Functional Description
The CY7C42X1V provides four status pins: Empty, Full, Almost
Empty , Almost Full. The Almost Empty/Almost Full flags are programmable to single word granularity. The programmable flags default to
Empty−7 and Full−7.
The flags are synchronous, i.e., they change state relative to
either the Read Clock (RCLK) or the Write Clock (WCLK).
When entering or exiting the Empty and Almost Empty states ,
the flags are updated exclusively by the RCLK. The flags denoting Almost Full and Full states are updated exclusively by
WCLK. The synchronous flag ar chitecture guar antees that the
flags maintain their status for at least one cycle
All configurations are fabricated using an advanced 0.65µ
P-Well CMOS technology. Input ESD protection is greater than
2001V , and latch-up is pre vented b y the use of guard rings.
Selectio n Guid e
CY7C42X1V-15 CY7C42X1V-25 CY7C42X1V-35
Maximum Frequency (MHz) 66.7 40 28.6
Maximum Access Time (ns) 11 15 20
Minimum Cycle Time (ns) 15 25 35
Minimum Data or Enable Set-Up (ns) 4 6 7
Minimum Data or Enable Hold (ns) 1 1 2
Maximum Flag Delay (ns) 10 15 20
Active Power Supply
Current (mA)
Commercial 20 20 20
CY7C4421V CY7C4201V CY7C4211V CY7C4221V C Y7C4231V CY7C4241V CY7C4251V
Density 64 x 9 256 x 9 512 x 9 1K x 9 2K x 9 4K x 9 8K x 9
Pin Definitions
Signal Name Description I/O Description
Data Inputs I Data Inputs for 9-bit bus.
Data Outputs O Data Outputs for 9-bit bus.
WEN1 W rite E n able 1 I The only write enable when device is configured to have programma ble flags. Data is
written on a LOW-to-HIGH transition of WCLK when WEN1
is asserted and FF is HIGH.
If the FIFO is configured to have two write enables, data is written on a LOW-to-HIGH transition
of WCLK when WEN1
is LOW and WEN2/LD and FF are HIGH.
Dual Mode Pin
Wr ite Enabl e 2 I If HIGH at reset, this pin operates as a second write enable. If LOW at reset, this pin
operates as a contro l to write or read the programmabl e flag offsets. WEN1
must be
LOW and WEN2 must be HIGH to write data into the FIFO. Data will not be written into the FIFO
if the FF
is LOW . If the FIFO is configured to have programmable flags, WEN2/LD is held LOW
to write or read the programmable flag offsets.
Load I
REN1, REN2 Read Enable
I Enables the devi ce for Read operation.
WCLK Write Clock I The rising edge clocks data into the FIFO when W EN1 is LO W and WEN2/LD is HIGH
and the FIFO is not Full. When LD
is asserted, WCLK writes data into the programmable flag-off-
set register.
RCLK Read Clock I The rising edge clocks data out of the FIFO when R EN 1 and REN2 are LOW and the FIFO
is not Empty. When WEN2/LD
is LOW , RCLK reads data out of the programmable flag offset
EF Empty Flag O When EF is LOW, the FIFO is empty . EF is synchronized to RCLK.
FF Full Flag O When FF is LOW, the FIFO is full . FF i s synchronized to WCLK.
PAE Programmable
Almost Empty
O When PAE is LOW, the FIFO is almost empty based on the almost empty offset value pro-
grammed into the FIFO.
PAF Programmable
Almost Full
O When PAF is LOW, the FIFO is almost full based on the almost full offset value programmed
into the FIFO .