Daikin MQFVI5 Installation And Maintenance Manual

Installation and Maintenance Manual IM 1102
Group: Applied Air Systems
Part Number: IM 1102
Date: October 2010
Parallel Fan Powered Variable Air Volume (VAV) Terminal Box
Model MQFVI5
Table of ConTenTs
Revision History .............................3
Limited Warranty .............................3
Hazardous Information Messages ...............3
Receiving Inspection ..........................4
Hanging/Installation Requirements ...............4
Connecting Ductwork .........................6
Minimum Clearance for Access..................6
Field Electrical Wiring .........................6
Fan Powered Air Terminal Units
with Electric Heat ...........................6
Fan Powered Air Terminal Units
with Hot Water Coils.........................6
Flow Sensor ................................7
Initial Start-up/Adjustment of Fan Flow Rate........7
Fan Maintenance Procedure....................7
Troubleshooting ..............................8
Table of ConTenTs
Possible Conditions...........................8
Investigating Noise Complaints ................9
Controls ..................................9
Electric Duct Heater ........................9
Specic Electric Heat
Troubleshooting Procedures: ................10
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Revision History
Manual Date History
IM 1102 October 2010 Initial release
Limited Warranty
Consult your local Daikin representative for warranty
details. To nd your local Daikin representative, go to
Copyright © 2010 Daikin Applied, Minneapolis MN. All rights
reserved throughout the world.
Daikin Applied reserves the right to change any information contained herein without prior notice. The user is responsible for determining whether this software is appropriate for his or her application.
® ™ The following are trade names or registered trademarks of their respective companies: BACnet from the American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.; Windows from Microsoft Corporation; Daikin and MicroTech
from Daikin Applied
Hazardous Information Messages
Familiarize yourself with the hazard identication messages
used in this manual.
Dangers indicate a hazardous situation which will result in death or serious injury if not avoided.
Warnings indicate potentially hazardous situations, which can result in property damage, severe personal injury, or death if
not avoided.
Cautions indicate potentially hazardous situations, which can
result in personal injury or equipment damage if not avoided.
www.DaikinApplied.com 3 IM 1102 • PARALLEL TERMINAL BOX
Receiving Inspection
Hanging/Installation Requirements
Do not use the ow sensor, connecting tubing, or damper shaft as a lift point. Damage to the ow sensor or controls
may result.
Prior to removing the shipping material, visually inspect
the packing materials. There should be a black plastic strip wrapped in the clear plastic shrink wrap. If this black plastic
strip is missing, the shipment may have been repacked by
the shipper and you should make note of this on the shipping documents and inform the delivering carrier. After unpacking
the terminal, check it for shipping damage. If any shipping damage is found, report it immediately to the delivering carrier. Store units in a clean, dry location prior to installation.
Units with controls are not recommended for use in ambient
temperatures greater than 95°F. For protection of controls, do
not store in ambient temperatures greater than 135°F.
If equipped with pneumatic controls, the orientation of the
terminal is critical. The pneumatic controls must be mounted right side up. The fan powered unit must be level within +
or – 10 degrees of horizontal, both parallel to the air ow and at the right angle of air ow. The control side of the terminal
is labeled with an arrow indicating UP. Unless otherwise
noted, most analog and digital controls may be installed in
any orientation.
Check with the local Daikin representative for verication.
The equipment is heavy and mounted in the ceiling. Use caution and follow OSHA or SMACNA installation guidelines.
The Fan Powered Air Terminal should be suspended from the building structure in a horizontal plane with the two bottom access panels facing downward. Do not obstruct the bottom access panels or control panel enclosure cover. At both
ends of the air terminal unit, a three inch wide mounting lip
provides easy installation of either trapeze type hangers or hanging straps.
• Use the required mounting support method prescribed for
the rectangular duct per the job specications, or
• Use hanging straps located at both ends of the fan powered unit (Figure 1), or
• Use trapeze mounts located at both ends of the fan powered terminal unit (Figure 2), or
• Fan powered air terminals may be suspended with optional hanging brackets and hanger rod. (Figure 3)
The Fan Powered Air Terminal is not suitable for outdoor use.
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