The sophisticated
platform for
commercially astute
print professionals
Océ PRISMA®prepare 6.1
you can
With the all-in-one Océ PRISMAprepare 6.1
software, print professionals can prepare
perfect documents more productively
and profitably.
Enjoy integrated makeready
• The complete integrated makeready solution that offers
three ways to add value to PDF documents.
• NEW Adobe
copying and pasting between multiple PRISMAprepare screens.
• NEW Variable Data Printing (VDP): for easy creation of
documents like business cards that contain variable data.
• Versatile book printing capabilities: best-in-class square
folding, intuitive creep support and spine caption editor.
• Flexible tab handling: including duplex and multi-line tabs, tab
import based on text file or PDF bookmarks and bleed tab support.
• WYSIWYG page programming: with visual feedback of tabs,
binding, finishing and a clear relationship between logical
and physical pages.
PDF library simplifies installation and enables
Create a single colour and B&W workflow
• Advanced colour detection settings: colour split & merge
including page coverage, logos, URLs and specific RGB colours.
• De-speckle and de-skew, even for colour scans.
Streamline productivity
• NEW drag-and-drop hot folders that automate makeready.
• NEW SNMP provides real-time printer status via your network.
• Printer independence and support for third-party printers
maximises your options.
• Colour split & merge, automatic recognition with manual
override, support for insert trays or cyclic media inserts.
• Centralised media catalogue for all documents that is
independent of any connected printer.

Specifications: Océ PRISMAprepare 6.1
Operating System Operating system 32 bit:
Language Support English (US), English (UK), Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish,
Windows Components Microsoft Net Framework v3.5 (part of the PRISMAprepare installation)
File System NTFS, ≥ 80 GB free space
Network TCP/IP (IPV4 & IPV6)
Processor Performance ≥ Intel Pentium IV 3.2 GHz an Intel equivalent (like AMD) or
Memory For Océ PRISMAprepare stand-alone: ≥ 2 GB
Hard Disc ≥ 80 GB
Scanner TWAIN-compatible scanner (for import of paper originals)
MS-Windows Server 2008 SP2 Standard and Enterprise
MS-Windows XP SP3 Professional
MS-Windows 7 SP1 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate
MS-Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise
Operating system 64 bit:
MS-Windows 7 SP1 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate
MS-Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise
MS-Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Datacenter/Standard/Essential
and Foundation Edition
MS-Windows Server 2012
Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Czech,
Hungarian, Simplified Chinese, Russian and Japanese
100/1000 MB/s
LPR protocol enabled, if needed to drive printer(s)
PDF page size 5 – 1500mm
Other Latest critical updates from Windows
VMware GX server that conforms to this performance requirement can also be
used. No restrictions regarding 32/64 bit hardware and single/dual core
For a combined installation of Océ PRISMAprepare and Océ PRISMAaccess
on one server or when installed on a VMware server: 4 GB
Preferably RAID-o (striping)
Video ≥ 1280 x 1024, True Colors (24/32 bit)
Screen ≥ 19" Flat screen, preferably wide screen
B&W Production
Cutsheet Printers
Colour Production
Cutsheet Printers
Finishing Océ BLM 200
All specifications are subject to change without notice. All company and/or product names are trademarks
and/or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers in their markets and/or countries.
Océ VarioPrint 6160/6200/6250/6320 Ultra
Océ VarioPrint 4110/4120
Océ VarioPrint 2090 Prémia Class/2110 Prémia Class
Océ VarioPrint 1105
Océ VarioPrint 3165/2062/2075
Océ VarioPrint 2065 Prémia Class/2070 Prémia Class
Océ VarioPrint 1055/1065/1075
Océ VarioLink 6022/7522/9522
Océ VarioPrint 5100 Advanced
Océ VarioPrint DP line
Canon imageRUNNER 110/150
Canon imagePRESS 1110/1125/1135
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE 8105/8095/8085 PRO
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE 8205/8295/8285 PRO
Canon imageRUNNER 7086/7105
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE 6075/6065/6055(i)
Océ VarioLink 6522C/5522C/4522C
Océ CPS800 Platinum/CPS900 Platinum
Océ CS655 Pro/CS665 Pro
Canon imagePRESS C6000/C6000VP/C7000VP/C6010/C6010VP/C7010VP
Canon imagePRESS C6010S/C6010VPS/C7010VPS
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE C7055i/C7065i
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE C7280i/C7270i/C7260i
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE PRO C9060/C9065/C9070/C9075
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE PRO C9060S/C9065S/C9070S/C9075S
Océ BLM 500/550
Other in-line finishing of above printers
Canon Inc.
Canon Europe
English Edition
© Canon Europa N.V., 2013
Canon Europe Ltd
3 The Square, Stockley Park
Uxbridge, Middlesex