Carrier UVLCC2LP, UVLCC1LP Brochure

Ultraviolet Germicidal Lights
Enjoy Fresher, Cleaner Indoor Air
Innovation and the
Leaders in
Over 100 years ago, a humble but deter mined engineer solved one of mankind’s most elusive chal lenges by controlling the indoor environme nt. A
leading engine er of his day, Dr. Will is Carrier would
ile more than 80 patent s
f over the cours e of his
career. His genius would enable incredible advan cements in health care, manufactur ing proce sses, food preservation, art and historical conservation, indoor comfort an d much more.
Carrier’s foresight changed the worl d forever and paved the w ay for over a century of once-impossible inno vations. Yet in add ition to being an accompli shed inventor, he was also an avid outdoo rs­man. Carrier recognized the power and beauty of the natural environment. This appreciation of our wor ld and its resources continues to guide Car rier Corporation to day. We will never re st on our accomplish ments, but instead consistently l ook for ways to improve our products, our environment and ou r world.
Carrier enhance indoor air quality and energy efficiency in your home with their ability to destroy microbial growth and fungi. As a result, you can enjoy cleaner, fresher air throughout your hom e and optimum heating and co oling performance.
ultraviolet ge rmicidal lights c an
Two lamp mod el for most s yste ms
ingle lamp mod el
S for smalle r sy stems
UV Lights and Energy Efficiency
Ultraviolet li ght (UV) has been used suc cessfully for many years a s a sterilization agent in medic al and food processing applications . Carrier has adapted this technology for use in home comfort systems. Our UV light systems are safe, non-toxic and effective . Positioned near your ind oor coil where fungus and microbes grow, our UV light immediat ely goes to work destroying the DNA of the fungus to virtually eliminate b uild-up on the coil. As a result, a ir passes through the coil easie r and overall system efficiency and performance are optimized. The Carrier UV lig ht is much more effective than conventional coil cleaning methods which often le ave material embedded in t he coil.
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