Simply magic
• Take control of your production
• Maximize flexibility
• Improve turnaround times
• Reduce production costs
With the increasing pressure on costs and turnaround times in almost
every production workflow, from statements up to complex mailings and
brochures, an efficient management of your entire production workflow
becomes a key issue. You can not afford to waste time and money in
scattered workflows or in a flawed printer management. A professional
output and workflow management solution designed for highest demands
on functionalities and performance is requisite.
Océ PRISMAproduction® Server is the essence.
Take control of your production
With applications getting more complex, increasing demands
for data security and a greater variety of preparations involved
– you need to have a system which offers you full control of
every process in your workflow. With Océ PRISMAproduction
Server, control of your entire workflow is granted through
a unified graphical user interface (GUI), no matter whether
controlling a single or multiple cutsheet and/or continuous
feed printing systems, or multiple print production sites.
Océ PRISMAproduction Server is the solution to keep control
and improve utilization.
Maximize flexibility
With the rapidly changing markets demands, production
printing facilities must become as flexible as possible. You
can no longer afford to add one output management system
along side another or replace an entire systems just because
the demands have changed.
Océ PRISMAproduction Server offers you a smart solution
to solve this dilemma. Due to a complete modular structure,
individual modules and a wide variety of options, additional
functionality and performance can be added easily.
Improve turnaround times
In today’s business, the available “print window” is getting
smaller with each new application which results in the
urgent demand of reducing turnaround times. With the
ability of Océ PRISMAproduction Server to fully automate
every workflow step such as preflight, data conversion, data
printing with
challenge easily. Thanks to the scalable architecture, all of
this can be tailored to your needs.
Océ PRISMAproduction Server ready to improve your
turnaround times and your revenue.
or page composing or even processes far beyond
utmost performance you can handle this
Reduce production costs
You search for a solution to reduce or even eliminate the
stock of pre-printed forms without expensive application
changes? You need to increase utilization from your postprocessing equipment, even with shortest run length? You
need an efficient way to run print production even with a
wide variety of data types, including vendor proprietary
formats ?
All of these cost critical questions, and many more, are
addressed and resolved by Océ’s core platform for high volume
production printing – Océ PRISMAproduction Server.

Océ PRISMAproduction Server
Line data
Océ ColorStream
Océ JetStream
Océ VarioStream
VarioPrint IPDS
Océ VarioStream
VarioPrint IPDS
Xerox LCDS printers
Océ VarioPrint
Xerox DocuTech 61xx
Océ PCL w/o
Other printers
Other printers
LCDS (pass thru)
PostScript (pass thru)
PCL (pass thru)
Executive Workflow
Streamline your workflow
Modular, flexible and smart – Océ PRISMAproduction Server
Accelerate your AFP data processing –
the APA-Module
Handling AFP data in transactional environments requires
maximized performance and security – that is the business of
the highly developed APA-Module. You are tired of wasting
time and money with preprinted shells ? Have a close look on
the brand-new option to replace preprints without making any
changes to the application. You also require a solution to add
barcodes or other items on legacy applications, or sort docu-
Steer the complete system with one centralized GUI
ments before they go into production? With the CIS option
all of these tasks can be fulfilled completely automated. You
are keen to avoid unnecessary downtimes due to improper
print data - just add the unique AFP-Preflight option and
you gain tremendous utilization on your production systems.
Océ PRISMAproduction Server APA-Module – the most
perfect fit for AFP and line data application no matter if b/w,
spot color or full color.