IQ-USM 810
Architectural & Engineering Specifi cations
IQ-USM 810
The digital processor/digital mixer shall be an 8x10 mixer with dual input
processing paths. As an IQ component, the digital processor/digital mixer
shall be capable of being controlled by an IQ System, and with its distributed intelligence capability, continue to operate when an IQ System is not
connected. The digital processor/digital mixer shall be cabable of acting as
an IQ2-compatible system interface to other IQ components.
The digital processor/digital mixer shall implement 24-bit A/D and D/A
converters along with 240MIPS of full 32-bit fl oating point DSP.
Each audio input shall include Filters and Delay. Each dual input processing
path shall include a full complement of signal processing features, including Delay, Input Gate, Auto-Leveler, Filters, Input Compressor and Automixing. Automixing functions shall include NOM Attenuation, Priority Ducking,
and Adaptive Gating processing. A Muter/Inverter shall be provided at each
input processing path.
A full 8x8 Matrix Mixer shall allow any combination of routing and mixing
from any input to any output. The Matrix Mixer outputs shall be routed to
the two Main Audio Outputs and eight AUX Audio Outputs.
The Main and AUX Audio Output sections shall further process the signal
with individually adjustable signal delay and fi lters along with an Ambient-
Leveler and a high performance Output Limiter for system protection, a
fader muter/inverter.
Each fi lter group shall be cabable of being confi gured for any combination
of up to seven different fi lter types. Different fi lter types shall include Low-
Pass Crossover Filter (1st-4th order), High-Pass Crossover Filter (1st-4th
order), Parametric Equalization Filter (2nd order), Low-Pass Equalization
Filter (2nd order), High-Pass Equalization Filter (2nd order), Low-Pass
Shelving Equalization (1st order) and High-Pass Shelving Equalization (1st
order). 32 fi lters per DSP processor shall be available for a total of 128
fi lters within the digital processor/digital mixer.
A Multi-Function Control Port shall implement analog and digital I/O for
control and monitor by external circuits. Sixteen outputs and sixteen inputs
along with power supply outputs and common grounds shall be provided.
All sixteen (1-16) outputs shall be digital “logic outs.” The upper eight
inputs (9-16) shall be capable of monitoring digital and analog external
All digital processor/digital mixer parameters shall be backed up via FLASH
memory. System confi gurations shall be capable of being stored for recall
from any of thirty-two system presets from the front panel control, switch
closure, via IQ for Windows software or scheduled from the internal realtime clock/calendar. If communication between the host computer and the
digital processor/digital mixer is lost, the unit shall continue to function
with the last commands received.
The digital processor/digital mixer shall be capable of operating on any AC
voltage ranging from 100VAC to 240VAC at 50/60 Hz, 35VA nominal.
The digital processor/digital mixer shall meet or exceed the following audio
specifi cations: Phantom Voltage: +24VDC at 10 mA. Input Gain Range:
+20 dBu to –12 dBu (additional 25 dB for mic setting). Digital Sampling:
24 bit, 48 kHz. Input Impedance: 20 k ohms balanced, 10 k ohms unbalanced. Dynamic Range: Greater than 100 dB (A-weighted, 20 Hz-20 KHz).
Frequency Response: ± 0.5 dB, 20 Hz-20 kHz. Common Mode Rejection:
50 dB (typical). Crosstalk: Greater than 80 dB at 10 kHz. Total Harmonic
Distortion: Less than 0.05% THD + N (1 kHz, 0 dBu). Output Impedance:
100 ohms balanced, 50 ohms unbalanced. Max Input Level: +32 dBu (line)
or +7 dBu (mic). Max Output Level: +20 dBu.
The digital processor/digital mixer shall meet or exceed the following
RS232 Data Communication specifi cations: Baud Rate: Selectable to 19.2
K, 38.4 K, 57.6 K, or 115.2 K BAUD. Data Format: Serial, binary, asynchronous; 1 start bit; 1 stop bit; 8 data bits; no parity.
The digital processor/digital mixer shall meet or exceed the following
Crown Bus Data Communication specifi cations: Data Rate: 38.4 K BAUD.
Data Format: Serial, binary, asynchronous; 1 start bit; 1 stop bit; 8 data
bits; no parity. Crown Bus Interface Type: Optically isolated 20 mA current
loop. Operation: Half-duplex. Transmission Distance: Variable from 200 to
3000 feet (61 to 914 meters)., depending upon wire capacitance. Typically
1000 feet (305 meters) using shielded twisted-pair wire, #26 AWG or
larger. Transmission distance shall be capable of being extended with a
Crown IQ Repeater unit.
The digital processor/digital mixer shall meet or exceed the following
Control Port specifi cations: Power Supply: +5VDC and +10VDC outputs
shall be provided. The total output current shall be limited to 1A. Control
Port Outputs, Logic Low: less than 0.1V. Logic High: 10V (via internal
pull-up). Output Current shall be limited to 10ma max per pin. Control Port
Inputs, Input Impedance: greater than 50kohm. Logic Low: less than 0.5V.
Logic High: greater than 5V Analog Range: 0 to 10V (for inputs 9-16 only).
Max Input Voltage: 25V.
The digital processor/digital mixer shall be designated the Crown
IQ-USM 810.
Crown Audio, Inc.
P.O. Box 1000
Elkhart, IN 46515-1000
TEL: 219-294-8200
FAX: 219-294-8FAX
Specifi cations subject to change without prior notice.
Crown, Com-Tech, IQ, IQ System and Macro-Tech are registered trademarks of Crown International, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.
©2000 Crown Audio, Inc.
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