquid Level
Load Balance
•Superheat control using an external temperature and pressure sensor
connected to the terminals on the IO pcb labeled “SPARE T” & “SPARE P”.
Liquid level can be measured from one of the following sources:
•Liquid Level 1 contro l usin g a lev el sen so r co nn ec te d to the te rm ina ls on the
Chiller Interface module labeled “LIQ LEV1”.
•Liquid Level 2 contro l usin g a lev el sen so r co nn ec te d to the te rm ina ls on the
Chiller Interface module labeled “LIQ LEV2”.
For liquid level sensing, two types of level sensors can be used: a level sensor
with a supply of 15VDC and an output of 0-5VDC or a resistive-type level sensor,
0-90 Ohm. Refer to vendor documentation for wiri ng these types of se nsors to the
Chiller Interface module.
The Load Balance control mode uses the compressor’s own internal control
algorithm to determine the best mix of speed control, inlet guide vane opening and
load balance valve opening. Use this mode only if a load balancing valve is
installed in the system. Since the load balancing valve is connected to the
compressor’s capacity control algorithm, selecting this mode without a valve
installed will add a delay to the loading/unloading process, i.e., the compressor will
try to open and close the valve for 2 minutes r ather th an clo se the va ne or change
the speed.
10Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
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Service Monitor User Manual
4.1.3 Analog Output Setup
The compressor features a universal analog output for load
balancing valve, IGV position, discharge pressure, etc. The
operating range can be set to 0-5V or 0-10V via jumpers on
the Chiller Interface module.
Figure 10 shows a typical application for the analog output.
In this example, the analog output from the Chiller Interface
module is connected to a 3-way valve that channels chilled
water to a cooling coil. A temperature sensor at the cooling
coil is connected to the Leave terminals of the Chiller
Interface module. The analog output controls the amount of
chilled water entering the cooling coil based on the air
temperature setpoint.
Figure 10 Analog Output Application Example
Configure the analog output as follows (Refer to Figure 11):
1.Select the control mode for the analog output. The
selection determines which control variable will be the
source for the 0-10vdc output (at the ANALOG output
terminals on the Chiller Interface module). The options
• Load Balance
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.11
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
• Superheat - Flange TP
• Superheat - FlangeP, EWT
• Superheat - FlangeP, LIQT
• Suction Pressure.
• Leaving Temp
•Entering Temp
•Liquid Temp
Compressor Configuration
Figure 11 Analog Output Setup
2.Enter the Starting Output. This value equals the
percentage of maximum voltage sent to the terminals of
the Chiller Interface module on compressor start-up.
The analog output will hold at this position until the
start delay timer has expired.
3.Enter Starting Output Delay Time. This value is the
amount of time from compressor start-up to hold the
voltage at the start-up %. Value is in seconds and starts
to count down when the drive is enabled.
4.Check the Control Action checkbox for reverse acting.
Leaving the checkbox unchecked will enable direct
5.Enter the Proportional, Integral, and Derivative gains to
provide stable control.
6.Enter the minimum analog output (in DC volts) during
operation, if required. This parameter can be used, for
example, to maintain a minimum valve open position
during operation.
4.1.4 Modbus Communications
(Refer to Figure 12)
Figure 12 Modbus Communications Setup
4.1.5 Downloading and Saving
Configuration Data
At the end of the commissioning sequence, you have the
choice of either downloading the configuration data to the
compressor or saving it to a file for later use.
To save the data to a configuration file, click the Save to
Configuration File button. In the Save As dialog box, name
the file and save it in a designated location.
If modifications are made to the configuration data after the
commissioning is complete, the new values must be
recorded in a new commissioning session if the data is to be
saved to a file.
Never attempt a download while the compressor is
running as it can lead to a loss of compressor control.
Open interlock contacts on the Chiller Interface
module before downloading configuration data.
Set up the RS-485 and RS-232 ports, as required, on the
Chiller Interface module to enable communication with an
external PLC, computer or building management system.
12Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
For immediate downloading of the configuration data to the
compressor, click the Download to Compressor button. To
enable the new configuration data, perform the following
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
1.Turn OFF power to the compressor. Wait at least 5
minutes, then check that the LEDs on the Backplane
are OFF.
2.Turn ON power to the compressor.
4.2Using a Saved Configuration File
Service Monitor User Manual
Record the comm settings before you close the monitor
program since they will be necessary to communicate with
the compressor when you restart the monitor program.
3.Close and then restart the Monitor program.
Follow the steps outlined here if you have bypassed the
commissioning wizard in order to download a configuration
file to the compressor.
Never attempt a download while the compressor is
running as it can lead to a loss of compressor control.
Open interlock contacts on the Chiller Interface
module before downloading configuration data.
1.Click the “Load configuration from file” button; refer
to Figure 13.
2.In the Open File dialog box, browse to the location of
the .ttc file.
3.Click Open.
4.On the Download Settings form, click “Download to
compressor” button.
5.When the message “Done. Cycle power before running
the compressor” appears, turn OFF power to the
compressor; refer to Figure 14. Wait at least 5 minutes,
then check that the LEDs on the Backplane are OFF.
configuration file has been successfully downloaded to
the compressor.
Figure 13 Download Settings Screen
6.Close the Monitor program.
7.Turn ON power to the compressor.
8.Restart the Monitor program.
9.Once reconnected, the text in the right-hand pane of the
Serial Port Connection dialog box appears in red.
When the text turns black, it indicates that the new
Figure 14 Download Settings Screen (After
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.13
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Compressor Configuration
4.3Controlling User Access
The access code system allows OEM customers to set their
own unique pass codes thereby restricting access to
company authorized personnel.
These access codes control access to all adjustable
parameters via the Modbus communications layer. The
access levels are:
• Read only ~ User may only view values across the
Modbus layer.
• Low Level ~ User may only alter basic settings such as
leaving chilled water temp, display units, chiller enable/
disable, etc.
• Mid Level ~ User may alter all settings that are required
for commissioning a compressor in the field. Values
alterable, for example, are control mode, valve control
settings, run status contact energize RPM, reset load
profile data, and retrieve and save fault data.
• High level ~ User may alter all settings. This level of
access is reserved for users that configure motor/
compressor and bearing control only.
Upon power-up of the compressor, the access codes are
calculated and stored in RAM memory. The default user
access level on power up is read only.
The Access Code Change form appears. To change the
access code for a specific user level:
1.Select the appropriate radio button.
2.Enter the current access code followed by the new
access code for the selected user level (if you enter the
incorrect access code nothing will be changed).
3.Re-enter the new access code in the Confirm Access
Code field.
4.Click the Change Access Code button.
The new access code does not take effect until the
compressor has been restarted.
To change the access code, select “Access Codes” from the
“Advanced” menu item; refer to Figure 15.
Figure 15 Navigating to the Access Code
Change Form
Figure 16 Access Code Change Form
14Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
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Service Monitor User Manual
5Starting and Stopping the Compressor
The following sections describes how to start and stop the
compressor. Refer to the section corresponding to the
5.1Analog Input
The Analog Input mode controls the compressor loading
using an analog demand signal of 0-10 VDC from an
external controller. The variable demand signal corresponds
to the range of 0-100% maximum power available.
The Chiller Interface interlock switch must be closed and
no errors present for the compressor to start up and run.
5.1.1 How to Start the Compressor
1.Make sure the contact to the ‘Interlock’ input on the
Chiller Interface is closed.
Ensure that power to the compressor is OFF before
connecting wiring to the Chiller Interface module.
control method selected during configuration of the
2.Connect a 0-10VDC demand signal to the Chiller
Interface module.
3.Apply a signal between 2 and 10VDC to the ‘Demand’
input. (2VDC = min kW/min speed, 10VDC = max kW
according to model capacity.)
5.1.2 How to Stop the Compressor
Decrease the demand signal to 0VDC or open the contact
connected to the ‘Interlock’ input on the Chiller Interface
module. The compressor will ramp down to 0 RPM and delevitate.
5.2Modbus Network
In Modbus Network mode, the compressor receives a
demand from an external computer, PLC, or building
management system using the Modbus protocol on a RS232
or RS485 communication link.
The Chiller Interface interlock switch must be closed and
no errors present for the compressor to start up and run.
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5.2.1 How to Start the Compressor
Open the “Compressor Controller” window. Click on the
“Compressor Controller Parameters” icon located below the
menu bar.
On the Compressor Control Data form, click in the Loading
Demand field and enter a value representing a percentage of
maximum power available. (The maximum power available
is dependent on the compressor model.) The compressor
will levitate and spin up. Refer to Figure 17
Starting and Stopping the Compressor
5.2.2 How to Stop the Compressor
To stop the compressor, enter ‘0’ in the Loading Demand
Figure 17 Compressor Control Form
5.3Chiller Control
The Chiller Control mode is fully automatic and controls
the chilled water temperature using a temperature sensor
connected directly to the Chiller Interface module. This
mode can also be used to control evaporating temperature
which is derived from the suction pressure measurement
The Chiller Interface interlock switch must be closed and
no errors present for the compressor to start up and run.
5.3.1 How to Start the Compressor
Open the “Chiller Control” window. Select “Window”→
“Chiller Control” from the menu bar, or click on the
“Chiller Control” icon located below the menu bar.
On the Chiller Control form, check the Chiller Enable
Status box. The compressor will ramp up and adjust its
speed to reach and maintain the setpoint. Refer to Figure 18.
5.3.2 How to Stop the Compressor
On the Chiller Control form, uncheck the Chiller Enable
Status box. The compressor will ramp down to 0 RPM and
16Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
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Service Monitor User Manual
Figure 18 Chiller Control Form
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Monitor Program Data and Controls
6Monitor Program Data and Controls
This section provides a detailed description of the forms
and related data and controls that are accessible via the
monitor program’s user interface. The forms are organized
as follows:
• main system
• bearing calibration
• compressor control
• motor monitoring
• magnetic bearing monitor
• electronic valve tuning
6.1Main System
The “General Data Page” allows the user to quickly view
the following major compressor parameters:
• AC input power
• compressor demand
• shaft speed
• suction temperature/pressure
• discharge temperature/pressure
• IGV % open
To view the “General Data Page”, select “Window” →
“Main System” from the menu bar. Table 4 provides a
description of the “General Data Page” parameters.
The “General Data Page” also plots the following
parameters with respect to time:
• chiller control
• system information
• EEPROM settings
• compressor event log
• history data
• trending
• compressor map
• fault captures
• data captures
• evaporating temperature
• condensing temperature
• power input
• shaft speed
•IGV % Open
• demand
The units used to display the temperature readings depend
on the measurement unit set (Metric: ºC; Imperial: ºF). To
verify or change the measurement unit, refer to section 6.3
"Compressor Control" on page 23. The time displayed
corresponds to the PC system time, and is displayed in
HH:MM format. To clear the graphs, click on the “Reset
Graphs” button.
18Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
ECD-00007M Rev. 1
+ 47 hidden pages
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