Casella CEL CEL-368 User Manual

CEL-268 - Type 1
& CEL-368 - Type 2
Environmental Noise Meters
Operator's Handbook
archive Document
Discontinued Instrument
Issue: 2
Sept 1993
Contents Page
1.1 Installing The Microphone .........2
1.2 Loading Batteries .............3
1.3 Switching ON/OFF ............3
1.4 Field Accuracy Check
(Acoustic Calibration) ...........4
1.5 Use With Current Settings ........6
1.6 Checking/Deleting Memory Contents . . . 7
1.7 Measurement Parameters ........7
1.8 Instrument Parameters ......... 10
1.9 Read Current SPL ........... 12
1.10 Read Cumulative (Whole Run) Results . 13
1.11 Read Period Results .......... 13
1.12 Read Event Results ........... 14
1.13 Inspect Event Graphs .......... 15
1.14 Printing Data .............. 15
2 INTRODUCTION ................ 17
2.1 Control & Display ............ 18
2.2 Data Storage .............. 18
2.3 Measurement Modes .......... 19
3. SCHEDULE OF PARTS ............. 21
4. DESCRIPTION ................. 23
4.1 Store Allocation ............. 23
4.2 Operating modes ............ 23
4.3 Instrument Description ......... 28
4.4 Acoustic Input .............. 29
4.5 Analog Section ............. 32
4.6 Digital Section .............. 32
4.7 Built-in Timer .............. 34
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Contents Page
4.8 Control Keys ...............37
4.9 Analog Outputs ..............39
4.10 Analog Input ...............40
4.11 Batteries & Auxiliary Power Supplies . . . 40
5.1 Installing The Microphone ........43
5.2 Loading Batteries/External Power ....45
5.3 Switching Instrument ON/OFF ......46
5.4 Field Accuracy Check
(Acoustic Calibration) ...........47
6. ROUTINE OPERATIONS .............51
6.1 Use With Current Settings ........51
6.2 Checking/Deleting Memory Contents . . . 54
6.3 Setting Instrument Parameters ......56
6.4 Setting Measurement Parameters ....60
7. OBTAINING RESULTS ..............69
7.1 Read Current SPL ............69
7.2 Read Cumulative (Whole Run) Results . 69
7.3 Read Period Results ...........70
7.4 Read Event Results ............72
7.5 Inspect Event Profiles ...........73
7.6 Downloading Data to a Printer ......75
8. DIGITAL INTERFACE ...............81
9. SPECIFICATION .................83
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1. SIMPLIFIED ROUTINE OPERATIONS It is not necessary to set up the CEL-268
& CEL-368 each time they are used !
The last used settings are retained, even while the instruments are shut OFF. When these settings are suitable for the next task, measurement can be started (or resumed) with a minimum of key pressing. Similarly, provided at least one of the four data stores is empty, measurements can be started immediately.
The control software features comprehensive on-screen instructions and advice to guide the user through prepara­tion and measurement (see Chapters 5 and 6), which make it almost im­possible to take meas­urements with invalid settings.
Store Functions
Both instruments have four independent data
stores numbered 1 4. ALL results collected during a logging run (=cumulative period)
Press ON Key
Is Calibration
Required ?
Press EXIT Key
OK ?
Instr. Settings
OK ?
Press EXIT Key
Is There
Store Space ?
Press RUN Key
Now Logging Data
Perform Calibration
Use SETUP Menu To
Change Parameters
Then Change Settings
are stored together in the first free data store. This allows four complete and separate sets of measurements to be stored, even while the instrument is switched OFF. Irrespective of length, when four logging runs have been completed, all four stores become "occupied" to prevent existing data being overwritten.
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No further logging can take place until the con­tents of at least one store have been deleted to make room.
Operating Modes
Menu Control: The currently selected option on a menu
is shown by a reverse video cursor. Press and to move the cursor
in the directions indicated. (They auto-repeat when held down.)
These instruments can operate in three meas­urement modes simul­taneously. Cumulative and period modes are ALWAYS operational; event mode may be
Then press to implement the option. Unless otherwise advised on screen, press to leave the current display.
switched off if required. Cumulative: Data is calculated and stored for the WHOLE of the cur-
rent logging run (=cumulative period).
Period: A series of measurements is made at regular user-determined intervals, and period results calculated and stored. Up to four profiles may also be stored for each logging run.
Event: Start time (after a user-set delay), duration above a user-set threshold, maximum sound level reached, time at which reached, SEL calculated for the event are stored. A 1 sec SPL max. profile of the first five minutes may also be stored.
1.1 Installing The Microphone Warning !
Do not fit the Microphone or Preamplifier to the in­struments with power ON.
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CEL-268 - Type 1
Insert the CEL-225/3 Preamplifier supplied into the socket at the tapered end of the instrument, locating the unit in the keyway before pushing it home.
Then carefully screw the CEL-192 Microphone supplied on to the pream­plifier. SCREW IT ONLY FINGER TIGHT.
CEL-368 - Type 2
Insert the CEL-230 Microphone and Preamplifier Unit supplied into the socket at the tapered end of the instrument, locating the unit in the key­way before pushing it home.
1.2 Loading Batteries
The instrument is powered by four standard AA size batteries.
The batteries are located in a compartment reached by sliding open a cover near the bottom of the right hand side of the instru­ment case. Remove the sliding cover carefully as it has four spring contacts on it. Correct po­larity will be achieved when bat­teries are inserted in the orientations shown.
1.3 Switching ON/OFF
Switch the instrument ON and OFF by pressing .
Immediately it is switched ON, the noise meter performs a self-test se­quence during which it shows the software version number and briefly
CEL-268/368 Operator's Handbook - Page 3
displays the current status of the data stores on a MEMORY USE screen. This allows the user to see if there is space for the next run, or whether the contents of a store must first be cleared to make room as described in Section 1.6. Then the user is offered the choice of recali­brating (i.e performing a field accuracy check) or continuing with the ex­isting calibration settings. If the battery level is too low for reliable operation, a warning is displayed.
1.4 Field Accuracy Check (Acoustic Calibration)
Either: Press to use the existing calibration settings and proceed
directly to the SETUP menu (Section 1.5).
Or: Press to perform a field accuracy check (acoustic calibration).
Acoustic calibration of the CEL-268 will normally be performed with a CEL-284/2 Acoustic Calibrator (IEC 942 Class 1L), while the CEL-368 will use a CEL-282 Acoustic Calibrator IEC 942 Class 2L).
With the CEL-268 and CEL-284/2, carefully fit the calibrator over the end of the microphone, making sure the microphone is correctly seated against the shoulder in the calibrator cavity.
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'O' Ring
Microphone Coupler
Preamplifier Unit
Type 2 Instruments
With the CEL-368 and CEL-282, care­fully fit the CEL-4725 Microphone Cou­pler (supplied with calibrator) over the end of the microphone/preamplifier unit, making sure the microphone is
Calibrator CEL-284/2 or CEL-282
Microphone & Preamplifier Type 1 Instruments
correctly seated against the shoulder in the coupler cavity. Then fit the coupler into into the calibrator, again mak­ing sure the coupler is firmly seated against the shoulder in the calibra­tor cavity.
Both calibrators generate a 114.0 dB calibration level at 1 kHz. If neces­sary, use and to adjust the dis-
played sound value to show the level being generated by the calibrator.
The level change produced by one press of the keys is less than the 0.1 dB resolution of the display, so more than one press may be re­quired to produce a visible change.
Once the correct level is displayed, press
to end the calibration sequence and display the SETUP screen.
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1.5 Use With Current Settings
The SETUP screen shows the current meas­urement parameters.
Either: Change measurement settings as de­tailed in Section 1.7 and/or instrument settings as detailed in Section 1.8.
Or: Press to use the current settings.
The instrument displays the current measure­ment status (STOP) on a "real time" screen show­ing the instantaneous sound level, together with the measurement range and time weighting in use.
Press to start to col-
lect data (logging) using the current settings.
When all data stores are occupied, "NO MEMORY FOR NEW RUN USE MEM-DEL" is displayed. Delete data as described in Section 1.7.
When the timer is set (TIMER shown ON in the SETUP display), the instrument waits until the currently set start time before it starts logging. Similarly, the instrument will stop automatically when
When there is at least
the current stop time is reached.
one store empty and no automatic start and stop times have been set, data collection will start immediately.
The status display changes to show that the in­strument is now running.
If it is required to interrupt logging (for example to eliminate unwanted transient sounds) press
. Continue logging by pressing again.
Stop logging by pressing .
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1.6 Checking/Deleting Memory Contents
When it is required to inspect the memory, or to delete the contents of one or more stores to
make space for a new logging run, press to display the OPTIONS menu.
Use and to step to MEM.USE.
Then press to display the current MEM-
ORY USE menu.
Either: Press .to leave this menu and dis-
play the current status screen.
Or: Use the DELETE option to show the MEM­ORY DELETE menu (also reached directly from the OPTIONS menu.
It is possible to select which store will have its contents deleted, so that stores containing im­portant data can be saved.
Alternatively, the contents of all stores can be deleted when the ALL option is used.
1.7 Measurement Parameters
Measurement parameters are accessed via the SETUP menu displayed after calibration, when recalibration is declined, or accessed by using the SETUP option on the OPTIONS menu (see Section 1.8).
CEL-268/368 Operator's Handbook - Page 7
Move the reverse video cursor to the required option on the SETUP menu, then press
to implement the choice. The parameters that can be set from this menu
Measurement Range
10-80, 40-110, and 70-140 dB
Time Weighting F (Fast), S (Slow), I
Q Exchange Rate: 4, 5,
6, or " - " when no L
is being calculated, (Plus Q=3 which is not displayed but always in use for L
Frequency Weighting
A, C, and L (Linear),
PER Sampling Period = Interval at which samples
are taken: 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min,
4 results calculated for any user-set value between L
and L99,
PROF Allows profile mode to be switched ON or OFF, EVENT Allows event mode to be switched ON or OFF, TIMER Allows logging start and end times to be set ON
or OFF.
PROF (Profile)
Use the PROF option to display the PER. PROF (period profile) menu that allows the profile mode to be activated.
Depending on the period selected, all FOUR of the profiles indicated here can be stored. Then, provided at least one profile has been se-
lected ON, when is used to return to the SETUP menu, profile
mode will be activated and PROF will be shown ON.
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Event ON/OFF
Use the EVENT option to display the EVENT menu that allows the event mode to be acti­vated.
Some measurement procedures specify that only sound levels that exceed some pre-deter­mined threshold be included in the measure­ment. The threshold level can be set to any value between Ø4Ø and 139 dB.
Similarly, some measurement procedures also specify that only sound levels that last for more than some pre-determined period be included in the measurement. The onset delay time can be set to any value between ØØ and 3Ø sec­onds.
When the required threshold and delay values have been set, and the storing of event profiles has been switched ON or OFF as required,
press to return to the SETUP menu
where EVENT will be shown ON.
Timer ON/OFF
Use the TIMER option to display the TIMER menu that allows automatic start and end times for data logging to be specified.
Up to FOUR sets of start and end times can be specified in the format HH:MM.
Provided at least one timer start and end time has been set ON, the timer will be activated when the EXIT key is used to return to the
CEL-268/368 Operator's Handbook - Page 9
SETUP menu and TIMER will now be shown ON.
1.8 Instrument Parameters
Press .to display the OPTIONS menu that gives access to the instrument parameters. Move the reverse video cursor to the required
option, then press to implement the choice.
The OPTIONS menu can be displayed at any time, except during the self-verification and cali­bration sequences. However, when this menu is displayed while the instrument is logging data, options that affect any current operation will NOT be available.
The instrument settings available from this menu are:
SETUP Displays SETUP menu showing current MEM. USE Shows memory use (Section 1.6),
MEM. DEL Allows store contents to be deleted (Section 1.6), PRINT Prints user-selected data set to Centronics
DOWNLOAD Not implemented, CLOCK Allows instrument date and time to be set, CONTRAST Allows display contrast to be adjusted, SET POL. Switches microphone polarization voltage
parameter settings (Section 1.7),
compatible printer (Section 1.14),
This option allows the time and date used by the instrument clock to be adjusted.
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Use the SET CLOCK option to display the CLOCK menu.
The clock operates only in 24 hour mode with the day and month in the order shown.
Use and to step from digit to digit and press to change each digit individu-
ally. Then when the required time and date are displayed, move the cursor to the SET CLOCK
option and press to implement the
The display contrast can be adjusted to give the most convenient viewing, or to suit the cur­rent ambient conditions. (LCD contrast may vary with ambient temperature.)
Use the CONTRAST option to display the CONTRAST menu. Then use and
to adjust the contrast as required.
Set Pol. (CEL-268 Only)
Warning !
DO NOT connect the 200 V polariztion supply to an electret microphone - DAMAGE WILL OCCUR.
The 200 V polarizing voltage used with capacitor microphones can be switched off to allow the CEL-268 to be used with an electret micro­phone.
Use the SET POL. option to display the SET POL. menu.
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If ON is selected, a warning menu is displayed. Only when the conditions are correct, follow the instruction and press
to switch the voltage ON.
A final advice message confirms that the polarizing voltage is on before the instrument proceeds to the status display.
1.9 Read Current SPL
The sound pressure level is shown in the cur­rent status STOP/PAUSE/RUN "real time" dis-
plays obtained when is pressed to leave
the SETUP menu (see Section 1.5).
1.10 Read Cumulative (Whole Run) Results
Cumulative results for a whole logging run be­come available only AFTER THE RUN IS COMPLETE. Either the instrument must have reached an active timer end time, or must have been used.
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Results can be accessed at any time by press-
ing , EXCEPT during the self-verification and calibration sequences, or while the instru­ment is logging data (with RUN indicated as the current status).
The identity of the STORE in which the results have been saved is shown in the reverse video
field. Use and to step either way through the stores to display results for any other logging run.
1.11 Read Period Results
Period results can be accessed at any time, ex­cept during the self-test and calibration se-
quences, by pressing . When the instrument is logging data, results
for all periods up to but EXCLUDING the cur­rent period are available. (Data calculated for a period becomes available ONLY when the pe­riod is complete).
The identity of the STORE (logging run) is shown and the identity of the PERIOD for which results are being displayed is shown in the reverse video field.
Use and to step either way through the results to display the whole period profile saved in THIS store.
When it is required to display period results for a logging run saved in ANOTHER store, press to display the cumulative results.
Use and to step to the required store identity, then press
to display results for that store.
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1.12 Read Event Results
Event results can be accessed at any time, ex­cept during the self-test and calibration se-
quences, by pressing . When the instrument is logging data, results
from all events up to but EXCLUDING the cur­rent event are available. (Data calculated for an event becomes available ONLY when the event is complete).
The identity of the STORE (logging run) is shown and the identity of the EVENT for which results are being dis­played is shown in the upper reverse video field.
Use and to step either way through the events and display the results saved in THIS store.
When it is required to display the events from a logging run that has been saved in ANOTHER store, press to display the cumulative re­sults. Use and to display the required store identity, then press to display results for that store.
1.13 Inspect Event Graphs
When event profiles have been stored (Sec­tion 1.7), they can be displayed by pressing
to implement the GRAPH option shown in the lower reverse video field on the EVENT screen.
The identity of the STORE (logging run) is shown together with the identity of the EVENT (which is shown in reverse video).
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Use and to move the plot sideways across the display to see the whole of long profiles.
Use to step forward through events and display the profiles saved in THIS store.
When it is required to display the event profiles from a logging run saved in ANOTHER store, press to display the cumulative results. Use
and to display the required store identity, press to dis-
play results for that store, then use the GRAPH option again.
1.14 Printing Data
When required, a user selectable set of results can be printed on an 80 column Centronics compatible printer connected via a C6590/1.5 Printer Cable.
For reports that contain only alphanumeric data, most printers usable with an IBM PC can be used directly without changing their settings. However, when graphical information is to be included, set the printer DIP switches as detailed in Section 7.6.
Stored results can be printed at any time, EXCEPT during the self-test and calibration sequences, or while the instrument is logging data (with RUN indicated as the current status).
Use the PRINT option in the OPTIONS menu to display the PRINT menu.
If it is required to print data from a logging run saved in ANOTHER store, move the reverse video cursor to the store identity, then press
to step to the required store number.
When required, individual or short series of pe­riods and events can be selected for printing.
Use and to highlight the relevant
CEL-268/368 Operator's Handbook - Page 15
field then use to change the indicated number as required.
When graphcal printout is required, use the SET GRAPH option to ob­tain the SET GRAPH menu.
This allows up to THREE functions at a time to be selected for printing. However, as printing does not destroy data, repeat printouts may be made to plot the other parameters as neces­sary.
Press to return to the PRINT Menu, then
use the START option to start the printout. A message is added to the menu to show that
printing is in progress.
1.15 Downloading Data
All data stored in the CEL-268 and CEL-368 can be downloaded over an RS 232 Interface to an industry standard PC running CEL-6680 Download Software.
Data transfer is initiated from the PC under the control of the software. Follow the instructions given on the PC screen.
Use the DOWNLOAD option in the OPTIONS menu of the noise meter to display the DOWN­LOAD display.
This display shows the current download status, which will change to reflect the pro­gress of data transfer once download is initi­ated.
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The CEL-268 and CEL-368 Environmental Noise Meters are the first in a new generation of CEL logging sound level meters designed for envi­ronmental noise measurement.
In addition to the usual features found on a full specification sound level meter, these instruments also provide comprehensive calculation, dis­play and logging facilities that were not previously available in a single hand held unit. Using well proven design concepts and methods that take full advantage of modern microprocessor control and liquid crystal display technology, they enable a comprehensive range of acoustic measurements to be performed and stored.
The CEL-268 satisfies the requirements of IEC 804: 1985 Type 1 and ANSI S1.4 1983 Type S.1* for integrating sound level meters.
The CEL-368 satisfies the requirements of IEC 804: 1985 Type 2 and ANSI S1.4 1983 Type S.2 for integrating sound level meters.
The instruments measure
* With CEL-192/R Random Incidence Microphone
sound pressure levels in the range from 10 dB(A) to 140 dB(A) at frequencies between 3.5 Hz and 20 kHz with the microphone supplied, and up to 70 kHz with a suit­able microphone.
For example, both frequency and measuring range of the CEL-268 are
extended when an MK-301
" Microphone is fitted to the preamplifier in
place of the standard microphone.
Note that there are no facilities for the connection of external filter sets for frequency analysis of sound and vibration. However, there
is an analog AC output available suitable for FFT or spectrum analysers.
Both instruments have a similar appearance, the main difference being the separate
" microphone and preamplifier on the Type 1 CEL-268
CEL-268/368 Operator's Handbook - Page 17
and the combined
" microphone and preamplifier unit on the Type 2
CEL-368. They accept the CEL-3025 Vibration Attachment connected via a CEL-225/3* (or a CEL-225 Preamplifier) so that vibration levels can be measured.
2.1 Control & Display
Operations are selected and controlled by extensive menu screens that are shown on the 9 character x 12 line LCD display which can present results in both alpha-numeric and graphical format. The combination of menus and key controls enable the most commonly used parameters to be selected for measurement and storage.
To minimise setting-up operations, the last used settings are retained even while the instrument is shut off so that when required, measure­ment can be started or resumed using only three key strokes. The con­trol software also features comprehensive on-screen instructions and advice to guide the user through instrument preparation and measure­ment. This makes it difficult to take measurements with invalid settings.
2.2 Data Storage
Both instruments have four independent data stores numbered 1 4. If required, a single store may use the full 60 000 value memory capacity.
ALL results collected during a logging run (=cu­mulative period) are stored together in the first free data store to al­low four complete and separate sets of measurements to be stored, and the non-volatile mem­ory keeps data safe even while the instrument is switched OFF.
Irrespective of run length, once four logging runs have been completed, all four stores become "occupied" to prevent existing data being overwritten. No further logging can take place until the contents of at least one store have been deleted to make room.
Note* TheCEL-225/3 is supplied with the CEL-268, but must must be ordered
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separately for a CEL-368.
All results are stored in digital form and are available for downloading to an industry standard personal computer (PC) for further analysis, data manipulation, origination of report ready documentation, and permanent storage. Some stored items may be selected and downloaded directly to a Centronics compatible printer to produce an immediate hard copy.
2.3 Measurement Modes
Both instruments can operate in three measurement modes simultane­ously. Cumulative mode is ALWAYS operational, however data from either or both period and event modes may also be collected at the same time. More storage space becomes available whenever one or more of the measurement modes is not in use.
Four cumulative runs can be stored.
Cumulative data is calcu­lated and stored for the whole of the current log­ging run (=cumulative pe­riod). This also facilitates the determination of re­sults for periods with non­standard lengths, and in practice, results can be obtained for ALMOST ANY PERIOD. Data can be collected for periods shorter or longer than the interval set for period mode. The only limita­tions are due to the manual timing of an interval shorter than one m­inute, or the availability of power for long term measurements.
Cumulative results (for a whole logging run) become available only AF­TER THE RUN IS COMPLETE.
A series of measurements will be made, and period results calculated and stored at regular intervals determined and set by the user.
A maximum of 999 period results can be collected during each logging run. In addition, up to four profiles can also be stored during each run.
A maximum of 999 events can be collected during each logging run. In addition a 1 sec SPL max. profile of the first 5 minutes of the event can also be stored during each run.
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When the period profile option is activated, depending on the period set, up to four profiles may also be stored (but cannot be shown on the in­strument display).
Events that exceed the user determined threshold level for longer than the user-set delay can be stored. In addition, a 1 sec SPL Max profile of the first five minutes of the event can also be saved.
When event profiling has been activated, a 1 sec SPL Max profile of the first five minutes of the event is stored and may be recalled to the instru­ment display.
This handbook covers the operation of both
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A complete "CEL-268 Environmental Noise Meter" consists of the follow­ing items:
CEL-268 Type 1 Environmental Noise Meter,
CEL-192 CEL-225/3 Preamplifier.
The following additional items are also included:
040004 Protective Wallet, LR6 Battery (4 off), 060155 Handbook.
The CEL-192 Microphone can be supplied in a free field (suffix F) or ran­dom (R) version to meet the IEC or ANSI standards respectively. The mi­crophone version must be specified with the order.
A complete "CEL-368 Environmental Noise Meter" consists of the follow­ing items:
" Measurement Microphone (or equivalent),
CEL-368 Type 2 Environmental Noise Meter,
" Microphone and Preamplifier Unit.
The following additional items are also included:
LR6 Battery (4 off), 038054 Calibration Trimtool, 060155 Handbook.
When the instrument is delivered, check that all items on the relevant schedule have been supplied.
Special transit packing is provided for both the instrument and the micro­phone which must be retained for use when the instrument is trans­ported or will be consigned by general carriers. (Current or pending
CEL-268/368 Operator's Handbook - Page 21
legislation on recycling states that this packaging must be retained for re-use or be recycled in the locally approved manner). Any instrument returned inadequately packed to the manufacturers for calibration, serv­ice, or repair will be re-packaged and charged accordingly.
The following accessories may be ordered separately to increase the range of tasks that can be performed by the instrument.
" Electret Microphone (for outdoor monitoring
or damp conditions with CEL-268),
" Condenser Microphone (for increased CEL-
268 frequency and measurement ranges),
CEL-216 Line Input Adaptor and Dummy Microphone for
CEL-316 Line Input Adaptor and Dummy Microphone for
CEL-368, CEL-282 Class 2L Acoustic Calibrator for CEL-368, CEL-284/2 Class 1L Acoustic Calibrator for CEL-268, CEL-2962 Windshield for CEL-268, CEL-4672/2 Windshield for CEL-368, CEL-3025 Vibration Attachment, (also needs CEL-225/3
Preamplifier when used with CEL-368), CEL-3732/2 Mains Power Supply (requires C6592/2 Cable), CEL-4627 Tripod.
Several special cables are available as follows.
C4493/10 Preamplifier Extension Cable (10 m), C6591/1.5 Direct connection cable (1.5 m) to Centronics
printer, C6593/2 12 V DC Power Supply Cable (2 m) with car
cigarette lighter termination, C6594/2 AC Output Cable (2 m) with BNC termination, C6605/2 AC Output Cable to Sony TCD D10 DAT
Recorder (2 m), includes event triggering for
suitably modified DAT hand units.
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These instruments are also available as part of several complete meas­urement kits. Please contact your CEL representative for details.
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4.1 Store Allocation
Both CEL-268 and CEL-368 have a non-volatile data memory to keep results safe even while the instrument is switched OFF. The memory is divided into four independent data stores (1 4). When required, any store may use all of the available storage space up to the full 60 000 value instrument capacity.
All results collected during a logging run are saved in the first available free store which will then be flagged "occupied" irrespective of the run duration. Four complete and separate sets of measurements can be stored in this way without risk of overwriting existing data.
No further logging will be permitted until the contents of at least one store have been deleted to make room.
4.2 Operating Modes
Both instruments are capable of operating in three substantially inde­pendent measurement modes at the same time with results obtained from each mode being saved in a separate location in the current store.
The instruments ALWAYS operate in both cumulative and period modes at the same time (even though when the period is set longer than the cumulative run time, period results are never actually ob­tained). Simultaneously, results may also be obtained from event mode.
In cumulative mode measurements are calculated for the whole duration of the logging run (=cumulative period). This allows results to be deter­mined for periods with non-standard lengths; for example data can be collected for periods shorter or longer than the intervals which can be set for period mode.
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In practice, the main limitations on cumulative duration will be manually timing an interval shorter than one minute, or the availability of sufficient memory to store all of the L
values determined during a long term
measurement. Memory space is reserved for the cumulative results so that, provided there is sufficient power, they will always be saved.
Four sets of cumulative results (four logging runs) can be stored, where results become available only AFTER the run is complete. The following cumulative information is determined and stored for each run:
Cumulative store (run) identity,
Time when cumulative period started (to nearest minute),
Duration of cumulative period,
Measurement settings (time and frequency weightings),
Maximum sound pressure level attained during run (sometimes
known as L
- equivalent continuous level calculated over the duration of
or Ln0value),
the whole run,
Up to four user pre-selected L
- average noise level calculated over the duration of the
whole run with any separately selected Q value,
Whether logging has been paused by pressing during
the run,
Whether 200 Pa level was exceeded during the run (70 - 140 dB range only),
Whether overload occurred during the run,
Whether the battery volts fell below 3.6 V during the run.
A period interval is always set (even when period data is not required).
In period mode, a series of measurements will be made, and results cal­culated and stored at regular intervals (periods) set by the user. Periods of 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, and 60 min can be set. A maxi­mum of 999 period results can be collected during each logging run, and
CEL-268/368 Operator's Handbook - Page 25
in addition, a profiling option can be activated to store up to four period profiles.
The following period information is determined and will be stored for all* periods during the run:
Cumulative store (run) identity,
Period identity,
Period interval,
Start time of period to nearest second,
Measurement settings (time and frequency weightings),
Maximum sound pressure level attained during period (some-
times known as L
- equivalent continuous level calculated over period,
Up to four user pre-selected L
- average noise level calculated over period with any
or Ln0value),
separately selected Q value,
Whether logging has been paused by pressing during
the period,
Whether 200 Pa level was exceeded during the period (70 - 140 dB range only),
Whether overload occurred during the period,
Whether the battery volts fell below 3.6 V during the period.
When the profile option has been switched ON, the following additional information may also be stored (but cannot be shown on the display):
1 sec Max profile - when period is set to either 1 or 5 minutes,
1 sec L
1 min L
1 min L
profile - when period is set between 1 and 5 minutes,
profile - when period is set between 5 and 60 minutes,
profile - when period is set between 5 and 60 min-
Whether logging has been paused by pressing during
the profile,
Whether 200 Pa level was exceeded during the profile (70 - 140 dB range only),
Page 26 - CEL-268/368 Operator's Handbook
Note* Ifthe instrument reaches the end of a cumulative run beforethe current period
has ended, as the results for the current period are still incomplete, no data will be saved for this period and the results lost.
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