The key to
printing from SAP
PrintKey for SAP
Business Suite
Océ PrintKey CS (Communication Server): Intelligent
bidirectional interface for SAP™ and output management
Océ PrintKey CS is one of the components of Océ PrintKey for SAP Business
Suite, the comprehensive print and plot management solution for printing
from SAP, Océ PrintKey CS brings the power of professional output
management systems to SAP systems, using defined SAP interfaces to
give seamless integration into the SAP environment.
Océ PrintKey CS is one of the components
of Océ PrintKey for SAP Business Suite,
the comprehensive print and plot management solution for printing from SAP, Océ
PrintKey CS brings the power of professional
output management systems to SAP systems,
using defined SAP interfaces to give seamless
integration into the SAP environment.
The Océ PrintKey CS links SAP to the
output management system of your choice,
for example Océ PRISMA®satellite, Océ
PRISMAproduction or Engineering Exec.
Océ PrintKey CS is recognised in SAP as a
generic printer and can accept, analyse and
transfer to the spool system any data stream
output via the SAP OMS. Connection to
SAP is via the standard BC-XOM interface
for print data streams. Without installing
any new components on SAP servers, you
can output SAP data of any type using
all the features of ultra-efficient print and
output management. And benefit from
the power and functionality of a dedicated
output management solution.
Job tickets for automated
The connection to the output management
system is done using plug-ins in Océ
PrintKey CS. Control of downstream systems
– both output management and printers –
is generated in SAP by the “Océ PrintKey
XML job tickets” functional component.
These XML job tickets are interpreted in
Océ PrintKey CS and passed to the appro-
priate plug-in. In the plug-in, the XML job
ticket is prepared such that the downstream
system can interpret the control data.
Work in progress can run completely automatically, increasing the efficiency of the
output process. Printing of documents is
also controlled by the XML job ticket.
Océ PrintKey CS also permits intelligent
handling of this. The component recognizes
that documents are being printed and checks
out the corresponding documents via the
BAPI interface. The print job, consisting
of the control data and the associated documents, is then assembled in Océ PrintKey CS
and, together with the job ticket, sent to the
downstream output system via the corresponding plug-in.
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PrintKey for SAP
Business Suite
Feedback: informative
backchannel communication
Océ PrintKey provides bidirectional
communication. Since it uses defined SAP
interfaces, data can be fed back to SAP from
the print and output management system.
SAP users thus receive detailed feedback on
their print jobs that contains information
from the output system.
Océ PrintKey CS is entirely written in
Java and runs as a server application on all
platforms that have a Java runtime engine.
Systems required
• Java Runtime Engine 1.4.1 on the server
Modules required
• Plug-in for the print management system
Technical requirements
Océ PrintKey CS is installed on the output
management server. There is no need for
client installations.
Océ has received official certification for the Océ PrintKey solution as an add on for SAP.
In giving this certification, SAP has confirmed the full integration of the Océ print and
plot management solutions.
Optional modules
• Océ PrintKey Dialog
• SAP function packages
Printing for
For information and services, visit us at www.oce.com
© 2009 Océ. Illustrations and specifications do not necessarily apply to products and services offered in each local market. Technical
specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Océ and Océ PRISMA are registered trademarks of Océ-Technologies B.V..
SAP is a trademark of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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