4. About Support Tools Utilities.....................................................................................................................27
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Support Tools Utilities List........................................................................................................................27
Web Tools............................................................................................................................................28
Trace and Log Tools.............................................................................................................................28
Cisco Common Tools...........................................................................................................................29
3rd Party Common Tools.....................................................................................................................30
Part 3. Installing, Upgrading and Configuring Support Tools...................................................47
7. Installing Support Tools.............................................................................................................................49
About Installing Support Tools..................................................................................................................49
Support Tools Installation Tasks...........................................................................................................49
How to Collect Information for Support Tools Installation.........................................................................51
How to Create Support Tools User Groups..............................................................................................52
To Create Support Tools User Groups.................................................................................................53
Creating Local Accounts on the Support Tools Ser ver........................................................................53
How to Create the Distinguished User Account.......................................................................................53
How to Create the Distinguished User Account...................................................................................54
How to Assign Directory Privileges to the Distinguished User.............................................................54
How to Install the Support Tools Server...................................................................................................54
How to Install the Support Tools Node.....................................................................................................57
How to Test the Support Tools Installation................................................................................................58
8. Configuring Support Tools.........................................................................................................................61
About Configuring Support Tools..............................................................................................................61
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration....................................................................................62
Communication Port ...........................................................................................................................62
Location of the Support Tools Installation............................................................................................62
Location of the Support Tools Repositor y............................................................................................62
Support Tools Administrative Group....................................................................................................62
TCP/IP Port .........................................................................................................................................63
How to Disable Continuous Virus Scan for the Repository.......................................................................63
How to Modify Processes and Services Listed in the Process Information List.......................................63
How to Configure SQL for Use with the System Interrogate Tool.............................................................66
Configuration of sysquery and Trace........................................................................................................66
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
9. Uninstalling, Reinstalling and Upgrading Support Tools............................................................................67
How to Uninstall Support Tools.................................................................................................................67
How to Reinstall Support Tools.................................................................................................................68
Upgrading Support Tools..........................................................................................................................68
Part 4.The Support Tools Dashboard..........................................................................................69
10. Using the Support Tools Dashboard.......................................................................................................71
Accessing the Dashboard and Privileges.................................................................................................72
Accessing the Dashboard....................................................................................................................72
Using the Dashboard for the First Time....................................................................................................72
Accessing Utilities in the Dashboard...................................................................................................72
Selecting a System to Work With in Interactive Mode.........................................................................73
Adding a System to the System List....................................................................................................73
Navigating and Refreshing Pages in the Dashboard...........................................................................74
How to Access the Support Tools Dashboard..........................................................................................74
How to Use the System Management Screen..........................................................................................75
To Add a Node to the System List.......................................................................................................75
To Automatically Add CVP and Suppor t Tools Server Nodes..............................................................76
To Test the Connection to a Node........................................................................................................76
To Delete a Node from the System List...............................................................................................76
Using the Select System Screen..............................................................................................................77
Using the Select System Screen.........................................................................................................77
Adding a Support Tools Node to the System List................................................................................78
How to End a Dashboard Session............................................................................................................78
Part 5. Using Support Tools Web Tools.......................................................................................81
11. Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard...................................................................................83
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen.............................................................................................83
To Retrieve System Information in Interactive Mode............................................................................93
To Retr ieve System Information in Batch Mode...................................................................................94
To Save System Information to a File..................................................................................................94
To Save Files Returned from a System Interrogate.............................................................................95
How to Use the History Screens..............................................................................................................95
To Set an Expiration Date for History Files..........................................................................................96
To View a Saved File............................................................................................................................96
To View Diff Only for Registry Compare Files (Registry Compare - History Screen Only)..................96
To Rename a File.................................................................................................................................96
To Delete a File....................................................................................................................................97
To Download a File..............................................................................................................................97
How to Use the Registry Screen..............................................................................................................97
To use the Registry Screen..................................................................................................................98
How to Use the Registry Compare Screen..............................................................................................98
To Compare the Current System to Another........................................................................................99
To Compare the Current System to a Saved Registry File..................................................................99
To Compare Two Saved Registry Files................................................................................................99
Understanding the Compare Registries Display................................................................................100
Viewing Registry Keys for Multiple Customer Instances....................................................................101
To Copy Key Values Between Registries and Files............................................................................101
To Save a Registry Comparison to a File..........................................................................................102
How to Use the Processes Screen.........................................................................................................103
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
To View Processes.............................................................................................................................103
To Save a Process.............................................................................................................................104
To Ter minate a Process.....................................................................................................................104
How to Use the Services Screen............................................................................................................104
To View Services................................................................................................................................105
To Stop or Start a Service..................................................................................................................105
To Save the Services List to a File.....................................................................................................106
Trace and Log.........................................................................................................................................106
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen.............................................................................................107
To Create a Log Group......................................................................................................................107
How to Use the Log Groups Screen.......................................................................................................110
To Access NBTStat from the Dashboard...........................................................................................219
Using NBTStat - Command Line Options..........................................................................................220
Net Session............................................................................................................................................220
Net Statistics Server...............................................................................................................................221
Net Statistics Workstation ......................................................................................................................221
Dashboard Will Not Load...................................................................................................................270
Dashboard Online Help Does Not Display.........................................................................................270
Index ...........................................................................................................................................................273
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
List of Figures
Figure 1: Support Tools Topology...................................................................................................................................24
Figure 2: Support Tools Dashboard.................................................................................................................................71
Figure 5: OPC Test Example Output.............................................................................................................................176
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
This document details the installation, configuration, and day-to-day use of the Cisco Support
Tools Server and Cisco Support Tool Nodes.
This document is intended for System Installers, Administrators, and Users of Cisco Support
Tools 2.1(1).
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
This document is divided into these parts:
1. Support Tools 2.1(1) Features, Compatibility, and Requirements
2. Support Tools Overview
3. Installing, Upgrading, and Configuring Support Tools
4. Using the Support Tools Dashboard
5. Using Support Tools Web Tools
6. Using Cisco Common Tools
7. Using 3rd Party Tools
8. Reference
9. Support Tools Troubleshooting
Related Documentation
Additional Documents
Cisco ICM/IPCC Support Tools Tool Release Notes
This manual uses the following conventions:
boldface font
Boldface font is used to indicate commands,
such as user entries, keys, buttons, and folder
and submenu names. For example:
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Choose Edit > Find.
Click Finish.
Obtaining Documentation
Italic font is used to indicate the following:italic font
To introduce a new term. Example: A skill
group is a collection of agents who share
similar skills.
For emphasis. Example: Do not use the
numerical naming convention.
A syntax value that the user must replace.
Example: IF (condition, true-value,
A book title. Example: See the Cisco CRS
Installation Guide.
window font
< >
Obtaining Documentation
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco.com. Cisco also provides
several ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical resources. These sections explain
how to obtain technical information from Cisco Systems.
Window font, such as Courier, is used for the
T ext as it appears in code or that the window
displays. Example: <html><title>Cisco
Systems,Inc. </title></html>
Angle brackets are used to indicate the
For arguments where the context does not
allow italic, such as ASCII output.
A character string that the user enters but
that does not appear on the window such as
a password.
You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL:
You can access the Cisco website at this URL:
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Documentation Feedback
You can access international Cisco websites at this URL:
The Product Documentation DVD is a comprehensi ve library of technical product documentation
on a portable medium. The DVD enables you to access multiple versions of installation,
configuration, and command guides for Cisco hardware and software products. With the DVD,
you have access to the same HTML documentation that is found on the Cisco website without
being connected to the Internet. Certain products also have .PDF versions of the documentation
The Product Documentation DVD is available as a single unit or as a subscription. Registered
Cisco.com users (Cisco direct customers) can order a Product Documentation DVD (product
number DOC-DOCDVD= or DOC-DOCDVD=SUB) from Cisco Marketplace at this URL:
Ordering Documentation
Registered Cisco.com users may order Cisco documentation at the Product Documentation
Store in the Cisco Marketplace at this URL::
Nonregistered Cisco.com users can order technical documentation from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(0800 to 1700) PDT by calling 1 866 463-3487 in the United States and Canada, or elsewhere
by calling 011 408 519-5055. You can also order documentation by e-mail at
tech-doc-store-mkpl@external.cisco.com or by fax at 1 408 519-5001 in the United States
and Canada, or elsewhere at 011 408 519-5001.
Documentation Feedback
You can rate and provide feedback about Cisco technical documents by completing the online
feedback form that appears with the technical documents on Cisco.com.
You can submit comments about Cisco documentation by using the response card (if present)
behind the front cover of your document or by writing to the following address:
Cisco Systems Attn: Customer Document Ordering 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA
We appreciate your comments.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Product Alerts and Field Notices
Modifications to or updates about Cisco products are announced in Cisco Product Alerts and
Cisco Field Notices. You can register to receive Cisco Product Alerts and Cisco Field Notices
by using the Product Alert Tool on Cisco.com. This tool enables you to create a profile and
choose those products for which you want to receive information. Access the tool at this URL:
From this site, you will find information about how to:
Product Alerts and Field Notices
Report security vulnerabilities in Cisco products.
Obtain assistance with security incidents that involve Cisco products.
Register to receive security information from Cisco.
A current list of security advisories and notices for Cisco products is available at this URL:
To see security advisories, security notices, and security responses as they are updated in real
time, you can subscribe to the Product Security Incident Response Team Really Simple
Syndication (PSIRT RSS) feed. Information about how to subscribe to the PSIRT RSS feed is
found at this URL:
Cisco is committed to delivering secure products. We test our products internally before we
release them, and we strive to correct all vulnerabilities quickly. If you think that you might
have identified a vulnerability in a Cisco product, contact PSIRT:
For Emergencies only: security-alert@cisco.com
An emergency is either a condition in which a system is under active attack or a condition
for which a severe and urgent security vulnerability should be reported. All other conditions
are considered nonemergencies.
For Nonemergencies: psirt@cisco.com
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Obtaining Technical Assistance
In an emergency, you can also reach PSIRT by telephone:
Note: W e encourage you to use Pretty Good Priv acy (PGP) or a compatible product (for example,
GnuPG) to encrypt any sensitive information that you send to Cisco. PSIRT can work with
information that has been encrypted with PGP versions 2.x through 9.x.
Never use a revoked or an expired encryption key. The correct public key to use in your
correspondence with PSIRT is the one linked in the Contact Summary section of the Security
Vulnerability Policy page at this URL:
The link on this page has the current PGP key ID in use.
If you do not have or use PGP, contact PSIRT at the aforementioned e-mail addresses or phone
numbers before sending any sensitive material to find other means of encrypting the data.
1 877 228-7302
1 408 525-6532
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Cisco T echnical Support provides 24-hour -a-day award-winning technical assistance. The Cisco
Technical Support & Documentation website on Cisco.com features extensive online support
resources. In addition, if you have a valid Cisco service contract, Cisco Technical Assistance
Center (TAC) engineers provide telephone support. If you do not have a valid Cisco service
contract, contact your reseller.
Cisco Technical Support & Documentation Website
The Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website provides online documents and tools
for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. The
website is available 24 hours a day, at this URL:
Access to all tools on the Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website requires a
Cisco.com user ID and password. If you have a v alid service contract b ut do not ha v e a user ID
or password, you can register at this URL:
Note: Use the Cisco Product Identification (CPI) tool to locate your product serial number
before submitting a web or phone request for service. You can access the CPI tool from the
Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website by clicking the Tools & Resources Tools.
Choose Cisco Product Identification Tool from the Alphabetical Index drop-down list, or
click the Cisco Product Identification Tool RMAs. The CPI tool offers three search options:
by product ID or model name; by tree view; or for certain products, by copying and pastingshow
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
command output. Search results show an illustration of your product with the serial number
label location highlighted. Locate the serial number label on your product and record the
information before placing a service call.
Submitting a Service Request
Using the online T A C Service Request Tool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service requests.
(S3 and S4 service requests are those in which your network is minimally impaired or for which
you require product information.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Service Request
Tool provides recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved using the recommended
resources, your service request is assigned to a Cisco TA C engineer. The TAC Service Request
Tool is located at this URL:
For S1 or S2 service requests or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by
telephone. (S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or
severely degraded.) Cisco T A C engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests
to help keep your business operations running smoothly
Obtaining Technical Assistance
To open a service request by telephone, use one of the following numbers:
For a complete list of Cisco TAC contacts, go to this URL:
Definitions of Service Request Severity
To ensure that all service requests are reported in a standard format, Cisco has established
severity definitions.
Severity 1 (S1) - Y our network is do wn, or there is a critical impact to your business operations.
You and Cisco will commit all necessary resources around the clock to resolve the situation.
Severity 2 (S2) - Operation of an existing network is severely degraded, or significant aspects
of your business operation are negati vely affected by inadequate performance of Cisco products.
You and Cisco will commit full-time resources during normal business hours to resolve the
Severity 3 (S3) - Operational performance of your network is impaired, but most business
operations remain functional. You and Cisco will commit resources during normal business
hours to restore service to satisfactory levels.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Severity 4 (S4) - You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities,
installation, or configuration. There is little or no effect on your business operations.
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from v arious
online and printed sources.
Cisco Product Quick Reference Guide is a handy, compact reference tool that includes brief
product overviews, k ey features, sample part numbers, and abbreviated technical specifications
for many Cisco products that are sold through channel partners. It is updated twice a year
and includes the latest Cisco offerings. To order and find out more about the Cisco Product
Quick Reference Guide, go to this URL:
Cisco Marketplace provides a variety of Cisco books, reference guides, and logo merchandise.
Visit Cisco Marketplace, the company store, at this URL:
Cisco Press publishes a wide range of general networking, training and certification titles.
Both new and experienced users will benefit from these publications. For current Cisco Press
titles and other information, go to Cisco Press at this URL:
Packet magazine is the Cisco Systems technical user magazine for maximizing Internet and
networking inv estments. Each quarter , P ack et deli vers co v erage of the latest industry trends,
technology breakthroughs, and Cisco products and solutions, as well as network deployment
and troubleshooting tips, configuration examples, customer case studies, certification and
training information, and links to scores of in-depth online resources. You can access Packet
magazine at this URL:
iQ Magazine is the quarterly publication from Cisco Systems designed to help growing
companies learn how they can use technology to increase re venue, streamline their b usiness,
and expand services. The publication identifies the challenges facing these companies and
the technologies to help solve them, using real-world case studies and business strategies to
help readers make sound technology investment decisions. You can access iQ Magazine at
this URL:
Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering
professionals involved in designing, developing, and operating public and private internets
and intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL:
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Networking products offered by Cisco Systems, as well as customer support services, can
be obtained at this URL:
Networking Professionals Connection is an interactive website for networking professionals
to share questions, suggestions, and information about networking products and technologies
with Cisco experts and other networking professionals. Join a discussion at this URL:
World-class networking training is available from Cisco. You can view current offerings at
this URL:
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Part 1: Support Tools 2.1(1) Features,
Compatibility, and Requirements
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 1
New Features in this Release
This release of Support Tools introduces the following new features:
Support for CVP 4.0: Support T ools is no w supported on CVP 4.0 software running, including
Audium on AIX. Note that the Audium/AIX installer is only available for CVP versions 4.0
and greater, and is only av ailable as part of the CVP shell installer; a standalone Node installer
for AIX is not available. Audium support includes Log Collection and Trace Settings.
Automated IPSecurity configuration: For W indows 2003 Server platforms, the Support T ools
installer includes the option of automatic IPSec configuration. On other platforms, IPSec
configuration is not automated but can be configured manually if desired.
Automated System Addition: The Support Tools Server can now automatically add to its
system list nodes defined on CVP 4.x and Support Tools Server 2.1 system lists.
Cross-version Support Tools Server/Node support: The Support Tools Server and Node are
backwards-compatible with previous version of the ST Server and Node.
Additional Batch Mode scheduling Options: Log collection requests can now be scheduled
to run by minutes, days, or weeks.
Interactive Mode support for Trace Settings and Log Collection: Trace Settings and Log
Collection can now be specified in Interactiv e Mode; logs or trace are performed in real-time
against the currently selected system.
CAD 7.x Trace Support: The Trace Setting tool is now supported for CAD 7.x.
Millisecond option in Log Collector: For ICM components, dump log data can now be
collected in millisecond intervals.
Additional Merge Log support: Merge Log functionality now supported for CSA, CAD,
CRS, and CVP logs.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 1: - New Features in this Release
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 2
Support Tools Requirements and Compatibility
This section contains the following topics:
Support Tools Node Requirements, page 15
Support Tools Server Requirements, page 16
Support Tools Server / Node Version Compatibility, page 17
Support Tools Port Requirements, page 17
Support Tools Dashboard Web Browser Requirements, page 18
Support Tools Node Requirements
Support Tools Node Compatibility with Cisco Unified Products and Product Components
The Support Tools Node can be installed on the Cisco Unified components listed below:
Management (ICM) and IP
Contact Center (IPCC) Enterprise
and Hosted
Express (CRS) (formerly IPCC
Supported ComponentsSupported VersionsCisco Unified Product or
All4.6(2) and aboveCisco Intelligent Contact
All3.x, 4.xCisco CallManager (CCM)
All4.6(2) and aboveCTI Object Server (CTIOS)
All4.0 and aboveCisco Unified Contact Center
All4.0 and aboveCisco Unified IP IVR (CRS)
All4.6(0) and aboveCisco Agent Desktop (CAD)
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Support Tools Server Requirements
(formerly ISN)
Support Tools Node Hardware Requirements
The hardware requirements for the Support Tools Node are predetermined by the Cisco Unified
software component on which it runs.
The Support Tools Node installation requires a minimum of 20 Mb of available disk space.
Disk space required for log storage is proportional to the number of logs collected and stored.
100 Mb of available disk space is recommended.
Chapter 2: - Support Tools Requirements and Compatibility
Supported ComponentsSupported VersionsCisco Unified Product or
All2.1 and aboveCisco Voice Portal (CVP)
All5.xCisco Collaboration Server (CCS)
All5.xCisco E-Mail Manager (CEM)
All5.xCisco Media Blender (CMB)
Support Tools Node Software Requirements
The software requirements for the Support Tools Node are predetermined by the Cisco Unified
software component on which it runs.
Support Tools Server Requirements
Support Tools Server Hardware Requirements
You can install the Support Tools Server on a standalone server (that is, one on which no Cisco
Unified products are installed), or on an existing ICM Admin Workstation (AW) in your ICM
network. Collocation of the Support Tools Server on other Cisco Unified software product
component is not supported.
Warning: Due to possible performance issues, do not install the Support Tools Server on
an ICM distributor AW; AW installation should be limited to client AWs.
The Support Tools Server can be installed on these hardware platforms:
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
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