Culligan Platinum Series Owner's Manual

Platinum Series
Water Conditioner
Owners Guide
The Culligan Platinum Series™Water Softeners with Soft-Minder® Meter and Aqua-Sensor® sensing device are tested and certified by WQA against NSF/ANSI Standard 44 for the effective reduction of hardness (calcium and magnesium) as verified and substantiated by test data.
For installations in Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Code 248 CMR shall be adhered to. Consult your licensed plumber for installation of the system. This system and its installation must comply with state and local regulations.
If this is your first experience having soft, conditioned water in your home, you’ll be amazed at the mar­velous difference it makes. We promise that you’ll never want to be without it again.
Congratulations, too, on selecting one of the “first family”of water conditioners in the prestigious Culligan Gold Series. With Culligan’s many years of knowledge and experience in water treat­ment, you can be confident that the model you selected has been designed and engineered to provide years of service with a minimum of care and attention.
Some localities have corrosive water. A water softener cannot correct this problem and so its printed war­ranty disclaims liability for corrosion of plumbing lines, fixtures or appliances. If you suspect corrosion, your Culligan Dealer has equipment to control the problem.
SODIUM INFORMATION: Water softeners using sodium chloride for regeneration add sodium to the
water. Persons who are on sodium restricted diets should consider the added sodium as part of their overall sodium intake.
Performance Data Sheets are included in this manual for various Culligan Platinum Series™Softener mod­els. Refer to the Performance Data Sheet for your specific softener, as there are slight differences between the models. The softener warranty is located on page 31 of this Owner’s Guide.
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
How your Conditioner Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Statistic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Salt, Supply, Usage and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Care and Cleaning of your Water Conditioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
To Clean Out the Salt Storage Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Things to Check Before you call for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
When and How to Bypass your Water Conditioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Culligan Platinum Series™10” Water Softener with Soft-Minder® Meter PDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Culligan Platinum Series™10” Water Softener with Aqua-Sensor® Sensing Device PDS . . . . . . . .23
Culligan Platinum Series™12” Water Softener with Soft-Minder® Meter PDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Culligan Platinum Series™12” Water Softener with Aqua-Sensor® Sensing Device PDS . . . . . . . .25
Culligan Platinum Series™14” Water Softener with Soft-Minder® Meter PDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Culligan Platinum Series™14” Water Softener with Aqua-Sensor® Sensing Device PDS . . . . . . . .27
Culligan Platinum Series™16” Water Softener with Soft-Minder® Meter PDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Culligan Platinum Series™16” Water Softener with Aqua-Sensor® Sensing Device PDS . . . . . . . .29
Records and Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Table of Contents
Soft water will help prevent red, itchy or dry skin because there are no hardness impurities to cause sore­ness, no soap curd to coat the skin. Shaving is easier, smoother - either with blade or electric shaver.
You’ll use far less soap with conditioned water. Use your soap very sparingly - not as you did before soft water. Just a quick rinse removes all lather, leaving your skin pleasantly smooth and silky - because now it’s free of sticky soap curd and film.
S oft water washes wh i ter and cl e a n er with less soap or detergen t . Because the hardness impuri ties are re­m o ved , your soap can con cen t ra te solely on washing. People usu a lly find that they can redu ce the amount of s o ap they use su b s t a n ti a l ly. If you norm a lly used a cup per wash load with hard water, try using on ly 1/3 cup depending on the size of your wash load and the degree of s oi l . D i f fer ent amounts are requ i r ed , but you can use less with sof ten ed water.An ad ded bonus is the fact that your washable fabrics wi ll last lon ger.
Soft water is great for scalp and hair care. No insoluble deposits are formed. Hair is shinier, softer, more manageable. Reduce the amount of shampoo you have normally used.
Washed by hand or in a dishwasher, glassware, dishes and silver wash cleaner, easier. Follow your dish­washer manufacturer’s instructions. Soft water promotes sanitation because no greasy hard water film can form to collect or harbor bacteria.
You’ll be amazed at the marvelous difference. Just a swish of the cloth, and the bathtub or shower and fix­tures are clean and sparkling. Imagine, no scouring! No hard water scum to cause rings, streaks, spots and stains. To keep their gleaming luster, simply wipe fixtures with a towel after use. Formica, tile, walls, floors, woodwork surfaces clean easier, stay clean longer. You’ll save on cleaning aids and save on time.
S oft water redu ces the form a ti on of rock - l i ke hard water scale wh i ch en c rusts water heaters , hot water pipe s , s h o wer head s , and water-using app l i a n c e s . This scale can cause prem a t u re mainten a n ce and failu r e .
Elimination of hard water also provides substantial energy savings because scale acts as an insulator, wast­ing electricity or gas used to heat water.
A water conditioner is frequently referred to as “the appliance that pays for itself ”. You’ll find that your savings on soaps, detergents, cleaning aids, and personal care products will help your family’s household budget. And if you place a price on your time, you’ll be most happy with the time saved by your new fam­ily servant.
If possible, lawn sprinkling faucets should be supplied with hard water primarily because it is uneconomi­cal to soften so much water.
Household plants are much more sensitive than lawns with respect to the kind of water which is best. First, because they receive no rainfall and, second, there is little or no drainage of the soil. Preferably they should be watered with rainwater or water which is low in mineral content such as distilled or demineral­ized water. Softened water is not recommended for house plants because a build-up of sodium in the soil may interfere with efficient absorption of water by the plant root system. Additional information may be obtained from your independently operated Culligan dealer.
How Your Water Conditioner Works
Why Water Gets Hard And How It’s Softened
All of the fresh water in the world originally falls as rain, snow, or sleet. Surface water is drawn upward by the sun, forming clouds. Then, nearly pure and soft as it starts to fall, it begins to collect impurities as it passes through smog and dust-laden atmosphere. And as it seeps through soil and rocks it gathers hard­ness, rust, acid, unpleasant tastes and odors.
Water hardness is caused primarily by limestone dissolved from the earth by rainwater. Because of this, in earlier times people who wanted soft water collected rainwater from roofs in rain barrels and cisterns before it picked up hardness from the earth.
Some localities have corrosive water. A softener cannot correct this problem and so its printed warranty disclaims liability for corrosion of plumbing lines, fixtures or appliances. If you suspect corrosion, your Culligan Man has equipment to control the problem.
Iron is a common water problem. The chemical/physical nature of iron found in natural water supplies is exhibited in four general types:
1. Dissolved Iron - Also called ferrous or “clear water” iron. This type of iron can be removed from the water by the same ion exchange principle that removes the hardness elements, calcium and magne­sium. Dissolved iron is soluble in water and is detected by taking a sample of the water to be treated in a clear glass. The water in the glass is initially clear, but on standing exposed to the air, it may grad­ually turn cloudy or colored as it oxidizes.
2. Particulate Iron - Also called ferric or colloidal iron. This type of iron is an undissolved particle of iron. A softener will remove larger particles, but they may not be washed out in regeneration effec­tively and will eventually foul the ion exchange resin. A filtering treatment will be required to remove this type of iron.
3. Organic Bound Iron - This type of iron is strongly attached to an organic compound in the water. The ion exchange process alone cannot break this attachment and the softener will not remove this type of iron.
4. Bacterial Iron - This type of iron is protected inside a bacteria cell. Like the organic bound iron, it is not removed by a water softener.
When using a softener to remove both hardness and dissolved iron it is important that it regenerates more frequently than ordinarily would be calculated for hardness removal alone. Although many factors and formulas have been used to determine this frequency, it is recommended that the softener be regener­ated when it has reached 50 - 75% of the calculated hardness alone capacity. This will minimize the potential for bed fouling (iron removal claims have not been verified by the Water Quality Association or Underwriters Laboratories).
If you are operating a water softener on clear water iron, regular resin bed cleaning is needed to keep the resin from coating with iron. Even when operating a softener on water with less than the maximum of dissolved iron, regular cleanings should be performed. Clean every six months or more often if iron appears in your conditioned water supply. Use resin bed cleaning compounds carefully following the directions on the container.
CAUTION: Do not use where the water is microbiologically unsafe or with water of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the unit.
Hardness sample kits are available through your Culligan dealer.
Your Culligan water conditioner consists of three basic components, the Control Valve, the Mineral Tank, and the Brine System.
A. The exclusive Culligan control valve automatically performs a variety of tasks that are necessary for
the proper operation of your water conditioner. These tasks, commonly referred to as cycles or oper­ating positions, are: SERVICE, REGENERATION, AND BRINE REFILL.
1. SERVICE: While the control valve is in the “Service cycle”, hard water is directed down through the column of Cullex® resin where hardness minerals are removed from the water. The soft­ened water is then directed into your household plumbing lines. The ability of the Cullex resin to remove hardness minerals needs to be periodically replenished; this is referred to as . . .
2. REGENERATION: While the control valve is in the “Regeneration cycle”, water is first directed up through the column of Cullex resin to flush accumulated sediment out of the resin and down the drain. Then, the regenerant brine solution is slowly drawn from the bottom of the salt storage tank of the Brine System and is directed down through the column of Cullex resin, restoring the ability of the resin to remove hardness minerals from your water supply. Once completed, the regeneration cycle is followed by . . .
3. BRINE REFILL: While the control valve is in the “Brine Refill cycle”, a predetermined amount of water is directed to the salt storage tank of the Brine System so that additional salt can be dissolved to provide the brine solution that will be needed for the next regeneration cycle.
B. The exclusive Quadra-Hull™ Mineral Tank contains the Cullex resin column, Cullsan® underbed-
ding, and an outlet manifold. Note: The Mineral Tank with Aqua-Sensor® models also contains a mineral sensor device that determines when the Cullex resin needs regeneration. The number of gal­lons of hard water that can be softened by the Cullex resin column before it needs regeneration is called the “capacity” of the resin column, and depends upon the amount of hardness minerals in each gallon of water (expressed as grains per gallon) and upon the amount of regenerant brine solu­tion (expressed as pounds of salt) passed through the resin column during regeneration.
Your Culligan service person, taking into account the hardness of your water and the amount of softened water your household may reasonably expect to use each day, has carefully established how often the softener will regenerate and how much salt will be used for each regeneration. This will ensure that all of your soft water needs will be fulfilled without using an excessive amount of salt.
C. The Brine System consists of a salt storage container and hydraulic Dubl-Safe™ valve. The salt stor-
age container holds the salt that is used to make the regenerant brine solution. The hydraulic Dubl­Safe valve limits the amount of water that is returned to the salt storage tank during the brine refill cycle.
Since a predetermined amount of salt is dis­solved with each brine refill cycle, the salt must be periodically replenished in order to maintain efficient operation. Your Culligan service person will be able to tell you about how often salt must be added to the salt stor­age container.
Water Meter Mode In water meter mode, the controller keeps track of the quantity of water that has flowed through the resin bed. Based on the influent water hardness and the hardness capacity of the resin bed, a service life expectancy in the quantity of softened water is calculated and programmed into the control. When the set point is reached, regeneration is triggered. In delay regeneration mode, if the predict mode is turned on, the average daily water usage will be compared to the remaining capacity at the regeneration delay time to predict if another day's water usage can occur before requiring regeneration. If enough capacity is not present then the regeneration will occur at that time. If the predict mode is not selected the regenera­tion will start at time of regeneration. In immediate mode the regeneration starts when the capacity is exhausted. If time clock backup is set and the capacity has not been exhausted but the days since last regen is greater than time clock backup, setting the softener will immediately regenerate.
Aqua-Sensor Mode The Aqua-Sensor is a conductivity probe that senses when a hardness front passes through the resin bed. It functions independently of the influent water hardness so therefore, is useful in conditions when the influent water hardness varies throughout the year. It provides for the most efficient mode of operation. In addition to sensing when a resin bed is exhausted, it can also be used to determine when the brine solution is rinsed from the resin bed during the Brine Draw/Slow Rinse cycle triggering the control to move to fast rinse. This patented feature provides water savings by optimizing the amount of rinse water required to completely rinse out the resin bed.
Manual Regeneration Pressing and holding the regen button for 5 seconds will initiate an immediate regeneration. The beeper will give one beep at the start of manual regeneration (when the motor starts to turn). In delay mode, pressing and releasing the regen button will light the regen icon for regeneration to occur at the set delay time. Pressing and releasing the regen button again will turn off the regen icon.
Predict Mode The Predict Mode is used with the flow meter to determine the optimum regeneration point. Before the regeneration starts, the control will compare the remaining capacity value with the average daily water use. If the average daily water usage is less than the reserve capacity, the controller will wait 24 more hours before regeneration. If the reserve capacity is less than the average daily water usage, the control will initiate regeneration. This works in delay mode only. At any time, if the total capacity value is reached, the control will initiate an immediate regeneration.
Efficiency Mode Wa t er sof ten ers histori c a lly use an opti mum time ra n ge to con trol the Regen era ti on cycle step s , with a m i n i mum and maximum time requ i red to perform each step depen dent on the salt being used , the hard­ness total and iron level . Cu ll i gan typ i c a lly uses the maximum time ra n g e to insu re ef fec tive Regen era ti on . However, i f the iron con tent of the water to be sof ten ed is zero, and the hardness level is less than 20 gpg , Cu ll i gan has devel ope d a new set of regen e ra ti on times ge a red to reducing salt and water usage . T h e s e times are def i n ed under a new opera ting mode coi n ed "Efficiency Mode " . Com p a red to the pre s ent ti m e va lues used , these new regen era ti on times and salt do s a g es are con s i dera b ly less.
Modes of Operation
Display Back lit LCD display. Status Key Depress to enter and move through the programming steps. Regeneration Key Press and hold the key for five (5) seconds to initiate an immediate regeneration.
When pressed during programming the time of day or time of regeneration, this key will allow the user to toggle between the hours and minutes setting of timing program segments.
Statistics Key Each time depressed, the Statistics key will display statistical information such as
flow rate, time of day.
Toggle Down Key In the programming mode this key will move the user through the programming
function in a descending mode. If depressed for greater than three seconds, the rate at which the display scrolls through data will increase.
Toggle Up Key In the programming mode this key will move the user through the programming
function in an ascending mode. If depressed for greater than five seconds, the rate at which the display scrolls through the data will increase. This key will also allow the user to manually step through the cycles of regeneration.
Status Key
Toggle Down (-)
Regeneration Key
Statistics Key
Toggle Up (+)
Power Loss The AccuSoft®circuit board is equipped with a Hi-Cap Capacitor and EEPROM memory chip. The capac­itor is capable of maintaining the time, for at least one day, in the event of a power outage. The EEPROM ensures that the individual programming parameters of your softener are not lost.
If the power outage lasts long enough to drain the Hi-Cap Capacitor, the control will flash “12:00 PM” when power is returned to the control. The unit will continue to keep time from the moment power is restored, and will initiate a full regeneration at the preset regeneration time. The time of day will need to be reset in order to return the regeneration to its preset time.
If you live in an area where power outages occur with a regular frequency, a battery backup option is avail­able for ensuring that the time of day is properly maintained. Contact your Culligan Dealer for more information.
The Culligan® AccuSoft® Plus circuit board controls all of the softener functions. These settings are pro­grammed at the time of installation. The following is a list of all the microprocessor functions, in the event that any of the settings need to be adjusted.
1. Beeper Setting - This setting is used to turn the beeper on or off for each key press actuation. The display will show "bEEP X" where X is either "Y" or "N". The "Y" or "N" will be toggled with the "+" and "-" keys. Setting the Beep option to "N" will only disable the beeper for key press actuation. The beeper will still be active for error and alarm codes.
Pressing the "Status" key will save the setting and move to the next programming step.
2. Time of Day - This setting is used to program the current time of day. When in this step the display will first show "tod" for two seconds.
After "tod" is displayed, "12:00 PM" will display (or the
current set time if already programmed) and the minutes will flash. The minutes are adjusted with the "+" or "-" key until the correct value is displayed.
Press the "Regen" key to flash the hours. Adjust with the
"+" or "-" key until the correct time is displayed.
Pressing the "Status" key will move to the next program-
ming step. Pressing "Regen" will move back to the min­utes adjust.
3. Time of Regeneration - This setting is used to program the time at which a regeneration is to occur in the delay mode, or in immediate mode with time clock backup on. The display will first show "tor" for two seconds.
After "tor" is shown the display will then show the default
of 2:00 AM (or the current programmed time of regener­ation if already set). The time can be adjusted in 30 minute increments by pressing the "+" or "-" keys.
Pressing the "Status" key will save the setting and move to
the next programming step.
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