1.2.Steam distributor pipe must be mounted on a plumb
surface. When mounted on a plumb surface the standard distributor pipe for Models HBDA, HBEA and
HBFA pitches downward and is inclined upward for
Models HBGA, HBHA and HBJA. This is required so
the condensate which forms in the distributor pipe will
drain to the return line and back to the unit.
Steam distributor pipe should be mounted in the duct
to insure even distribution of steam across the center
portion of the duct (Figure A). The condensate return
line must always be kept on the bottom. A minimum
clearance of 4” must be maintained between the duct
and distributor pipe. The steam distributor pipes are
designed with a steam outlet hole pattern which gives
even distribution, y et k eeps steam a w a y from the sides
of the duct.
The standard humidifier steam distributor pipe must
never be installed v ertically. If air flows are vertical, the
steam distributor pipe should be installed horizontally
(Figure B).
The steam distributor pipes should be installed in the
supply air stream, downstream of the fan (Figure C).
When installed in packaged units (central station air
handlers, multizone units, make-up air units, etc.) the
distributor pipe should be mounted just downstream of
the fan discharge in the primary air stream.
In multizone applications it is preferable to have a separate humidifier serving each zone. However, steam
can be introduced into the hot deck upstream of the
zone dampers. In this case, good distribution of steam
across the entire hot deck is very important.
It is preferable to locate the steam distributor pipes
downstream from any obstructions in the ductwork so
that air can absorb moisture before it impinges on a
surface and accumulates. There must be a minimum
of three feet between the steam distributor pipes and
any fans, coils , filters , z one dampers, elbo ws or outlets
which may be installed downstream of the distributor
pipe. Howe v er, in all cases, the steam distributor pipes
should be located as far upstream from any such
obstruction as possible.
An adhesive backed template is provided for each distributor pipe. This provides the hole pattern for mounting each steam distributor pipe. Using the template(s),
cut necessary holes in ductwork at desired location of
distributor pipe.
Inset any distributor pipe into duct and secure tightly
with four sheet metal screws, not provided by Car nes.
Special distributor pipes are shipped with specific
instructions on how to mount them.
If the accessory fan distribution unit is to be used, follow the instructions included with the unit.
Figure A
Figure B Figure C