Data Sheet
Programmable controller, 15 and 20 relays
Type MCX15B2 and MCX20B2
Electronic controller suitable for all HVAC/R software application needs.
MCX15B2 and MCX20B2 is an electronic
controller that stands on the top of the MCX
range, thanks to the large number of its inputs
and outputs, the enhanced CPU capabilities
and connectivity features.
It holds all the typical functionalities of MCX
• programmability
• connection to the CANbus local network
• up to two Modbus RS485 serial interfaces
with galvanic isolation
Furthermore, it is tted with an ultra wide
range (24/110/230 V AC) power supply in the
same product variant, with USB and Ethernet
connection for embedded Web server and IP
protocols management. It is available in several
models, with or without graphic LCD display
and with 15 or 20 digital output.

Built-in display (optional)
(1 DIN module = 17,5
Programmable controller, 15 and 20 relays, type MCX15B2 and MCX20B2
• MCX20B2
⁃ 16 analog and 22 digital inputs
⁃ 6 analog and 20 digital outputs
• MCX15B2
⁃ 10 analog and 22 digital inputs
⁃ 6 analog and 15 digital outputs
• Ultra wide range power supply from 24 – 230 V AC
• USB connector for easy software upload and datalogging
• Ethernet with Web server feature and several IP protocols
• Remote access to data through CANbus connection for additional display and keyboard
• RTC clock for managing weekly time programs and data logging information with supercapacitor as temporary
backup power
• Up to two Modbus RS485 opto-isolated serial interface
• Available with and without graphic LCD display
• Dimensions 16 DIN modules
Portfolio overview
Table 1: Portfolio overview
© Danfoss | Climate Solutions | 2021.03 AI320818679084en-000401 | 2

21 – 265 V AC, 50/60 Hz
40 – 230 V DC
Maximum power consumption: 15 W
Isolation between power supply and the extra-low voltage: reinforced
DIN rail mounting complying with EN 60715
Self-extinguishing V0 according to IEC 60695-11-10 and glowing / hot wire test at 960 °C according to IEC 60695-2-12
125 °C according to IEC 60730-1
Leakage current: ≥ 250 V according to IEC 60112
CE: -20T60 / UL: 0T50, 90% RH non-condensing
-30T80, 90% RH non-condensing
In Class I and / or II appliances
IP40 only on the front cover
Period of electric stress across insulating parts
Resistance to heat and re
Immunity against voltage surges
Category II
Category III for versions without display
Software class and structure
Total number: 16 on MCX20B2; 10 on MCX15B2
Analog Input type selectable via software.
Max 13.5 V input voltage.
Do not connect voltage sources without current limitation (overall 80 mA) to analog inputs while unit is not
Open circuit HW diagnostics available for all analog inputs.
0 / 1 V
0 / 5 V
0 / 10 V
16 (MCX20B2)
10 (MCX15B2)
AI1 to AI16 on MCX20B2
AI1 to AI10 on MCX15B2
NTC, default 10 kΩ at 25 °C, Beta 3435
0/xV type: impedance is greater than 1 MΩ
0 / 20 mA
4 / 20 mA
AI1 to AI6, AI11 to AI14 on MCX20B2
AI1 to AI6 on MCX15B2
100 Ω as measuring resistance for current measurements.
The inputs can be used to sense voltage free contacts with contact cleaning current 10 mA.
15 V+ and 5 V+
5 V+ max: 200 mA (total on all outputs)
15 V+ max: 200 mA (total on all outputs)
All power outputs are protected against short circuit and have an automatic recovery from overload
Programmable controller, 15 and 20 relays, type MCX15B2 and MCX20B2
Product specication
General features
Table 2: General features
Table 3: Analog inputs
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