Data Sheet
Evaporator pressure regulator
Type KVP
Maintains a constant evaporating pressure
The KVP is mounted in the suction line after the
evaporator and is used to:
Maintain a constant evaporating pressure
and thereby a constant surface temperature
on the evaporator. The regulation is
modulating. By throttling in the suction line,
the amount of refrigerant gas is matched to
the evaporator load.
Protect against an evaporating pressure
that is too low (e.g. as protection against
freezing in a water chiller). The regulator
closes when the pressure in the evaporator
falls below the set value.
Dierentiate between the evaporating
pressures in two or more evaporators in
systems with one compressor.
• Accurate, adjustable pressure regulation
• Wide capacity and operating range
• Pulsation damping design
• Stainless steel bellows
• Compact angle design for easy installation in
any position
• “Hermetic” brazed construction
⁄4 in. Schrader valve for pressure testing
• Available with are and ODF solder
• KVP 12 – KVL 22: may be used in the following
EX range: Category 3 (Zone 2)

Pressure gauge connection
Evaporator pressure regulator, type KVP
Figure 1: Design/Function for KVP
The evaporator pressure regulator, type KVP opens on a rise in pressure on the inlet side, i.e. when the pressure in
the evaporator exceeds the set value.
Type KVP regulates inlet pressure only. Pressure variations on the outlet side of the regulator do not aect the
degree of opening as the valve is equipped with equalization bellows (6).
The bellows have an eective area corresponding to that of the valve seat neutralising any aect to the setting.
The KVP is also equipped with a damping device (9) providing protection against pulsations which can normally
arise in a refrigeration system.
The damping device helps to ensure long life for the regulator without impairing regulation accuracy.
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Evaporator pressure regulator, type KVP
Figure 2: P-band and Oset
Proportional band
The proportional band or P-band is dened as the amount of pressure required to move the valve plate from a
closed to a fully open position
If the valve is set to open at 4 bar and the valve P-band is 1.7, the valve will provide maximum capacity when the
inlet pressure reaches 5.7 bar.
The oset is dened as the permissible pressure variation in evaporator pressure (temperature). It is calculated as
the dierence between the required working pressure and the minimum allowable pressure.
The oset is always a part of the P-band.
Example with R22
A working temperature of 5 °C ~ 4.9 bar is required, and the temperature must not drop below 0.5 °C ~ 4.1 bar. The
oset will then be 0.8 bar.
When selecting a valve, be sure to correct the evaporator capacity based on the required oset.
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R22, R134a, R290
, R404A, R407A, R407C, R407F, R407H, R448A, R449A, R449B,
R450A, R452A, R454A
, R454C
, R455A
, R507, R513A, R515B, R516A, R600
, R1234ze(E)
, R1234yf
, R1270
Regulating range
0 – 5.5 bar
Maximum P-band
KVP 12 – 22: 1.7 bar
with oset 0.6 bar
with maximum P-band
Pressure drop
in regulator
Evaporating temperature t
Evaporator pressure regulator, type KVP
Product specication
Technical data
Table 1: Technical data for KVP
KVP 12 – KVP 22 only
KVP 12 – KVP 22 only
The Kv value is the ow of water in [m3 / h] at a pressure drop across valve of 1 bar, ρ = 1000 kg / m3.
The Kv value is the ow of water in [m3 / h] at a pressure drop across valve of 1 bar, ρ = 1000 kg / m3.
This product (KVP 12 – KVP 22) is evaluated for R290, R454A, R454C, R455A, R600, R600a, R1234ze(E), R1234yf, R2170
by ignition source assessment in accordance with standard EN ISO80079-36. Flare connections are only approved
for A1 and A2L refrigerants.
For complete list of approved refrigerants, visit store.danfoss.com and search for individual code numbers, where
refrigerants are listed as part of technical data.
For optimum performance, it is important to select a KVP valve according to system conditions and applications.
The following data must be used when sizing a KVP valve:
• Refrigerant
• Evaporator capacity: Qe in [kW]
• Evaporating temperature (required temperature): te in [°C]
• Minimum evaporating temperature: te in [°C]
• Liquid temperature ahead of expansion valve: tl in [°C]
• Connection type: are or solder
• Connection size in [in.]
Capacity tables
Table 2: Regulator capacity Qe 1) [kW] with oset = 0.6 bar, R134a
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