6 7
4. Time Difference Correction Function ......................................................... 24
A. Setting Procedure for Time Difference Correction (1)
B. Setting Procedure for Time Difference Correction (2)
5. Manually Setting the Time and Date ........................................................... 33
A. Changing the Display
B. Correcting the Seconds and Minutes
C. Correcting the Elapsed Years and Month
<Setting to a Non-Existent Date>
<Reading the Month and Year>
<Quick Reference Chart for Number of Years Since Leap Year>
D. Correcting the Hours and Date
6. Unique Functions of Solar-Powered Watches ............................................ 42
A. Power Save Function
<Power Save 1>
<Canceling Power Save 1>
<Power Save 2>
<Canceling Power Save 2>
B. Insufficient Charge Warning Function
C. Time Setting Warning Function
D. Overcharging Prevention Function
7. General Reference for Charging Times of Solar-Powered Watches ........ 50
8. Solar-Powered Watch Handling Precautions ............................................. 52
<Try to Keep the Watch Charged at all Times>
9. Replacing the Secondary Battery ................................................................. 53
10. Setting the Reference Position ...................................................................... 54
A. Checking the Reference Position
B. Setting the Reference Position
11. All-Reset ......................................................................................................... 59
12. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................. 61
13. Precautions ..................................................................................................... 62
14. Specifications ................................................................................................. 68