Comtech EF Data CRS-280L, CRS-280 Installation And Operation Manual

70/140 MHz IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
L-Band IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number MN-CRS-280/280L
Revision -
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information contained in this document supersedes all previously published information regarding this product. Product specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
Revision -
Copyright © 2018 Comtech EF Data. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, 480.333.2200, FAX: 480.333.2161
Revision History
- 2-2018 Initial Release.
Note: This manual supersedes MN/CRS280L.IOM.
C-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................ I
About this Manual ........................................................................................................................................ i
Related Documents ...................................................................................................................................... i
Conventions and References..................................................................................................................... ii
Patents and Trademarks ............................................................................................................................ ii
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ................................................................................................................. ii
Recommended Standard Designations .................................................................................................... iii
Metric Conversion ..................................................................................................................................... iii
Electrical Safety ......................................................................................................................................... iii
Electrical Safety Notice ............................................................................................................................. iii
Electrical Safety Complianc e .................................................................................................................... iii
Fuses iv
Environmental ............................................................................................................................................ iv
Installation .................................................................................................................................................. iv
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive ............................................................................... v
Federal Communications Commission (FCC).......................................................................................... v
International Symbols ................................................................................................................................. v
EMC (Electromagnetic Compatib ility) ....................................................................................................... v
EN55022 - 1997 Compliance .................................................................................................................... v
EN55024 - 1998 Compliance .................................................................................................................... v
Product Support ......................................................................................................................................... vi
Comtech EF Data Headquarters ............................................................................................................... vi
Warranty Policy ......................................................................................................................................... vii
Limitations of Warranty ............................................................................................................................. vii
Exclusive Remedies ................................................................................................................................ viii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1–1
1.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1–1
1.1.1 Compatibility ............................................................................................................................. 1–3
1.2 Physical Description ................................................................................................................... 1–4
1.2.1 Front Panel ............................................................................................................................... 1–4
1.2.2 Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................ 1–5
1.2.3 Dimensional Envelope .............................................................................................................. 1–6
1.3 Summary of Specifications ........................................................................................................ 1–8
1.3.1 CRS-280L Typical Insertion Loss Graphs ............................................................................... 1–10
CHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION .................................................................................. 2–1
2.1 Unpacking and Inspection ......................................................................................................... 2–1
2.2 Mounting ...................................................................................................................................... 2–2
CHAPTER 3. CONNECTOR PINOUTS .................................................................... 3–1
3.1 Connector Overview ................................................................................................................... 3–1
3.1.1 CRS-280 Connector Overview ................................................................................................. 3–2
Table of Contents TOC-1 MN-CRS-280/280L
C-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
3.1.2 CRS-280L Connector Overview................................................................................................ 3–4
3.2 Front Panel Connectors ............................................................................................................. 3–6
3.3 Rear Panel Control Connectors ................................................................................................. 3–6
3.3.1 CRS-280 Switch Control Interface Connector .......................................................................... 3–6 J1 CRS Control Interface Connector, DB-25F .............................................................. 3–6
3.3.2 CRS-280L Switch Control Interface Connectors ...................................................................... 3–7 J1 CRS Control Interface Connector, DB-25F .............................................................. 3–7 J2 SMS Control Interface Connector, DB-15M ............................................................. 3–7 Power / Ground Connections ........................................................................................ 3–8 Alternating Current (AC) Power Connectors .................................................. 3–8 Direct Current (DC) Power Connectors (optional) ......................................... 3–8 Ground Connector ......................................................................................................... 3–9
CHAPTER 4. CABLES AND CONNECTIONS ......................................................... 4–1
4.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 4–1
4.2 Control Cable Connections ........................................................................................................ 4–2
4.2.1 SMS-7000 1:8 Modem Protection Switch Control Cable Connection ...................................... 4–3
4.2.2 CRS-400 1:8 Redundancy Switch Control Cable Connection .................................................. 4–3
4.2.3 CRS-300 1:N Redundancy Switch Control Cable Connection ................................................. 4–3
4.2.4 CRS-500 M:N Redundancy System Control Cable Connection ............................................... 4–4
4.3 Cable Connections .................................................................................................................... 4–11
4.3.1 CRS-280 IF Cable Connections ............................................................................................. 4–11
4.3.2 CRS-280L L-Band IF Cable Connections ............................................................................... 4–11
4.3.3 L-Band IF Cable Characteristics ............................................................................................. 4–11
4.3.4 L-Band Switch-to-Modem Cabling Requirements .................................................................. 4–11
4.3.5 L-Band Uplink/Downlink Cable Connections .......................................................................... 4–12
5.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 5–1
5.2 CRS-280L Input Power Cord Connections ............................................................................... 5–1
5.3 1:N Redundancy System Power-up Sequence ........................................................................ 5–2
5.3.1 CRS-280L operations with the CRS-500 M:N Redundancy System ........................................ 5–2
APPENDIX A . CABLE DRAWINGS ......................................................................... A-1
A.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. A-1
A.2 Control Interface Cables ............................................................................................................. A-2
A.2.1 SMS-7000 Control Cable ...........................................................................................................A-3
A.2.2 CRS-400/CRS-300 Control Cable .............................................................................................A-4
A.2.3 CRS-500 Control Cable .............................................................................................................A-5
A.3 IF Interface Cable, Type ‘N’ 50Ω ................................................................................................. A-6
B.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ B–1
B.2 Power Supply Module Removal Procedure ............................................................................. B–3
B.3 Power Supply Module Installation Procedure ......................................................................... B–5
Table of Contents TOC-2 MN-CRS-280/280L
C-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
Figure 1-1. CRS-280 70/140 MHz IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy ........................................................... 1–1
Figure 1-2. CRS-280L L-Band IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy ................................................................. 1–1
Figure 1-3. 1:10 Redundanc y w/CRS-280L – System-level Block Diagram ............................................. 1–3
Figure 1-4. CRS-280 Front Panel ............................................................................................................. 1–4
Figure 1-5. CRS-280L Front Panel (1:10 Configuration shown) ............................................................... 1–4
Figure 1-6. CRS-280 Rear Panel .............................................................................................................. 1–5
Figure 1-7. CRS-280L Rear Panel ............................................................................................................ 1–5
Figure 1-8. CRS-280 (70/140 MHz) IF Switch Dimensional Envelope ..................................................... 1–6
Figure 1-9. CRS-280L (L-Band) IF Switch Dimensional Envelope ........................................................... 1–7
Figure 1-10. Graph 1 – Downlink Input to Rx Output .............................................................................. 1–10
Figure 1-11. Graph 2 – Downlink Input to Backup Rx Output ................................................................. 1–11
Figure 1-12. Graph 3 – Backup Input to Selected Uplink Output............................................................ 1–12
Figure 1-13. Graph 4 – Tx Input to Associated Uplink Output ................................................................ 1–13
Figure 3-1. CRS-280 Connectors ............................................................................................................. 3–2
Figure 3-2. CRS-280L Connectors ............................................................................................................ 3–4
Figure 4-1. SMS-7000 to CRS-280L Control Cable Connection .............................................................. 4–5
Figure 4-2. CRS-400 to CRS-280L Control Cable Connection ................................................................. 4–6
Figure 4-3. CRS-300 to CRS-280 Control Cable Connection ................................................................... 4–7
Figure 4-4. CRS-300 to CRS-280L Control Cable Connection ................................................................. 4–8
Figure 4-5. CRS-500 to CRS-280 Control Cable Connection ................................................................... 4–9
Figure 4-6. CRS-500 to CRS-280L Control Cable Connection ............................................................... 4–10
Figure A-1. CRS-280L SMS-7000 Data Switch Un it (DSU) Contr ol Cab le (CEFD P/N CA/5343-1) ... A-3
Figure A-2. CRS-280L  CRS-400, CRS-300 Control Cable (CEFD P/N CA/WR0066) ......................... A-4
Figure A-3. CRS-280/280L  CRS-500 Data Switch Unit (DSU) Control Cable
(CEFD P/N CA-0021666) .................................................................................................................. A-5
Figure A-4. Type ‘N’ 50Ω IF Coax Cable (CEFD P/N CA/RF10453-x)...................................................... A-6
Figure B-1. CRS-280L Rear Panel (shown with PL/10207-1 AC Modules) .............................................. B–2
Table 1-1. IF Switch Compatibility Table ................................................................................................... 1–2
Table 3-1. CRS-280 External Connectors (Front and Rear Panel) ........................................................... 3–3
Table 3-2. CRS-280L External Connectors (Front and Rear Panel) ......................................................... 3–5
Table of Contents TOC-3 MN-CRS-280/280L
C-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
Acronym List
Acronym Description
AC Alternating Current
CSU Control Switch Unit
DC Direct Current
ISU IF Switch Unit
LED Light Emitting Diode
Table of Contents TOC-4 MN-CRS-280/280L
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
About this Manual
This manual provides installation and operation information for the Comtech EF Data CRS-280L L-Band IF Switch, designed for use as a companion product in Comtech 1:N Redundancy Systems. This is a technical document intended for earth station engineers, technicians, and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of the CRS-280/280L.
Comtech EF Data has reviewed this manual thoroughly in order to provide an easy-to-use guide to your equipment. All statements, technical information, and recommendations in this manual and in any guides or related documents are believed reliable, but the accuracy and completeness thereof are not guaranteed or warranted, and they are not intended to be, nor should they be understood to be, representations or warranties concerning the products described. Further, Comtech EF Data reserves the right to make changes in the specifications of the products described in this manual at any time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
This is an informational document intended for the persons responsible for the operation and maintenance of the modem.
Related Documents
Comtech EF Data CRS-300 1:10 Redundancy Switch Installation and Operation Manual
Comtech EF Data CRS-500 M:N Redundancy System Installation and Operation Manual
Comtech EF Data SMS-7000 1:8 Modem Pr o te ct io n Swit ch In st allation and Operation Manual (legacy product, no longer in production)
Comtech EF Data CRS-400 1:8 Redundancy Switch Installation and Operation Manual (legacy product, no longer in production)
Preface i MN-PCB-4300A
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
Conventions and References
Patents and Trademarks
See all of Comtech EF Data's Patents and Patents Pending at Comtech EF Data acknowledges that all trademarks are the property of the trademark owners.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
A WARNING gives information about a possible hazard that MAY CAUSE DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY.
A CAUTION gives information about a possible hazard that MAY CAUSE INJURY or PROPERTY DAMAGE.
A NOTE gives important information about a task or the equipment.
A REFERENCE directs the user to additional information about a task or the equipment.
Examples of Multi-Hazard Notices
Preface ii MN-PCB-4300A
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
Recommended Standard Designations
Electronic Industries Association (EIA) designations supersede Recommended Standard (RS) designations. Reference to the old RS designations (e.g., RS-232) may appear where it might concern actual text displayed on the unit’s rear panel, Serial Interface, or Web Server Interface pages. All other references in the manual use the EIA designations.
Metric Conversion
Metric conversion information is provided on the inside back cover of this manual. Comtech EF Data provides this information to assist the user in cross-referencing non-Metric to Metric conversions.
Electrical Safety
Electrical Safety Notice
Double pole / neutral fusing is used on the prime power supply input.
This equipment is designed to minimize exposure of personnel to hazards. For further information, contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department. The persons responsible for the operation and maintenance of the equipment must:
Know how to work around, with, and on high voltage equipment.
Exercise every precaution to ensure personnel safety.
Exercise extreme care when working near high voltages.
Be familiar with the warnings presented in this manual.
Electrical Safety Compliance
The CRS-280L has been shown to comply with the following safety standard:
EN60950: Safety of Information Technology Equipment, including electrical business machines
The equipment is rated for operation over the range 90-264 volts AC per each power supply. Each has a maximum power consumption of 25 Watts and draws a maximum of 0.75 Amps rms max @ 90 Volts AC, and 0.35 Amps rms max @ 230 Volts AC.
Optionally, the equipment is rated for operation over the range of 36-72 volts DC per ea ch sup ply . Each has a maximum power consumption of 25 Watts and draws a maximum of 6.25 Amps.
Preface iii MN-PCB-4300A
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
The AC-powered CRS-280L is outfitted with two power supplies, each containing two fuses – one each for line and neutral connections. These are contained within the body of each IEC power inl et connector, behind a small plastic flap.
For 230 volt AC operation, use T2.5A, 20mm fuses.
For 115 volt AC operation, use T5.0A fuses, slow blow, P/N 5ASB-IEC.
The optionally DC-powered CRS-280L is outfitted with two power supplies. Each power supply contains one fuse installed into a fuse holder.
For 48 volt DC operation, use T6.25A 3AG fuses.
The CRS-280L must not be operated in an environment where the unit is exposed to extremes of temperature outside the ambient range 0 to 50°C, precipitation, condensation, or humid atmospheres above 95% RH, altitudes (non-pressurized) greater than 2000 meters, excessive dust or vibration, flammable gases, corrosive or explosive atmospheres.
Operation in vehicles or other transportable installations that are equipped to provide a stable environment is permitted. If such vehicles do not provide a stable environment, safety of the equipment to EN60950 may not be guaranteed.
The installation and connection to the line supply must be made in compliance to local or national wiring codes and regulations.
The CRS-280L is designed for connection to a power system that has separate ground, line and neutral conductors. The equipment is not designed for connection to a power system that has no direct connection to ground.
The CRS-280L is shipped with line inlet cables suitable for use in the country of operation. If it is necessary to replace these cables, ensure the replacement has an equivalent specification. Examples of acceptable ratings for the cable include HAR, BASEC and HOXXX-X. Examples of acceptable connector ratings include VDE, NF-USE, UL, CSA, OVE, CEBEC, NEMKO, DEMKO, BS1636A, BSI, SETI, IMQ, KEMA-KEUR and SEV.
Preface iv MN-PCB-4300A
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive
In accordance with the Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 91/263/EEC, this equipment should not be directly connected to the Public Telecommunications Network.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference; in which case, users are required to correct the interference at their own expense.
International Symbols
International Symbols Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
~ Alternating Current
EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference that requires the user to take adequate protection measures.
EN55022 - 1997 Compliance
This equipment meets the radio disturbance characteristic specifications for information technology equipment as defined in EN55022-1997.
EN55024 - 1998 Compliance
Protective Earth
Chassis Ground
This equipment meets the EMC/immunity characteristics for the limits and methods of measurement for information technology equipment per EN55024-1998.
Preface v MN-PCB-4300A
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
To ensure that the CRS-280L continues to comply with these standards, observe the following instructions:
Connections to the transmit and receive IF ports (‘N’ type female connectors) should be made using a good quality coaxial cable; for example, RG213/U.
The 'D' type connec to r a ttached to the rear panel must have a back-shell that provides continuous metallic shielding. Cable with a continuous outer shield (either foil or braid, or both) must be used, and the shield must be bonded to the back-shell.
The equipment must be operated with both AC module panels assembled firmly to the rear of the chassis at all times. If it becomes necessary to remove either AC module, the user should ensure that the cover is correctly re-fitted before normal operation commences.
Product Support
For all product support, please call:
+ +1.866.472.3963 (toll free USA)
By email:
Comtech EF Data Headquarters Comtech EF Data Corp. 2114 West 7th Street Tempe, Arizona USA 85281 +1.480.333.2200
Preface vi MN-PCB-4300A
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
Warranty Policy
Comtech EF Data products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a specific period from the date of shipment, and this period varies by product. In most cases, the warranty period is two years. During the warranty period, Comtech EF Data will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective. Repairs are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty or a 90 day extended warranty, whichever is longer. Contact Comtech EF Data for the warranty period specific to the product purchased.
For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to Comtech EF Data and all related customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the owner. Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid RMA number issued prior to return and be marked clearly on the return packaging. Comtech EF Data strongly recommends all equipment be returned in its original packaging.
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of failed parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.
Limitations of Warranty
The warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or misused in any way that, in the opinion of Comtech EF Data Corporation, would affect the reliability or detracts from the performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result of use in a way or with equipment that had not been previously approved by Comtech EF Data Corporation.
The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereof where the serial number or the serial number of any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.
The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product. The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any cause
beyond the control of Comtech EF Data Corporation, such as lightning or other natural and weather related events or wartime environments.
The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted equipment or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or replacement.
The warranty excludes any responsibility by Comtech EF Data Corporation for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separate from or in combination with any other equipment or products.
A fixed charge established for each product will be imposed for all equipment returned for warranty repair where Comtech EF Data Corporation cannot identify the cause of the reported failure.
Preface vii MN-PCB-4300A
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
Exclusive Remedies
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s warranty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, or statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer shall pass on to any purchaser, lessee, or other user of Comtech EF Data Corporation’s products, the aforementioned warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Comtech EF Data Corporation from any claims or liability of such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made additional warranties or representations as to product preference or use.
The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
Preface viii MN-PCB-4300A
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
1.1 Overview
Figure 1-1. CRS-280 70/140 MHz IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
Figure 1-2. CRS-280L L-Band IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
Introduction 1–1 MN-CRS-280/280L
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
CDM-700 CDM-Qx/QxL
Revision -
The CRS-280 (70/140 MHz) IF Switch (Figure 1-1) provides complete isolation of the IF signals. The Redundant Modem’s IF signals are routed to the Traffic Modem’s IF path when the Switch RMI is online. The Switch automatically senses the presence of the CRS-280. The Switch, upon switching, leaves the offline modem with its IF on, and the CRS-280’s relays isolate any undesired signals.
The CRS-280 (70/140 MHz) IF Switch is necessary when one or more modems within the redundancy system connect to more than one up/down converter. This occurs when the modems connect to more than one transponder on the same antenna polarization, or when modem redundancy needs to span two or more polarizations or antennas.
The CRS-280L (L-Band) IF Swit c h ( Figure 1-2) is des igned to suppor t redundancy systems featuring one Redundant (backup) Modem and up to 10 Traff ic Modems ( prime channels). Operation of the CRS-280L is c ontr olled by the s witc hing s ystem to which it is connected.
The CRS-280L (L-Band) Switch is necessary when one or more modems within the redundancy system connect to the other polarization of the antenna or to multiple antennas.
The CRS-280/280L is designed for use with the f ollowing C omtech EF Data products:
Table 1-1. IF Switch Compatibility Table
Modem Remarks Max 1:N Redundancy
CDM-570L/570AL Used with CRS-300 or CRS-500 1:10 CDM-600L CLM-9600L CDM-600/600L
Used with CRS-300 or CRS-500 w/CRS-350 (ESC only) 1:10
CDM-710 CDM-710G/710GL
SLM-5650/5650A SDM-300L3** Used with SMS-7000** 1:8 SDM-2020D**
Used with CRS-400 (HSSI)** 1:10
** Indicates a Comtech EF Data legacy product that is no longer in production
The CRS-280 replaces the following Comtech EF Data active or legacy products:
CRS-282 IF switch for 70/140 MHz applications
The CRS-280L replaces the following Comtech EF Data active or legacy products:
IFU for SMS-7000 L-B and app licat ions .
CRS-282 IF switch for L-Band applications (CRS 300/CRS 500)
Introduction 1–2 MN-CRS-280/280L
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
The CRS-280L features redundant power supplies with status Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on the front panel. It may be configured for 4 to 10 channel applications (SMS-7000 supports 8 channels max). Each channel has a transmit section with TX input / uplink output and a receive section with Rx output / downlink input.
Figure 1-3 shows the system level block diagram for a CRS-280L system.
Figure 1-3. 1:10 Redundancy w/CRS-280L – System-level Block Diagram
1.1.1 Compatibility
The Comtech EF Data CRS-280/280L IF Switch is designed specifically as an accessory product for Comtech EF Data equipment. It is not designed to operate with any other manufacturer's equipment.
The CRS-280L is not designed to convey Direct Current (DC) power to external equipment such as LNBs or BUCs. Do not apply DC power to the L-Band input and output (Type ‘N’) ports of the switch. In addition, the CRS-280L is not designed to pass to 10 MHz reference
or FSK signaling.
Introduction 1–3 MN-CRS-280/280L
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
1:4 Configuration
1:10 Configuration
Revision -
1.2 Physical Description
The CRS-280 is cons tructed as a 4RU -high, rack-mounting chassis t hat can be freestanding, if desired. Rack handles are not supplied.
The CRS-280L is constructed as a 4RU -high, rack-mounting chassis t hat can be freestanding, if desired. It is provided with rack handles at the f r ont for easy rem oval fr om and placement into a rack.
1.2.1 Front Panel
Figure 1-4. CRS-280 Front Panel
Figure 1-5. CRS-280L Front Panel (1:10 Configuration shown)
Introduction 1–4 MN-CRS-280/280L
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
Power Supply
Power Supply
Revision -
1.2.2 Rear Panel
Figure 1-6. CRS-280 Rear Panel
Figure 1-7. CRS-280L Rear Panel
Introduction 1–5 MN-CRS-280/280L
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy Revision -
1.2.3 Dimensional Envelope
Figure 1-8. CRS-280 (70/140 MHz) IF Switch Dimensional Envelope
Introduction 1–6 MN-CRS-280/280L
CRS-280/280L IF Switch for 1:N Redundancy
Revision -
Figure 1-9. CRS-280L (L-Band) IF Switch Dimensional Envelope
Introduction 1–7 MN-CRS-280/280L
+ 49 hidden pages