• Onboard NetFlow Feature Card II (NFFC II) chipset for core switching logic
Supervisor Engine III G Front Panel Components
The Supervisor Engine III G front panel is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1Supervisor Engine III G
The LEDs on the supervisor engine front panel indicate the status of the system, which includes the
states of the supervisor engine, the power supplies, and the fan assembly. Table 1 describes the
Load display
Console ports
Uplink ports with
GBIC fiber-optic connections
Table 1LED Descriptions
Indicates the status of the switch based on a series of self-tests and
diagnostic tests.
GreenAll the tests pass.
RedAny test fails.
2 Catalyst 5000 Series Supervisor Engine III G Installation and Configuration Note
OrangeThe link has been disabled by software.
Flashing OrangeThe link is bad and has been disabled due to a hardware failure.
OffNo signal is detected.
Reset Button
The Reset button allows you to restart the switch.
Note Use a paper clip or other small, pointed object to access the Reset button.
Switch Load
The Switch Load display provides you with a visual approximation of the current traffic load across
the backplane. The Supervisor Engine III G Switch Load display indicates the current aggregate
traffic load across all buses. Figure 2 shows the appearance of the Switch Load display.
The console port and RSFC console port allow you to perform the following functions:
• The console port enables you to configure the switch from the CLI
• Monitor network statistics and errors
• Configure SNMP agent parameters
• Downloadsoftware updates to the switch or distributesoftware images residing inFlash memory
to attached devices
The RSFC console port enables you to configure the switch for multiprotocol routing using
Cisco IOS software.
The console port and RSFC console port are EIA/TIA-232 asynchronous, serial, full-featured data
terminalequipment (DTE) connectionswith hardware flow control andRJ-45 connectors. A console
port accessory kit with the necessary cabling and adapters is provided for making your terminal
4 Catalyst 5000 Series Supervisor Engine III G Installation and Configuration Note
Console Port Mode Switch
The console port mode switch allows you to connect a terminal to the supervisor engine using the
desired console cable.
Note The cable and adapters shipped with the switch are the same ones used on the Cisco 2500
series routers (and other Cisco products).
You can also connect a modem to the console port using the cable and adapter provided with
the switch.
Use the console port mode switch as follows:
• Mode 1—Switch in the in position. Use this mode to connect a terminal to the console port using
the console cable and data terminal equipment (DTE) adapter (labeled “Terminal”) that shipped
with the supervisor engine.
You can also use this mode to connect a modem to the console port using the console cable and
data communications equipment (DCE) adapter (labeled“Modem”) that shippedwith the switch.
• Mode 2—Switch in the out position. Use this mode to connect a terminal to the console port
using the Supervisor Engine III console cable (not provided).
Console Port Mode Switch
Flash Memory
For more information on using the console port, refer to the Catalyst 5000 Series Supervisor Engine
Installation Guide.
Onboard memory consists of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) for the default system
software, Flash memory for downloading and storage of the system software, and nonvolatileRAM
(NVRAM) for the configuration file. Refer to the release notes for your Catalyst 5000 series
supervisor engine software release for the minimum requirements.
Flash memory allows you to load and store system software images. Supervisor Engine III G has
8 MB of Flash memory. You can download a new software image over the network or from a local
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server.
An electronically erasable programmable ROM (EEPROM) component on the supervisor engine
stores module-specific information, such as the module serial number, part number, controller type,
hardware revision, configuration information, and other details unique to each module. The
supervisor engine EEPROMalso contains an address allocator,which is a bank of 1024 hardware or
media access control (MAC)-level addresses, one for each possible VLAN in the system.
The configuration file is stored in nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM).
Catalyst 5000 Series Supervisor Engine III G Installation and Configuration Note 5
Safety Recommendations
Safety Recommendations
Safety warnings appear throughout this note in procedures that, if performed incorrectly, may harm
you. A warning symbol precedes each warning statement.
Warning This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury.
Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and
be familiar with standard practices for preventingaccidents. To see translations of the warnings that
appear in this publication, refer to the appendix “Translated Safety Warnings” in the Catalyst 5000Series Supervisor Engine Installation Guide.
Ensuring Safety
This section covers the following topics:
• Following Basic Electrical Safety Guidelines, page 6
• Preventing ESD Damage, page 7
Use the following guidelines to ensure your safety and protect the equipment. This list does not
include all potentially hazardous situations during installation, so be alert.
Note Power supplies in the Catalyst 5002 switch do not have on/off switches.
Warning Only trained and qualified personnel should install, replace, or service this equipment.
• Alwaysturn allpower supplies off(the position marked zero), andunplug all power cords before
installing or removing a chassis.
• Keep the chassis area clear and free of dust during and after installation.
• Keep tools and chassis components off the floor and away from foot traffic.
• Avoid wearing jewelryand securely fastenany loose clothing that couldget caught in the chassis.
Warning Before workingonequipment that is connectedto powerlines, remove jewelry (including
rings, necklaces, and watches).Metal objects will heat up when connected to powerand ground and
can cause serious burns or weld the metal object to the terminals.
Warning Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all national laws
and regulations.
Following Basic Electrical Safety Guidelines
When working with electrical equipment, exercise these basic safety guidelines:
• Never install equipment that appears to be damaged.
• Locate the emergencypower-offswitch for the room in which you are working before beginning
any procedures that require access to the chassis interior.
• Disconnect all power and external cables before installing or removing a chassis.
• Do not work alone when potentially hazardous conditions exist.
6 Catalyst 5000 Series Supervisor Engine III G Installation and Configuration Note
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