Catalyst 6500 Series Switch
MSFC Command Reference
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(13)E
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Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFC Command Reference
Related Documentationvii
Obtaining Documentationix
Obtaining Technical Assistancex
Obtaining Additional Publications and Informationxii
1Command-Line Interfac e1-1
Getting Help1-1
How to Find Command Options1-2
Using the No and Default Forms of Commands1-5
Using the CLI String Search1-5
Saving Configuration Changes1-11
2Catalyst6500 Series Switch MSFC Commands2-1
clear ip auth-proxy watch-list2-2
define interface-range2-5
interface range2-8
ip address2-10
ip auth-proxy max-login-attempts2-12
ip auth-proxy watch-list2-13
ip local-proxy-arp2-15
ip multicast rpf backoff2-16
ip multicast rpf interval2-18
ip verify unicast source reachable-via2-19
ip wccp redirect2-21
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
ipx network2-23
mls aclmerge algorithm2-28
mls ip2-30
mls ip cef load-sharing full2-31
mls ip cef rate-limit2-32
mls ip delete-threshold2-34
mls ip inspect2-35
mls ip install-threshold2-36
mls ip multicast consistency-check2-37
mls ip multicast stub2-39
set traffic-index2-43
show fm features2-44
show fm inband-counters2-46
show fm insp2-47
show fm interface2-48
show fm reflexive2-50
show fm summary2-51
show fm vlan2-52
show ip auth-proxy watch-list2-54
show ip wccp web-cache de tail2-55
show l3-mgr2-57
show microcode2-59
show msfc2 rom-monitor2-60
show redundancy2-61
show scp2-62
show slot0:2-64
show standby delay2-67
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
BAcknowledgments for Open-Source SoftwareB-1
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
This preface descri b es t he a udie nce, o rganizatio n, an d co nventions of thi s pu bli cati on, a nd provide s
information on how to obtain related documentation.
This publication is for experi ence d network ad mini str ator s wh o a re r esp onsib le for configuri ng and
maintaining Catalyst 6500 series switches.
This publication is organized a s fo llows:
Chapter 1Command-Line I nt erfac eDescribes the Multilayer Switching Feature
Chapter 2Catalyst 6500 Series Switch
Appendix AAcronymsDefines the acronyms used in this
MSFC Commands
Card command-line interface.
Lists alphabetically and provides detailed
information for MS FC- specific co mman ds.
Related Documentation
The Catalyst 6500 serie s switch Cisco IOS documen tation set inc ludes these doc uments:
• Catalyst 6500 Seri es Sw itch M odule I nstall ation Gui de
• Catalyst 6500 Seri es Sw itch I OS S of tware Configuration Gui de
• Catalyst 6500 Serie s Sw itch IO S S ystem Message Guide
• Release Notes for Catalyst 6500 Series Swit ch IOS Software Release X.X
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
The Cisco IOS do cu ment ation se t in clude s thes e doc umen ts :
This docume nt u s es the f ol lowing conventions:
• Configuration Fundamentals Configuratio n Gu ide
• Command Reference
boldface fontCommands, command op tions, an d keywords are in
italic fontArguments for which you supply values are in ita li cs.
[ ]Elements in square brackets are optional.
{ x | y | z }Alternative keywords are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. Bra ces c an a lso be us ed to gro up keywords
and/or aguments ; for example , {int er f a c e interface type}.
[ x | y | z ]Optional alterna tive keywords are grouped in brac kets and
separated by vertical ba rs.
stringA nonquoted set of characters. Do no t use quotatio n marks
around the string or the string will include the quotation
screen fontTerminal sessions and information the system displays are in
screen font.
boldface screen
Information you must enter is in boldface screen font.
italic screen fontArguments for which you supply values are in ita lic s c reen
^The symbol ^ r epre se nts t he key labe led Con trol— fo r
example, the key combination ^D in a screen display means
hold down the Control key while you press the D key.
< >Nonprinting char acters, suc h as passwords are in angle
[ ]Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets.
!, #An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning
of a line of code indicates a comment line.
Notes use the following conventions:
NoteMeans reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in
the publication.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Cautions use the following conventions:
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you mi ght do someth ing that could re sult in equipm ent
damage or loss of data.
Obtaining Documentation
Cisco provides several ways to obtain documentation, techn ical assistance , and other tec hnical
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Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
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Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
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Obtaining Technical Assistance
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Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
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Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
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• Packet magazine is the Ci sco quart erly public atio n that provides the latest networki ng trend s,
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• Internet Protocol Journa l is a quarterly jour nal publ ished by Cisco Systems for engineering
professionals involved in designing, developing, and ope ratin g p ubli c a nd pr ivate internets a nd
intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL:
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Command-Line Interface
This chapter provides informa tion fo r understa nding and using the Ca talyst 6500 series switch
Cisco IOS software using the command-line interface (CLI). This chapter includes the following
For an overview of the Catalyst 6500 series switch Cisco IOS software configuration, refer to the
Catalyst 6500 Seri es IO S So f tware Configuration Guid e.
Getting Help
T o obt ain a list of co mman ds that a re a vailable for each comm and mo de, ente r a q uestio n ma rk ( ?) at the
system prompt. You also can obtain a list o f any c omma nd’s associated keywords an d argume nts w it h
the context-sensitive help feature.
• Getting Help, page 1-1
• How to Find Command Options, page 1-2
• MSFC CLI, page 1-11
Table 1-1 lists commands you can enter to get help that is specific to a command mode, a command, a
keyword, or an argument.
Table 1-1Getting Help
abbreviated-command-en try?Obtain a list of commands t hat begin with a
particular char acte r stri ng. (Do not leave a space
between the com mand a nd que sti on ma rk .)
abbreviated-command-en try<Tab>Complete a partial command name.
? List all commands available f or a pa rti cul ar
command mode.
command? List a command’s associated keywords. Leave a
space between the command and question mark.
commandkeyword ?List a keyword’s associated arguments. Leave a
space between the keyword a nd que sti on ma rk .
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
How to Find Command Options
How to Find Command Options
This section provides an example of how to display syntax for a command. The syntax can consist of
optional or requ ired keywords. To display keywords for a com ma nd , ente r a quest ion ma rk (?) at the
configuratio n prom pt or af ter en tering p art of a comm and foll o wed by a space. The Cataly st 6500 series
switch software displays a list of available keywords along with a brief description of the keywords. For
example, if you ar e i n g loba l c onfigura tion m ode a nd want to se e a ll the keywords for t he arap
command, you ente r arap ?.
Table 1-2 shows examples of how you can use the question mark ( ?) to assist you in entering commands
and also guides you throug h entering the foll owing commands:
• interface giga bitet hernet 1/1
• channel-group 1 mode auto
Table 1-2How to Find Command Options
Router> enable
Password: <password>
Enter the enable command and
password to access privileged EXEC
Chapter1Command-Line Interface
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
You are in privileged EXEC mode
when the prompt changes to
Enter global configuration mod e.
You are in global configurati on mode
when the prompt changes to
Enter interface configuration mode by
specifying the G igabit Et hernet
interface that you want to co nfigure
using the interface gigabitethernet
global configuration com ma nd.
Enter a ? to display what you must
enter next on the command line. In
this example, you must enter an
interface number from 1 to 9 in the
format module-number/port-number.
You are in interface configuration
mode when the pro mpt ch ange s to
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Chapter 1Comman d-Line Interface
Table 1-2How to Find Command Options (continued)
Interface configuration commands:
access-expression Build a bridge boolean access expression
apollo Apollo interface subcommands
appletalk Appletalk interface subcommands
arp Set arp type (arpa, probe, snap) or timeout
backup Modify backup parameters
bandwidth Set bandwidth informational parameter
bgp-policy Apply policy propogated by bgp community string
bridge-group Transparent bridging interface parameters
carrier-delay Specify delay for interface transitions
cdp CDP interface subcommands
channel-group Etherchannel/port bundling configuration
clns CLNS interface subcommands
custom-queue-list Assign a custom queue list to an interface
decnet Interface DECnet config commands
default Set a command to its defaults
delay Specify interface throughput delay
description Interface specific description
dlsw DLSw interface subcommands
dspu Down Stream PU
exit Exit from interface configuration mode
fair-queue Enable Fair Queuing on an Interface
flowcontrol Configure flow operation.
fras DLC Switch Interface Command
help Description of the interactive help system
hold-queue Set hold queue depth
ip Interface Internet Protocol config commands
ipx Novell/IPX interface subcommands
isis IS-IS commands
iso-igrp ISO-IGRP interface subcommands
Enter a ? to display a list of all the
interface con figurat ion co mm ands
available for the Gigabit Ethe rnet
How to Find Command Options
Router(config-if)# channel-group ?
group channel-group of the interface
Enter the comma nd that you want to
configure for the controller. In this
example, the channel-group
command is used.
Enter a ? to display what you must
enter next on the command line. In
this example, you must enter the
group keyword.
Because a
<cr> is not displayed, it
indicates that you must enter more
information to complete the
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
How to Find Command Options
Table 1-2How to Find Command Options (continued)
Router(config-if)# channel-group ?
<1-256> Channel group number
After you enter the group keyword,
enter a ? to display what you must
enter next on the command line. In
this example, you mu st enter a channel
group number from 1 to 256.
Because a
indicates that you must enter more
information to complete the
Router(config-if)# channel-group 1 ?
mode Etherchannel Mode of the interface
After you enter the c hanne l g rou p
number, enter a ? to display what you
must enter next on the command line.
In this example, you must enter the
mode keyword.
Chapter1Command-Line Interface
<cr> is not displayed, it
Router(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode ?
auto Enable PAgP only if a PAgP device is detected
desirable Enable PAgP unconditionally
on Enable Etherchannel only
Router(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode auto ?
Router(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode auto
Because a
<cr> is not displayed, it
indicates that you must enter more
information to complete the
After you enter the mode keyword,
enter a ? to display what you must
enter next on the command line. In
this exampl e, you must enter the auto, desirable, or on keyword.
Because a
<cr> is not displayed, it
indicates that you must enter more
information to complete the
In this example, the auto keyword is
entered. After you enter the auto
keyword, enter a ? to display what you
must enter next on the command line.
Because a
<cr> is displayed, it
indicates that you can press Return to
complete the command. If additional
keywords are listed, you ca n e nte r
more keywords or press Return to
complete the command.
In this example, press Return to
complete the command.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Chapter 1Comman d-Line Interface
Using the No and Default Forms of Commands
Using the No and Default Forms of Commands
Almost every configuration command has a no form. In general, enter the no form to disable a function.
Use the command without the ke y w o rd no to reenable a disabled function or to enable a function that is
disabled by default. For example, IP rou ting is enab led by default. To disable IP routing, specify th e
no ip routing command and specify ip routing to reenable it. This publication provides the complete
syntax for the configuration comm ands an d describ es what the no fo rm of a comma nd does.
Configuration commands can have a default form. The default form of a command returns the command
setting to its default. Most commands are disabled by default, so the default form is the same as the no
form. However, some co mm an ds ar e en ab led b y de f au lt and have variab les set to certain default values.
In these cases, the default form of the command enables the command and sets variables to their default
values. This publication describes what the default form of a c omma nd doe s if t he com ma nd is not th e
same as the no form.
Using the CLI String Search
The pattern in the comm and output is refer red to as a str ing. The CLI string search featu re allows you to
search or filter a ny show or more command outp ut and allows you to sear ch and filter at --More- -
prompts. This feature is useful when you need to sort though large amou nts of output, or if you want to
exclude output that you do not ne ed to see.
With the search function, you can begin unfiltered output at the first line that contains a regular
expression you specify. Y ou can then specify a maximum of one filter per command or start a new search
from the --More -- prom pt .
A regular expression is a patt ern (a phr ase , num be r, or more c ompl ex pat tern ) sof twar e use s to ma tc h
against show or more command output. Regular expressions are case sensitive and allow for complex
matching requiremen ts. Examp les of simple regular expressio ns are Ser ial, misses, and 138. Ex ample s
of complex regular expressions are 00 210..., ( is ), and [Oo]u tput.
You can perform thr ee t y pes of filterin g:
• Use the begin keyword to begin output with the l ine t hat con tai ns a spe cified r egular expr ession .
• Use the include keyword to include output line s th at co ntain a sp eci fied regula r expr essio n.
• Use the exclude keyword to excl ude out p ut l ine s tha t con t ain a spec ified r egular expressi o n.
You can then search this filtered outpu t at the --M ore-- prom pts.
NoteThe CLI string search func tion doe s not allow you to search or filter backward through previous output;
filtering cannot be specified using HTTP access to the CLI.
Regular Expressions
A regular expression can be a single character that matches the same single character in the command
output or multiple characters that match the same multiple characters in the command output. This
section describes how to create both single-character patterns and multiple-character patterns and how
to create more complex regular expressions using multiplie rs, alterna tion, anc horing, a nd parenthe ses.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Using the CLI String Search
Single-Character Patterns
The simplest regular expression is a single character that matches the same single character in the
command output. You can use any letter (A-Z, a-z) or digit (0-9) as a single-character pattern. You can
also use other keyboard characters (such as ! or ~) as single-character patterns, but certain keyboard
characters have spec i al m e an in g w h en us e d in r egul ar expr essi o ns. Table 1-3 lists the keyboard
characters with special meaning.
Table 1-3Characters with Special Meaning
Character Special Meaning
.Matches any sin gle ch aract er, includ ing whi te spa ce.
*Matches 0 or more sequenc es of th e pattern .
+Matches 1 or more sequences of the pattern.
?Ma tch es 0 or 1 occurre nces of the pattern .
^Match es the beginnin g of the string .
$Matches the end of the string.
_ (underscore )Matches a comma (,), le ft b ra ce ({ ), ri g ht br ace ( }), lef t pa rent hesi s ( ( ),
Chapter1Command-Line Interface
right parenthesis ( ) ), the beginning of t he str ing, the e nd o f the str ing, or a
To enter these special characters as single-character patterns, remove the special meaning by preceding
each character with a backslash (\). Th ese e xample s are sin gle-cha racter p atterns ma tching a dollar sig n,
an underscore, and a plus sign, respectively.
\$ \_ \+
Yo u ca n spe cif y a ra nge o f s ingl e-c har act er patt erns to match a gainst co mm an d o utput . For exam ple ,
you can create a regular expression that ma tche s a stri ng cont ai ning on e of the following lett ers: a, e, i,
o, or u. One and only one of these characters must exist in the string for pattern matching to succeed. To
specify a range of single-character patterns, enclose the single-character patterns in square brackets
([ ]). For exampl e,
matches any one of the five vowels of the lowercase alphabet, while
matches any one of the first four letters of the lower- or uppercase alphabet.
Yo u can si mplify r anges by e nter ing only t he e nd poin ts of the range sepa ra ted by a d ash ( -). Sim pli fy
the previous range as follows:
To add a dash as a single-character pattern in your range, include another dash and precede it with a
You can also include a right square bracket (]) as a single-character pattern in your range. To do so, enter
the following:
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Chapter 1Comman d-Line Interface
The previous example m a tches any on e of the first fou r lett ers o f th e lower- or up perc ase al ph ab et, a
dash, or a right square bra cket.
You can reverse the matching of the range by including a caret (^) at the start of the range. This example
matches any letter except the ones listed:
This example matc he s anythin g exc ep t a rig ht sq uare br acket (]) o r th e l etter d :
Multiple-Character Patterns
When creating regular expressions, you can also specify a pattern containing multiple characters. You
create multiple-character regular expressions by joining letters, digits, or keyboard characters that do not
have special meaning. For example, a4% is a multi ple-cha racte r regular expressi on. Put a backsl ash in
front of the keyboar d ch arac t ers t h at h ave specia l m eani n g wh en yo u want to r em ove their spe cia l
With multiple-character patterns, order is important. The regular expression a4% matches the character
a followed by a 4 followed by a % sign. If the string does no t have a4%, in that order, pattern m atc hing
fails. This multiple-character regular expression
Using the CLI String Search
uses the special meaning of the period character to match the letter a followed by any single character.
With this example, the strings ab, a!, or a2 are all valid matches for the regular expression.
You can remove the special meaning of the period character by putting a backslash in front of it. In the
following expression
only the string a. m atche s this regul ar expression.
Yo u can cr eate a mu ltiple-c har acter regular expre ssion cont aining a ll letter s, all di gits, all keyboard
characters, or a combina tion of l etters , digits , and othe r keyboard ch aract ers. Th ese examp les ar e all
valid regular expressions:
telebit 3107 v32bis
Yo u ca n cr ea te mo re c om plex regula r expressi ons to ma tch mu ltip le o ccu rre nc es of a sp eci fied regula r
expression by u sing some sp ecial ch aracters with your sin gle- and mu ltiple-charac ter patter ns. Table 1-4
lists the special characters that specify “multiples” of a regular expression.
Table 1-4Special Characters Used as Multipliers
*Match es 0 or mo re si ng le - or m ul tip l e- ch arac t er p at te rns.
+Matches 1 or more si ng le- or m ul tip le- ch ar ac ter p att e rns.
?Matches 0 or 1 occurrences of the single- or multiple-character patterns.
This example matches any numbe r of occurr ence s of the lett er a, inc luding none:
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Using the CLI String Search
This pattern requires that at least one letter a in the string is matched:
This pattern ma tche s th e string bb or b ab:
This string matche s any num be r of a sterisk s (* ):
To use multipliers with multiple-character patterns, you enclose the pattern in parentheses. In the
following example, the pattern matches any number of the multiple-character string ab:
As a more complex example, this pattern matches one or more instances of alphanumeric pairs (but not
none; that is, an emp ty stri ng is not a ma tch ):
The order for matches using multiplier s (*, +, or ?) is t o put the longest co nstruct fi rst. Nested co nstructs
are matched from outs ide to insi de. Conca tenate d const ructs ar e match ed beginning at the left side of
the construct. Thus, the regular expression matches A9b3, but not 9Ab3 because the letters are specified
before the numb er s.
Chapter1Command-Line Interface
Alternation allows you to specify alternative patterns to match against a string. You separate the
alternative patterns with a vertical bar (|). Exactly one of the alternatives can match the string. For
example, the regula r expr es sio n
codex | tel ebit
matches the strin g cod ex or t he st rin g teleb it, but not both co dex and t elebi t.
Yo u can ma tch a r egular expression pa tt ern agai nst th e b eginning or the en d of the string. T hat is, yo u
can specify that the beginni ng or e nd of a strin g co ntai n s a speci fic pattern . You “anchor” these regular
expressions to a portion of the string usin g the specia l characters shown in Table 1-5.
Table 1-5Special Characters Used for Anchoring
^Ma tches t he beginnin g of the string .
$ Matches the end of the string.
This regular expression mat ches a stri ng o nl y if the string st art s wi th a bcd :
In contrast, this expression is in a ra nge that ma tches any singl e letter, as long as it is not the lette rs a,
b, c, or d:
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Chapter 1Comman d-Line Interface
With this example, the regular expression matches a st ring that ends with .12:
Contrast these anchoring characters with the special character underscore (_). The underscore matches
the beginning of a string (^), the end of a string ($), parentheses ( ), space ( ), braces { }, comma (,), or
underscore (_). With the underscore character, you can specify that a pattern exist anywhere in the string.
For example:
matches any string that has 1300 somewhere in the string. The string’s 1300 can be preceded by or end
with a space, brace, comma, or underscore. For example:
matches the regular expression, but 21300 and 13000 do not.
Using the underscore cha racter, you can repla ce long regular expression list s, such as the fol lowing:
As shown in the “Multipliers” section on pa ge 1-7, you use parentheses with multiple-character regular
expressions to multiply the occurrence of a pattern. You can also use parentheses around a single- or
multiple-character pattern to remember a pattern for use elsewhere in the regular expression.
To create a regular expressi on that rec alls a previous patter n, you use pare ntheses to indicate a
remembered specif ic p attern and a b ackslash (\) foll owe d by an integ er to reuse the remembe red pattern .
The integer specifies the occurrence of the parentheses in the regular expression pattern. If you have
more than one remembered pa ttern in yo ur regular expressi on, then \1 in dicates the first remember ed
pattern, \2 ind ica tes the sec ond rem embe re d pat tern, a nd so on .
This regular expression uses parent heses for re call:
This regular expressi on ma tc hes a n a fol lowed by any char ac te r ( cal l i t c hara c ter 1) , foll owed by bc
followed by any character (character 2), followed by character 1 again, followed by character 2 again.
The regular e xpress ion can ma tch aZbcT ZT. The software remembers that charac ter 1 is Z and charac ter
2 is T and then uses Z and T again later in the regular expression .
alt Keyword Usage
When you enable hig h-availability re du ndancy, every configuration command executed on the
designated MSFC is sent to the nondesign ated MSFC . Also , th e runni ng configura tion sync hro niz ation
is updated when you enter the copy source running-config command on the designated M SFC.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Using the CLI String Search
The two states for th e configur ation synch roni zatio n are as follows:
To configure both MSFCs from a single console, enter the alt keyword to specify an alternate
configuration. When sp ecifying the al ternate conf iguration, the co nfig uration that i s specif ied before the
alt keyword relates to the MSFC on the supervisor engine in slot 1 of the switch; the configuration that
is specified after the alt keyword relates to the M SFC on the su pe rvisor eng ine in slot 2.
NoteYou must enter the alt keyword when you enable Config Sync AdminStatus.
When you enable the Config Sync RuntimeStatus, the following occurs:
Chapter1Command-Line Interface
• Config Sync AdminStatus— Signi fies w hat the u ser h as co nfigured f or thi s f eature at th at mom ent
• Config Sync RuntimeStatus—Enabled only when the following occurs:
The Config Sync AdminStatus is enabled on bot h the designat ed and nondesi gnated MSFCs
The designated and nonde signated MSFCs are runni ng compa tible imag es
• No configuration mode is available on the CLI of the nonde signate d MSFC; EXE C mode is
available. Configuration of both MSFCs is made through the conso le or a Telnet session on the
designated MSFC.
• The alt keyword is available an d re qu ire d ( see the “alt Keyword Usage ” se cti on on pa ge 1-9 for
more information on the alt keyword)
• The running and startup co nfigurations are sync hronize d
When the Config Sync RuntimeStatus is in disabled mode, the following occurs:
• Configuration mode is available on the CLI of both MSFCs
• The alt keyword is available but optional
• The running and st art up configur ati ons are n ot sy nch ron ized
Table 1-6 shows the interface and global configuration commands that contain the alt keyword:
Table 1-6Interface and Global Configuration Commands Containing the alt Keyword
This example shows how the alt keyword is used w he n en teri n g th e ip address command:
Router-1(config-if)# ip address alt ip address
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Chapter 1Comman d-Line Interface
Saving Configuration Changes
To save your configuration change s to you r st art up configur ation so t hat they w ill not be lo st if th ere i s
a system reload or power outage, enter the following command:
Router# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Building configuration...
It might take a minute or two to save the configuration. After the configurat ion has been s aved, the
following output appea rs :
On most platforms, this step saves the configuration to NVRAM. On the Class A Flash file system
platforms, this step sav es the conf ig uration to the location specif ie d by the CONFIG_FILE environment
variable. The CONFIG_FILE environment variable defaults to NVRAM.
You can access the Multilayer Switch Feature Card (MSFC) command-line interface (CLI) by entering
commands from the sup ervisor engi ne CLI. Th ese sectio ns describ e the MSFC CLI:
• Accessing the MSFC CLI from the Supervi sor Engin e CLI, page 1-11
Saving Configuration Changes
• Cisco IOS Command Modes, page 1-12
• Cisco IOS Comma nd-L ine In ter face, page 1 -14
Accessing the MSFC CLI from the Supervisor Engine CLI
These sections describe how to access the MSFC CLI from a directly connected console port or from a
Telnet session:
• Accessing the MSFC CLI from the Console Port, page 1-11
• Accessing the MSFC CLI from a Telnet Session, page 1-12
Accessing the MSFC CLI from the Console Port
Yo u can en ter the switch console command to acce ss the MSFC CLI fro m the supervis or engine CLI
directly connect ed to the conso l e por t . To exit from the MSFC CL I and r etur n to t he s upe rv iso r en gi ne
CLI, enter ^C^C^C at the Router> p rom pt.
To access the M SFC C LI fr om the supe rvis or e ng ine CLI, per for m th is t ask:
Access the MSFC CLI f rom t he s upe rviso r engi ne CL I.swit ch con sole [mod]
1. The mod variable specifies the module number of the MSFC; either 15 (if the MSFCis installed on the supervisor
engine in slot 1) or 16 (if the MSFC is in stalled on t he supervisor engin e in slot 2 ). If n o module number i s specified,
the console will switch to the MSFC on the active supervisor engine.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
NoteT o access the MSFC CLI on the standby MSFC, connect to the console port of the standby
supervisor engine.
This example shows how to access the active MSFC CLI from the active supervisor engine CLI, and
how to exit the MSFC CLI and return to the supervisor engine CLI:
Console> (enable) switch console 15
Trying Router-15...
Connected to Router-15.
Type ^C^C^C to switch back...
Console> (enable)
Accessing the MSFC CLI from a Telnet Session
You can enter the session modcommand to access the MSFC CLI from the supervisor engine CLI using
a T elnet se ssion. To exit from the MSFC CLI back to the sup ervisor engin e CLI, ente r the exit command
at the Router> promp t.
Chapter1Command-Line Interface
NoteThe supervisor e ngine s oftware se es t he M SFC as mo dul e 1 5 ( whe n in stal led on a
supervisor engine in slot 1) or module 16 (when installed on a supervisor engine in slot 2).
This example shows ho w to access the MSFC fro m the supervisor engine CLI, and ho w to exit the MSFC
CLI and return to t he s upe rv isor en gine CL I:
NoteIn addition to the methods described in the “Accessing the MSFC CLI from the Supervisor
Engine CLI” section on page 1-11, you can configure Cisco IOS software to support direct
Telnet access to the MSFC. Refer to “Configuring Authentication” in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide at this URL:
Cisco IOS Command Modes
The Cisco IOS user interface is divided into many different modes. The commands available to you
depend on which m ode you a re c urre ntl y in. To get a list of the comm ands i n a g iven mode, type a
question mark (?) at the system prompt. For more information, see the “Getting a List of Cisco IOS
Commands and Syntax” sec tion o n page 2-14.
When you start a session on the super visor engi ne, you begin in use r mode, often called user EX EC
mode. Only a l imit ed subse t o f t he co mm an ds ar e available in EX EC m ode . To have access to all
commands, you m ust en ter pr ivileged EXEC m ode . Norm all y, you must type i n a passwor d to acc ess
privileged EXEC mode. From privileged EXEC mode, y ou can type in any EXEC command or a ccess
global configuration mo de. Mos t of the EX EC comman ds are one -tim e comm ands, suc h as show
commands, which show the c urr en t co nfigurat ion stat us, an d clear commands, which clear counters or
interfaces. The EXEC commands ar e not saved across reboots of th e supervi sor engine.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Chapter 1Comman d-Line Interface
The configuration mode s al low you to make c hange s to the runni ng co nfigurati on . If yo u l ater save the
configuration, these comma nds are sto red acros s supervisor engine reboo ts. You must start at global
configuration mode. From g loba l c onfigura tio n mode , yo u ca n en ter inte rface c onfigurati on mode ,
subinterface configurati on mode, a nd a variety of prot ocol -sp ecific mod es.
ROM monitor mode is a se pa rat e mo de us ed whe n the sup ervi sor e ngine ca nno t bo ot prop er ly. For
example, the supervisor engine might enter ROM monitor mode if it does not find a valid system image
when it is booting, or if its configuration file is corrupted at startup. For more information, see the
“Catalyst 6500 Se ries IOS Comm and Reference.”
Table 1-7 lists and describes the most commonly use d Cisco IOS modes.
Table 1-7Frequently Used Cisco IOS Command Modes
ModeDescription of U s eHow to AccessPrompt
User EXECConnect to remote devices,
change terminal settings on a
temporary basis, perfo rm basic
tests, and display system
Privileged EXEC (enable)Set opera ting pa rameter s. The
privileged command set
includes the commands in user
EXEC mode as w ell as the
configure command. Use this
command to access the other
command mod es.
Global configurationConfigure features that affect
the system as a whole.
Interface configurationMany features are enabled for a
particular interface. Interface
commands enable or modify the
operation of a G igab it Eth er net
or Fast Ethernet interface.
Console configurationFrom the directly conn ected
console or the virtual termina l
used with Telnet, use this
configuration mode to configure
the console interface.
Log in.
From the user EXEC mode,
enter the enable command and
the enable password.
From the privil eged E XEC
mode, enter the configure terminal command.
From global configuration
mode, enter the interface type location command.
From global configuration
mode, enter the line console 0
The Cisco IOS command interpreter, called the EXEC, interprets and executes the commands that you
enter. You can abbr eviate comman ds and keywords by enteri ng just enough c hara cters to make the
command unique from other commands. For example, you can abbreviate the show comma n d to sh and
the configure terminal command to config t.
When you type exit, the MSFC backs out one level. To exit configuration mode completely and return
to privileged EXEC mode, press Ctrl-Z.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Getting a List of Cisco IOS Commands and Syntax
In any command m ode, you c an g et a list of available com ma nd s by e nter ing a qu esti on ma rk ( ?).
Router> ?
To obta in a l i st o f co mma nd s t ha t b egin w ith a p ar tic ul ar ch ar ac ter s equ en ce , type i n tho s e ch arac t ers
followed b y the question mark (?) . Do not include a sp ace. This form of help is ca lled word help , because
it completes a word for you.
Router# co?
T o list keywords or arguments, enter a question mark in place of a keyword or argument. Include a space
before the ques tion mar k. Thi s f orm o f help is ca ll ed c omm and synta x help , beca use i t remi nd s yo u
which keywords or arguments are applicable based on the command, keywords, and arguments you have
already entered.
Router# configure ?
memory Configure from NV memory
network Configure from a TFTP network host
overwrite-network Overwrite NV memory from TFTP network host
terminal Configure from the terminal
Chapter1Command-Line Interface
To redisplay a command you previously entered, press the up-arrow key or Ctrl-P. You can continue to
press the up-arrow key to see the last 20 commands that you entered.
TipsIf you are having t roubl e e nte ring a com ma nd, c he ck t h e syst em pro mpt, a nd e nter the
question mark (?) for a lis t of available command s. You might be in the wrong co mmand
mode or using inco rre ct syn tax.
Press Ctrl-Z in any mode to immediately return to privileged EXEC mode. Enter exit to return to the
previous mode.
CiscoIOS Command-Line Inte rfac e
These sections de scri be ba sic Cisc o IOS configuration tasks tha t yo u n eed to u nderst and be fore y ou
configure routing:
• Accessing Cisco IOS Con figuration Mo de, page 1-14
• Viewing and Saving the Cisco IOS Configuration, page 1-15
• Bringing Up an M SFC Int erface, p ag e 1-1 5
Accessing Cisco IOS Configuration Mode
To access the Cisc o IOS configuration mod e, per for m th is t ask:
NoteEnter the switch console comman d to access the MSFC CLI from th e supervi sor engine
CLI when directly connected to the supervisor engine console port. To access the MSFC
from a Telnet session, see the “Accessing the MSFC CLI from a Telnet Session” section
on page 1-12.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Chapter 1Comman d-Line Interface
Step 1
If you are in the supervisor engine
Console> switch console [mod_num]
CLI, enter the MSFC CLI.
Step 2
At the EXEC prompt, enter enable
Router> enable
Step 3
At the privileged EXEC prom pt,
Router# configure terminal
enter global configura tion mo de.
Step 4
Step 5
Enter the commands to configure
(Refer to the appropriate conf iguration tasks in the Catalyst 6500 Series IOS Software Configuration Guid e.)
Exit configuration mode.Router(config)# Ctrl-Z
Viewing and Saving the Cisco IOS Configuration
To view and save the configuration after you make changes, perform this task:
Step 1
View the current operating
configuration at the pr ivileged
EXEC prompt.
Step 2
View the configuration in
Step 3
Save the current configuration to
Bringing Up an MSFC Interface
In some cases, an MSFC interface might be administratively shut down. You can check the status of an
interface using the show interface command.
NoteIn a redundant supervisor en gine setup , if an interface on one MSFC is shut down, the
matching VLAN interface on the redund ant M SFC will stop f orwarding packets.
Therefore, you should manually shut down the matching interface on the redundant MSFC.
To bring up an MSFC interface that is administratively shut down, perform this task in privile ged mode:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Specify the int erfa ce t o brin g up.Router(config)# interface interface_type interface_number
Bring the interface up.Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Exit configuration mode.Router(config-if)# Ctrl-Z
Router# show running-config
Router# show startup-config
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Chapter1Command-Line Interface
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFC Commands
This chapter contains an alphabetical listing of the Multilayer Switching Feature Card (MSFC)
commands that support th e Cisco IOS soft ware.
The Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFC Command Reference—Release 12.1(13)E contains only those
commands that are uniq ue to th e MS FC. For info rmat ion about Cisco IOS comm ands not cont ained i n
this publication, refer to the current Cisco IOS documentation including:
• Cisco IOS Release 12. 1 C onfiguration Fu nda mental s Configuration G uide
• Catalyst 6500 Serie s Sw itch C isco IOS Co mman d Ref erence
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFCCommand Reference—Release 12.1(13)E
clear ip auth-proxy watch-list
clear ip auth-proxy watch-list
To delete a single watch-list entry or all watch-list entries, use the clear ip a uth-proxy wat ch-list
clear ip auth-proxy watch- lis t {i p-add r | *}
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch MSFC Commands
Syntax Descri ption
ip-addrSpecifies the IP address to be deleted from the watch list.
*Removes all watch-list entries from the watch list.
DefaultsThis command has no default settings.
Command ModesPrivilieged EXEC
Command History
12.1(13)EThis command was introduce d on the MSFC.
Usage GuidelinesIf there are entries in the watch list that you suspect are not v alid, y ou can enter the clear ip aut h-pr oxy
watch-list command to clear them ma nuall y i nste ad o f waiting for the watch list expiry-time to expire.
ExamplesThis example shows how to delete a single watch-list entry: