Clear-Com Intercom SystemsMR-202/MR-204 Two- and Four-Channel Headset Stations
Congratulations and thank you for choosing this Clear-Com product.
The MR-202 Two-Channel and MR-204 Four-Channel Headset Stations are
powerful, yet user-friendly units that can serve as versatile intercom stations.
Please read this manual completely to better understand the functions of
these products. For questions not addressed in this manual, contact the
dealer or Clear-Com directly. Clear-Com applications support and service
people are ready to help.
The Clear-Com PL-Pro™ MR-202 and MR-204 are headset stations ideal for
use in theatres, live performances, industrial environments, and small
television facilities. They feature speech intelligibility in all noise levels and
can be customized through their programmable options.
Selectable, multi-channel talking and/or listening allows the operator to
communicate on one of two (MR-202) or four (MR-204) intercom channels.
The dual-action talk button operates in electronic momentary or latching
mode. The MR-202 and MR-204 offer visual call signaling to attract the
attention of operators. The Remote Mic Kill (RMK) feature on main stations
will turn off any open microphones on these headset stations.
The MR-202 and MR-204 stations accept dynamic headsets, such as the
Clear-Com PL-Pro
control allows the operator to vary the level of his voice heard in the headset.
The MR-202 and MR-204 receive 30-V DC power from the Clear-Com
intercom line. They mount in a standard two-gang electrical outlet box. The
extra-thick front panel and compact, surface-mount circuitry results in a small
size and lighter weight package that maintains Clear-Com ruggedness. The
intercom channels connect to a plug-on screw terminal strip.
or the HS-6 T elephone Headset Series. A sidetone
The optional EB-TW daughter board module can be installed to provide an
interface to two intercom channels on a single microphone cable. Also, the
EB-TW 4-Wire daughter board module is available to allow long-distance
connections using separate pairs of wire for send audio and receive audio.
The EB-4W 4-Wire option supports two-channel operation and may only be
used on the MR-202.
The MR-202 and MR-204 are compatible with all Clear-Com Party-Line
MR-202/MR-204 Two- and Four-C hannel Headset StationsClear-Com Intercom Systems
Quick Start
1.Unpack the unit and inspect for any damage that may have
occurred during shipping.
2.Connect the intercom lines. If less than the maximum number of
intercom lines are to be connected, link unused intercom inputs
to a connected input with jumper wires.
3.Install the MR-202 or MR-204 into the two-gang outlet box. (For
additional information, refer to the Clear-Com PL-Pro
Installation Manual.)
4.Connect the appropriate headset or handset.
5.Set Listen Levels and Sidetones. (Refer to “3—Intercom Level
Control” on page 4 and “4—Sidetone Control” on page 4.)
6.The headset station should now be operating properly.
7.Read the rest of this manual for further information.
Normal operation of the MR-202 or MR-204 Headset Station only requires the
front-panel controls. The controls located elsewhere on the unit are intended
to be set-and-forget in nature. For intercom operation, set the Listen level
control to the desired level and press the Talk button when talking. Set the
Sidetone control for the desired amount of sidetone in the earphone.
Clear-Com Intercom SystemsMR-202/MR-204 Two- and Four-Channel Headset Stations
Front Panel
The controls, indicators, and connectors found on the MR-204 front panel are
shown in Figure 1 on page 3 and are described by the following text. The MR202 front panel is identical except the channel switch has two positions.
Intercom Level
Channel Select
R e m o t e
S t a t i o n
1—Talk Button and Lamp
The Talk button activates the microphone feed to the selected intercom
channel. The Talk button has a dual action (momentary or latching) depending
upon how the button is pressed. If desired, the latching function can be
defeated using an internal switch. The following describes the various
functions of this button.
•Momentary—Press and hold the Talk button while speaking. Release it
when finished.
•Latching—Press and release the button quickly to latch the Talk
function. Press and release the button again to turn off the Talk
MR-202/MR-204 Two- and Four-C hannel Headset StationsClear-Com Intercom Systems
•Talk Indication—The associated Talk lamp will illuminate green when
the Talk function is activated.
2—Call Button and Lamp
Pressing the Call button will send a call signal on the selected channel. All the
call lights on that channel will then flash. Call signals can also be sent while
talking if required. The C all lamp will light while the Ca ll button is pressed, or
whenever a call signal is present on the selected channel.
3—Intercom Level Control
Turn this control to set the listen level required on the headset.
4—Sidetone Control
Sidetone is the level of the operator’s voice that heard while talking on the
intercom. Setting a comfortable level of sidetone will ensure that the intercom
line sounds alive and also helps modul ate the oper at or’s voice relative to
other voices on the line.
Use the following procedure to correctly set the Sidetone level control.
1.Set the Intercom Level control to a comfortable level by having
someone talk to the operator from another station.
2.Press the Talk button and speak into the microphone while
turning the Sidetone control slowly back and forth until you hear
your voice at a comfortable level in the headset.
Do not force the trimpot past its stop points. This will damage it.
5—Channel Switch
This switch selects the intercom channel (A, B, C, or D) on which the headset
station is active.
6—Headset Connector
The headset connector is located on the front panel. All Clear-Com headsets
are recommended for use with the MR-202 or MR-204. The Clear-Com PT-4
Push-to-Talk Microphone or the HS-6 Telephone Handset will also plug into
the headset connector. The following is a description of the characteristics of
a suitable headset:
•Mic Type—Dynamic; 150 to 400 ohms impedance; -55 dB output level
Clear-Com Intercom SystemsMR-202/MR-204 Two- and Four-Channel Headset Stations
The microphone and headphone wiring in the headset cord must be
individually shielded.
Do not connect Pins 1 and 3 together. Headset extension cords or
headset “Y” cables are not recommended because they may increase
crosstalk between channe ls .
Internal Adjustments and Connections
The controls and connectors found inside the MR-202 and MR-204 are shown
in the following figure and described by the following text. The jumpers can be
accessed without completely removing the panel from its wall box by
removing the top two screws and loosening the bottom two screws a few
turns. The panel can then be leaned out from the wall. The jumpers will be
accessible as shown in the lower view of Figure 2 on page 5.
MR-202/MR-204 Two- and Four-C hannel Headset StationsClear-Com Intercom Systems
7—Option Jumpers
Two option jumpers, JB1 and JB2, are provided. They should be configured
when the system is set up, but shouldn’t need to be changed during normal
The default position of the jumpers is in the OPEN (only one pin
connected) position. The function of each jumper is as follows:
JB1—Long Line
If a long cable run is unavoidable and approaches 1,000 ft. or more, set the
Long Line option jumper to the CLOSED (both pins connected) position. The
ability to set a sidetone null depends upon properly setting this jumper.
JB2—Latch Disable
Setting the Latch Disable jumper to the CLOSED (both pins connected)
position will disable the latching function of the Talk button. In this mode, the
Talk button must be held in continuously while the operator is talking.
8—Intercom Line Connection
The MR-202 contains a five-terminal, plug-on connector for intercom line
connection. The MR-204 contains a seven-terminal, plug-on connector for
intercom line connection. This connector is intended to be unplugged from the
circuit board when connecting the intercom line(s), and then plugged back on
when the wiring is completed. If less than the maximum number of intercom
lines are to be connected to the intercom connector, link unused intercom
inputs to a connected input with jumper wires. The connections for each pin
are visible on the circuit board when the connector is unplugged. The pinout
of this connector is as follows: