APP pump instruction
APP pumps
APP 0.6-1.0 / APP 1.5-2.5 / APP 3.0-3.5
APP 0.6-1.0, APP 1.5-2.5 and
APP 3.0-3.5

Instruction | APP pump instruction APP 0.6-1.0, APP 1.5-2.5 and APP 3.0-3.5
Table of Contents
1. Identification ...........................................................................3
2. System design ..........................................................................3
2.1 Open-ended systems with water supply from a tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
2.2 Open-ended systems with direct water supply...........................................3
2.3 Problems with reversing pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.4 General guidelines for calculation of pressure losses .....................................4
2.5 General comments on...................................................................4
3. Building up the pump unit ..............................................................5
3.1 Mounting...............................................................................5
3.2 Direction of rotation ....................................................................5
3.3 Orientation .............................................................................6
3.4 Protection from too high pressures ......................................................6
3.5 Connections ............................................................................6
4. Initial start-up ...........................................................................7
5. Operation...............................................................................7
5.1 Temperature ............................................................................7
5.2 Pressure ................................................................................7
5.3 Dry running.............................................................................7
5.4 Disconnection ..........................................................................7
5.5 Storage .................................................................................7
5.5.1 Open-ended systems with water supply from tank.......................................7
5.5.2 Open-ended systems with direct water supply...........................................8
6. Service..................................................................................8
6.1 Periodic maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
6.2 Repair ..................................................................................8
180R9065 | 521B0733 | DKCFN.PI.013.C9.02 | 11.2019

Instruction | APP pump instruction APP 0.6-1.0, APP 1.5-2.5 and APP 3.0-3.5
1. Identification
Type APP 0.6
Code no. 180BXXXX
Serial no. XXXXXX02-XXX
Danfoss A/S, 6430 Nordborg, Denmark
2. System design 2.2 Open-ended systems with direct water
The design of the system must ensure that self
emptying of the pump during standstill is
The pump is supplied with water direct from a
booster pump.
The inlet pressure of the pump must never
exceed the outlet pressure. This may typically
occur in boosted or open-ended systems with
The water pressure must not exceed 5 barg
(72.5 psig).
direct water supply.
In order to avoid this it is recommended to install
a pre-stressed check valve or a pressure switch in
the pump inlet.
The opening pressure of the check valve must be
bigger or equal to the inlet pressure.
2.1 Open-ended systems with water supply
from a tank
(The numbers 1-3 refer to the drawing below.)
In order to eliminate the risk of cavitation,
5 barg
[72.5 psig]
observe the following guidelines:
1) Place the tank above the pump (water level
in the tank should always be above the
2.3 Problems with reversing pumps
If exposed to high pressure in the outlet while
2) Place the inlet lter before the tank.
the electric motor is not energized, the pumps
will start spinning backwards. This will not harm
3) Dimension the inlet line to obtain mini-
mum pressure loss (large ow area,
the pumps as long as the pressure in the inlet
does not exceed the max. pressure of 5 barg.
minimum pipe length, minimum number
of bends/connections, ttings with small
pressure losses).
If a non-return valve is mounted in the inlet line,
a low-pressure relief valve will also be required.
Alternatively a high-pressure check valve could
be mounted in the pump discharge line to
prevent the pump from reversing.
180R9065 | 521B0733 | DKCFN.PI.013.C9.02 | 11.2019
The dotted setup ensures that the inlet pressure
does not exceed the 5 barg, when a non- return
valve is mounted in the inlet.