Daikin Modular Rotary, Modular Plate Operation manuals

Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
Operating Manual
Air Handling Unit
Application Software name: Airstream
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Table of Contents
1. Revision History..................................................................................................................... 4
2. Air Handling Unit Safety Information...................................................................................... 5
3. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6
4. User interface........................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 Controller POL687/638 Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 External Human Machine Interfaces .................................................................................................................. 9
4.2.1 6-Button LCD HMI (POL871) ................................................................................................................................................ 9
4.2.2 Push & Roll key HMI (POL895) ............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3 WEB-Human Machine Interface ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.4 Communication Modules .................................................................................................................................. 15
4.4.1 Modbus module installation .............................................................................................................................................. 16
4.4.2 BACnet IP module installation ........................................................................................................................................... 16
4.5 Basic Control System Diagnostic ....................................................................................................................... 16
5. Control Functions ................................................................................................................ 19
5.1 Air Quality Control Function ............................................................................................................................. 20
5.2 Humidity Control Function ................................................................................................................................ 20
5.3 Summer/Winter mode changeover functions .................................................................................................. 21
6. Main Menu screen .............................................................................................................. 22
7. Control Source .................................................................................................................... 24
8. Actual Mode........................................................................................................................ 25
9. Unit State ............................................................................................................................ 26
10. Active Setpoint .................................................................................................................... 28
11. Local Switch ........................................................................................................................ 29
12. Summer/Winter state .......................................................................................................... 30
13. Setpoints ............................................................................................................................. 32
14. I/O Overview ....................................................................................................................... 35
15. Time Scheduler.................................................................................................................... 36
15.1 Day Scheduler.................................................................................................................................................... 37
15.2 Calendar exception and Calendar fix off........................................................................................................... 38
16. Status/Settings .................................................................................................................... 40
16.1 Temperature Control ........................................................................................................................................ 41
16.2 Air Quality Control............................................................................................................................................. 42
16.3 Humidity Control ............................................................................................................................................... 43
16.4 Fans Control ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
16.4.1 Fast Heating/Cooling .......................................................................................................................................................... 48
16.5 Dampers Control ............................................................................................................................................... 49
16.6 Heat Recovery Control ...................................................................................................................................... 50
16.7 Cooling Coil Control........................................................................................................................................... 50
16.8 Heating Coil Control .......................................................................................................................................... 51
16.9 Pumps Control ................................................................................................................................................... 53
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
16.10 ERQ Control ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
16.10.1 ERQ Status ........................................................................................................................................................................... 53
16.10.2 ERQ Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................ 54
16.11 Post-Heating Control ......................................................................................................................................... 56
16.12 Pre-Heating Electrical Control ........................................................................................................................... 57
16.13 Pre-Heating Water Control ............................................................................................................................... 58
17. Alarm handling .................................................................................................................... 60
17.1 Alarm restore .................................................................................................................................................... 60
17.2 Alarm list............................................................................................................................................................ 61
18. About Unit .......................................................................................................................... 71
Appendix A: Room Unit Module - POL822 ................................................................................. 73
Buttons Overview .......................................................................................................................................73
Display Overview ........................................................................................................................................74
AHU On-Off (1) ...........................................................................................................................................75
Occupancy On-Off (2) ..................................................................................................................................75
Date and time (3) ........................................................................................................................................76
Temperature Setpoint Offset (4 & 5) .............................................................................................................76
Fan Speed Display (7) ..................................................................................................................................76
Summer/Winter changeover (8) ...................................................................................................................76
Mounting instructions .................................................................................................................................77
Appendix B: iTM Installation & Configuration ............................................................................ 78
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
1. Revision History
June 2020
The following sections have been upgraded with the software modifications introduced by software Airstream 3.15.A.:
16.12 Pre-Heating Electrical Control
January 2020
Scope of this document is to update the Operation instructions for Units with application software
3.10.A and later.
Old versions
For Units with application software 2.90.A and earlier.
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
2. Air Handling Unit Safety Information
Observe all safety directions and comply with the corresponding general safety regulations in order to prevent personal injury and damage to property.
Safety devices may not be removed, bypassed or taken out of operation.
Apparatus and system components may only be used in a technically fault-free state. Faults that can
affect safety must be rectified immediately.
Observe the required safety instructions against excessively high contact voltages.
The plant may not be in operation if the standard safety devices are out of operation or if their effects
are influenced in some other way.
All handling that affects the prescribed disconnection of the protective extra-low voltage (AC 24 V)
must be avoided.
Disconnect the supply voltage before opening the apparatus cabinet. Never work when the power
is on!
Avoid electromagnetic and other interference voltages in signal and connection cables.
Assembly and installation of system and plant components may only be performed in accordance
with corresponding installation instructions and instructions for use.
Every electric part of the system must be protected against static charging: electronic components,
open printed circuit boards, freely accessible connectors and apparatus components that are connected with the internal connection.
All equipment that is connected to the system must be CE marked and comply with the Machine
Safety Directive.
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
3. Introduction
This operating manual provides the basic information that allows the control of the Daikin Air Handling Unit (AHU). AHUs are used for air conditioning and air handling in terms of temperature, humidity and CO2 level control. There are four types of AHU, based on the external devices used to produce cooling or heating:
The AH-(ERQ)-U is connected with the Daikin ERQ condensing unit;
2. AH-W-U
The AH-(Water)-U is connected with an external device that provides hot water or cold water used in a water heat exchanger;
3. AH-DX-U
The AH-(Direct eXpansion)-U is connected with an external condenserless unit;
This type of AH-(Water Direct eXpansion)-U can be connected to both water and direct expansion devices.
The diagrams in Figures 1 and 2 show two possible AHU layouts:
Figure 1: AHU example layout #1
1. Fresh air inlet / damper
2. Bag filter
3. Heat wheel
4. Dx coil
5. Supply fan
6. Supply air outlet
7. Return air inlet
8. Filter
9. Return fan
10. Exhaust air outlet
11. Roof for outdoor installation
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
Figure 2: AHU example layout #2
1. Fresh air inlet / damper
2. Panel-filter
3. Heat recovery plate exchanger
4. Bag filter
5. Dx coil
6. Supply fan
7. Supply air outlet
8. Return air inlet
9. Panel filter
10. Return fan
11. Return air outlet
12. Roof for outdoor installation
The main components of a Daikin AHU are:
- Air filters: pre-filter, fine filter, bag filter, HEPA filter.
Every AHU unit can be equipped with several types of filters used to clean the air from little particles of dust, pollen etc.
- Device for heat/cool recovery: Wheel, Cube Plate Exchanger, RAR coil or Mixing Damper.
These devices are used to recover cooling or heating from the return air. Part of the exhaust air is mixed with fresh air so that the inlet air temperature is closer to the desired one.
- Water/Electrical/Dx coils.
These are the devices used for air temperature conditioning.
- Supply and return Fan.
These devices are used to regulate the air volume, and often they are controlled via an inverter.
- Supply and return air dampers.
These devices allow the air flow through the AHU when being activated.
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
4. User interface
In this chapter are explained the different operative modes available to the user for AHU control.
4.1 Controller POL687/638 Interfaces
Two different controllers are available for AHU control, depending on the chosen model: POL687 for AHU­Modular (or Compact for software version previous to Airstream 0.10.B), POL638 for AHU-Professional. Next figure shows POL687 controller interface schematic.
1 2
Controller POL687
With reference to figure above, it is possible to identify:
1) Alarm button: this button allows the user to directly access the Alarms menu.
2) Main Menu button: this button is used to return to the Main Menu screen at all times.
3) Return button: this button allows the user to go back to the previous screen.
4) Wheel select button: this button allows the user to surf through the menus; pressing the button will
enter to the next page, turning it allows the user to scroll up or down through the current page.
5) BSP/BUS LED: these LEDs allow the user to monitor POL687 controller status.
Next figure shows POL638 controller interface.
2 1 3
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Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
Controller POL638
The differences between POL687 and POL638 interfaces are the “Main Menu” and “Return” buttons, which are mapped respectively to “INFO” and “ESC” buttons.
4.2 External Human Machine Interfaces
The Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) are devices that can be connected to the main controller (POL687/638) in order to create a remote interface between the controller and the user. Two different remote interfaces are available: POL871 and POL895. Both will replicate exactly the same page that is seen on the principal controller and must be connected to the “T-HI” output of the controller.
4.2.1 6-Button LCD HMI (POL871)
The following figure shows the POL871, a 6-buttons LCD interface, and how to connect to it to the main controller through a simple Ethernet cable:
With reference to the above, it is possible to identify the following buttons:
1. Button 1: Main menu.
This button has an internal LED that indicates the status of the AHU:
- LED green: AHU running
- LED blinking orange: AHU Alarm
2. Button 2: Use this button to go directly to the alarms page.
3. Button 3: Back button.
4. Button 4: Scroll up button / increase values.
5. Button 5: Scroll down button / decrease value.
6. Button 6: Enter / validate button.
4.2.2 Push & Roll key HMI (POL895)
The POL895 is an external interfaces with a push & roll key which replicates the integrated controller HMI navigation (if provided). All views, data and setpoint adjustments available on main controller HMIs are available on the remote panel. Navigation is identical to the main controller as described in this manual. The initial screen when the remote is turned on shows the units connected to it. Highlight the desired unit and press the wheel to access it.
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Long press of the ESC button will show the list of the connected controllers. Use the wheel to select the desired controller.
The Remote HMI can be extended up to 700m using the Process Bus connection (PB) available on the main controller.
With a daisy-chain connection as below, a single HMI can be connected up to 8 units. Refer to the specific HMI manual for additional details.
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
The Remote interface can be also connected with an Ethernet cable (twisted pair). Maximum length changes depending on cable characteristic:
Shielded cable: max length 50m,
Non-shielded cable: max length 3m.
Connection in this case has to be executed as shown in the following image.
4.3 WEB-Human Machine Interface
The main controller can be connected to a PC using an Ethernet cable on the “Ethernet” output of the
controller itself .
Remote HMI
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
To access to the controller menu through the WEB-HMI it is necessary to follow the following steps:
1. Set a static IP (Windows 7):
Start -> Control Panel -> View network status and tasks -> Local Area Connection
Properties -> Internet Protocol 4(TCP/IPv4) -> Properties
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
2. Set “Use the following IP address” and “Use the following DNS server addresses” and manually insert:
- IP address = 192.168.1.xxx, where xxx indicates any number between 1 and 254, except 42
- Subnet mask =
3. Press Ok
Before launching the WEB-HMI, the user must check if any proxy servers are disabled on the internet browser:
1. For Internet Explorer select:
Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections -> Lan settings
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
2. Disable “Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN
3. Type in the internet browser bar and, when asked, insert the following user
name and password:
- User name: ADMIN
- Password: SBTAdmin!
The following page should appear.
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
4.4 Communication Modules
Any of the modules described in this section can be connected directly to the left side of the main controller to allow a BAS or other remote interface to function. To make the connection is required to remove the knockout covers on both unit controller and communication module, so the installation will results as follows:
The controller should automatically detect new modules after booting up. The configuration strictly depends on the communication protocol used.
Part Number
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Separate documents contains all the information about the different protocols supported and a full list of available variables.
4.4.1 Modbus module installation
In case of Modbus connection with a BMS, the corresponding module has to be installed on the unit (POL902). It has to be connected to the Unit Controller as indicated in the previous section. The module has two different ports available but only the top port is programmed and operational. A dedicated menu allows to properly setup the communication parameters.
4.4.2 BACnet IP module installation
In case of BACnet connection with a BMS, the corresponding module has to be installed on the unit (POL908). It has to be connected to the Unit Controller as indicated in the previous section. A dedicated menu allows to properly setup the communication parameters.
4.5 Basic Control System Diagnostic
Unit controller, extension modules and communication modules are equipped with two status LED, BSP and BUS, to indicate the operational status of the devices (see section 3.1 for their location). The BUS LED indicates the status of the communication with the controller. The meaning of the two status LED is indicated below.
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
LED Color
Solid Green
Application running
Solid Yellow
Application loaded but not running (*) or BSP Upgrade mode active
Solid Red
Hardware Error (*)
Flashing Green
BSP startup phase. The controller needs time for starting.
Flashing Yellow
Application not loaded (*)
Flashing Yellow/Red
Fail safe mode (in case that the BSP upgrade was interrupted)
Flashing Red
BSP Error (software error*)
Flashing Red/Green
Application/BSP update or initialization
(*) Contact Service.
LED Color
Solid Green
BSP running
Solid Red
Hardware Error (*)
Flashing Red
BSP Error (*)
Flashing Red/Green
BSP upgrade mode
LED Color
Solid Green
Communication running, I/O working
Solid Yellow
Communication running but parameter from the application wrong or missing, or uncorrect factory calibration
Solid Red
Communication down (*)
- BSP LED (same for all modules)
LED Color
Solid Green
BPS running, communication with controller
Solid Yellow
BSP running, no communication with controller (*)
Solid Red
Hardware Error (*)
Flashing Red
BSP Error (*)
Flashing Red/Green
Application/BSP update
(*) Contact Service.
LED Color
Solid Green
Ready for Communication. The BACnet Server is started. It doesn't indicate an active communication
Solid Yellow
Startup. The LED stays yellow until the module receives an IP Address, therefore a link must be established.
Solid Red
BACnet Server down. Automatic restart after 3 seconds is initiated.
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
- BUS LED (Modbus)
LED Color
Solid Green
All Communication running
Solid Yellow
Startup, or one configured channel not communicating to the Master
Solid Red
All configured Communications down (no communication to the Master). The timeout can be configured. In case that the timeout is zero, the timeout is disabled.
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
5. Control Functions
This section describes the main control functions available in Daikin Air Handling Units. A typical activation sequence of the devices installed in Daikin AHU for thermoregulation control is showed below.
The starting sequence is performed according to an energy saving management logic, in order to satisfy the desired temperature setpoint. As soon as a device is fully operational (i.e. operates at 100%), the next device starts according to the sequence shown in the figure above. The same sequence describes also the devices turn-off order by following the opposite direction, ensuring that the upper devices are directly controlled only when the lowest ones are not working. This ensure that the temperature setpoint is always satisfied with the lowest energy consumption.
The activation sequence strictly depends on the devices actually installed in your AHU, so it may changes accordingly.
Mixing Damper
Fan Start
Air Damper Opening
Heat Recovery Device
Heating Water
Water Coil
Electric Coil
Water Coil
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
5.1 Air Quality Control Function
The Air Quality control function provides the AHU with the capability of monitoring and control the actual level of CO2 concentration in the environment by modulating the devices that control the air flow (fans and dampers) in order to facilitate the air exchange between inside and outside, while ensuring in the meantime the respect of the temperature setpoint selected.
In particular, when the CO2 level (in ppm) is higher than the desired setpoint, the actual fan setpoint is increased proportionally in order to increment clean air volume coming from the outside (Supply air duct) and at the same time extract more rapidly the environment exhaust air (Return air duct). During this state, the dampers (both mixing and external) are modulated in order to increase fresh air flow.
For additional information on air quality control logic and parameters configuration refer to Air Quality Control section (15.2).
The Air Quality control function is available only if the AHU is provided with a CO2 sensor.
5.2 Humidity Control Function
The AHU software is provided with both humidification and dehumidification functions in order to control the environment relative humidity and satisfy the desired humidity setpoint. These functions may be both available or not, depending on the configuration of the AHU.
- Humidification Control
During AHU winter mode, the controller monitors the humidity sensor readings and activates the control of the humidifier as soon as this value drops below the desired setpoint. The humidification function can be configured to be active also during AHU summer mode. The humidifier can also be used to refresh the return air during AHU summer mode in order to increase the effectiveness of the heat recovery device by enabling the adiabatic recovery function (via AHU configuration).
- Dehumidification Control
During AHU summer mode, the controller monitors the humidity sensor readings and activates the dehumidification control when these values becomes higher than the desired setpoint. The control acts differently based on the cooling coil installed.
- ERQ: the dehumidification control is activated only if the cooling temperature setpoint has already
been reached. At this state, if the dehumidification is needed, the control continues to increase the ERQs load in order to lower the air humidity value, while activating the post-heating coil (electric or water) to prevent the air temperature to become too low.
- Water coil or DX: the cooling coil signal consists of the maximum value coming from the cooling
controller and the dehumidification controller. When the dehumidification logic is controlling, the post-heating coil is activated to prevent the air temperature to become too low.
The dehumidification function can be configured to be active also during AHU winter mode.
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
For additional information on humidity control monitoring and parameters configuration refer to Humidity Control section (15.3).
The Humidity control function is available only if the AHU is equipped with all the necessary devices.
5.3 Summer/Winter mode changeover functions
The AHU software provides several options for summer/winter changeover control:
- Auto Mode
The controller monitors one of the several temperatures available on the AHU (Room, Return or Outside). The value of this temperature is compared with two limits (one for summer and one for winter) and, depending on the result of this comparison, the controller chooses the cool/heat state for the next period.
- Manual Mode
The changeover is managed via controller interface or through the Room Unit device (if installed).
- Pursuit Mode
This logic can be used when it is desired to follow a temperature setpoint, regardless of the actual heating/cooling mode of the unit. The unit will automatically switch to Summer/Winter state when the actual controlled temperature has passed respectively the to Summer/to Winter thresholds, which are calculated based on the actual temperature setpoint selected.
The changeover is managed via a Building Management System (BMS) through BACnet or Modbus protocol communication.
For additional information on summer/winter changeover logics and settings refer to Summer/Winter state section (11).
The available summer/winter changeover modes depend on the components and functions configured in the AHU, so the number and configuration may changes accordingly.
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
6. Main Menu screen
IMPORTANT! This manual refers to the user interface implemented in software version “Airstream
2.00.A” and later, so for previous software versions the presence and arrangement of some menu items
may be different.
Through Main Menu screen the user can access to all the information necessary for monitoring the AHU status, in addition to managing the unit operative mode. In particular, the user can:
- Control the AHU operative mode
- Change the AHU Setpoint
- Change the Summer/Winter state
- Access to the I/O overview menu
- Program the time scheduler
- Restore alarm conditions
Next chapters will describe any item of the main menu. In the following table the user can find all the items of the main menu screen and the section where it is described.
Main Menu item
Enter Password
Insert the password to gain service level access.
Control Source
Display the actual control source of the AHU. (Section 7)
Actual mode
Display the actual operating mode of the AHU. (Section 8)
Unit State
Display the actual state of the AHU. (Section 9)
Active Setpoint
Display all active setpoints of the AHU. (Section 10)
Actual Ctrl Tmp
Display the actual value of the controlled temperature.
Local Switch
Display/change locally the operating mode of the AHU. (Section 11)
Su/Wi state
Display actual AHU state and change summer/winter changeover options. (Section 12)
Change AHU setpoints. (Section 13)
I/O overview
Monitor all inputs and outputs of the controller. (Section 14)
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
Time Scheduler
Set the time slots for AHU On/Off turning. (Section 15)
Display actual status and manage settings for the devices installed in the AHU. (Section 16)
Set the configuration parameters of the AHU. (See commissioning manual D-ECCAH00002-20EN)
Alarm handling
Visualize and manage every alarm occurrence. (Section 17)
About Unit
Visualize useful information about the controller. (Section 18)
*Only visible with service password entered.
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit
7. Control Source
This item displays the actual control source of the AHU. All possible control source are reported in the table below.
HMI Path: Main Menu -> Ctrl Source
Main Menu item
Control Source
- Local
Local: a. HMI: unit control managed directly from the controller
interface or automatically via time scheduler. Refer to Local Switch page (Section 10) for more details.
b. Room Unit: when Control Source is set to Local, the unit can be
controlled also through the Room Unit device (POL822), if installed. Refer to Appendix A for more details on Room Unit
a. Modbus: the unit can be controlled by a Modbus Master
device through Modbus protocol, if the corresponding communication module is installed (POL902). Refer to D­EOMOCAH202-18EN for more details.
b. BACnet: the unit can be controlled through BACnet
communication if the corresponding communication module is installed (POL904/POL908). Refer to D-EOMOCAH10009 for more details.
Air Handling Unit
Operation Manual
Air Handling Unit D-EOMAH00006-20EN
Operation Manual
8. Actual Mode
This item (read-only) displays the actual operating mode of the AHU. All possible operating mode are reported in the table below.
HMI Path: Main Menu -> Actual Mode
Main Menu item
Actual Mode
- Off
- On
- Ventilation
- Economy
Off: AHU in Off mode. All devices installed on the AHU (fans, cooling/heating coil, dampers, etc..) are Off.
On: AHU in On mode. Normal functioning: all controls are active.
Ventilation: AHU in Ventilation mode. In this mode only fans are running.
Economy: AHU in Economy mode. Normal functioning: all controls are active, but the AHU works referring to the Economy set points. Refer to Setpoints page (Section 12) for more details.
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