1.2 Organization of this Manual ..............................................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Refrigerant Type .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.1 TG Series ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Congurations of the TT/TG Compressor Models .................................................................................................................. 16
3.1 Main Fluid Path ...................................................................................................................................................................................19
3.2 Motor Cooling ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Compressor Control Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.1 Motor Drive System ................................................................................................................................................................ 23
3.4.3 Bearing Motor Compressor Controller ............................................................................................................................ 23
3.4.4 Compressor Control ................................................................................................................................................................ 23
3.4.5 Capacity Control ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.4.6 Expansion Valve Control ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
3.4.7 Motor/Bearing Control ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.4.11 Serial Driver ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
3.5 Magnetic Bearing System ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.5.2 Bearing Control System ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
4 Control Interface Wiring ...................................................................................................................28
4.1 Control Wiring Connection Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................... 29
5 General Specications ......................................................................................................................33
5.1 Construction ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
5.2 Maximum Pressure ............................................................................................................................................................................ 33
5.3 Maximum Discharge Temperature ............................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1 Supply Voltage and Frequency..................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.2 Compressor Current Limit and Operating Range Settings.................................................................................................37
6.4 Motor Insulation Class ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
6.5 AC Input Line/Power Electronic Component Protection .................................................................................................... 39
6.6 Power Line Contactor.......................................................................................................................................................................39
6.7 CE Compliance and EMI/EMC Filtering ...................................................................................................................................... 39
12.4 Capacity Control .............................................................................................................................................................................. 57
12.5 Compressor Motor .......................................................................................................................................................................... 57
13 System Design Guidelines .............................................................................................................59
13.1 General Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................. 59
15 Sound and Power Specications ...................................................................................................71
15.1 TT300 and TT400 Sound Power Measurements ................................................................................................................... 71
16.2 Center of Gravity ............................................................................................................................................................................. 77
20.3 Unit Placement ................................................................................................................................................................................ 93
20.4 Mounting Base ................................................................................................................................................................................. 94
20.6 Control Wiring ..................................................................................................................................................................................96
20.6.1 Control Wiring Connections ............................................................................................................................................. 96
20.7 Power Wiring...................................................................................................................................................................................100
Appendix A: Power Line Accessories Installation .......................................................................... 103
A.1 Line Reactor Installation Instructions ....................................................................................................................................... 103
A.1.1 AC Line Cable Connection (From External Disconnect) ..........................................................................................103
A.1.2 AC Line Cable Connection (to Compressor Terminal) ..............................................................................................103
Appendix B: Power Line Accessories Installation .......................................................................... 105
B.1.1 Line Side Connection ............................................................................................................................................................105
B.1.2 Load Side Connection ..........................................................................................................................................................105
Table 2-1 - Refrigerant Used with Turbocor Compressors .......................................................................................................... 15
Table 4-1 - Control Wiring Details ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Table 5-1 - Discharge Pressure Alarm and Trip Settings ..............................................................................................................33
Table 5-2 - Discharge Temperature Trip Settings ........................................................................................................................... 34
Table 5-3 - Maximum Pressure Ratio Limits ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Table 5-4 - Maximum Allowable Pressure [PS] ................................................................................................................................ 34
Table 5-5 - Suction Pressure Alarm and Trip Settings ...................................................................................................................35
Table 6-1 - Acceptable AC Voltage Range .........................................................................................................................................37
Table 6-2 - Acceptable Frequency Range ......................................................................................................................................... 37
Table 6-3 - FLA and LRA Value Range ................................................................................................................................................. 38
Table 15-1 - Sound Power Measurements for TT300 .................................................................................................................... 71
Table 15-2 - Sound Pressure Calculation for TT300 ....................................................................................................................... 71
Table 15-3 - Sound Power at Third Octave Band, TT300 Compressor ..................................................................................... 72
Table 15-4 - Sound Power Measurements ........................................................................................................................................ 72
Table 16-2 - Center of Gravity X-Y Coordinates ............................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 3-5 - Compressor Control System Functional Block Diagram ...................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-6 - Magnetic Bearing Conguration .................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 3-7 - Magnetic Bearing Control System ...............................................................................................................................27
Figure 4-1 - Typical Control Wiring ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 14-7 - Typical Refrigeration Piping Schematic Using Multiple Compressors on a Common Circuit
With a Flooded Evaporator ........................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 16-1 - Suction/Front View All Models ................................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 16-2 - Service Side View All Models ....................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 16-3 - Discharge Side View ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 16-4a - Center of Gravity ........................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 16-4b - Center of Gravity ........................................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 16-5 - Discharge Port Details (TT300 and TG230) ............................................................................................................ 79
Figure 16-6 - Discharge Port Details (TT350 and TG310) ............................................................................................................ 80
Figure 16-7 - Discharge Port Detail (TT400 and TG390) .............................................................................................................. 80
Figure 16-8 - Discharge Port Detail (TT700 and TG520) .............................................................................................................. 81
Figure 16-9 - Suction Port (All Models) .............................................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 20-2 - Mounting Base (TT and TG series) ............................................................................................................................. 94
Figure 20-3 - Incorrect Compressor Mounting Pad Installation ............................................................................................... 94
Figure 20-4 - Correct Compressor Mounting Pad Installation ................................................................................................... 95
Figure 20-5 - Motor-Cooling Connection and Access Port ......................................................................................................... 96
Figure 20-7 - Interlock and Motor Speed Connections ................................................................................................................ 98
Copyright, Limitations of Liability and Revision Rights.
This publication contains proprietary information to Danfoss Turbocor Compressors (DTC).
By accepting and using this manual, the user agrees that the information contained herein
is utilized solely for operating DTC equipment or third party vendor equipment intended for
communication with DTC equipment over a serial communication link. This publication is
protected under the Copyright laws of the United States of America (USA) and most other
countries. The publication of this Guide is owned by DTC and is published as the most recent
revision as indicated on the Title page of this document. This document is for use by DTC
customers only; any use beyond the intended usage of this document is prohibited.
Tests have demonstrated that equipment will function as designed if the installation if
performed in accordance with the guidelines provided in this guide. However, DTC does not
guarantee the equipment performance will work in every physical, hardware or software
The guidelines provided in this manual are “AS-IS”, with no warranty of any kind, either
express or implied including; without limitation, any implied warranties of condition,
uninterrupted use, merchantability or tness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall DTC be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages arising out of the manufacture, use, or the inability to manufacture or use
information contained in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In
particular, DTC is not responsible for any costs, including but not limited to those incurred as
a result of lost prots or revenue, loss of damage or equipment, loss of computer programs,
loss of data, the costs to substitute these, or any claims by third parties. In any event, DTC’s
total aggregate liability for all damages of any kind and type (regardless of whether based in
contract or tort) shall not exceed the purchase price of this product.
DTC reserves the right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes to its
contents without prior notice or any obligation to notify former or present users of such
revisions or changes.
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.
1769 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee,
Florida 32310
Phone 1-850-504-4800
Fax 1-850-575-2126
M-AP-001-EN Rev. N
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M-AP-001-EN Rev. N
1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
Table 1-1 - Application
Manual Applicability
This Applications and Installation Manual is intended to be a guide for application data/
installation procedures specic to Danfoss Turbocor compressors. It is not intended to
inform on fundamental safety, refrigeration and electrical design skills. It is assumed and
presumed that persons using this manual are appropriately certied and have detailed
knowledge, experience and skills in respect to designing for and working with high pressure
refrigerants and medium voltage electrical components (to 1 KV high power AC & DC) as
well as complex control systems.
Some potential safety situations may not be foreseen or covered in this guide. Danfoss
Turbocor Compressors (DTC) assumes personnel using this manual and working on DTC
compressors are familiar with, and carry out all safe work practices necessary to ensure
safety for personnel and equipment.
This manual is designed for use with BMCC
software, Version 4.0.0 and later.
ManualRelease DateBMCC Firmware Versions
M-AP-001-XX Rev ESeptember 2013CC 2.3.1213
M-AP-001-XX Rev LOctober 2016CC 3.1.4
M-AP-001-XX Rev MNovember 2017CC 4.0 and later
M-AP-001-XX Rev M.1November 2017CC 4.1 and later
M-AP-001-XX Rev NMay 2018CC 4.1 and later
1.2 Organization of
this Manual
This Applications and Installation Manual is divided into the following sections:
1. Overview of the TT/TG series compressors - provides an overview of the Twin-Turbo
and Total-Green (TT and TG) series compressors, including an introduction to the
2. Compressor Module - provides details on the Compressor Module of the compressor,
including product capacity and application range, maximum pressure alarm and fault
3. System Design Guidelines - provides basic guidelines and requirements for the design
and manufacture of R134a, R513a, and R1234ze(E) systems equipped with DTC TT/TG
series compressors.
4. Installation Guidelines - describes application/installation procedures specic to
Danfoss Turbocor TT/TG compressors.
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1.3 Document Symbols
The following symbols are used in this document.
NOTE: Indicates something to be noted by the reader.
DANGER: Indicates an essential operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or
condition, which, if not strictly observed, could result in serious injury to or death of
personnel or long-term health hazards.
• • • DANGER • • •
WARNING: Indicates an essential operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or
condition which, if not strictly observed, could result in serious damage or destruction
of equipment.
• • • WARNING • • •
CAUTION: Indicates an essential operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or
condition which, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to equipment or potential
problems in the outcome of the procedure being performed.
• • • CAUTION • • •
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1.4 Denitions
Table 1-2 - Denitions
Acronym / TermDenition
AHRIAir-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (www.ari.org; www.ahrinet.org)
ASICApplication-Specic Integrated Circuit
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (www.astm.org)
Axial BearingBearing that controls the horizontal movement (Z axis) of the motor shaft
Balance Piston
Bus BarsHeavy-gauge metal conductors used to transfer large electrical currents
CapacitorA passive component that stores energy in the form of an electrostatic eld
Cavity Sensor
CSACanadian Standards Association (www.csa.ca)
DC Bus
DC Capacitor
DC-DC Converter
DiodeA two-terminal device between which current may ow in one direction only
Down-Trip Voltage
DTCDanfoss Turbocor compressors Inc.
EEREnergy Eciency Ratio
Alarms indicate a condition at the limit of the normal operating envelope. compressor
alarms will still allow the compressor to run, but speed is reduced to bring the alarm
condition under the alarm limit.
American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (www.ashrae.
A PCB for the purpose of power and control signal transmission. Many other components
connect to this board.
Component within the compressor that provides primary counter to impeller thrust.
Impeller thrust is trimmed by the axial bearing.
Bearing Motor compressor Controller. The BMCC is the central processor board of the
compressor. Based on its sensor inputs, it controls the bearing and motor system and
maintains compressor control within the operating limits.
NTC temperature sensor located behind the Backplane for the purpose of sensing motorcooling vapor temperature. Provides overheat protection to motor windings.
Conformance European. The CE marking (also known as CE mark) is a mandatory
conformity mark on many products placed on the single market in the European Economic
Area. The CE marking certies that a product has met EU health, safety, and environmental
requirements, which ensure consumer safety.
Denitive point on compressor map where mass ow rate is at maximum for compressor
speed and lift conditions.
The absolute discharge pressure divided by the absolute suction pressure
High DC voltage simultaneously connected to multiple compressor components via
metallic bus bars, including the capacitors
An assembly of four DC capacitors, four bleeder resistors, and positive and negative bus
DC-DC converters supply and electrically isolate the high and low DC voltages that are
required by the control circuits. When the compressor is switched on, the High-Voltage
(HV) DC-DC Converter receives its 15VAC supply from the Soft-Start Board. Once the DC
bus voltage has risen to a pre-determined level, the HV DC-DC Converter’s onboard circuits
are powered by the DC bus (460-900VDC). The HV DC-DC Converter delivers +24VDC (with
respect to 0V) to the Backplane, and HV+ (+250VDC with respect to HV-) to the magnetic
Bearing Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Amplier via the Backplane.
A dielectric is a nonconducting substance. Although “dielectric” and “insulator” are
generally considered synonymous, the term “dielectric” is more often used when
considering the eect of alternating electric elds on the substance while “insulator” is
more often used when the material is being used to withstand a high electric eld.
Part of a centrifugal compressor in the uid module that transforms the high-velocity, lowpressure gas exiting the impeller into higher-pressure, low-velocity gas discharged into the
A voltage threshold where, if the incoming AC voltage drops below it, the SCRs will shut
A type of connector/plug (male and female) for control wiring. The RS-232 and large
connectors on either side of the I/O cable are both types of D-Sub connectors.
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. A small chip holds bits of data code
that can be rewritten and erased by an electrical charge, one byte at a time. EEPROM data
cannot be selectively rewritten; the entire chip must be erased and rewritten to update its
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Acronym / TermDenition
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility
EMFElectromotive Force
EMIElectromagnetic Interference
EMI FilterA circuit or device that provides electromagnetic noise suppression for an electronic device
EPCExtended Performance Compressor
ETLETL Testing Laboratories, now a mark of Intertek Testing Services
Event Log
Faults (Critical)
Faults (Non-Critical)
FIEFully Integrated Electronics version of the compressor.
FLAFull Load Amps
Generator Mode
HFC-134aA positive-pressure, chlorine-free refrigerant having zero ozone depletion potential.
Hermetic MotorA motor that is sealed within the refrigerant atmosphere inside the compressor.
ICDIntegrated compressor Design
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (www.ieee.org)
IGBTInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistor. See Inverter.
A record of events occurring during the compressor’s lifecycle, indicating when events and
faults occur and in what order. The event log is held in the BMCC.
Critical faults indicate an intolerable or unsafe condition that will result in equipment
failure if unchecked. They will cause the compressor controller to reduce speed and shut
down the system within 60 seconds. This type of fault requires a manual reset. Critical faults
include: Discharge Pressure Fault, 3-Phase Over-Current Fault, and Lock Out Fault. If any
of the following faults occur three times within a 30-minute period, they also will require
a manual reset: Inverter Temperature Fault, Cavity Temperature, SCR Temperature Fault,
Motor High Current Fault, and Motor back EMF is low.
Faults indicate an intolerable or unsafe condition that will result in equipment failure if
unchecked. They will cause the compressor controller to reduce speed and shut down the
system within 60 seconds. This type of fault has an automatic reset.
An insulated conductor connecting two circuits on opposite sides of a barrier such as a
compressor housing or PCB.
A function of the compressor where the stator becomes a generator, creating sucient
power to allow for the shaft to graduate slowly and drop onto the touchdown bearings
safely. This occurs when the inverter has insucient power to sustain safe and normal
operation and is typically due to a loss of power.
A type of grease. In certain climates where the dew point falls below the operating
temperature of some of the electronic components, it is necessary to apply Genlanolin to
certain parts of the compressor to prevent moisture accumulation.
Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency distortions found in electrical
power, subjected to continuous disturbances.
Inlet Guide Vanes. The IGV assembly is a variable-angle guiding device that pre-rotates
refrigerant ow at the compressor intake and is also used for capacity control. The IGV
assembly consists of movable vanes and a motor. The vane angle, and hence, the degree of
pre-rotation to the refrigerant ow, is determined by the BMCC and controlled by the Serial
Driver. The IGV position can vary between approximately 0-percent and 110-percent open.
Rotating part of a centrifugal compressor that increases the pressure of refrigerant vapor
from the lower evaporator pressure to the higher condenser pressure.
Input/Output Board facilitating a connection between the compressor controller and/
or PC and the compressor. It allows the user to control the compressor and allows the
compressor to return status and sensor information to the user. Also known as the
Compressor Interface Module (CIM).
The Inverter converts the DC bus voltage into an adjustable frequency and adjustable
amplitude, three-phase simulated AC voltage.
Load Balance Valve. A modulating valve that can be installed to bypass discharge gas to the
inlet of the evaporator to provide gas ow at certain conditions such as startup, surge, and
further unloading of the compressor.
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Acronym / TermDenition
LEDLight-Emitting Diode
Line Reactor
LLSVLiquid Line Solenoid Valve
LRLine Reactor
LRALocked Rotor Amps
Mid Bus
Monitor Program
MOPMaximum Operating Pressure
Motor Back EMF
NECNational Electric Code (www.necplus.org)
NmNewton meter. A unit of torque. 1 Nm = 0.738 pound-force foot (lbf/f).
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
Open ImpellerA compressor impeller with exposed vanes similar to a boat propeller or turbocharger.
PCBPrinted Circuit Board
Permanent Magnet
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
Pressure RatioSee “Compression Ratio”
Proximity Sensor
PWMPulse Width Modulation
Radial BearingBearings that control the position of the shaft on the X and Y axis.
RectierA rectier is an electrical device that converts AC current to pulsating DC current.
RMAReturn Material Authorization
Serial Driver
SDTSaturated Discharge Temperature
SEERSeasonal Energy Eciency Ratio
The elevation or suspension of the compressor shaft by the magnetic eld created by the
magnetic bearings.
A transformer-like device designed to introduce a specic amount of inductive reactance
into a circuit. When this occurs, it limits the change in current in the line, which in turn
lters the waveform and attenuates electrical noise and harmonics associated with an
inverter/drive output.
A connection between the capacitors allowing them to be connected in series and in
parallel simultaneously. Two capacitors in a series make up the DC- and two in a series
make up the DC+, and those two sets of two are connected in parallel.
A serial communications protocol published by Modicon in 1979 for use with its
programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It has become a de facto standard communications
protocol in industry, and is now the most commonly available means of connecting
industrial electronic devices. Modbus allows for communication between many devices
connected to the same network, for example a system that measures temperature and
humidity and communicates the results to a computer.
A software program provided by DTC that can be downloaded to a PC or laptop computer
to monitor, regulate, control or verify the operation of a compressor.
Back electromotive force is a voltage that occurs in electric motors where there is relative
motion between the armature of the motor and the external magnetic eld and is also
a parameter used to evaluate the strength of the permanent magnets of the shaft. One
practical application is to use this phenomenon to indirectly measure motor speed as well
as estimate position.
Negative Temperature Coecient. Refers to thermistor characteristic. Decrease in
temperature results in a rise in resistance (ohms).
A motor that has permanent magnetism as opposed to electromagnetism
Sensors that are able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical
contact. A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic or electrostatic eld, or a beam
of electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for instance), and looks for changes in the eld or
return signal.
A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the ow of electrical current in
an electronic circuit.
Silicon-Controlled Rectier. The SCR is a four-layer, solid-state device that controls current
and converts AC to DC.
A PCB plug-in responsible for the operation of the IGV stepper motor and optional
expansion valves. It contains four relays for the solenoid valves, compressor status and
compressor run status respectively.
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Acronym / TermDenition
Shaft OrbitThe path travelled by the compressor shaft relative to the bearing magnetic centers
Shrouded ImpellerAn impeller with boxed in, or “shrouded,” impeller blades, as opposed to an open impeller.
SIESemi-Integrated Electronics version of the compressor.
Soft-Start Board /
SSTSaturated Suction Temperature
Thrust Bearing
TonThe basic unit for measuring the rate of heat transfer (12,000 BTU/H; 3.516 kw/H)
TTTwin Turbine
ULUnderwriters Laboratories (www.ul.com)
Up-Trip VoltageWhen the DC- bus reaches the up-trip voltage, the SCRs will be gated open continuously
VACVolts Alternating Current
Vaned Diuser
Vaneless DiuserSimilar to a Vaned Diuser, except that it does not possess any de-swirl vanes
VDCVolts Direct Current
VFDVariable Frequency Drive
Type of centrifugal compressor having one impeller.
Capacitors responsible for eliminating electrical noise/harmonics from the DC Bus before it
reaches the IGBT
The Soft-Start Board limits in-rush current by progressively increasing the conduction
angle of the SCRs. This technique is used at compressor startup while the DC capacitors are
charging up. The Soft-Start Board takes as input a 3-phase voltage source at 50/60Hz from
the input terminal and a DC voltage signal from the SCR output. In turn, it outputs pulses
to the SCR and provides power to the High-Voltage (HV) DC-DC Converter. All voltages
from the Soft-Start Board are with respect to the positive DC bus and not the compressor
The condition at which the compressor cannot sustain the discharge pressure, allowing
refrigerant to temporarily and rapidly re-enter the compressor uid path, creating a
cavitating eect. This is an undesirable situation that should be avoided.
A bearing that absorbs the axial forces produced in a centrifugal compressor by the
refrigerant pressure dierential across the impeller.
Carbon races or ball bearing for the purpose of preventing mechanical interference
between the shaft and the magnetic bearings should they lose power or fail.
Type of centrifugal compressor having two impellers. The rst-stage impeller raises the
pressure of the refrigerant vapor approximately halfway from the cooler pressure to the
condenser pressure, and the second-stage impeller raises the pressure the rest of the
way. With a two-stage compressor, an interstage economizer may be used to improve the
refrigeration cycle eciency
Thermal Expansion Valve. A pressure-dependent refrigerant metering device that operates
independently and is controlled by temperature.
An assembly of plates with curved vanes that serve to slow, compress, and reduce
refrigerant rotation as it enters the second-stage impeller
* Danfoss Turbocor’s commitment to excellence ensures continuous product improvements.
* Subject to change without notice.
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M-AP-001-EN Rev. N
Overview of the TT/TG Compressor
2 Overview of the
TT/TG Compressor
2.1 TT/TG Compressor
Figure 2-1 - Compressor
The TT/TG Centrifugal series of compressors is a group of compressors that covers the
nominal capacity range from 90 to 200 Tons (TT) and 70 to 150 Tons (TG) tons.
The TT/TG series of compressors are an oil free centrifugal design based on magnetic
bearing technology.
CE: With CE Mark
NC: Non-conductive Coating
CH: China
Major Revision
N, P, C, A, D, E, F, G...etc.
2.2 Refrigerant Type
2.2.1 TG Series
Table 2-1 - Refrigerant Used
with Turbocor Compressors
The TT series compressors are totally oil-free and optimized for use with refrigerant R134a.
The TG series compressor is for use with R1234ze(E) refrigerant only.
ASHRAE standard 34 has classied this refrigerant as “R1234ze(E) with safety classication of
A2L”. ASHRAE Standard 34, 2010 Addendum 1 contains the change to the standard.
ASHRAE Standard 15 (Safety Standard) has sent out an initial public review document
outlining proposed changes to this standard to address 2L refrigerants.
TT seriesR134a/R513A
TG seriesR1234ze(E)
Do not use recycled refrigerant as it may contain oil, which can aect system reliability. The refrigerant should be pure
and stored in virgin containers.
To ensure a reliable chiller system, all system components, most notably expansion valves, solenoid valves, and sensors, be
appropriate for application in oil free systems as determined by the component manufacturer. In addition, all chiller system
components exposed to refrigerant should be approved by their manufacturer for use with that refrigerant.
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Overview of the TT/TG Compressor
2.3 Environment
TT/TG Compressor Models
Figure 2-2 - Major
The compressor should not be operated at an altitude higher than 3000m.
The compressor should be stored and operated within the following ambient temperature
• Storage: -30°C to 70°C (-22°F to 158°F)
• Operation: -1°C to 52°C (30°F to 125°F).
• Mains Power Applied Non Operating Limit: -25°C (-13°F)
• Humidity: 0-95% Non Condensing
• Contact Danfoss Turbocor for lower ambient temperature operations. Refer to “Operating Envelopes,” for details of the
operating conditions. These conditions are in line with the AHRI 540 Standard.
• All compressors/components should be protected from environments that could cause corrosion to exposed metals. For
outdoor installations, a weather-proof enclosure with vents is recommended to house the compressor.
• TT/TG compressors can operate below -1°C ambient if refrigerant circuit is maintained at a minimum of -1°C Saturated
The TT/TG compressor, motor and power assemblies are packaged in design. 2.4 Configurations of the
Soft Start Board
Serial Driver
Bearing Motor Compressor
Controller (BMCC)
PWM Amplifier
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Overview of the TT/TG Compressor
2.5 Compressor Module
This section provides a brief overview of the Compressor Module.
The Compressor Module is comprised of three (3) portions:
• Aerodynamics - The aerodynamics portion manages the compression of refrigerant
through the compressor from suction to discharge comprising centrifugal and IGV
• Motor - The motor portion contains a direct-drive, high-efficiency, permanent-magnet
synchronous motor powered by pulse-width-modulating (PWM) voltage supply.
The high-speed variable-frequency operation that affords high-speed efficiency,
compactness and soft start capability. Motor cooling is by liquid refrigerant
• Electronics - The electronics is divided into two (2) sections: Power electronics
located on the top of the compressor including soft-start, DC-DC, SCR, capacitors
and inverter. Control electronics located on the side of the compressor including:
backplane, BMCC, serial driver and PWM.
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Functional Description
3 Functional Description
3.1 Main Fluid Path
Figure 3-1 - Compressor
Fluid Path TG230 / TT300
Compressor operation begins with a call for cooling from a chiller controller. The compressor
controller then begins compressor ramp-up.
The following paragraphs describe the ow of refrigerant from the intake to the discharge
port of the compressor (see Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2).
The refrigerant enters the suction side of the compressor as a low-pressure, lowtemperature, super-heated gas. The refrigerant gas passes through a set of adjustable Inlet
Guide Vanes (IGVs) that are used to control the compressor capacity at low-load conditions.
The rst compression element the gas encounters is the rst-stage impeller. The centrifugal
force produced by the rotating impeller results in an increase in both gas velocity and
pressure. The high-velocity gas discharging from the impeller is directed to the secondstage impeller through de-swirl vanes. The gas is further compressed by the second-stage
impeller and then discharged through a volute via a diuser (a volute is a curved funnel
increasing in area to the discharge port. As the area of the cross-section increases, the volute
reduces the speed of the gas and increases its pressure). From there, the high-pressure/
high-temperature gas exits the compressor at the discharge port.
3.2 Motor CoolingLiquid refrigerant is channelled at full condenser pressure from the main liquid line to the
compressor to cool the electronic, mechanical, and electromechanical components (see
Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4).
• • • CAUTION • • •
A minimum operating pressure ratio of 1.5 is required to maintain adequate cooling of the compressor.
The sub-cooled refrigerant enters the compressor through two solenoid valves and
associated xed orices located behind the service access cover. The orices cause the
refrigerant to expand, thereby lowering its temperature. Both valves operate relative to the
temperature at the sensors that are located at the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)
Inverter and motor cavity. When the temperature at either sensor reaches a pre-determined
threshold, one solenoid valve opens. If the temperature increases to the point where it
equals a higher temperature threshold, the second solenoid valve opens.
From the outlet of the orices, the refrigerant is directed to the heatsink plate of the inverter
and then to the underside of the SCR heatsink. From there, the refrigerant passes through
grooves surrounding the motor stator. As the refrigerant ows through the grooves, it
vaporizes into a gas. At the coil outlet, the refrigerant gas is channeled back to the suction
inlet via the motor cavity, thereby cooling the rotor. All models with the exception of the
TT300 and TG230 use a split-cooling method where the motor and electronics portions are
cooled separately by refrigerant liquid.
3.3 Inlet Guide VanesThe Inlet Guide Vane (IGV) assembly is a variable-angle guiding device that is used for
capacity control. The IGV assembly consists of movable vanes and a motor. The vane
opening is determined by the BMCC and controlled by the Serial Driver. The IGV position can
vary between 0-110% where 0% is fully closed and 110% is fully open with the vanes at a 90°
3.4 Compressor Control
Figure 3-5 - Compressor
Control System Functional
Block Diagram
External Power Components
3-Phas e
380-57 5VAC
50/ 60 Hz
Fil ter
To Motor Cooling Solenoids
To IGV St eppe r Motor
RS-485 Comm s
to Chil ler or Buildi ng
Manag ement System
Int erne t
Com pres sor
Com pres sor
Figure 3-5 shows a functional block diagram of the compressor control and monitoring
system. Figure 3-7 displays the component locations. The major components include:
• Motor Drive
• Soft-Start Board
• Bearing Motor Compressor Controller (BMCC)
• Bearing PWM Amplifier
• Backplane
• Serial Driver
• HV DC-DC Converter
Su rge
Lin e
Rea ctor
Suppresso r
Ha rmoni c
Fil ter
Ex tern al Expa nsi on V al ves
+24V DC
+15V DC
0-10V DC
0-10V DC
Use r I nte rf ace
Cus tome r
Chiller Control
Com mun icati ons
Int erfa ce
Te rmin al
3-Pha se
380-57 5VAC
50/60 Hz
+15V DC
Seria l
Dri ver
Modu le
Com pres sor
Boa rd
Half -Controlled
Rec tifie r
0-12 VD C
next (+ ) DC bus
Soft-S tart
Con tro ller
Bear ing
Com pres sor
+15V DC
+24V DC
Con tro l
Fee dbac k
+5 VDC
+15V DC
Con tro l
Fee dbac k
Motor Drive
1.3 5*V
460-85 3 VDC
15 V AC
+24V DC
+5 VDC
+15V DC
-15V DC
Con tro l
No te:
All vo ltage leve ls shown have t he foll owin g e rror tol erance:
460-85 3 VDC
DC Li nk
Ca pacit ors
Con ver ter
(+250 VDC)
not HV
DC (e xce pt the DC bu s): ±5%
AC : ±10 %
Con tro l
Fee dbac k
Con tro l
Fee dbac k
3-Phas e
Inv ert er
+24V DC
Gat ing
Sign als
Sh aft Posi tion Out puts
Fr ont
Rad ial
Bear ing
Freq uency
(0-750H z)
AC Vo ltage
To Stator
not HV
Bea rin g P WM
Varia ble
+17V DC
not HV
+5 VDC
Bear ing
Bear ing
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Functional Description
3.4.1 Motor Drive SystemNormally, AC power to the compressor remains on even when the compressor is in the idle
state. The compressor motor requires a variable-frequency three-phase source for variablespeed operation. The AC line voltage is converted into a DC voltage by Silicon-Controlled
Rectiers (SCRs). DC capacitors at the SCR output serve as energy storage and lter out the
voltage ripple to provide a smooth DC voltage. The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)
is an inverter that converts the DC voltage into an adjustable three-phase AC voltage. Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) signals from the Bearing Motor compressor Controller (BMCC)
control the inverter output frequency and voltage. By modulating the on and o times of
the inverter power switches, three-phase variable sinusoidal waveforms are obtained.
If the power should fail while the compressor is running, the motor switches into generator
mode, thereby sustaining the capacitor charge. The rotor can then spin down safely in a
controlled sequence preventing damage to components.
3.4.2 Soft-Start BoardThe Soft-Start Board limits inrush current by progressively increasing the conduction angle
of the SCRs. This technique is used at compressor start-up while the DC capacitors are
charging up.
The soft-start function and the variable-speed drive combined limit the inrush current at
3.4.3 Bearing Motor
Compressor Controller
The hardware and software for the compressor controller and the bearing/motor controller
physically reside in the BMCC. The BMCC is the central processor of the compressor.
3.4.4 Compressor ControlThe Compressor Controller is continuously updated with critical data from external sensors
that indicate the compressor’s operating status. Under program control, the compressor
controller can respond to changing conditions and requirements to ensure optimum system
Figures 3-5 to Figure 3-7 shows how the controller responds to chiller demands.
3.4.5 Capacity ControlOne of the Compressor Controller’s primary functions is to control the compressor’s motor
speed and IGV position in order to satisfy load requirements and to avoid surge and choke
conditions. However, the majority of capacity control can be achieved via motor speed.
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Functional Description
3.4.6 Expansion Valve
3.4.7 Motor/Bearing
3.4.8 Monitoring
The on-board Electronic Expansion Valve (EXV) driver uses manual control only.
Depending on the application, a load balancing (hot gas bypass) valve can be manually
driven by the auxiliary EXV output. Load balancing allows the compressor to obtain lower
capacities at higher pressure ratios. The valve opens to lower the overall pressure ratio and
thereby reduces the lift, enabling the compressor to reduce speed/unload.
The magnetic bearing system physically supports a rotating shaft while enabling noncontact between the shaft and surrounding stationary surfaces. A digital bearing controller
and motor controller provide the PWM command signals to the Bearing PWM Amplier and
IGBT Inverter, respectively. The bearing controller also collects shaft position inputs from
sensors and uses the feedback to calculate and maintain the desired shaft position.
The compressor controller monitors more than 60 parameters, including:
• Gas pressure and temperature monitoring
• Line voltage monitoring and phase failure detection
• Motor temperature
• Line currents
3.4.9 Abnormal
• External interlock
The compressor controller responds to abnormal conditions by monitoring:
The Bearing PWM Amplier supplies current to the radial and axial magnetic bearing
The PWM Amplier consists of high-voltage switches that are turned on and o at a high
frequency, as commanded by the PWM signal from the BMCC.
The Serial Driver module performs serial-to-parallel conversion on the stepper motor drive
signals from the BMCC. The module also contains four normally open relays under BMCC
control. Two of the relays drive the motor-cooling solenoids, and the other two are used
to indicate compressor fault status and running status. The status relays can be wired to
external control circuits.
The Backplane physically interconnects the on-board plug-in modules with the power
electronics, IGV stepper motor, motor-cooling solenoids, rotor position sensors, and
pressure/temperature sensors. The Backplane also features on-board, low-voltage DCDC converters for generating +15V, -15V, +5V, and +17V from an input of +24VDC. The
Backplane receives its +24VDC power input from the High-Voltage (HV) DC-DC Converter
mounted on the topside of the compressor.
The Backplane is also equipped with status-indicating LEDs. All LEDs are yellow except for
the alarm LED, which is green/red. Table 3-1 Backplane LEDs describes the LEDs functions.
Table 3-1 - Backplane LEDs
+5V, +15V, +17HV,
Cool -H, Cool -LLEDs are lighted when their respective coil is energized.
RunLED is lighted when the shaft is spinning.
AlarmLED is green when in normal status, red when in alarm status.
D13, D14, D15, D16LEDs indicate IGV status and ash when IGV is moving.
LEDs are lighted when DC power is available.
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Functional Description
3.4.13 High-Voltage DCDC Converter
3.5 Magnetic Bearing
3.5.1 Overview
Figure 3-6 - Magnetic
Bearing Conguration
DC-DC converters supply and electrically isolate the high and low DC voltages that are
required by the control circuits. The HV DC-DC Converter delivers 24VDC and 250VDC from
an input of 460-900VDC. The 24VDC and 250VDC are used to power the Backplane and
magnetic bearing PWM Amplier, respectively.
A rotating shaft, under changing load conditions, will experience forces in both radial and
axial directions. In order to compensate for these forces, a ve-axis bearing system is used,
incorporating two radial bearings of two axes each, and one thrust (axial) bearing (see
Figure 3-6).
3.5.2 Bearing Control
The Bearing Control System uses rotor position feedback to close the loop and maintain the
rotor in the correct running position (see Figure 3-7). The Bearing Controller issues position
commands to the Bearing PWM Amplier. The position commands consist of ve channels
with each channel allocated to one of the ve bearing actuator coils (one coil for each axis).
The amplier uses IGBT technology to convert the low-voltage position commands to the
250VDC PWM signals that are applied to each bearing actuator coil.
Rotor position sensors are located on rings attached to the front and rear radial bearing
assemblies. The front sensor ring contains sensors that read the rotor position along the X,
Y, and Z axes. The rotor position along the Z (or axial) axis is read by measuring the distance
between the sensor and a target sleeve mounted on the rotor. The rear sensor ring contains
sensors that read the position along the X and Y axes. Information from the position sensors
is continuously fed back to the bearing controller.
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Figure 3-7 - Magnetic
Axi sBe ari ngChannel
XFront Radi alFx
YFront RadialFy
XRear RadialRx
YRear RadialRy
ZAxi alAxi
Channel Assignment s
Bearing Control System
Functional Description
Shaft axes monitored
by position sensors
Touc hdown
Sleev e
Po siti on
S ensor
Po siti on
S ensor
S ensor Ring
Posi tion Comm and
250 VDC
Fx, Fy
X-ax is
Po siti on
S ensor
Radia l
Bearing-Mo tor-
Co mpr essor
Controlle r (BMCC)
Po siti on
S ensor
Position FeedbackPosition Feedback
Po siti on
S ensor
S ensor Ring
Rx, Ry
Touc hdown
R ear
Radia l
Channel Axi
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Control Interface Wiring
4 Control Interface Wiring
Figure 4-1 - Typical Control
EXV #1
(Evaporator or
load balancing
EXV #2
(Economizer or
load balancing
#1 (Evaporator)
#2 (Economizer)
Temperature Sensor Signal, 1-5Volts
Pressure Sensor Signal, 1-5Volts
EXV Phase 1A
EXV Phase 1B
EXV Phase 2A
EXV Phase 2B
EXV Phase 1A
EXV Phase 1B
EXV Phase 2A
EXV Phase 2B
Level Sensor +15V
Sensor Signal , 1-5Volts
Level Sensor 0V
Level Sensor +15V
Sensor Signal , 1-5Volts
Level Sensor 0V
The Compressor I/O Board is the entry point for control wiring from the chiller/plant to the
compressor. Refer to Figures 4-1 and 4-2 for the proper Compressor I/O Board connectivity.
**Level sensor circuit can be congured
for two types of sensors using jumpers
JP5 and JP6. Refer to the Installation and
Operations Manual for details.
Figure 4-2 - ModBus
Grounding Diagram
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Jumper in
Last Board
CIM Board
M-AP-001-EN Rev. N
CIM Board
Remove Termination
Jumper in All
Intermediate Boards
CIM Board
* Universal output can be used for :
output manual control
0-5VDC or 0-10VDC
Termination Resistor should only be included
if one is not included in the PLC. If the PLC
has a resistor installed, do not add an addi-
tional one. If the PLC does not have a resistor
installed, then one should be installed.
Control Interface Wiring
Table 4-1 - Control Wiring
COM (shield)Shield for RS-485 communication
Modbus RS-485 NetB/NetAModbus over RS-485 communication port
Stepper Motor 1 Phase 1A, 1B, 2A,
2B and
Stepper Motor Phase 1A, 1B, 2A,
Level Sensor +15V (Evaporator)Power supply for level sensor #1
Sensor Signal (Evaporator)Input from a level sensor to control the main expansion valve (evaporator)
Level Sensor +15V (Economizer)Power supply for level sensor #2
Sensor Signal (Economizer)
Demand 0 - 10V
Liquid Temperature
Entering Chilled Water Temp
Leaving Chilled Water Temp
Spare T +/-
Spare P +/-Can be connected to a 0-5V type pressure sensor
Optional output connections for controlling the main electronic expansion
valve (evaporator) or auxillary electronic expansion valve (economizer or load
balancing valve). 200ma Maximum output on each driver. Valve frequency
will eect operational characteristics.
Input from a level sensor to control the auxiliary expansion valve
Analog input from customer-supplied controller to drive the compressor, i.e.,
0 - max. kW input with a deadband of 2VDC for the respective compressor
model. Only available in 3.1.4; removed in 4.x forward.
Connects to a set of external normally closed contacts that typically open in
the event of loss of chilled water or air ow. Typically a 1.5VDC Output signal.
NOTE: This is not a safety certied interlock.
An internal normally open contact that is closed during normal operation
and opens in the event of a compressor fault. With the circuit open, the
compressor will not restart until the demand signal has been reset to 0 (via
chiller/unit controller). Circuit rated at 1A @ 30VDC/24VAC or .03A @ 120VAC.
Optional input for monitoring temperature. The temperature sensor must be
an NTC type 10K @ 25°C thermistor.
An internal N/O contact that is closed while the compressor is running.
The speed at which the contact closes is user-congurable via the monitor
program. Circuit rated at 1A @ 30VDC/24VAC or 0.3A @ 120VAC.
Universal analog output manually controlled as a percentage of total voltage
written through Modbus. This can be congured for 0-5V or 0-10V via on
board jumpers.
Analog input indicating water temperature. The temperature sensor must
be an NTC type 10K @ 25°C thermistor. Refer to Application Manual for
thermistor specication.
Analog input indicating water temperature. The temperature sensor must
be an NTC type 10K @ 25°C thermistor. Refer to Application Manual for
thermistor specication.
Optional input for monitoring temperature. The temperature sensor must be
an NTC type 10K @ 25°C thermistor.
4.1 Control Wiring
To ensure proper control wiring techniques, follow these guidelines:
Connection Guidelines
1. The ground reference of the external circuit connected to the Compressor I/O Board
2. The Interlock circuit should be voltage-free. For instance, all external contractors/
3. Analog outputs (such as Motor Speed) must be received by the external circuit without
4. All interlock and analog output cables should be shielded with one end of the shield
must be at the same potential as the ground reference on the Compressor I/O Board.
switches must not introduce current into the circuit.
sending current back to the Compressor I/O Board.
connected to the common analog or digital ground bus. The other end of the shield
must not be grounded as this would create a ground loop. Refer to Figure 4-2.
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Control Interface Wiring
4.2 Interface Cable
Figure 4-3 - I/O Wiring
The cable that carries the I/O communication to the compressor is 5 meters (16.4 feet) in
length and is equipped with high-density 44-pin connectors (female at one end and male at
the other end). An extension cable is available from your local supplier. An optional 10 meter
(32.8 ft) cable is also available in the Spare Parts Selection Guide.
If an I/O extension cable is used, heat-shrink tubing should be applied to the mating cable connectors to maintain good
conductivity and protect the connection from heat and humidity.
For RS-485 communication, the maximum cable length should not exceed 100 meters (328
feet). If using RS-232 communication, the cable length should not exceed 15 meters (50 feet)
between the PC and the compressor (refer to Figure 4-3).
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