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Reference Manual
IQ-MC Modules
1 Welcome .............................. 5
2 Controls, Connectors & Indicators 6
3 Installation ........................... 7
3.1 Prepare the MC-IQ Module ................... 7
3.2 Install the Wiring ................................... 8
3.3 Adjust System Levels .......................... 10
4 Operation .............................11
4.1 Hardware ............................................. 11
4.1.1 Data Signal Presence Indicator .... 11
4.1.2 Preset Indicator ........................... 11
4.1.3 IQ Bus Input Connector ............... 11
4.1.4 IQ Bus Daisy
Output Connector ......................... 11
4.1.5 Aux Input/Output and
Listen Bus Connector ................... 11
4.1.6 IQ Bus “Drop Out” Relays ............ 12
4.2 Hardware Controls .............................. 12
4.2.1 IQ Address Switch (S1) ............... 12
4.2.2 Reset/Preset Switch ..................... 12
4.3 Amplifier Control and Monitoring ........ 13
4.3.1 User Presets ............................... 13
4.3.2 Clip Monitor ............................... 13
4.3.3 Input Signal Level Monitor .......... 13
4.3.4 Output Signal Level Monitor ........ 13
4.3.5 Thermal Headroom
Level Monitor ............................. 13
4.3.6 Ready/Standby Control ............... 14
4.3.7 Signal Mute ................................ 14
4.3.8 Polarity Inverter ........................... 14
4.3.9 Input Signal Attenuator ................ 14
4.3.10 “Ghost Faders” .......................... 14
4.3.11 Amp Information ....................... 14
4.3.12 Amp Mode................................ 14
4.3.13 Error Reporting ......................... 14
4.4 Signal Processing ............................... 15
4.4.1 Input Signal
Compressor/Limiter .................... 15
4.4.2 Peak Voltage Limiter ................... 15
4.4.3 Average Power Limiter ................. 15
4.5 Load Supervision ................................ 16
5 IQ Audio In Depth ................... 17
5.1 A Closer Look at IQ Bus Wiring ........... 17
5.2 Using the AUX Connector.................... 18
5.2.1 AUX Output ................................ 19
5.2.2 AUX Input ................................... 20
5.3 Listen Bus ........................................... 20
5.4 Working with RJ-11 and RJ-45
Connectors ............................................... 20
5.5 Load Supervision ................................ 21
5.5.1 Typical Load Characteristics
to Know and Understand ............. 22
6 Specifications .......................23
7 IQ Address Tables ................... 24
8 Service................................28
Warranty ................................29