Casio DT-X30R-30, DT-X30G-10-CN, DT-X30R-30-CN, DT-X30GR-30, DT-X30GR-30-CN Quick Start Manual

DT-X8 Series
Quick Start Guide
(Version 1.04)
CASIO Computer Co., Ltd.
September 2011
Table of the Contents
Editorial Record 4 Preface 5
Chapter 1. Product Overview 6
1.1 Features at a Glance 6
1.2 Library Configuration 7
1.3 Development Manuals 8
Chapter 2. Prerequisites 9
2.1 Skills Required 9
2.2 Hardware Required 10
2.3 Software Required 13
Chapter 3. Installing BDK to PC 14
3.1 Application Development 14
3.2 Installing CASIO BDK Files 15
Chapter 4. Connecting Power Supply to Cradle 18
4.1 HA-K60IO 18
4.2 HA-K62IO 19
Chapter 5. Connecting the DT-X8 to PC 20
5.1 ActiveSync Connection via USB 21
5.1.1 Installing ActiveSync for the First Time 22
5.1.2 If ActiveSync Is Already Installed 29
5.2 USB Connection via Windows Mobile Device Center 31
5.3 Connection via WLAN 33
5.4 Connection via Ethernet Cradle 38
5.5 Accessing Shared Network Drive on Your LAN 40
5.6 Direct TCP/IP Connection from Visual Studio 41
Chapter 6. Setting Up the Development Environment 43
6.1 Installing CAB Files 43
6.2 Visual Studio 2005 44
Chapter 7. Device Emulator 45
7.1 Software Required 45
7.2 Starting Up the Device Emulator 47
7.3 Using the Device Emulator 49
7.3.1 DT-X8 Device Emulator 49
7.3.2 I/O Simulator 50
7.3.3 Connecting via ActiveSync 55
7.4 Debugging Applications 57
Chapter 8. Visual Studio 59
8.1 Developing in C++ 60
8.2 Developing in VB 64
8.3 Developing in C# 66
Chapter 9. Resources 69
No part of this document may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. in Tokyo Japan. Information in this document is subject to change without advance notice. CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
© 2011 CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Editorial Record
Manual Version
Date edited Page Content
1.00 January 2011 all Original version 64 In Chapter 8.2, description about sample is deleted. 66 In Chapter 8.3, description about sample is deleted.
1.01 February 2011
In Chapter 2.2, HA-F21LBAT-A option is deleted.
1.02 March 2011 6 OS description name is updated.
1.03 July 2011 13 In Chapter 2.3, supported 64bit OS is added.
7, 8, 43 NFC Library is added. 1.04 September 2011
Full range imager model and NFC model are added.
This guide clearly and concisely sets out the information developers need to know to get started with the CASIO DT-X8 series handheld terminals with the integrated Windows
Embedded CE OS development. The best methods of connecting to your development system are covered and step by step instructions for installing and testing the CASIO BDKs are included.
The purpose of this guide is to get you to the point where you can start development; you should refer to the library manuals for detailed information on the specific APIs.
1. Product Overview
1.1 Features at a Glance
The DT-X8 has been designed using the new concept of the Human-centered Design Processes and is capable of performing a wide variety of powerful functions. The following is a brief overview of the features available on the DT-X8 series handheld terminals. For further detail on the hardware specifications, refer to DT-X8 Series Hardware Manual.
Outstanding development environment
x Microsoft
Windows® Embedded CE 6.0 R3 English Version as the built-in OS
x Visual Studio 2008 x Visual Studio 2005
Capability of various communication systems
x Built-in ultra-small WLAN module compatible with the IEEE802.11b/g standard x Bluetooth
Version 2.0
x Serial interface with USB version 1.1 (Host/Client)
Small size, light weight
x Dimensions : Approx. 65.75 (W) x 187.44 (D) x 41.19 (H) mm x Weight : Approx. 265 g
Improved durability
x Impact resistance : 3.0 m in height * x Dust/Water-splash proof : IP67 level (compliant with IEC60529 International Standard)
Capable of scanning industrial standard bar code symbologies
x Readable bar code symbologies:
UPC-A/E, EAN8, EAN13, Codabar, Code39, Code93, Code128/GS1-128, ITF, MSI, IATA, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Expanded, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked
CPU, Memory
x High-performance CPU
PXA320 Application Processor (runs at maximum 624 MHz)
x Large-capacity memory
RAM : 128 MB F-ROM : 256 MB (user area; approximately 160 MB)
The drop durability height is a measured value resulting from actual testing. It does not necessarily guarantee
the product from damage.
1.2 Library Configuration
The DT-X8 Software Development Kit (“BDK”) provides various libraries including those listed in the table.
Table 1.1
Library Description C++
C# System Library Library that is used to control the system. Yes Yes Laser Scanner Library Library that is used to control the built-in laser scan engine. Yes Yes Bluetooth Library Library that is used to control the built-in Bluetooth module. Yes Yes Imager Library Library that is used to control the built-in CMOS Imager. Yes Yes JPEG Library Library that is used to handle and manipulate JPEG image
Yes -
FLINK Library Library that is used to control and carry out transmission/reception
of files between PC and other device.
Yes Yes
NFC Library Library that is used to control to communicate with IC card. Yes Yes
Note: The abbreviations used in the table are;
Visual C++
Visual Basic .NET
Visual C# .NET
Table 1.2 shows each file name of the Dynamic Link Library and Dynamic Link Class Library.
Table 1.2
Library Dynamic Link Library
Dynamic Link Library
(Class Library)
Common Device Control Library
System Library SystemLib.dll SystemLibNet.dll Laser Scanner Library OBReadLib.dll OBReadLibNet.dll Bluetooth Library BluetoothLib.dll BluetoothLibNet.dll Imager Library ImagerLib.dll ImagerLibNet.dll NFC Library NFCLib.dll NFCLibNet.dll
JPEG Library JpegCe.dll None FLINK Library FlinkLib.dll MoFlinkLib.dll
1.3 Development Manuals
The DT-X8 Software Development Kit (“BDK”) provides various development reference manuals as described in the table below.
Table 1.3
Development Manual Description Quick Start Guide This reference manual. Software Manual Reference manual that describes software specifications in detail for all
the software integrated in DT-X8 handheld terminal.
Hardware Manual Reference manual that describes hardware specifications in detail on
each dedicated option and DT-X8 handheld terminal
System Library Manual Reference manual that describes individual functions in detail for System
Laser Scanner Library Manual Reference manual that describes individual functions in detail for Laser
Scanner Library.
Bluetooth Library Manual Reference manual that describes individual functions in detail for
Bluetooth Library.
Imager Library Manual Reference manual that describes individual functions in detail for Imager
JPEG Library Manual Reference manual that describes individual functions in detail for JPEG
FLINK Library Manual Reference manual that describes individual functions in detail for FLINK
NFC Library Manual Reference manual that describes individual functions in detail for NFC
2. Prerequisites
2.1 Skills Required
The following skills are required by developers aiming to develop application software for the DT-X8 terminal.
x Windows programming x A good knowledge of one or more of the following
- Visual C++
- Visual Basic .NET
- Visual C# .NET
- Browser based applications (not covered in this guide)
The following skills or experience are also desirable.
x Windows CE devices x ActiveSync x Some networking experience
2.2 Hardware Required
The following models of the DT-X8 series and dedicated options are available.
Table 2.1 List of available models
Model no. Scanner NFC Extension slot
(802.11 b/g)
DT-X8-10E Laser No microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-10C-CN Laser No microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-20E Imager No microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-20C-CN Imager No microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-11E Laser Yes microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-11C-CN Laser Yes microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-21E Imager Yes microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-21C-CN Imager Yes microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-40E Full range imager No microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-40C-CN Full range imager No microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-41E Full range imager Yes microSD Yes Yes DT-X8-41C-CN Full range imager Yes microSD Yes Yes
Table 2.2 List of the dedicated options
Option Product Model no. Remark
HA-K62IO Ethernet Cradle HA-K62IO-CN HA-K65US
USB and Charging Unit
HA-K65US-CN HA-F32DCHG Battery charger Dual Battery Charger HA-F32DCHG-CN AD-S15050B-N AD-S15050BE-CN
- For HA-K60IO, HA-K65US
AC adaptor
- For HA-K62IO, HA-F32DCHG
AC-CORD-EU - For Europe AC-CORD-US - For USA/Canada AC-CORD-TW - For Taiwan AC-CORD-KR - For Korea
Power Cable for AD-S15050B-N, AD-S42120B-N
AC-CORD-AU - For Australia/New Zealand HA-K23XLBAT Battery Large Battery Pack HA-K23XLBAT-CN DT-380USB-A Cable USB cable DT-380USB-A-CN
- For between cradle and PC
HA-K95HB Others Hand Belt HA-K95HB-CN
“-CN” attached at the end of model number in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 denotes that the model is dedicated for the final destination of China. A note about compliance with the Chinese “RoHS” requirement promulgated by the Ministerial Decree No. 39 is included in the carton box; the RoHS compliant seal is affixed on the body and the seal of the packing material recycle marking is affixed on the carton box. See the following pages for DT-X8 terminal external views and the dedicated options.
External views of the DT-X8 and the dedicated options
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
2.3 Software Required
PC Operating System 32bit
x Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 or later x Or Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 4 or later x Or Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 or later x Or Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 or later x Or Microsoft Windows Vista (Business / Ultimate ) x Or Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or later (Professional / Ultimate) x Or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 1 or later
x Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or later (Professional / Ultimate) x Or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 1 or later
Development platform
The following software tools and libraries are required in order to develop software for the DT-X8. Please ensure that you download or purchase the correct Microsoft tools as appropriate.
x Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (not free of charge) x Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 + Service Pack 1 (not free of charge) x Microsoft ActiveSync 4.2 (or later)
Download for free from; 33efb4c&DisplayLang=en
x Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 (for Windows Vista)
Download for free from; 07AAA1914&displaylang=en
Download the DT-X8 BDK from;
(The site requires your user name and password. Enter your user name and password as issued by CASIO.)
3. Installing BDK to PC
3.1 Application Development
This chapter explains about what you need to set up for the development environment before starting your application development.
1. Installing Development Platform Install Microsoft’s development platform which supports Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio
2005. For detail, refer to Chapter 2.3 “Software Required”.
2. Installing CASIO BDK to PC Install Casio’s BDK (“Basic Development Kit”) and various libraries if necessary. For installation method, refer to Chapter 3.2 “Installing CASIO BDK Files”.
3. Connecting DT-X8 to PC (via either ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center) Connect the DT-X8 to PC via Microsoft’s ActiveSync (for Windows XP or any other OS before Windows XP) or via Windows Mobile Device Center (for Windows Vista or later). For connection method, refer to Chapter 5 “Connecting the DT-X8 to PC”.
4. Setting up the Development Environment Transmit the Casio’s libraries to the DT-X8. For detail, refer to Chapter 6 “Setting Up the Development Environment”.
5. Installing the Device Emulator Install the Device Emulator for the DT-X8. For installation method, refer to Chapter 7 “Device Emulator”. If not necessary to install, go to “6. Application Development” below.
6. Application Development Now, the application development environment is set up and your development with the development platform can be started. After application is developed, transfer it to the Device Emulator or an actual terminal of the DT-X8 via ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center for check on the operability. For application development method and transferring your application, refer to Chapter 8 “Visual Studio”.
3.2 Installing CASIO BDK Files
Download the CASIO DT-X8 BDK installation CD image file from the following site and write it to a CD-ROM media.
(The site requires your user name and password. Enter your user name and password as issued by CASIO.)
x If you had already installed DT-X8 BDK Ver. 1.xx, be sure to uninstall it before installing Ver.
x If any file of the DT-X8 BDK Ver. 1.xx is remained in the following folders after uninstalling,
delete it manually.
C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSYS C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500
x If your PC runs in the Windows Vista or later OS, first you must disable the User Account
Control (“UAC”) by following the process below before installing the CASIO BDK Files.
Case of using Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
- Navigate to Control Panel ĺ User Accounts ĺ Enable or Disable the User
Account Control. Remove the check on User Account Control (UAC) to protect your PC, and then click OK button.
Case of using Windows 7
- Navigate to Control Panel ĺ User Accounts ĺ Change User Account Control Settings. Select Never notify in Choose when to be notified about changed to your computer setting.
Installing ExportBDK
1. When the CASIO DT-X8 BDK CD-ROM is inserted in the drive of PC, the following menu screen appears automatically.
Figure 3.1
2. Click Installation List in Figure 3.1. The installation screen appears.
Figure 3.2
3. Click DT-X8 ExportSDK to display the Setup Wizard. Choose any one of the buttons in the screen.
Installing Library
The DT-X8 Library is available for the below development platforms.
x Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
1. The Library header file (*.h) and the Import library file (*.lib) are installed in the following folder.
C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSYS\include : Header file C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSYS\lib\ARMV4I : Import library file
2. The Class library DLL file (*.dll) is installed in the following folder. C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSYS\WindowsCE
3. When the Library is installed in PC, the Help file (*.chm) is installed in the following folder. C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSYS\HELP
The Help file can be accessed by navigating to Start menu o All Programs o CASIO Basic
Development Kit o Help.
Installing Online Help
Besides the Help file described above, the Online Help is also available for the below development platforms. The installation of the Online Help is initiated in the Installation List.
x Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
After the installation is complete, Microsoft Visual Studio starts up. The Online Help file can be accessed by navigating to Help ĺ Contents menu.
Installing Sample Program
When the Sample is chosen in the Installation List, the sample program folder in the CD-ROM appears on the screen. The Sample program folder is available for the development platforms below. Copy it into your PC.
- VS2008 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- VS2005 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
If your sample program is with "Read-only" attribute set effect. Be sure to disable the attribute before using it.
4. Connecting Power Supply to Cradle
4.1 HA-K60IO
Use the dedicated AC adaptor (AD-S15050B) for supplying power to the HA-K60IO USB Cradle. Ensure that you connect the AC adaptor to the cradle before starting communication between the DT-X8 and PC via the cradle. Follow the steps below to connect the power supply to the DT-X8 using the dedicated AC adaptor.
1. Plug the AC adaptor into the AC adaptor jack where “DCIN5V” is printed on the back of the cradle.
2. After connecting the power cable to the AC adaptor, plug in the plug to an electrical outlet.
3. Connect a USB cable (DT-380USB-A) to the USB port on the back of the cradle, and then connect the other end of the cable to the PC.
4. Align the USB cradle mount holes on the back of the DT-X8 with the mount hooks on the cradle after aligning the contacts on the bottom of the DT-X8 with the power contacts of the cradle. The power LED on the front of the cradle will light green if the DT-X8 has been properly mounted.
Status of Indicator 1 on DT-X8
Orange : Charging Red : Standby due to battery pack error or the surrounding temperature is out of the range (charging
begins when the temperature returns within the correct range.)
Green : Charging complete
x Never short the power contacts of the cradle. This damages the cradle. x Do not subject the DT-X8 and cradle to vibration or impact during communication. This results
in communication being interrupted.
x When mounting the DT-X8, securely attach it to the mount hooks of the cradle and check that
the power LED on the front of the cradle lights green. Charging the battery pack or communication will not proceed if it is not mounted properly.
4.2 HA-K62IO
Use the dedicated AC adaptor (AD-S42120B) for supplying power to the HA-K62IO Ethernet Cradle. Ensure that you connect the AC adaptor to the cradle before starting communication between the DT-X8 and PC via the cradle. Follow the steps below to connect the power supply to the DT-X8 using the dedicated AC adaptor.
1. Plug the AC adaptor into the AC adaptor jack on the back of the Ethernet Cradle.
2. After connecting the AC adaptor to the power cable, plug in the plug of the power cable to an electrical outlet.
3. Set the selector switch on the back of the Ethernet cradle to the port that will be used. Set the switch to “LAN” to use the LAN port or to “USB” to use the USB port.
4. Before using the cradle ports, remove the caps from the ports. When using a LAN, connect one end of the LAN cable to the LAN port and the other end to the PC or hub. When using a USB connection, connect one end of the USB cable (DT-380USB-A) to the USB port and the other end to the PC.
5. Align the contacts on the underside of the DT-X8 with the power supply contacts on the Ethernet Cradle and then set the DT-X8 into the cradle so that mount holes in the back of the DT-X8 are aligned with the mount hooks on the cradle. Once the DT-X8 is properly set in the cradle, the power LED on the front of the Ethernet cradle lights green.
Status of Indicator 1 on DT-X8
Standby due to battery pack error or the surrounding temperature is out of range
(charging begins when the temperature is within the correct range.)
Charging complete
x Always remove the DT-X8 from the Ethernet Cradle before changing the selector switch setting. x Never short out the power contacts of the cradle. This damages the cradle. x Do not subject the DT-X8 and cradle to vibration or impact during communication. This results
in communication being interrupted.
x When mounting the DT-X8, securely attach it to the mount hooks of the cradle and check that
the power LED on the front of the cradle lights green. Charging battery pack or communication will not proceed if it is not mounted properly.
x The LAN and USB connections cannot be used concurrently. x Always cap ports that are not being used. Using the Ethernet Cradle while the ports are
uncapped can cause damage.
5. Connecting the DT-X8 to PC
To make connection establishment with PC, use one of the methods, depending on the OS your PC runs, described below.
x ActiveSync (for Windows XP or any other OS earlier)
Use the ActiveSync to connect the DT-X8 to PC if the PC runs in Windows XP or other OS earlier than Windows XP. The ActiveSync can be downloaded at the URL below. 33efb4c&DisplayLang=en
x Windows Mobile Device Center (for Windows Vista or later)
Use the Windows Mobile Device Center to connect the DT-X8 to PC if the PC runs in Windows Vista OS. The Windows Mobile Device Center (“WMDC”) can be downloaded at the URL below. 07AAA1914&displaylang=en
5.1 ActiveSync Connection via USB
If you have already installed ActiveSync and connected the DT-X8 to the PC via direct USB, You may skip Chapter 5.1.1. You already have the USB driver and ActiveSync in your development environment. If you do not yet have the cradle driver on your PC, download the USB driver files “wceusbsh.inf” and “wceusbsh.sys” from the CASIO web site and copy them to an appropriate folder.
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