Cisco E20 Administrator's Manual
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Connecting the E20 ...............................................4
Deploying E20
Deploying the E20 .................................................. 6
Automatic provisioning .......................................6
Using the keypad to congure the E20 ............... 6
Setting up the E20 from a remote PC ................. 7
Auto provisioning ................................................ 7
HTTP provisioning .............................................. 8
Using E20
Connecting the E20 to the LAN ........................... 10
The E20 keyboard ................................................ 10
Adjusting the E20 camera .................................... 10
Navigation principles ............................................ 11
Selfview ............................................................... 11
Calling someone by dialing their number ............. 11
Operating the softbuttons .................................... 11
Answering an incoming call ................................. 12
Switching between handset, loudspeaker and
headset ................................................................ 12
Calling someone using the Directory ................... 12
Adding entries to My contacts ............................. 13
Adding entries manually ................................... 13
Copying entries from the corporate directory ... 13
Removing an entry from the list of Favorites ..... 14
Removing an entry from My contacts ............... 14
Switching between two calls ............................... 14
Blind transfer ........................................................ 14
Consultative transfer ............................................ 15
Video conferencing using MultiWay™ .................. 15
Adding the screensaver of your choice ................ 16
Avoiding conict with the standby function ...... 16
Multiple lines ........................................................ 16
Incoming calls with multiple lines ...................... 17
Shared lines ......................................................... 18
Example ............................................................ 18
The settings
The menu ............................................................. 20
The Settings ..................................................... 20
Advanced settings
Description of the Advanced settings .................. 24
IP settings ............................................................ 24
System conguration ........................................... 24
Audio ................................................................ 24
Camera 1 .......................................................... 24
CapsetFilterDebug ............................................ 24
Conference 1 .................................................... 25
Experimental ..................................................... 25
Menu ................................................................ 25
Network 1 ......................................................... 26
Network services ............................................. 27
Phonebook ....................................................... 28
Provisioning ...................................................... 28
RTP ................................................................... 28
SIP .................................................................... 28
Standby ............................................................ 30
System Unit ......................................................30
Time.................................................................. 30
Video ................................................................ 30
Change password ................................................30
Restart ................................................................. 30
Understanding Cisco Discover y Protocol on the
former TANDBERG endpoints .............................. 31
Introduction....................................................... 31
Benets Provided by CDP ................................ 31
Automatic VLAN discovery ............................... 31
Automatic Quality of Service ............................ 32
Power over Ethernet (POE) negotiation ............ 32
Location Awareness ......................................... 32
Ethernet Speed / Duplex Mismatch Detection ... 32
Future Medianet Applications ........................... 33
CDP Behavior in Release TE4.0 ........................ 33
Upgrades to TE4.0 from a Previous Release .... 33
What Happens Next.......................................... 34
A Note about DHCP Option 150 .......................34
Summary .......................................................... 34
Mechanical dimensions ........................................ 35
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What’s in this guide?
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Chapter 1
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Connecting the E20
Connect the cables as shown. If you have one LAN connection only, and need that for your PC, the E20 has a built in Gigabit ethernet switch that enables you to connect your PC to the E20 to access the LAN through the E20.
Power supply HandsetLocal area n etwork (L AN)
Optiona l PC connection
Optional telephone style headset connection
Attach U SB stick with images for screen saver
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Chapter 2
Deploying E20
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Deploying the E20
There are four ways of deploying the E20:
• By use of automatic provisioning.
• By use of the keypad.
• By logging into the unit from a remote PC.
• By use of Provisioning.
Automatic provisioning
When you start the E20 the rst time you will be prompted to choose the language to be used in the menus and dialog boxes.
Once the language has been selected, the E20 will congure the correct language and a provisioning assistant will pop up.
The wizard will help you congure the E20 with the correct parameters. Observe that Cisco has dened a set of DHCP options. The E20 will pick up these settings if they have been set by your network administrator.
The wizard supports dierent provisioning or conguration schemes. The Cisco VCS (TMS 12.5) is the default scheme and is the recommended provisioning scheme for the E20. The other schemes will only allow the E20 to be easily congured using a core set of conguration parameters. The E20 suppor ts VCS, Broadsoft, Cisco Callway, Cisco UCM and HT TP. Callway is a subscription based service. Contact your Callway representative for more on this. Depending on the infrastructure you will be prompted to supply information like username and passwords.
Once you have completed the elds and selected the register button, the E20 will contact the external manager and tr y to provision the device. You will be notied whether the registration process succeeds or fails. Note that even if provisioning or registration fails the system may keep trying in the background
In case of failure to connect successfully, you may rectify the parameters and try again. If you don’t have provisioning set up in your network you can choose Manual to congure basic SIP settings manually. You can run the Startup wizard later using the menu.
The nal step of the wizard will be to adjust the camera. Note that camera adjustment is optional at this stage—you may choose to do this later.
Using the keypad to congure the E20
1. Navigate from the Home menu to the Menu tab. Use the Down arrow key to
navigate down to Advanced settings. Press .
2. Navigate down to System conguration and press
3. Navigate to SystemUnit > Name and press
Select a name that is unique to avoid conicts. We recommend that you use your name or initials, eg. AliceWonderland. This name will be seen as you by the others.
4. In most cases DHCP will be used for assignment, this is the default setting.
To set to static, go one step back and up to IP Settings > IP Assignment. Set to
Static. Enter the IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway IP address.
5. To set provisional parameters go to Provisioning > External manager.
In most cases when you change settings in the Provisioning submenu, the E20 will send a provisioning request to the external manager. More on this can be found in the “Auto provisioning” on page 8.
6. In case you are not going to use an external manager, there are things that need to be
congured manually:
a. To be able to dial, you need to congure the SIP settings. In the
NetworkServices > SIP, set SIP Mode to O before doing anything else.
b. Go to SIP > Prole1. Set Default Transport to Auto (which is the same as
default), Proxy1 Discovery to Manual, You must also enter the IP address of the Proxy (Proxy is your PBX/VCS or OCS) and you must enter the URI of your E20. Set the SIP Mode back to On.
c. If your SIP Server / PBX uses user authorization you need to supply a user-id and
password. This is done in SIP > Prole1 > Authentication 1.
d. You may want to use a TMS phonebook. If you have this and no entries are
displayed after conguring, you must make sure that your unit is registered in TMS and that a phonebook is assigned to your system.
Your E20 comes with no default administrator password set! This means that anyone with network access to the E20 can easily log onto the device with SSH.
We strongly recommend that you set up an administrator password by using the menu in Settings > Advanced > Change password.
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Setting up the E20 from a remote PC
Log onto the system using Telnet or a SSH client. When using SSH log in with username “admin”.
First you should choose a name for your unit. Use a name that is unique to avoid conicts. The recommendation would be to incorporate your name or initials, eg. AliceWonderland.
xCongu ration SystemUnit Name: “AliceWonderland
Note that in most most cases DHCP will be used for assignment:
xCongu ration Network 1 Protocol: “IPv4”
xCongu ration Network 1 Assignment: “DHCP”
If not, you may want to set your IP network settings manually:
xCongu ration Network 1 IPv4 Address: “<Your-IP-Address>”
xCongu ration Network 1 IPv4 Gateway: “<Network-Gateway-IP­Ad dress>”
xCongu ration Network 1 IPv4 Subnetmask: “<SubNet-mask>”
xCongu ration Network 1 DNS Domain Na me: “<local dom ain names>” xCongu ration Network 1 DNS Server 1 Address: “<DNS Server IP Address>”
For remote administration the following settings are recommended. This should also make the system visible in TMS.
xCongu ration Provisioning Mode: Tms
xCongu ration Provisioning ExternalManager Address: “<hostname of your tms server>”
xCongu ration Provisioning ExternalManager Protocol: Http
xCongu ration Provisioning ExternalManager Path: “tms/public/ external/managem ent/systemm anagementservice.asmx”
To be able to dial, you need to congure the SIP settings.
xCongu ration NetworkServices SIP Mode: On
xCongu ration SIP Prole 1 DefaultTransport: Auto
xCongu ration SIP Prole 1 Type: Auto
xCongu ration SIP Prole 1 Proxy 1 Discovery: Manual
xCongu ration SIP Prole 1 Proxy 1 Address: “<ip of your SIP server>”
xCongu ration SIP Prole 1 URI: “<your SIP URI>”
If your SIP Server/PBX uses user authorization you need to supply a user-id and password
xCongu ration SIP Prole 1 Authentication 1 LoginNam e: <your user-name>
xCongu ration SIP Prole 1 Authentication 1 Password: <password>
You may want to use a corporate TMS phonebook. If you have this and no entries are displayed after conguring, you must make sure that your unit is registered in TMS and a phonebook is assigned to your system.
xCongu ration Phonebook Server 1 ID: “default”
xCongu ration Phonebook Server 1 Type: “TMS”
xCongu ration Phonebook Server 1 URL: “<URL to your phonebook ser v ic e>”
Should the system fail to respond to incoming calls, make sure that:
• The system is connected to line voltage
• The LAN cable is properly connected—see Connecting the E20 for details.
Auto provisioning
There are situations where service providers prefer that users need not enter any information at all. Instead, they want the E20 to retrieve all the information necessary by itself—through pro-active behavior using HTTP or HT TPS.
When provisioning mode is set to Auto (default), we try the following:
1. HTTP provisioning towards http://tandbergprovisioning/getcong
use VCS provisioning
3. If TMSSERVER is set in /etc/dhcpinfo, use TMS provisioning
4. For TE4.0 and newer: If TFTPSERVERADDRESS (option 150) is set in /etc/
dhcpinfo, use Cisco UCM provisioning.
5. If TFTPSERVER (option 66) is set in /etc/dhcpinfo, try tftp
6. HTTP provisioning towardsg
(see examples right).
If all of the above steps fail, the GUI will show the startup wizard.
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
With TE4.1.0 the E20 supports provisioning and basic call functionality with Cisco Unied Communications Manager (CUCM) version 8.5 and above. The E20 also supports Cisco Discover y Protocol (CDP) for easy deployment in CUCM environments. Voice VLAN and Data VLAN are VL AN tags used by Cisco switches. When provisioning mode is set to CUCM in the Start Wizard, the E20 will try to use Voice VLAN if available in your network. When in other provisioning modes the E20 will try to use Data VLAN. See also the appendix for more on this.
HTTP Provisioning examples Redirect
<Provisioning> <Redirect><URL>http://myProvisioningServer</URL><Method>GET</
Software upgrade
<Provisioning> <Sof t wa r e> <U R L> htt p://myPr o vi si on i ng Se r v er/d ow n lo a d</ UR L > <Ve r sio n >T E4.0</V er sio n > <U p gr ad eI fL e ss Th a n >T E1.8</U p gr ad e If Le ss Th a n > <U p gr ad eI fG re at e rT h a n> TE 4.0</U pg r ad eI fG re at er T h an > </Sof tw a re > </Provisioning>
Server settings
<Provisioning> <Se r ve rS et ti n gs > <M o de >V CS< /M o de > <Us e rn a m e >336835 </U se r na m e > <Pa ss w or d >222</P a ss wo rd > <D om a i n> e x a m ple.c o m< /Do m a i n> <A d dr e ss >M yE x te r na l M a na ge r </Ad d r es s> <HTTPProtocol>HTTPS</HTTPProtocol> <H TTP M et h od > GE T</ HT TP Me t ho d > </Ser v e rS ett i ng s> </Provisioning>
<Provisioning> <Heartbeat>1</Heartbeat> <Co n g u r ati on > <Au di o it em = ”1”> <S ou n d sA n d A le r ts ite m =”1”> <Ri n gT on e ite m =”1”>N or d ic </R i ng T on e > </So u nd s A nd A l er ts > </Au d io> </Con  g u ra ti on > </Provisioning>
HTTP provisioning
The E20 will send an HT TP/HTTPS request containing E20 parameter information that will uniquely identify the E20 using Get/Post. The E20 will provide its serial No. and MAC address.
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Chapter 3
Using E20
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
Connecting the E20 to the LAN
Optional PC connection: If you have a single LAN wall outlet only, you may connect your PC to the PC-socket of the E20.
Your PC and the E20 will then share the LAN connection.
Power supply HandsetLocal area
network (LAN)
Optional PC
Optional telephone style headset connection
USB stick for
Focus ring
Privacy shutter open / close
Before you star t making video calls, make sure that your picture is displayed properly.
1. Open the privacy shutter by turning the
front ring of the camera.
2. Display your own picture by pressing
3. Adjust your picture vertically by using
the up and down
4. Adjust sharpness by turning the focus
ring on the camera.
Adjusting the E20 camera
The E20 keyboard
Listen to voice mail
For future applications
Open the phone book
Display selfview (what
others see from your
Switch your microphone
on and o
Listen through
Volume control
Listen through built-in speaker
Switch your camera on and o
Softkey control buttons
Show and hide main menu
Navigation keys and OK key
This part is similar to, and works in
the same way as, a telephone
Cisco IP Video Phone E20 Administrator guide
D14 330 .12 Adminis trator gui de Cisco IP Video Pho ne E20, TE4.1 Novembe r 2011.
All conten ts are Copyright © 2010–2011, Cisco Sys tems, Inc. All rights r eserved.
The softbuttons are operated using these buttons
Operating the softbuttons
In the lower line of the display, context sensitive softbuttons will appear to give you choices when operating the unit. Observe that these buttons are operated by means of the upper row of keypad buttons as shown below.
Navigation principles
The following navigation principles apply:
• Press the
button to show the Home menu whenever no menu is shown.
Press again to remove the menu.
• Use the up and down
keys to navigate inside a menu.
• Open a submenu by pressing
or the right button.
• Repeat, if needed, if there are more submenu levels.
• Inside a submenu, press left
button to go one level back.
• Inside a menu, use the
button to close all submenus and go directly back
to Main menu.
• When entering information in a text or number eld, use the C button to delete
inputs to the left of the current cursor position.
• To switch between numeric and alphanumeric setting use the # (abc/123)
• The softbuttons along the bottom of the screen are controlled by the
corresponding buttons of the keypad.
• Outside a call, press the button to see what others see of you.
• Use this image to see whether you need to adjust the camera tilt (described
on the previous page), your distance to the phone and/or the lightning if required.
• Press again to remove the selfview image. Any wallpaper chosen will now be
• In a call, the selfview will appear as a picture-in–picture image.
Calling someone by dialing their number
Key in the number or URI directly and press . You can lift o the handset both before and after dialing.
Alternatively, just press
to show the Home menu, if needed:
norah dollhouse
hedda gabler
peer gynt
hjalmar ekdahl
hedwig ekdal
emma bova ry
oscar w. ild e
harry p. o tter
Green indicates that the
entry is o nline.
Red indicates busy.
None indicates s tatus
Indicato rs work when
Presence Subscri be is active
only—see page 27.
Key in the number or URI to call and press twice to start calling. While doing this you may need to switch to alphanumeric setting by means of the
# (abc/123) key. Activate Special Characters, if needed.
The E20 will search for matches as you key in a number or URI. Matches found
will be presented according to categories; Recent calls, My contacts and
Phone book.
Below the Dial eld is the list of those you have called frequently and your
+ 25 hidden pages