This manual has been issued by Canon Inc. for qualified persons to learn technical
theory, installation, maintenance, and repair of products. This manual covers all
localities where the products are sold. For this reason, there may be information in this
manual that does not apply to your locality.
This manual may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors due to
improvements or changes in products. When changes occur in applicable products or in
the contents of this manual, Canon will release technical information as the need arises.
In the event of major changes in the contents of this manual over a long or short period,
Canon will issue a new edition of this manual.
The following paragraph does not apply to any countries where such provisions are
inconsistent with local law.
The product names and company names used in this manual are the registered
trademarks of the individual companies.
This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this
manual may not be copied, reproduced or translated into another language, in whole or
in part, without the written consent of Canon Inc.
Indicates an item of reference assisting the understanding of the topic in question.
Provides a description of a service mode.
Provides a description of the nature of an error indication.
Refers to the Copier Basics Series for a better understanding of the contents.
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3 FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
2 Outline of the Manual
This Service Manual contains basic information needed to service the G3 FAX Board designed for installation to the iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 in the field, conducted for the purpose
of maintaining its product quality and a specific level of performance. For descriptions on
how to use the iR2200/iR2800/iR3300, see the separately prepared Service Manual.
This Service Manual consists of the following chapters:
Chapter 1Outline:features, specifications, system configura-
tion, list of user modes
Chapter 2Basic Operation:functional construction, outline of electrical
circuitry, power supply
Chapter 3Troubleshooting:points to Note for Troubleshooting, upgrad-
Chapter 4Installation:installation
Chapter 5Service Mode:using service mode, list of service modes
Chapter 6Error Code:list of error codes, main causes, list of mea-
Appendix:curcuit diagram
The descriptions are updated from time to time to reflect product improvements, and major changes are communicated in the form of Service Information bulletins.
All service persons are expected to familiarize themselves with the contents of this Service Manual and Service Information bulletins and acquire a level of knowledge and skill
required to promptly respond to the needs of the field.
This Service Manual does not provide detailed descriptions on how to use
the Board or detailed information on user reports. See the separately prepared booklet.
The detailed explanations on SSSW/parameters are limited to those used in
association with the Board; for others, see the separately prepared "G3 Facsimile Service Data Handbook" (Rev.0; HY8-23A1-000).
As for error codes, full explanations are on those newly added to the Board
or those for which measures specific to the Board are offered; for others,
see the separately prepared "G3 Facsimile Error Code List" (Rev.1; HY823A0-010).
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3 FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
The following rules apply throughout this Service Manual:
1. Each chapter contains sections explaining the purpose of specific functions and the relationship between electrical and mechanical systems with reference to the timing of
In the diagrams,
accompanies the symbol
represents the path of mechanical drive; where a signal name
, the arrow indicates the direction of the electric signal.
The expression “turn on the power” means flipping on the power switch, closing the
front door, and closing the delivery unit door, which results in supplying the machine
with power.
2. In the digital circuits, ‘1’ is used to indicate that the voltage level of a given signal is
“High,” while ‘0’ is used to indicate “Low.” (The voltage value, however, differs from
circuit to circuit.) In addition, the asterisk (*) as in “DRMD*” indicates that the
DRMD signal goes on when ‘0’.
In practically all cases, the internal mechanisms of a microprocessor cannot be
checked in the field. Therefore, the operations of the microprocessors used in the machines are not discussed: they are explained in terms of from sensors to the input of the
DC controller PCB and from the output of the DC controller PCB to the loads.
The descriptions in this Service Manual are subject to change without notice for product
improvement or other purposes, and major changes will be communicated in the form of
Service Information bulletins.
All service persons are expected to have a good understanding of the contents of this Service Manual and all relevant Service Information bulletins and be able to identify and isolate
faults in the machine.
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
µPD82870GD-001-LML from NEC used for ASIC (chip D) serves to control the bi-directional, parallel communications of the IEEE1284 cable (interface with the main controller
PCB), to control the chips around the MPU, to process detection of off-hook state, and to
process CI counter operations.
G3 FAX Control DIMM Slot (J11)
The 16M-bit flash ROM DIMM installed to this slot contains a program used to control
communications on an analog telephone line. The DIMM may be upgraded by downloading
using a Service Support Tool or by replacement.
µPD65882GC-015-8EU from NEC is an ASIC (port IC), and is used to control the NCU
and various ports such as for speakers.
The 64M-bit SDRAM serves as memory for coding/decoding of image data for transmission/reception or as a work area for the MPU.
The reset IC is used when resetting the MPU of the Board, as when the power is tuned on
or when the voltage of the power drops.
FM336 from CONEXANT is a modem used for G3 modulation as prescribed by ITU-T
V.17, V.21, V.27ter, V.29, and V.34. At time of reception, the received data from the line is
subjected to G3 demodulation as prescribed by ITU-T V.17, V.21, V.27ter, V.29, and V.34.
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3 FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
2.1 Block Diagram of the NCU PCB
2-line to 4-line conversion circuit
Line voltage conversion circuit
Dial pulse generation circuit
Off-hook detection circuit
F02 -201-01
2.2 Functions of the NCU PCB
2-Line to 4-Line Conversion Circuit
It converts signals from a 2-line telephone line into transmission signals and reception
signals for a 4-line signal line. In addition, it prevents transmission signals from the modem from invading the reception circuit.
Dial Pulse Generation Circuit
The dial pulse generation circuit generates dial pulses by turning on and off the relay in
the circuit using control signals from the G3 fax control PCB, thereby enabling the fax
board to transmit dial signals using the dial line.
Off-Hook Detection Circuit
It identifies the condition of the telephone or the handset (option) connected to the telephone terminal as being off- or on-hook in relation to the DC current flowing into it.
Circuit Voltage Conversion Circuit
The primary side of the NC board circuit is controlled by means of a line voltage of +48
VDC; the DC component is cut out using a capacitor, thereby converting only the audio
signals in voltages of a model level.
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
5 Signals
G3 fax control PCB (J31)¬ ®Main controller PCB (J1005)
A1A20FSTROBEhost clock
A2A19FD0data signal 0
A3A18FD1data signal 1
A4A17FD2data signal 2
A5A16FD3data signal 3
A6A15FD4data signal 4
A7A14FD5data sing 5
A8A13FD6data signal 6
A9A12FD7data signal 7
A10A11FNACKperipheral clock
A11A10FBUSYforward ACK signal
A12A9FPERRORrev erse ACK signal
A13A8FSELECTtransfer mode switch signal (H=ECP mode)
A14A7FRESETforced reset signal
A15A6FOPTIONOboard detection signal (H=present)
A16A5NCnot used
A17A4NCnot used
A18A3GND3.3V ground
A19A2FSPKONspeaker ON (L=being generated)
A20A1HPDIRnot used
B1B2 0PWCTLESS release command signal to fax board (L=ESS release)
B2B1 9CICNTpseudo CI control signal
B3B1 8NCnot used
B4B1 7ESSACTESS release request signal (L=ESS release) for G4
B5B1 6FSPOUTline monitor analog output
B6B1 5GND3.3V ground
B7B1 4FCIDCI/FC/CNG detection signal
A9B12BUSDIRbus direction control signal to HOST
B10B11NCnot used
B11B10NCnot used
B12B9NCnot used
B13B8GND3.3V ground
B14B7GND3.3V ground
B15B6GND3.3V ground
B16B5GND3.3V ground
B17B4FNSELECT IN 1284 active (H=ECP mode)
B18B3FNINTnReverse request
B19B2FNFAULTnPeripheral request (L= data from peripheral present)
B20B1FNAUTOFDreverse mode control signal
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3 FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
G3 fax control PCB (J101) ¬ ®NCU PCB (J2)
16AGNDanalog ground
25NCnot used
34+12Vrelay power supply
43ANLGINline monitor signal
52TX4-line transmission signal
61RX4-line reception signal
G3 fax control PCB (J102)¬ ®NCU PCB (J1)
11DGNDdigital ground
22BIT2for future use
33BIT1for future use
44BIT0for future use
55LPL2line polarity signal 2 (H=L2 positive)
66LPL1line polarity signal 1 (H=L1 positive)
77HOOK2external telephone off-hook detection signal (H=off-hook)
88HOOK1extension telephone off-hook detection signal (H=off-hook)
99CI0RCI1 and CI2 OR signal (H=C1 present)
1010CI2CI detection signal 1 (H=CI present)
1111CI1CI detection signal 2 H=C1 present)
1212LPRDpolarity reversal detection relay drive signal (H=ON)
1313DCDDC relay drive signal (H=ON)
1414CMLDCML relay drive signal (H=ON)
1515HRDH relay drive signal (H=ON)
1616PRDP relay drive signal (H=ON)
1717SRDS relay drive signal (H=ON)
1818VHGNDVH ground
1919VHGNDVH ground
2020VHoff-hook detection power supply
2121VCCESS 3.3 V all-time drive power supply
2222+3.3Vlogic drive voltage
2323DGNDdigital ground
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
G3 fax control PCB (J104) ¬ ®Composite power supply PCB (J124), Off-hook de-
tection PCB (J715)
1-GND4not used
2-+12Vnot used
31(J124) GND03.3V digital ground
42(J124) GND03.3V digital ground
53(J124) +3.3V3.3V power supply (at time of ESS, OFF)
64(J124) +3.3V3.3V power supply (at time of ESS, OFF)
75(J124) GND33.3VS digital ground
86(J124) +3.3VSESS 3.3V all-time drive pow er supply
97(J124) GND25V digital ground
108(J124) GND25V digital ground
119(J124) +5V5V power supply (at time of ESS, OFF)
1210(J124) +5 V5V p ow e r supply (at time of ESS, OFF)
131(J715) +5VSESS 5V all-time drive power supply
141(J715) GND15VS analog ground
G3 fax control PCB (J105)¬ ®Relay connector to speaker
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3 FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
If an error code is indicated in the presence of an error, see the descriptions
on error code in Chapter 6; to find out how to generate a service error code,
see 1.1.1 “Generating Service Error Code” in Chapter 6.
1 Points to Note for Troubleshooting
Take note of the following when troubleshooting the Board:
1.1 When Turning Off the Main Power
The Board stores image control data and image data on the hard disk. If reception is complete, the received images will be retained after the main power is turned off. On the other
hand, transmission images will be lost when the main power is tuned off. (In response, a
memory clear list will be generated.)
1.2 Points to Note When Changing Service Mode Settings
If you ever change service mode settings, be sure to turn off and then on the main power.
The settings made in service mode are stored on the host’s hard disk. The settings related to
the Board are loaded from the hard disk to the G3 fax control PCB, requiring that that main
power be turned off and then on again whenever a change has been made.
1.3 Points to Note When Accessing the DC Controller PCB
If you have to access the DC controller PCB, as for replacing the DIMM, you will have to
remove the G3 FAX Board [1]. To facilitate the wor k, detach the connector cover [2] shown
in the figure, and disconnect the connector found on the G3 fax control PCB before detaching the G3 FAX Boar d. (This way, you will have to remove fewer screws as compared with
disconnecting the connector on the controller side.)
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
1.4 Backing Up the Address Book
The data for an address book is stored on the host’s hard disk, and may be backed up using the remote user interface. If the user’s environment allows the use of a remote user interface, advise the user to back up the data as often as possible. The presence of a backup will
make restoration as in response to a fault on the hard disk easy.
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON SUPER G3 FAX BOARD-J1 REV.0 JUNE 2001
2 Problems at Time of Installation
The G3 FAX board is not recognized.
Cause:The main controller will automatically identify the presence of a G3 fax
control PCB by communication with it at time of power-on. The cable
used for the communication may not be connected.
Remedy:Check to see if the cable between the main controller PCB and the G3
fax control PCB is correctly connected. (J1005 on the main controller
PCB, J31 on the G3 fax control PCB)
E674-0001 Error
Cause:E674-0001 is indicated when the MPU of the G3 FAX control PCB
does not respond although the main controller PCB and the G3 fax con
troller PCB are electrically connected. It also occurs when the G3 FAX
control PCB is not supplied with power and, as a result, the MPU of the
G3 fax board is not operating.
Remedy:Check to see if the cable between the main controller PCB and the G3
fax control PCB is correctly connected. (J1005 on the main controller
PCB, J31 on the G3 fax control PCB)
Remedy:Check to see if the G3 FAX Board DIMM is correctly installed. Or, the
program in the DIMM may be out of order. Replace the DIMM with a
normal one.
Remedy:Check to find out if the power line to the G3 FAX Board is correctly
connected. (J104 on the G3 fax control PCB and J124 on the
low-voltage power supply PCB)