Challenger DX-V111 User Manual

Congratulations on your purchase of the Challenger DX-VIII GAP Launched Antenna. You soon will enjoy the latest in vertical antenna technology. Your GAP antenna has been designed and manufactured to provide superior performance, and a long, trouble-free life.
The GAP technology produces highly efficient, low-Q/wide bandwidth performance. As a result, no tuning is required in most amateur installations.
This manual is organized to minimize the amount of time necessary to assemble and install your GAP vertical. It is recommended that you follow the instructions.
Before beginning assembly, take a few minutes to read through the site selection chapter, and to review the safety notices.
CONTENTS CHAPTER I: Site Considerations
Safety, nearby structures, buildings, guying, radials, feed line.
CHAPTER 2: Base Installation Putting the ground mount in place CHAPTER 3: Assembly Space required, sub-assembly, final assembly CHAPTER 4: Raising the Antenna Ground mounted, roof mounted CHAPTER 5: Initial Test First operation ... a place to record VSWR data CHAPTER 6: Tips and Troubleshooting When to call for help, if you need it READ THE SAFETY NOTICE ON PAGE 2 BEFORE TURNING THIS PAGE CHAPTER 1: SITE CONSIDERATIONS 1 .0 General
It is best to locate the antenna in a clear area, away from wires, metal buildings, fences and trees. As a practical matter, many amateurs must compromise in locating their antenna. This section contains some guidelines to assist in making those compromises.
1.1 Site Safety A) If you have not read the safety notice, do so now. Stay away from power lines, they are life-threatening. B) Choose an antenna site such that it is not easily accessible to people or pets. Contact with the antenna
could be dangerous. The lower tuner rods may be at high RF potential during operation. If it is not possible to site the antenna to prevent access, then a wooden fence should be placed around the antenna, after it is erected, to prevent contact.
1.2 Nearby Wires and Antennas
In general, any vertical antenna will exhibit mutual coupling with any other vertical structure or wire within a few wavelengths, if the structure approaches resonance at the operating frequency. The GAP is no exception. Be especially careful with wires or down leads which may be within close proximity of the proposed GAP installation site. These may include other towers, down spouts, coax from other amateur antennas, metal pipes, or TV antenna feed lines on your property or adjoining properties. While horizontal wires or structures may also affect performance of a nearby vertical antenna, this is much less likely than in the case of a vertical structure.
1.3 Buildings A) It is best to locate the antenna as far from the home as possible, to minimize interaction with house
wiring, and RFI to consumer electronics.
B) Metal-walled or roofed buildings can affect antenna operation. If you have no choice, your GAP should be located at a corner of the building, rather than along a flat wall. In this case, the antenna should be tested first away from the building. Section 4.2E on Elevated Mounting provides instructions for temporar y installation and test. C) Stucco buildings often have metal mesh in their walls, and should be treated as metal structures, until proven otherwise. D) Mobile homes or RVs are a special case, which will involve some individual experimentation. It is suggested that the antenna be tested first, following the instructions in section 2.2, before attempting installation near or on the RV.
1.4 Guying
When ground mounted, the GAP vertical is designed to withstand substantial winds without guys. Guys are a form of insurance, however, which we recommend. Non-conductive guy rope should be fastened above the GAP center insulator, using a stainless steel hose clamp.
Three guys should be used. Do not pull them taut; leave some slack to accommodate temperature changes. In areas where high winds are uncommon, the guys may be dressed alongside the antenn a, and tied to guy anchors only when needed.
Guys must be used for roof mounting. Do not rely on a chimney mount to support the GAP vertical; even moderate winds can produce enough force to damage the mount or the chimn ey.
1.5 Radials
In choosing the site, remember that three 25' radials will be required for operation. Ideally, these would extend straight out from the base, and be installed at 120 degree increments around the antenna. In limited space situations, the radials may be bent or curved to fit into the available space.
1.6 Feed line
We recommend a minimum of 65' of coax cable, in order for the feed line not to look like a radial. If the site is closer to the transmitter, make provision for coiling the coaxial cable outside the home.
2.1 Ground Mount A) A carpenter's level, and post-hole digg er or small shovel are required for this step. B) Referring to the parts diagram, select the 3' Mount Section. C) At the desired installation site, dig a 3' deep hole, using the post-hole digger or small shovel. This should
be no larger than 8" in diameter. D) Place the Mount Section in the hole, and refill with dirt to about 2' below ground level. Tamp the dirt well. The top of the Mount Section should be 2" above ground. E) Select the Base Section. Temporarily slide it into the Mount Section. Using the carpenter's level, make sure that the Base Section is vertical. 'Check at least at four positions, dispersed 90 degrees around the Base. F) For permanent installations, a 40# bag of concrete gravel mix should be mixed according to directions and poured in the 2' deep hole. Level the mix with the ground. Clean any re sidue from the Base Section, above ground. Be sure that the Base Section is vertical. Let set for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the Base Section may be removed, for assembly in the Challenger DX-VIII antenna. H) For temporary installations, in non-sandy soils, rocks and dirt may be packed in the hole, in lieu of concrete. Tamp well. Soak well, and tamp again. In this case, use of guy ropes is strongly recommended.
3.0 General
Assembly of the Challenger DX-VIII antenna is done in stages. Sub-assemblies are completed first, then joined in the final assembly stage. The process should take about 60 minutes, based on user experience. Within the manual is an assembly drawing of the DX-VIII, on the back of which is a parts drawing. This drawing is removable for use in assembly and parts identification. Partial sketches are embedded in the text to help you visualize the assembly step referenced.
3.1 Space Required
Final assembly of the Challenger DX-VIII requires a clean, dry area approximately 35 feet long. A driveway or rear yard would serve the purpose. Sub-assembly needs less space, a patio or deck, for exampl e. The key to easy assembly is room to move, and a surface which allows you to recover the sheet metal screws you drop! Rear yards are notorious for eating stainless steel screws. A hex-head nut driver is provided with the antenna. You may find it easier to use a socket wrench to start the sheet metal screws. Screw holes are intentionally undersized. This cold-forms the inner tubing, and results in a more robust, electrically superior joint.
3.2 Sub-Assembly Operations
These operations are divided into three sections; ma . in, mid and lower. Referring to the removable parts diagram, lay out all antenna parts in an orderly fashion in the assembly area.
A) Main Sub-Assembly.
1) Select the Main Section. Face the two yellow GAP leads up. Select the Top Tuner Rod and insert it into
the two stand- offs.
ROD 7'' 3"
2) A sheet-metal screw is used as a stop screw, to keep this rod from sliding downward. Make sure the stop hole is above the stand-off. Insert a screw and lock washer in the stop hole, and tighten.
3) Select a yellow transition. Attach one end to the bottom of the tuner rod with screw and washer. Tighten. Leave the other end loose.
4) Twist the two stand-offs until they face upward, as shown. Set aside. B) Mid Sub-Assembly:
1) Select the mid section. Choose either end as the "top". it makes no difference.
2) Position the mid section so that the “top”* screw holes face up. They should remain facing up during sub-
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