Danfoss Turbocor User guide

SMT User Manual - Revision G
Danfoss Turbocor® Twin-Turbine Centrifugal Series Compressors
TTS, TGS, TTH, T TG Series Compressors
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1.0 Service Monitoring Tools Overview ..............................................................................9
1.1 Service Monitoring Tools Suite ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Compatibility Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.3 General Usage ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2.0 Recordings .....................................................................................................................15
2.1 Running a Recording ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 3.0 Compressor Connection Manager ...............................................................................23
3.1 Accessing the Compressor Connection Manager ................................................................................................................ 23
3.2 Compressor ........................................................................................................................................................................................24
3.3 Closing an Established Connection ........................................................................................................................................... 25
3.4 Detecting Compressor Settings ..................................................................................................................................................25
3.5 Changing Compressor Access Levels ........................................................................................................................................ 26
3.6 Synchronizing the Compressor Real-Time Clock with a PC Clock ..................................................................................26
3.7 Viewing a List of Recent Compressor Connection Settings .............................................................................................. 26
3.8 Selecting the Unit System ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
3.9 Connection Status Indications .................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.10 RAM Only and RAM & EEPROM Check boxes (TT/TG Only) ............................................................................................27
Chapter 4.0 ModComm Tool .............................................................................................................24
4.1 Accessing the ModComm Tool ....................................................................................................................................................24
4.2 Changing the Current Register Watch Range ........................................................................................................................24
4.3 Making a Single Write Request ................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4 Making a Multiple Writes Request ............................................................................................................................................. 31
4.5 Changing the Current Data Interpretation View ..................................................................................................................32
Chapter 5.0 Active Alarm/Fault Viewer ............................................................................................35
5.1 Accessing the Active Alarm/Fault Viewer Tool ....................................................................................................................... 35
5.2 Viewing and Conguring Alarm/Fault Limits and Lockout Settings .............................................................................37
Chapter 6.0 Compressor Monitor .....................................................................................................39
6.1 Accessing the Compressor Monitor .......................................................................................................................................... 39
6.2 View Options ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
6.3 Changing the Demand .................................................................................................................................................................. 40
6.4 Changing the IGV Opening ( TT/TG Only) ................................................................................................................................40
6.5 Changing the Desired Motor Speed ......................................................................................................................................... 40
6.6 Levitating or De-levitating the Shaft ........................................................................................................................................40
Chapter 7.0 Logged Event and Fault Viewer ...................................................................................41
7.1 Accessing the Logged Event and Fault Viewer ...................................................................................................................... 41
Chapter 8.0 Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool .........................................................47
8.1 Launching the Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool .................................................................................... 47
8.2 Recording ............................................................................................................................................................................................47
8.3 Playback ...............................................................................................................................................................................................51
Chapter 9.0 Bearing Calibration Tool ...............................................................................................57
9.1 Accessing the Bearing Calibration Tool ....................................................................................................................................57
9.2 Performing a Calibration ............................................................................................................................................................... 58
9.3 Performing a Validation .................................................................................................................................................................59
9.4 Saving the Latest Bearing Calibration for Persistent Use ................................................................................................... 59
9.5 Viewing Bearing Calibration or Operation Settings ............................................................................................................59
9.6 Creating a Calibration Report ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
Chapter 10.0 Chiller and Analog Configuration Tool......................................................................61
10.1 Accessing the Chiller and Analog Conguration Tool ...................................................................................................... 61
10.2 Viewing or Modifying Chiller Controller Settings .............................................................................................................. 62
10.3 Viewing or Modifying Analog Output Controller Settings ............................................................................................. 62
Chapter 11.0 EXV Configuration Tool ..............................................................................................63
11.1 Accessing the EXV Conguration Tool ...................................................................................................................................63
11.2 Viewing and Modifying EXV Controller Settings ................................................................................................................ 65
Chapter 12.0 Compressor Configuration Tool .................................................................................67
12.1 Accessing the Compressor Conguration Tool ................................................................................................................... 69
12.2 Viewing or Modifying Compressor Operation Settings ................................................................................................... 69
12.3 Viewing or Modifying Compressor Startup Settings ........................................................................................................ 69
12.4 Viewing of Modifying Shutdown Conguration Settings (TT/TG Only) .................................................................... 70
12.5 Viewing or Modifying IGV Conguration Settings (TT/TG Only) .................................................................................. 70
12.6 Viewing or Modifying Surge/Choke Conguration Settings (TT/TG Only) ............................................................... 70
12.7 Viewing or Modifying Capacity Control Conguration Settings (VTT Only) ............................................................70
12.8 Viewing or Modifying Communication Conguration ....................................................................................................71
12.9 Viewing Advanced Conguration ............................................................................................................................................71
Chapter 13.0 Compressor Commissioning Tool ..............................................................................73
13.1 Accessing the Compressor Commissioning Tool (TT/TG Only) ..................................................................................... 73
13.2 Importing a Commissioning Conguration from a File ...................................................................................................73
13.3 Adjusting Commissioning Parameters Requirement Step ............................................................................................. 74
13.4 Exporting a Commissioning Values Conguration to a File ...........................................................................................74
13.5 Exporting Commissioning Parameters to a Connected Compressor ......................................................................... 75
13.6 Creating a Commissioning Report .......................................................................................................................................... 75
Chapter 14.0 Compressor Data Trending Tool ................................................................................77
14.1 Accessing the Compressor Data Trending Tool (TT/TG Only) ........................................................................................ 77
14.2 Adding Parameters for Graphical Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 77
14.3 Removing Parameters from Graphical Monitoring ........................................................................................................... 79
14.4 Selecting the Plot Color a Specic Parameter .....................................................................................................................79
14.5 Starting Graphical Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................................80
14.6 Stopping Graphical Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................... 80
14.7 Resetting Plot Data ....................................................................................................................................................................... 81
14.8 Saving Plot Data to a CSV File ................................................................................................................................................... 82
14.9 Loading a Saved or Pre-congured Watch Group .............................................................................................................82
14.10 Deleting a Saved or Pre-congured Watch Group ..........................................................................................................82
14.11 Saving the Active Watch Conguration for Later Recall................................................................................................83
14.12 Trending Tool ................................................................................................................................................................................83
14.13 Valve Control Setup (VTT Only) ..............................................................................................................................................84
14.14 Valve Control Tool........................................................................................................................................................................ 85
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List of Tables
Table 1-1 SMT Software Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 1-2 SMT Software Icons ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 TT/TG SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Not Connected ................................................................................................... 9
Figure 1-2 VTT SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Not Connected ....................................................................................................... 9
Figure 1-3 TT/TG SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Connected............................................................................................................ 9
Figure 1-4 VTT SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Connected ................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 1-5 Select Language ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 1-6 Restart Application ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 1-7 Collapsible Group Boxes Example (TT/TG SMT Shown) ....................................................................................... 13
Figure 2-1 SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Not Connected (TT SMT Shown) ............................................................................15
Figure 2-2 Compressor Data Recording & Playback Tool Icon ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 2-3 Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool ..................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-4 Open Recording Icon ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 2-5 Choose a Recording File to Open Window ...............................................................................................................17
Figure 2-6 Compressor Data Recording & Playback Tool .......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-7 Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool showing Launch Playback Server .................................. 19
Figure 2-8 Launch Playback Server Icon ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2-9 Compressor Connection Manager Icon ..................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2-10 Compressor Connection Manager ............................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 2-11 TT/TG SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Connected .......................................................................................................21
Figure 2-12 VTT SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Connected ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3-1 Compressor Connection Manager Icon ..................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 3-2 TT/TG Compressor Connection Manager .................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 3-3 V TT Compressor Connection Manager .....................................................................................................................24
Figure 3-4 Parameter Saving Frame .................................................................................................................................................27
Figure 4-1 ModComm Tool Icon ........................................................................................................................................................29
Figure 4-2 VTT ModComm Window (VTT Displayed) ................................................................................................................29
Figure 4-3 ModComm Window Displaying Menu .......................................................................................................................30
Figure 4-4 ModComm Tool Window Showing Menu ................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 4-5 Write Single Register .........................................................................................................................................................30
Figure 4-6 Write Single Register Result Window ..........................................................................................................................31
Figure 4-7 ModComm Tool Window Showing Menu ................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 4-8 Write Multiple Registers Result Window ....................................................................................................................32
Figure 4-9 TT/TG ModComm Tool Window Showing Menu .................................................................................................... 32
Figure 4-10 VTT ModComm Tool Window Showing Menu ......................................................................................................33
Figure 4-11 VTT ModComm Tool Window Showing Display Format Options ..................................................................33
Figure 4-12 ModComm Tool Window Showing Chosen New Display Format (VTT Displayed) .................................33
Figure 5-1 Active Alarm/Fault Viewer Tool Icon............................................................................................................................35
Figure 5-2 TT/TG Active Alarm/Fault Viewer Window ................................................................................................................35
Figure 5-3 VTT Active Alarm/Fault Viewer Window ....................................................................................................................36
Figure 5-4 Clearing Faults (TT/TG)..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 5-5 TT/TG Compressor Status Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 5-6 VTT Compressor Status Tab ............................................................................................................................................37
Figure 5-7 Alarm and Fault Conguration (1) (TT/TG Shown) ................................................................................................ 38
Figure 5-8 Alarm and Fault Conguration (2) Page 2 (TT/TG Only) ...................................................................................... 38
Figure 6-1 Compressor Monitor Tool Icon ......................................................................................................................................39
Figure 6-2 Compressor Monitor Tool Window (TT/TG Shown) ...............................................................................................39
Figure 6-3 Shaft Levitation Status Graphic .................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 7-1 Logged Event and Fault Viewer Icon ...........................................................................................................................41
Figure 7-2 Logged Event and Fault Viewer Window (TT/TG) ...................................................................................................41
Figure 7-3 Logged Events Fault Viewer ...........................................................................................................................................43
Figure 7-4 Logged Event and Fault Viewer Window (VTT).......................................................................................................44
Figure 7-5 VTT System Snapshot Log Window .............................................................................................................................45
Figure 8-1 Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool Icon ........................................................................................... 47
Figure 8-2 Compressor Data Recording and Playback ..............................................................................................................48
Figure 8-3 Choose Destination Filename (TT/TG Shown) ........................................................................................................48
Figure 8-4 Site Information .................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 8-5 Start Recording Icon ......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 8-6 Stop Recording Icon..........................................................................................................................................................50
Figure 8-7 Cancel Recording Icon ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 8-8 Pause Recording Icon .......................................................................................................................................................50
Figure 8-9 Start Recording Icon ......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 8-10 Open Recording Icon ..................................................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 8-11 Choose a Recording to Open Window .....................................................................................................................51
Figure 8-12 Play Icon .............................................................................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 8-13 Compressor Connection ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 8-14 Compressor Data Recording and Playback Window ..........................................................................................53
Figure 8-15 Close Recording Icon ..................................................................................................................................................... 53
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Figure 8-16 Stop Playback Server ...................................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 8-17 Play Button .........................................................................................................................................................................54
Figure 8-18 Pause Button ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 8-19 Rewind Button .................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 8-20 Slow Forward Button .....................................................................................................................................................54
Figure 8-21 Slow Reverse Button.......................................................................................................................................................54
Figure 8-22 Save as CSV File Button .............................................................................................................................................55
Figure 8-23 Save to CSV ..................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 8-24 Tools Button .......................................................................................................................................................................56
Figure 8-25 Manage Parameters Window ...................................................................................................................................56
Figure 8-26 Speed Registers Selected ............................................................................................................................................. 56
Figure 9-1 Bearing Calibration Tool Icon ......................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 9-2 Bearing Calibration Window ..........................................................................................................................................57
Figure 9-3 Bearing Calibration Tool Showing Graphs ................................................................................................................58
Figure 10-1 Chiller and Analog Conguration Tool Icon ...........................................................................................................61
Figure 10-2 Chiller and Analog Conguration Window ............................................................................................................61
Figure 11-1 EXV Conguration Tool Icon ........................................................................................................................................ 63
Figure 11-2 EXV Conguration Tool (Applies to rmware prior to 4.X) ...............................................................................63
Figure 11-3 EXV Conguration Tool (Applies to 4.x rmware) ................................................................................................64
Figure 12-1 Compressor Conguration Tool Icon ........................................................................................................................ 67
Figure 12-2 Compressor Conguration Window .........................................................................................................................67
Figure 12-3 Compressor Conguration Window (Basic Conguration) ..............................................................................68
Figure 12-4 Compressor Conguration Window (Advanced Conguration) ....................................................................68
Figure 13-1 Compressor Commissioning Tool Icon .................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 13-2 Compressor Commissioning Window......................................................................................................................73
Figure 13-3 Compressor Commissioning Finish Window .........................................................................................................74
Figure 13-4 Choose Commissioning File Location ......................................................................................................................74
Figure 13-5 Commissioning Complete............................................................................................................................................75
Figure 13-6 Report Prompt .................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Figure 13-7 Report Save As Window ................................................................................................................................................76
Figure 14-1 Compressor Data Trending Tool Icon .......................................................................................................................77
Figure 14-2 Compressor Data Trending Window ......................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 14-3 Compressor Trending Window - Parameter Pane ................................................................................................78
Figure 14-4 Parameter Color Selection............................................................................................................................................79
Figure 14-5 Watched Parameters After Color Change ............................................................................................................... 80
Figure 14-6 Watched Parameters Being Plotted .......................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 14-7 Save Data Prompt ............................................................................................................................................................81
Figure 14-8 Save Data to a CSV File ..................................................................................................................................................81
Figure 14-9 Managed Watch Congurations Button .................................................................................................................82
Figure 14-10 Watch Management Window ...................................................................................................................................82
Figure 14-11 Compressor Data Trending ........................................................................................................................................83
Figure 14-12 Compressor Data Trending ........................................................................................................................................84
Figure 14-13 Motor Cooling Valve Tool Icon ..................................................................................................................................84
Figure 14-14 Valve Control Setup - Motor Cooling .....................................................................................................................85
Figure 14-15 Valve Control Setup - VFD Cooling .........................................................................................................................85
Figure 14-16 Valve Control Setup - IFV ............................................................................................................................................85
Figure 14-17 Valve Control Setup - Staging ...................................................................................................................................86
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Proprietary Notice
Copyright, Limitations of Liability and Revision Rights.
This publication contains proprietary information to Danfoss Turbocor Compressors, Inc. (DTC). This publication is protected under the Copyright laws of the United States of America (USA) and most other countries. This work is owned by DTC, and was published as of the most recent revision of this publication, as indicated on the Title page of this document. This document is for the use DTC customers and prospective customers only. Any use beyond that is prohibited.
Tests have demonstrated that equipment produced according to the guidelines provided in this manual will function properly, however DTC cannot guarantee the equipment to work in every physical, hardware or software environment.
The guidelines provided in this manual are provided “AS-IS” without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of condition, uninterrupted use, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall DTC be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the manufacture, use, or the inability to manufacture or use information contained in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, DTC is not responsible for any costs, including but not limited to those incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss of damage or equipment, loss of computer programs, loss of data, the costs to substitute these, or any claims by third parties. In any event, DTC’s total aggregate liability for all damages of any kind and type (regardless of whether based in contract or tort) shall not exceed the purchase price of this product.
DTC reserves the right to revise the publication at any time and to make changes to its contents without prior notice or any obligation to notify former or present users of such revisions or changes.
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc. 1769 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32310 USA Phone 1-850-504-4800 Fax 1-850-575-2126 http://turbocor.danfoss.com
Encounter an error or see opportunity for improvements while reading this manual? Email us at turbocor.contact@danfoss.com with a brief description.
* Subject to change without notice.
* Danfoss Turbocor’s commitment to excellence ensures continuous product improvements.
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Chapter 1.0 Service Monitoring Tools Overview

1.1 Service Monitoring Tools Suite

Figure 1-1 TT/TG SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Not Connected
Figure 1-2 VTT SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Not Connected
Once connected, more tool icons may appear in the SMT Suite Launcher Strip depending on the compressor’s established access level.
Figure 1-3 TT/TG SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Connected
Figure 1-4 VTT SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Connected
To change the language in the SMT, Right-Click the main toolbar and select Language then English or Chinese.
Figure 1-5 Select Language
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To save language preference, restart the application. The chosen language will be stored in settings. The default language found in local machine settings will be used during installation.
Figure 1-6 Restart Application

1.2 Compatibility Requirements

"Table 1-1 SMT Software Requirements" provides the system requirements for the SMT.
Table 1-1 SMT Software Requirements
Framework: .NET Framework Version 4.0 or later.
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP (32-bit or 64-bit) SP2 or later, Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit) Basic or better, Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) Home Basic, or Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit).
Hardware: 1.0 GHz or higher CPU, minimum OS-required RAM, 1024x768 high-color display (or better), and 20 MB or more available hard-disk space.
Depending on compressor access level, the following tools may be available from the SMT Suite Launcher Strip:
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Table 1-2 SMT Software Icons
Icon Tool Description
The About tool displays a form showing OS and framework version information, SMT software system release product version info, and a listing of software assemblies loaded for the SMT
Compressor Connection Manager Discover and establish a means of communication with the compressor. ( TT/TG and VTT)
software product.
• To view a detailed description of any given assembly, select an item in the loaded assemblies listing and a text description and graphic icon (if exists) displays in the area below
• To copy all of the version information to the clipboard, click the Copy Info button. (TT/TG and VTT )
ModComm Tool
Active Alarm/Fault Viewer
Compressor Monitor
Chiller and Analog Conguration
EXV Conguration Tool
Logged Event and Fault Viewer
Compressor Data Recording and Playback
Assists in troubleshooting a Bearing, Motor and Compressor Controller (BMCC) or monitoring registers by providing access to ModBus registers on a raw level. (TT/TG and VTT )
Instantaneously monitor the alarm and fault status of a connected compressor device and congure the alarm and fault limits. (TT/TG and VTT )
Monitor the most commonly desired parameters of the BMCC related to motor, bearing, and compressor operation. (TT/TG and VTT )
Allows you to view or modify the chiller control and analog output control conguration parameters and settings. (TT/TG 3.1.X or older Firmware Only)
This allows you to view and congure the electronic expansion valve conguration parameters and settings. (TT/TG Only)
Retrieve logged fault and event data regarding the operation of a connected compressor for the purpose of troubleshooting and diagnostics. (TT/TG 3.1.X or older Firmware Only)
Start and stop recording of any variables on the BMCC, as well as launch a server partially simulating an actual compressor using previously recorded data. The intended usage of this tool is not only for training, but for testing, evaluation and compressor troubleshooting purposes. (TT/TG and VTT)
Bearing Calibration Execute a bearing calibration procedure and analyze the outcome. (TT/TG and VTT)
Compressor Conguration
Compressor Commissioning
Compressor Data Trending
Valve Control
View and congure the compressor operation, IGV startup, surge/choke, and other operational conguration parameters. (TT/TG and VTT)
View, modify and commit site-specic compressor parameter values of a connected compressor, as well as import and export congurations between portable les. Minor guidance is provided to the user by presenting any number of conguration pages which are necessary for consideration during the deployment of a compressor system and the displaying of basic coverage/ow indication. (TT/TG Only)
Graphically monitor selected compressor parameter values and load or save user­congurable watch congurations. (TT/TG and VTT)
View and congure the valve operation: Motor Cooling, VFD Cooling, IFV, and Staging valves. (VT T only)
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1.2.1 Right-Click Context Menu
From the SMT Launcher Strip, you can right-click with your mouse to view a context menu providing easy access to tasks, including:

1.3 General Usage

There are several helpful features common across all tools in the SMT software system geared toward simplifying day-to-day as well as extensive usage. These features include: internal logging system, informative tooltips, highlight-on-click, collapsible group boxes, interactive graphs, persistent user settings, normalized tool framework, and product update checking.
1.3.1 Internal Logging System
To enhance maintenance and troubleshooting the SMT software system, all tools utilize a common logging system functionality for outputting to file internal trace information, as well as any error occurrences which may occur.
The log file is located at: [My Documents]\Danfoss Turbocor\SMT\smt.log
• Launching a tool - select the desired tool by name.
• Display the About form - click About.
• Minimize the tool suite - click Minimize and the tool will be minimized to your task bar under one window button.
• Change the SMT Launcher Strip orientation - click Alignment -> Horizontal to display the SMT Launcher Strip in a landscape format or Alignment -> Vertical for a portrait layout.
1.3.2 Informative Tooltips
To aid in general use and interpretation of compressor data, all compressor parameter edit/display fields will display a tooltip which pops up if the mouse cursor hovers over the field and will describe the modbus register associated with that parameter.
1.3.3 Highlight-on-click
To assist you in viewing data ‘at a glance’, certain readout fields can be highlighted to make them stand out from the rest. The highlighting of fields with this functionality enabled can be toggled by left­clicking on the desired field.
1.3.4 Expand/Collapse-on-click
Any group boxes which display a box bearing a +/- box in the upper left-hand corner may be collapsed in order to reduce the size of a form when some information is not desired to be viewed. To collapse or expand these regions, left-click on the +/- graphic.
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Figure 1-7 Collapsible Group Boxes Example (TT/TG SMT Shown)
1.3.5 Interactive Graphs
Graphs display data and provide a different perspective. The graphing feature provides the ability to pan, zoom, etc.
• To pan: if panning is enabled, click and drag in either the X or Y direction.
• To fast pan: hold the control key while clicking and dragging within a graph to pan across larger areas.
• To zoom: if zooming is enabled, use the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in and out - holding shift while scrolling will only stretch the Y axis; holding ctrl while scrolling will only stretch the X axis.
• To reset to initial view: double-click anywhere on the graph.
1.3.6 Persistent User Settings
Many of the interface settings are saved in a local settings file in order to persist common settings on a user-by-user basis.
Typical persistent settings include: tool form screen location, tool form normal/maximized state, collapsible form collapse/expand states, user-entered application fields (e.g., hostnames, DTC ports, technician name fields, etc.).
The settings file is located at:
[My Documents]\Danfoss Turbocor\SMT\Settings.xml
1.3.7 Normalized Tool Framework
All components considered to be tools contain a commonly-structured data identifying a tool and its interface components.
Data included in the tool metadata (assembly information) include: Tool Id #, Tool Name Id, Tool Description Id, Tool Classification, Minimum (execution) Access Level, Enumeration Count, Persistence, Connection Requirement, Dedication Requirement, and an Application Graphic.
In addition to the framework metadata, there are several components geared toward the utilization of these tool components, including standalone execution support, common interfacing components, etc.
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1.3.8 Tool Identification
Each tool’s title frame contains information identifying it. This information includes:
• Tool/Form ID - The first number, indicating the ID number of the current tool.
• Tool Title - The localized text title of the current tool.
• Device Connection Info - This includes the serial port and baud rate or IP address and port number and the slave address of the device with which the current tool is connected.
To dierentiate between instances of the SMT, look at the device communication information displayed in the tool’s frame.
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Chapter 2.0 Recordings

2.1 Running a Recording

While the SMT Suite Tools are intended to be used with live Danfoss Turbocor (DTC) compressors, it is possible to partially simulate communication with a compressor using recorded data. The playback simulation can be used for displaying values, but cannot accept write requests (parameter updates) and certain features may not be available (such as fault or event log retrieval).
When you first open the Service Monitoring Tools software, a limited version of the Service Monitoring Tools (SMT) Suite Launcher Strip is displayed.
Figure 2-1 SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Not Connected (TT SMT Shown)
1. Click the Compressor Data Recording & Playback Tool icon.
Figure 2-2 Compressor Data Recording & Playback Tool Icon
2. The Compressor Data Recording & Playback Tool window displays.
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Figure 2-3 Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool
Figure 2-4 Open Recording Icon
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3. Click the Open Recording icon.
The Choose a recording file to open window displays:
Figure 2-5 Choose a Recording File to Open Window
4. Select a recording file, and then click Open.
The playback host will automatically start when you connect to it.
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Figure 2-6 Compressor Data Recording & Playback Tool
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5. If the playback control icons do not appear at the top of the Compressor Data Recording & Playback Tool, a window similar to "Figure 2-7 Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool showing Launch Playback Server" on page 19 will display. Complete steps a and b; otherwise jump to step 6.
Figure 2-7 Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool showing Launch Playback Server
Figure 2-8 Launch Playback Server Icon
6. Click the Compressor Connection Manager icon.
a. Check the settings of the Host Address and Port fields (default values are ‘any’ and ‘503’). b. Click the Launch Playback Server icon. For more information, refer to Section "8.1
Launching the Compressor Data Recording and Playback Tool" on page 47
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Figure 2-9 Compressor Connection Manager Icon
Figure 2-10 Compressor Connection Manager
7. In the Compressor Connection Manager, ensure that Shared is selected under the Connection Settings.
8. Ensure that the field labeled Port matches the Port filed displayed on the Compressor Data Recording & Playback Tool and that the field labeled ‘Remote Host’ says ‘localhost’.
9. In the Compressor Connection Manager, click Connect to Remote Host.
No other information (e.g., Serial Port, Baud Rate) will need to be selected/entered prior to clicking the Connect button.
10. Click Connect. You are now connected.
Access level is determined by the recording and cannot be changed. For example, if the recording was made at an OEM level, the recording playback will display OEM level access.
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Figure 2-11 TT/TG SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Connected
Figure 2-12 VTT SMT Suite Launcher Strip - Connected
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Chapter 3.0 Compressor Connection Manager

The Compressor Connection Manager is used to discover and establish a means of communication with a compressor. This tool can be used to establish a connection with a compressor, close an established connection, detect compressor settings, change compressor access level, synchronize the compressor real-time clock (RTC) with a personal computer (PC) clock, and view a list of recent compressor connection settings.
When a connection with a compressor is established, information detailing the compressor’s current access level, Bearing and Motor Control (BMC) version, Compressor Controller (CC) version, part number, configuration number, refrigerant type, unit system, and current real-time clock readout are displayed as well as the current connection status.

3.1 Accessing the Compressor Connection Manager

Please see Section 1.5 “Running a Simulation” if you wish to evaluate the software without connecting to a compressor.
1. Click the Compressor Connection Manager icon.
Figure 3-1 Compressor Connection Manager Icon
The Compressor Connection Manager window displays:
Figure 3-2 TT/TG Compressor Connection Manager
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Figure 3-3 V TT Compressor Connection Manager

3.2 Compressor

To establish a connection with a compressor:
1. From the Connection Settings group, select a connection type:
• Direct for direct use of the serial port. This is the default recommended setting.
• Shared for indirect use of a serial port, allowing multiple applications access to the same compressor via the same serial port.
• Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) for communication with a Modbus TCP compressor interface.
2. If using Shared or TCP/IP, enter your shared host name and TCP port number - usually the default values (localhost and 502) will work.
a. For a Direct Connection, refer to Section "3.2.1 Direct Connection" on page 24. b. For a Shared Connection, refer to Section "3.2.2 Shared Connection" on page 25. c. For TCP/IP, refer to Section "3.2.3 TCP/IP Connection" on page 25.
3.2.1 Direct Connection
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1. From the Connection Settings group, select Direct as your connection type.
2. Select the serial port to which the compressor is connected from the Serial Port drop-down list.
The Serial Port listing only shows serial port names which currently exist on the local/host machine.
3. Do one of the following:
a. If the slave address and baud rate are known: enter the known slave address in the Slave
Address field and select the known baud rate from the Baud Rate drop-down and click Connect - a connection should now be established.
b. If the slave address or baud rate are unknown, enter a slave address search range or list
of values to test for detection in the Search Addresses field and click Search (default is
After a short period of time (the fewer addresses to check, the quicker the search will be), the search results containing a list of communication setting combinations display in the Search Addresses field.
Double-click any of the communication setting combinations to automatically connect using those settings. A connection should now be established.
If no compressors are detected, No compressors found! will display in the listing.
4. Type in your Access Code and click Submit.
3.2.2 Shared Connection
3.2.3 TCP/IP Connection
To enter a Shared connection:
1. From the to Connection Settings group, select Shared as your connection type.
2. Enter your shared host name and TCP port number - usually the default values will work.
3. Click the Connect to Remote Host button.
4. Select the serial port to which the compressor is connected from the Serial Port drop-down box.’
5. Do one of the following:
a. If the slave address and baud rate are known: enter the known slave address in the Slave
Address field and select the known baud rate from the Baud Rate drop-down and click Connect - a connection should now be established.
b. If the slave address or baud rate are unknown, enter a slave address search range or list
of values to test for detection in the Search Addresses field and click Search (default is
After a short period of time (the less addresses to check, the quicker the search will be), the search results containing a list of communication setting combinations display in the Search Results listing.
Double-click any of the communication setting combinations to automatically connect using those settings. A connection should now be established If no compressors are detected, No compressors found! will display in the listing.
6. Type in your Access Code and click Submit.
1. From the Connection Settings group, select TCP/IP as your connection type:
2. Enter the slave address in the Slave Address field.
3. Click Connect.
A connection should now be established.
4. Type in your Access Code and click Submit.

3.3 Closing an Established Connection

To close an established connection:
1. Click the Disconnect button.
2. To also disconnect from a remote host (such as the Compressor Data Recording & Playback tool’s playback host), click the Disconnect from Remote Host button. The tool will close any connections established and data polling will stop.

3.4 Detecting Compressor Settings

To detect compressor settings:
• Enter a slave address search range or list of values to test for detection in the Search Results listing and click the Search.
After a short period of time (the less addresses to check, the quicker the search will be), the search results display in the Search Addresses field. If no compressors are detected, No compressors found! will display in the listing; otherwise, communication setting combinations will display.
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3.5 Changing Compressor Access Levels

On connection, the SMT requires a valid access code in order to allow access to the various tools available at the given access level. A user must not change the access level of the BMCC to a value lower than 2 if the compressor is being controlled by Modbus. If the access level is lower than access level 2, the compressor can not accept a demand write. For rmware versions of 3.X.X or lower, for example, if the lowest level that a compressor can accept a demand write is at Access Level 2 (Low Level), then on submission of a “0” in the Access Code eld, the SMT will revert to a read-only state and the compressor will not accept writes to demand from the Modbus controller. In this case, the compressor access level should be left at Access Level 2 (Low Level) or higher.
To change the compressor access level:
1. Enter the desired Access Code, then click Submit.
1. Enter the desired User ID and Access Code, then click Submit.
The tool will send the access code to the compressor and indicate the access level on the connected compressor.
If the access code is incorrect: the compressor will revert the access to the lowest level. After five failed access code change attempts, the compressor will no longer accept access codes and will require a power cycle before allowing an access level change.
Since the access level on the compressor will remain after disconnecting from the compressor, be sure to either downgrade the access level or power cycle the compressor after completing service.

3.6 Synchronizing the Compressor Real-Time Clock with a PC Clock

To synchronize a compressor real-time clock (RTC) with a PC clock:
• Click the Sync Compressor/Computer Time button.
The tool will attempt to update the compressor’s RTC to match the local computer’s date and time to within ±500 ms.

3.7 Viewing a List of Recent Compressor Connection Settings

To view a list of recent compressor connection settings:
• Click the Recent Compressors button.
A list of recent compressor communication settings will display. If there is no connection history, No compressors found! displays in the listing; otherwise, communication setting combinations are displayed. Double-clicking any of the settings combination entries will automatically attempt to connect using the those settings.

3.8 Selecting the Unit System

To select the appropriate unit system for the compressor:
• Click the Units Drop-Down Box and select the desired unit system.
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3.9 Connection Status Indications

The Connection Status is indicated in the Compressor Info section of the Compressor Connection Manager Window.
• Disconnected: no connection exists with a compressor or remote compressor host.
• Ready to Connect: a connection with a remote host (if applicable) has been established, but no
compressor connection has yet been established.
• Compressor is starting up: The currently connected compressor is in startup mode.
• Connected: There has been established a connection with a remote host (if applicable) and a
connection with a compressor has been established and verified.
• No compressor found: Any serial ports or connections have been established, but a valid compressor was not able to be detected.
• Error opening port: There was an error opening the specified serial port (either the port is already in use, the port name doesn’t exist, or there was some other error attempting to open the serial port).
• Server not found: Could not connect to remote host.
• There was a time out during communication’ (Error Time out): There was a timeout during
• Invalid response: The response received was invalid.
• Received an error response: The host responded with an error.
• Error: CRC mismatch: The received message has a CRC mismatch.

3.10 RAM Only and RAM & EEPROM Check boxes (TT/TG Only)

By default, changes made in the SMT are set to RAM & EEPROM.
If the RAM & EEPROM check box is clicked, all parameter changes are saved to persistent memory, if said register is capable of doing so.
Saving to RAM & EEPROM will commit all the current values to permanent memory and all previous values will be lost.
Figure 3-4 Parameter Saving Frame
The Parameter Saving frame is located in the lower right corner of the Compressor Connection Tool. See "Figure 3-4 Parameter Saving Frame".
• • • CAUTION • • •
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