
Laser distance meter
Congratulations on your purchase of laser distance meter Vector 30
Safet y instructi ons can b e found in t he end of th is user manual and s hould
be care fully re ad before you use t he device for the f irst time.
The use r manual sh ould be r ead car efully b efore y ou use the d evice f or
the fir st time. Uninte nded use of the de vice can be dang erous for human ’s
health an d cause seri ous injury. Ke ep this user man ual. If the dev ice is given
to someb ody for tempor ary use, be sure to e nclose user man ual to it.
- Do not mis use the device.
- Do not rem ove warning sig ns and pro tect th em from a brasi on, bec ause
they con tain informati on about safe op eration of the de vice.
The dev ice belongs to la ser class 2 in acc ordance with EN6 0825-1.
- Do not lo ok into the laser be am or its refle ction , with unprotec ted eye or
throug h an optic al ins trumen t. Do not p oint the l aser bea m at peop le or
animals w ithout the need . You can daz zle them.
- To protect y our eyes close th em or look aside.
- It is proh ibite d to disas sembl e or repai r the devi ce your self. Ent rust th e
device repair to qualified personnel and use original spare parts only.
- Do not us e the devi ce in exp losive e nviron ment, cl ose to f lammabl e
- Avoid hea ting the b atter ies to avo id the ris k of expl osion an d elec troly te
leakage. In case of liquid contact with skin, wash it immediately with soap
and water. In case of co ntact w ith eyes , flush w ith cle an water du ring 10
minutes a nd consult the do ctor.
Laser d istan ce meter Ve ctor 3 0 is inten ded to mea sure dis tance, t o
calculate area and volume of measured objects and perform calculations
by and Py thagoras’ Th eorem . The dev ice is sui table f or use at b oth indo or
and outdoor building areas.
Measuring range* 0,05…3 0 m
Smallest unit displayed 1 mm
Measuring accuracy ** ±3 mm
Laser Class II , 620-690 n m, <1 mW
Continuous measurement +
Addition/subtraction +
Area/volume +
Calculations by Pythagoras’ Theorem +
Automat ic shutdown of th e laser 30 seconds
Automat ic shutdown of th e device 180 sec onds
Battery life Up to 5000 measurements
Storage temperature -20…+70 °С
Operating temperature 0…+40 °С
Dust and water protection rate IP54
Power supply 2 х 1.5V A AA LR03 (alkali ne)
Dimensions 115х39х 19 mm
Weight 42 g
* Use a target plate to increase the measurement range during daylight or
if the tar get has poor ref lection pro pert ies.
** Accuracy can decrease under unfavorable conditions, such as intense
sunshine or when measurements are made against glossy or transparent
surfa ces, mo ving obj ect s, objec ts wit h rough s urfa ce or when l aser be am
is refl ected.
Laser radiation!
Do not st are into beam
Class 2 laser
<1 mW 620- 690nm
EN6 0825 -1:201 4
Vector 30
User manual
1. Lase r distance mete r – 1 pc.
2. Hand st rap – 1 pc.
3. User man ual – 1 pc.
4. Batt eries 2 x 1.5V AA A LR03
Batte ry cover
Functions of buttons
Button Shor t press Long press
Switch o n the device/ swi tch on
the laser beam/single distance
2 Area/volume/Pythagoras Select measuring unit
3 Addition/subtraction Select reference point
Delete t he measurement r esult/exit
the mode
Insert/replace batteries
Remove th e batte ry cov er. Inser t the bat teries , obser ving c orrec t pola rity.
Put the ba tter y cover back.
Replac e the batteries a s soon as the erro r 203 appea rs on the display.
Remove th e batte ries fr om the de vice if i t’s not us ed for a lo ng time to a void
corros ion and b atter y disc harge. A ll batteries must be re placed a t the sam e
time. Bo th batteries mu st be of the same br and, with the same charge l evel.
Switch on/off
To switch on t he devi ce shor t press the butt on . The de vice wi ll
switch o n and enter singl e dista nce measuremen t mode.
3 4
measure ment (tracking )
Switch o ff the device
1. Main line for displaying
2. Additional line for displaying
3. Indic ation of the mode
4. Batt ery charge lev el
5. Measuring unit
6. Indication of the reference
To switch of f the device pr ess and hold th e button duri ng 3 seconds.
In order t o save the b atter y power t he devi ce will sw itch of f auto matica lly
within 1 80 seconds af ter the last oper ation.
Reference point
It is pos sible to s et the ref erenc e point ei ther fr om the top o r the bot tom
end of the d evice.
The def ault referenc e point is the bot tom end of the devi ce.
To select t he refer ence po int pres s and hol d the but ton dur ing 2
seconds. Corresponding indicator will appear on the display – or .
Measuring unit
To select r equired measur ing unit (m, in, ft) pr ess and hold the button
during 2 seconds.
Single distance measurement
Shor t press th e butto n to switch on the de vice. L aser bea m will be
switch ed on automati cally. Aim the las er beam at the obje ct of measurem ent
and shor t press the but ton to make a singl e distance mea surement.
Measure ment result will a ppear on the disp lay. Short pres s the but ton
to delet e the result of measuremen t and exit t he mode.
Continuous measurement (tracking)
Press an d hold the butto n during 3 secon ds.
The dev ice will t ake measu rement s one af ter ano ther, showi ng the las t
measured value in the main line, and the previous measured value in the first
line. Sh ort pr ess the bu tton t o stop mea suring. Shor t press t he
butto n to exit the mode.
Make a measu rement. Shor t press the bu tton to selec t either addi tion
or subtraction, and make the 2nd measurement. Calculation result will
appear i n the main li ne on the di splay. Th e next m easure ments wi ll also b e
added/su btracted to/f rom the next mea suring result .
Shor t press the but ton once. Symbo l will appear on t he
display. L aser beam will b e on. Short pre ss the button t o measure
the 1st side (l ength). Short press th e button to measure the 2nd
side (width). A rea (compo sition o f lengt h and width) wil l be c alculated and
appear in the main line on the display.
Shor t press the butt on to exit the mod e.
Shor t press th e butt on twi ce. Symbo l will ap pear on th e
display. L aser beam will be o n. Shor t press the but ton to measure
the 1st side (length). Short press the button to measure the
2nd side (width). Short press the button to measure the 3rd side
(height). Volume (composition of length, width and height) will be calculated
and appear in the main line on the display.
Shor t press the butt on to exit the mod e.
Indirect measurement by Pythagoras’ Theorem
Calculation of distance by using 2 additional measurements
Shor t press the butt on
3 times. Sy mbol wi ll
appear on the display. Make
measure ments of dist ance А
and В. Leng th of distance С will
be calculated and the result will
appear in the main line.
Dista nce В must be perpendicul ar
to distance С and cann ot be
longer t han distance А.
Shor t press the butt on to exit the mod e.
Calculation of distance by using 3 additional measurements
Dista nce D can be measur ed by maki ng 3 addit ional measurem ents.
Shor t press th e butt on 4 times . Symbo l will app ear on the
display. Laser beam will b e on. Make measurements of distances А, В and
С one by one .
After t he last ma de measu rement
calculation result (distance D) will
appear i n the main li ne on the
Shor t press th e butt on to
exit the m ode.
Measur ement range
The maxi mum measurem ent range is 30 m . At night, at dusk , or if the objec t
of measur ement is s haded, t he measu rement r ange ca n be incr eased
withou t the use o f a refle ctiv e plate. Us e a refle ctiv e plate to i ncreas e the
measurement range during daylight hours, or if the object being measured
has a poor r eflective s urface.
Object surface
When measuring up to colorless liquids (e.g. water), dust-free glass,
polystyrene or similar translucent and glossy surfaces, the measurement
result s may be wr ong. Whe n measur ing to ver y dark su rfa ces, the
measurement time may increase.

While operation, the following codes/symbols may appear on the display:
Atten tion! Th e instr ument i s a preci se devi ce and re quire s caref ul
handling. The following recommendations will extend the life of the
- Do not po int the device at th e sun.
- Protec t the dev ice fro m bumps, f alls, a nd exces sive vi bratio n; do not le t
liquids, construction dust and foreign objects get inside the device.
- Do not ex pose the d evice to extreme temp eratures.
- If liqui ds get ins ide the de vice f irst re move the b atter ies, th en cont act
the service center.
- Do not st ore or us e the devi ce unde r high hum idity c ondit ions fo r a long
- Clean th e device w ith soft wet cl oth.
- Keep dev ice opti cs clean and pro tect it f rom mechanic al damage.
- С arry out control measuremen ts occa sionally, es pecially if the device i s
subjec t to exce ssive me chani cal or oth er impa ct, bef ore and af ter ta king
important measurements.
Failure t o obser ve the followin g rules m ay lead to l eakag e of elec trol yte
from th e batteries an d damage of the dev ice:
- Remove th e batteries fr om the device if it is not use d for a long time.
- Do not us e batte ries of differ ent types, wit h different ch arge level.
- Do not lea ve discharged ba tteries in the d evice.
Problem Solution
203 Batte ry is too low Replace the batteries.
402 Calculation error Make measurement again.
301 Temperature is too
302 Temperature is too low Warm up th e device to
101 Refle cted signal is to o
102 Refle cted signal is to o
201 Ambien t light is too
401 Hardware error Switch on/off th e devic e
Cool do wn the device to
operating temperature range.
operating temperature range.
Choos e the sur face wi th
stron ger refl ecta nce. Use t he
reflecting plate.
Choos e the sur face wi th weaker
reflectance. Use the reflecting
Make measurements in less
illuminated zone.
severa l times. I f the sym bol
still ap pears , then the d evice
may be def ectiv e. Cont act the
store wh ere the d evice wa s
purcha sed, or an a uthor ized
service center.
Expir ed tools, acces sori es and pac kage sh ould be pa ssed fo r waste r ecycl e.
Please s end the de vice to the follow ing address for proper r ecycle:
Wasserb urger Strasse 9
84427 S ankt Wolfgang
Do not thr ow the device in mun icipal waste!
According to European directive 2002/96/ЕC expired measuring tools
and thei r compo nents mu st be co llect ed separately a nd submi tted to
environmentally friendly recycle of wastes.
All COND TROL Gmb H devic es go thro ugh pos t-producti on contr ol and ar e
governe d by the fo llowin g warran ty ter ms. The b uyer ’s right to cla im abou t
defec ts and general pr ovisions of the c urrent legisl ation do n ot expire.
1) CONDTR OL GmbH agrees to elimi nate all defec ts in the devic e, discovered
during t he warr anty pe riod, t hat repr esent th e defec t in mater ial or
workmanship in full volume and at its own expense.
2) The war ranty peri od is 24 m onths and star ts from the date of p urchase by
the end cu stomer (see the or iginal suppor ting documen t).
3) The warrant y doesn’t c over defect s resulting from we ar and tear or
improp er use, ma lfunc tion of t he devi ce caus ed by fail ure to obs erve t he
instructions of this user manual, untimely maintenance and service and
insuf fici ent car e, the use of n on- origin al acce ssori es and spa re par ts.
Modifications in design of the device relieve the seller from responsibility for
warran ty works. Th e warranty do es not cover cosm etic damage, that d oesn’t
hinder n ormal operati on of the device.
4) C ONDTRO L GmbH reserves the r ight to decide on rep laceme nt or repair
of the dev ice.
5) Other cl aims not mentioned abov e, are not covered by t he warranty.
6) Afte r holding war ranty work s by CON DTROL GmbH war ranty peri od is not
renewed or extended.
7) CONDTROL Gmb H is not liable for loss of profit or inco nvenience assoc iated
with a def ect of the devic e, the ren tal cos t of alter native e quipme nt for the
perio d of repair.
This war rant y applie s to Germa n law exce pt prov ision of t he Unite d Nations
Conven tion on contrac ts for the inter national sale of g oods (CISG).
In warra nty case ple ase return the d evice to reta il seller or sen d it with defec t
description to the following address:
Wasserb urger Strasse 9
84427 S ankt Wolfgang