Fire, Smoke & Ceiling Radiation Dampers
Fire/Smoke Dampers
Accessory Model EXRA
Remote Control Box for Multi Blade Dampers
In today’s real world of budget cut backs and lack of time to periodically check damper
operation, Carnes is pleased to introduce this labor saving option. Carnes model EXRA
Remote Control Boxes are for use on dampers where it is desired to note dampers
operation without the necessity of shutting the HVAC system down. NFPA, local and
national codes state that fire and smoke dampers shall be checked periodically for operation. Most actuator manufacturer’s recommend their actuators be cycled every 6 - 12
months, to insure proper operation of the damper/actuator. This unit can be installed in the wall below the damper, a central location, mounted in the ceiling below the damper, or on the duct connected to the damper. When properly installed
the building maintenance department can save as much as 70% time in locating and checking damper operation. With a
simple flip of the switch and watching the lights gives you the assurance that the damper is properly working without the
need for shutting the HVAC system down, removing ceiling tiles, removing duct access doors and using a ladder and flash
light to look down the ducts to see if the damper is closed or open. See Control Switch Functions below for switch
: The EXRAA is a single electrical box panel that is composed of an on/off switch, one red and one green
light. This model can be used in conjunction with any of our combination fire/smoke
dampers, smoke dampers, multi blade fire dampers and air control dampers with the
proper options. The dampers must be ordered with one of the following options: M/S,
: The EXRAB is a single electrical box panel that is composed of an
on/off/on switch, one red and one green light. This model can be used in conjunction
with our combination fire/smoke dampers that are ordered with options DTO/R. This
model, when wired properly, will allow for by-passing the lower thermostatic disk (usually 165°F or 212°F). While in by-pass mode, the damper will remain open until the
upper limit thermostat disk activates (usually 250°F or 350°F depending on what is
: The EXRAC is a single electrical box panel that is composed of a red
and green light. This model can be used in conjunction with any of our
combination fire/smoke dampers, smoke dampers, multi blade fire dampers and air
control dampers with the proper options. The dampers must be ordered with one of the
following options: M/S, STO/R or DTO/R. This model only incorporates lights for
visual observation of the dampers’ blade position.
: The EXRAD is an EXRAA or EXRAB box that has a keyed switch for
security controlled operation or inspection of dampers. The switch only controls the
operation of the damper. The operation of the lights is independent of the switch
position. Refer to EXRAA or EXRAB for more details on the specific box.
Control Switch Functions: Normal/Open
: Switch in this position allows the damper
to operate as if it was wired directly to a smoke detector or other power source. The
damper remains open until the power source is disconnected from a smoke detector
signal, fan interlock, etc. or until the temperature in the duct elevates above the heat
responsive device located on the damper.
: Switch in this position, disconnects power to the actuator, thus allowing the
damper to close. It will remain closed until the switch is positioned into the
normal/open position regardless of any input signals. This wording is only used on
EXRAA only.
: Switch in this position, disconnects power to the actuator, thus allowing the damper
to close. It will remain closed until the switch is positioned into the normal/open position
regardless of any input signals. This wording is only used for EXRAB only when used
in conjunction with a DTO/R option.
: Switch in this position, the operator is allowed to by-pass the lower
temperature thermostat, thus opening the damper until the air in the duct elevates to
high temperature thermostat limit. At this time the damper will close and cannot be
Green Light (Open)
: This light is wired in series with the micro switch package and
indicates when the blades are open. Standard ratings for this light are 120 VAC.
24 VAC and direct current (VDC) lights will need voltage noted on order and ordered
Red Light (Closed)
: This light is wired in series with the micro switch package and indi-
cates when the blades are closed. Standard ratings for this light are 120 VAC. 24 VAC
and direct current (VDC) lights will need voltage noted on order and ordered special.
EXRAD (2 position)
and EXRAE (2 position
for DTO/R)