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The guidelines provided in this manual are provided “AS-IS” without any warranty of any kind, either express or
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Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
1769 East Paul Dirac Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32310
Phone 1-850-504-4800
Fax 1-850-575-2126
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Chapter 1.0 Introduction
This Applications and Installation Manual is intended to be a guide for application data/installation procedures
specific to Danfoss Turbocor compressors. It is not intended to inform on fundamental safety, refrigeration and
electrical design skills. It is assumed and presumed that persons using this manual are appropriately certified and
have detailed knowledge, experience and skills in respect to designing for and working with high pressure
refrigerants and medium voltage electrical components (to 1 KV high power AC & DC) as well as complex control
Some potential safety situations may not be foreseen or covered in this guide. Danfoss LLC assumes personnel using
this manual and working on Danfoss LLC compressors are familiar with, and carry out, all safe work practices
necessary to ensure safety for personnel and equipment.
1.1 Scope
This manual is designed for use with Bearing Motor Compressor Controller (BMCC) software, Version 4.0.0 and later.
Table 1-1 Application Manual Applicability
ManualRelease DateBMCCFirmware Versions
M-AP-001-XX Rev ESeptember 2013CC 2.3.1213
M-AP-001-XX Rev LOctober 2016CC 3.1.4
M-AP-001-XX Rev MNovember 2017CC 4.0 and later
M-AP-001-XX Rev M.1November 2017CC 4.1 and later
M-AP-001-XX Rev NMay 2018CC 4.1 and later
M-AP-001-XX Rev P.1November 2019CC 4.2 and later
M-AP-001-XX Rev RJanuary 2021CC 4.3 and later
1.2 Document Symbols
The following symbols are used in this document.
NOTE: Provides additional information such as a tip, comment, or other useful, but not imperative information. A
Note is displayed in the format shown below.
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DANGER: Indicates an essential operation or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition which, if not strictly
observed, could result in injury to or death of personnel or long-term health hazards. A Danger notification is
displayed in the format shown below.
• • • DANGER! • • •
CAUTION: Indicates an essential operation or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition which, if not strictly
observed, could result in damage to or destruction of equipment or potential problems in the outcome of the
procedure being performed. A Caution notification is displayed in the format shown below.
• • • CAUTION • • •
Table 1-2 Acronyms and Terms
AlarmsAlarms indicate a condition at the limit of the normal operating envelope. Compressor
alarms will still allow the compressor to run, but speed is reduced to bring the alarm
condition under the alarm limit.
AHRIAir-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (;
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute.
ASHRAEAmerican Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Axial BearingBearing that controls the horizontal movement (Z axis) of the motor shaft.
BackplaneA printed circuit board (PCB) for the purpose of power and control signal transmission.
Many other components connect to this board.
BMCCBearing Motor Compressor Controller. The BMCC is the central processor board of the
compressor. Based on its sensor inputs, it controls the bearing and motor system and
maintains compressor control within the operating limits.
Bus BarsHeavy-gauge metal conductors used to transfer large electrical currents.
CapacitorA passive component that stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field.
Cavity SensorNegative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) temperature sensor located behind the
Backplane for the purpose of sensing motor-cooling vapor temperature. Provides
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overheat protection to motor windings.
CEConformance European. The CE marking (also known as CE mark) is a mandatory
conformity mark on many products placed on the single market in the European (EU)
Economic Area. The CE marking certifies that a product has met EU health, safety, and
environmental requirements, which ensure consumer safety.
CECCanadian Electrical Code.
ChokeDefinitive point on compressor map where mass flow rate is at maximum for compressor
speed and lift conditions.
CIMCompressor Interface Module; the part of the compressor electronics where the user
connects all field connection wiring such as RS-485, EXV and analog / digital wiring. Also
known as the Input/Output (IO) board.
Compression RatioThe absolute discharge pressure divided by the absolute suction pressure.
CPRCompressor Performance Rating.
CSACanadian Standards Association (
dBLogarithmic scale that measures sound and loudness.
dBASound level measurement that has been adjusted based on how the human ear perceives
sounds in the air.
DCBusHigh DC voltage simultaneously connected to multiple compressor components via
metallic bus bars, including the capacitors.
DC-DC ConverterDC-DC converters supply and electrically isolate the high and low DC voltages that are
required by the control circuits. When the compressor is switched on, the High-Voltage
(HV) DC-DC Converter receives its 15VAC supply from the Soft-Start Board. Once the DC
DC-DC Converter bus voltage has risen to a pre-determined level, the HV DC-DC
Converter’s onboard circuits are powered by the DC bus (460-900VDC). The HV DC-DC
Converter delivers +24VDC (with respect to 0V) to the Backplane, and HV+ (+250VDC
with respect to HV-) to the magnetic Bearing Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Amplifier via
the Backplane.
DiffuserPart of a centrifugal compressor in the fluid module that transforms the high-velocity,
low- pressure gas exiting the impeller into higher-pressure, low-velocity gas discharged
into the condenser.
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility.
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EMFElectromotive Force.
EMIElectromagnetic Interference.
EMI FilterA circuit or device that provides electromagnetic noise suppression for an electronic
EPDMEthylene propylene diene monomer – type of synthetic rubber.
ETLETL Testing Laboratories, now a mark of Intertek Testing Services.
EXVElectronic Expansion Valve. Pressure-independent refrigerant metering device driven by
electrical input.
FeedthroughAn insulated conductor connecting two circuits on opposite sides of a barrier such as a
compressor housing or PCB.
FLAFull Load Ampere.
Generator ModeA function of the compressor where the stator becomes a generator, creating sufficient
power to allow for the shaft to graduate slowly and drop onto the touchdown bearings
safely. This occurs when the inverter has insufficient power to sustain safe and normal
operation and is typically due to a loss of power.
HarmonicsHarmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency distortions found in electrical
power, subjected to continuous disturbances.
HFC-134aA positive-pressure, chlorine-free refrigerant having zero ozone depletion potential.
HVHigh Voltage.
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (
IGVInlet Guide Vanes. The IGV assembly is a variable-angle guiding device that pre-rotates
refrigerant flow at the compressor intake and is also used for capacity control. The IGV
assembly consists of movable vanes and a motor. The vane angle, and hence, the degree
of pre-rotation to the refrigerant flow, is determined by the BMCC and controlled by the
Serial Driver. The IGV position can vary between approximately 0-percent and 110percent open.
ImpellerRotating part of a centrifugal compressor that increases the pressure of refrigerant vapor
from the lower evaporator pressure to the higher condenser pressure.
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ISOInternational Organization for Standardization.
I/OBoardInput/Output Board facilitating a connection between the compressor controller and/ or
PC and the compressor. It allows the user to control the compressor and allows the
compressor to return status and sensor information to the user. Also known as the CIM.
InverterThe Inverter converts the DC bus voltage into an adjustable frequency and adjustable
amplitude, three-phase simulated AC voltage.
kPagKilopascal Gauge.
LBVLoad Balance Valve. A modulating valve that can be installed to bypass discharge gas to
the inlet of the evaporator to provide gas flow at certain conditions such as startup,
surge, and further unloading of the compressor.
LEDLight-Emitting Diode.
LevitationThe elevation or suspension of the compressor shaft by the magnetic field created by the
magnetic bearings.
Line ReactorA transformer-like device designed to introduce a specific amount of inductive reactance
into a circuit. When this occurs, it limits the change in current in the line, which in turn
filters the waveform and attenuates electrical noise and harmonics associated with an
inverter/drive output.
LLCLimited Liability Company.
LRALocked Rotor Ampere.
LVDLow voltage directive.
ModbusA serial communications protocol published by Modicon in 1979 for use with its
programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It has become a de facto standard
communications protocol in industry, and is now the most commonly available means of
connecting industrial electronic devices. Modbus allows for communication between
many devices connected to the same network, for example a system that measures
temperature and humidity and communicates the results to a computer.
Monitor ProgramA software program provided by Danfoss LLC that can be downloaded to a PC or laptop
computer to monitor, regulate, control or verify the operation of a compressor.
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Motor Back EMFBack electromotive force is a voltage that occurs in electric motors where there is relative
motion between the armature of the motor and the external magnetic field and is also a
parameter used to evaluate the strength of the permanent magnets of the shaft. One
practical application is to use this phenomenon to indirectly measure motor speed as
well as estimate position.
NmNewton meter. A unit of torque. 1 Nm = 0.738 pound-force foot (lbf/f ).
NTCNegative Temperature Coefficient. Refers to thermistor characteristic. Decrease in
temperature results in a rise in resistance (ohms).
ODFOutside Diameter Flare.
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer.
PCBPrinted Circuit Board.
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller.
Pressure RatioSee “Compression Ratio”.
PEProtective Earth.
PSIGPounds per square in gauge.
PWMPulse Width Modulation.
Radial BearingBearings that control the position of the shaft on the X and Y axis.
RectifierA rectifier is an electrical device that converts AC current to pulsating DC current.
ResistorA resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current
in an electronic circuit.
RPMRevolutions per minute.
SCRSilicon-Controlled Rectifier. The SCR is a four-layer, solid-state device that controls current
and converts AC to DC.
Serial DriverA PCB plug-in responsible for the operation of the IGV stepper motor and optional
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expansion valves. It contains four relays for the solenoid valves, compressor status and
compressor run status respectively.
SDTSaturated Discharge Temperature.
SMTService Monitor Tools a PC program provided byDanfoss LLC. A user friendly way of
displaying compressor data to the user and offer adjustment of predetermined
parameters. The user interface adjusts itself according to the active access level at the
Soft-Start Board / SoftStarter
The Soft-Start Board limits in-rush current by progressively increasing the conduction
angle of the SCRs. This technique is used at compressor startup while the DC capacitors
are charging up. The Soft-Start Board takes as input a 3-phase voltage source at 50/60Hz
from the input terminal and a DC voltage signal from the SCR output. In turn, it outputs
pulses to the SCR and provides power to the High-Voltage (HV) DC-DC Converter. All
voltages from the Soft-Start Board are with respect to the positive DC bus and not the
compressor ground.
SSTSaturated Suction Temperature.
SurgeThe condition at which the compressor cannot sustain the discharge pressure, allowing
refrigerant to temporarily and rapidly re-enter the compressor fluid path, creating a
cavitating effect. This is an undesirable situation that should be avoided.
TonThe basic unit for measuring the rate of heat transfer (12,000 BTU/H; 3.516 kw/H).
Touchdown BearingsCarbon races or ball bearing for the purpose of preventing mechanical interference
between the shaft and the magnetic bearings should they lose power or fail.
TTTwin Turbine.
Two-Stage Centrifugal
Type of centrifugal compressor having two impellers. The first-stage impeller raises the
pressure of the refrigerant vapor approximately halfway from the cooler pressure to the
condenser pressure, and the second-stage impeller raises the pressure the rest of the
way. With a two-stage compressor, an interstage economizer may be used to improve the
refrigeration cycle efficiency.
ULUnderwriters Laboratories (
VACVolts Alternating Current.
Vaned DiffuserAn assembly of plates with curved vanes that serve to slow, compress, and reduce
refrigerant rotation as it enters the second-stage impeller.
Vaneless DiffuserSimilar to a Vaned Diffuser, except that it does not possess any de-swirl vanes.
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VDCVolts Direct Current.
VFDVariable Frequency Drive.
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Chapter 2.0 Compressor Overview
The TTS/TGS/TTH/TGH Centrifugal series of compressors is a group of compressors that covers the nominal capacity
range from 90 to 200 Tons (TTS/TTH) and 70 to 150 Tons (TGS/TGH). This series of compressors are an oil free
centrifugal design based on magnetic bearing technology.
As of May 6, 2019, the product nomenclature changed. Figure 2-1 Old Type Code to New Type Code Rev D maps
the old structure of the Type Code to the new structure. Additionally, the “Series” indicators not have an additional
character in order to differentiate the standard compressors from high-lift compressors. Unless the compressor is a
high-lift design, an “S” will be added (e.g., TTS350). A high lift compressor will have an “H” in the Series designation
(e.g., TTH375). Throughout this manual, it shall be assumed that if a series designation contains neither an "S" or "H"
(e.g., TT350) that it is not a high-lift design. Refer to Figure 2-2 Compressor Nomenclature for a complete
description for the new Type Code.
2.1 TTS/TGS/TTH/TGH Compressor Nomenclature
Figure 2-1 Old Type Code to New Type Code Rev D
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Figure 2-2 Compressor Nomenclature
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2.2 Refrigerant Type
Turbocor compressors are designed to be applied only with specific refrigerants. The ANSI/ASHRAE 34 Standard
(Safety Classification of Refrigerants) classification should be taken into account when designing and applying
Turbocor compressors. We also strongly recommend following the current ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15 (Safety
Standard for Refrigeration Systems) or other applicable local standards for the mechanical room design and
application of all equipment using Turbocor compressors.
Table 2-1 Refrigerant Used with Turbocor Compressors
Compressor SeriesRefrigerantsASHRAE/ANSI Standard 34 Classifications
TTS/TTHR134, R513AA1
TGS/TGHR515B, R1234ze(E)A1, A2L
l Do not use recycled refrigerant as it may contain oil, which can affect system reliability
l The refrigerant should be pure and stored in virgin containers
l R513A refrigerant is only compatible with EPDM O-rings
To ensure a reliable chiller system, all system components, most notably expansion valves, solenoid valves, and sensors, be appropriate for
application in oil-free systems as determined by the component manufacturer. In addition, all chiller system components exposed to
refrigerant should be approved by their manufacturer for use with that refrigerant.
2.3 Environment
The compressor should not be operated at an altitude higher than 3000 m.
The compressor should be stored and operated within the following ambient temperature ranges:
l Storage: -30°C to 70°C (-22°F to 158°F)
l Operation: -1°C to 51°C (30°F to 124°F)
l Mains Power Applied Non Operating Limit: -25°C (-13°F)
l Humidity: 0-95% Non Condensing
• • • CAUTION • • •
Power must be applied to all compressors on the chiller for a minimum of 24 hours prior to starting the compressors.
If a compressor is stored in an ambient condition where the humidity is at or above 85% for an extended amount of
time, the following precautions must be taken prior to giving the compressor a demand (Run) command.
l Prior to powering the compressor/chiller, visually inspect the top-side power electronics to ensure
there are no signs of oxidation or any other signs of moisture or condensation.
l Ensure all covers are in place and secured. The Danfoss Turbocor compressors have integrated seals in
each cover which prevent ingress of moisture and contaminants; however, if the covers are not in place
and properly secured, outside air and contaminates can intrude and potentially affect the electronics.
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l Seal any open space around the mains power wire and conduit at the mains input plate of the
compressor to prevent ingress of outside air and contaminants that could come from the mains power
Figure 2-3 Mains Plate Sealing
l Contact Danfoss LLC Applications for lower ambient temperature operations. Refer to Figure Operating Envelopes. in this
manual for details of the operating conditions. These conditions are in line with the AHRI 540 Standard.
l All compressors/components should be protected from environments that could cause corrosion to exposed metals. For
outdoor installations, a weather-proof enclosure with vents is recommended to house the compressor.
l TTS/TGS/TTH/TGH compressors can operate below -1°C ambient if refrigerant circuit is maintained at a minimum of -1°C
Saturated temperature.
2.4 Configurations of the TTS/TGS/TTH/TGH Compressor Models
The compressor, motor, and power assemblies are packaged in the design.
• • • CAUTION • • •
It is important to take all precautions to avoid refrigerant migration, especially on air-cooled units. If the compressor is filled with liquid,
there is a high risk of bearing damage, thus putting the compressor out of service. The compressor warranty will be voided if the
compressor is damaged due to refrigerant migration.
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Figure 2-4 Major Components
2.5 Compressor Module
This section provides a brief overview of the Compressor Module.
The Compressor Module is comprised of three portions:
l Aerodynamics - The aerodynamics portion manages the refrigerant compression process from the
suction to the discharge including the inlet guide vane assembly.
l Motor - The motor portion contains a direct-drive, high-efficiency, permanent-magnet synchronous
motor powered by pulse-width-modulating (PWM) voltage supply. The high-speed variable-frequency
operation that affords high-speed efficiency, compactness and soft start capability. Motor cooling is by
liquid refrigerant injection.
l Electronics - The electronics is divided into two (2) sections: Power electronics located on the top of the
compressor including soft-start, DC-DC, Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR), capacitors, and inverter.
Control electronics located on the side of the compressor including: backplane, BMCC, serial driver, and
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Chapter 3.0 Functional Description
Compressor operation begins with a call for cooling from a chiller controller. The compressor controller then begins
compressor ramp-up.
3.1 Main Fluid Path
The following paragraphs describe the flow of refrigerant from the intake to the discharge port of the compressor
(refer to Figure 3-1 Compressor Fluid Path TGS230/TTS300 and Figure 3-2 Compressor Fluid Path (TGS310, TTS350,
TGS390, TGS490, TTS400, TGS520, and TTS700).
The refrigerant enters the suction side of the compressor as a low-pressure, low-temperature, superheated gas. The
refrigerant gas passes through a set of adjustable Inlet Guide Vanes (IGVs) that are used to control the compressor
capacity at low-load conditions. The first compression element the gas encounters is the first-stage impeller. The
centrifugal force produced by the rotating impeller results in an increase in both gas velocity and pressure. The
high-velocity gas discharging from the impeller is directed to the second-stage impeller through de-swirl vanes. The
gas is further compressed by the second-stage impeller and then discharged through a volute via a diffuser (a volute
is a curved funnel increasing in area to the discharge port; as the area of the cross-section increases, the volute
reduces the speed of the gas and increases its pressure). From there, the high-pressure/high-temperature gas exits
the compressor at the discharge port.
Figure 3-1 Compressor Fluid Path TGS230/TTS300
Table 3-1 Compressor Fluid Path TGS230/TTS300
1Low-Pressure/Low Temperature Gas6Second-Stage Impeller