Procédure d'installation du Kit de
Sécurité-A2 pour iR
Installationsverfahren für den iR
Security Kit-A2
Procedura di installazione di iR Security
Take the following steps when this security kit is installed to the host
Procé der aux étapes suivantes lorsque ce kit de sécurité est installé sur
la machine hôte.
Für die Installation der Sicherheitsausrüstung in dem Hostgerät ist wie
folgt vorzugehen.
Per installare il kit di sicurezza nella macchina host, procedere come
descritto di seguito.
1.1 Points to Note About Installation
1.1.1 Points to Note at Time of Installation
1. Required Accessories
To install the product, you will need the following separately available accessories:
Expansion Bus-B1, USB Application Interface Board-D1 (except US), iR 256MB
Expansion RAM-B1 (except US). Be sure that these accessories have been properly
installed before starting the work; otherwise, there will be a message to indicate the absence
of resources when you attempt to register a license key. The special option may be needed
with the copier product used.
2. Time Needed for HDD Initialization
- When the machine restarts for the first time after a license key has been registered, it may
take more than 30 min to complete a restart run. It may take even longer if you have
changed service mode settings to select 'write random data 3 times'.
The user data will be deleted from the hard disk for the following:
- when the security function is enabled by registering the product's license key
- when a data encryption key is re-generated
- when the product's license key is invalidated to stop using the security function
Before attempting any of the foregoing, be sure to inform the user's device supervisor that
the items of data shown in the following table will be lost and it is important to make a
backup of data as necessary. Making a backup, however, is not the work of the service
person, as it inherently involves security issues. The instructions herein are for reference
purposes only.
Data ErasedAble to Be Backed Up
Information registered in the Address BookYes
Settings made from the Additional Functions screenYes*1
Forwarding SettingsYes
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Data ErasedAble to Be Backed Up
MEAP applicationsYes
License files for MEAP applicationsYes
Registered SDL (Simple Device Login) user
authentication informationYes
Data saved using MEAP applicationsYes*2
MEAP SMS (Service Management Service) password
(the password will return to its default password if it
was changed)No
Mode Memory settings registered in the Copy and
Mail Box functionsNo
Data stored in inboxesNo
Scan modes registered in the Send FunctionNo
Unsent documents (documents waiting to be sent with
the Delayed Send mode)No
Image forms stored in the Form Composition modeNo
Job logsNo
*1 Can only be backed up using the Remote UI or Device Information Delivery Settings
*2 Depending on the MEAP application.
Items of data that can be backed up
The data can be backed upReference
Address Book Settings
Additional Functions Settings
Forwarding Settings
Information on exporting data
License files for MEAP applications
Information on downloading license files
See the Remote UI Guide.
See the MEAP SMS Administrator's
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The data can be backed upReference
User authentication information registered with
Information on exporting user authentication
Information which can be delivered using the
Device Information Delivery Settings mode
Data saved by MEAP applications
4. Work After Installing the Kit
- If you disable functions of the Security Kit, passwords set for User Inboxes, Confidential
Fax Inboxes, and the Memory RX Inbox are erased. Set these passwords again.
- If you have logged in to the machine using a login service, such as SDL (Simple Device
Login) or SSO (Single Sign-On) before disabling functions of the Security Kit, you must
select the login service again in SMS (Service Management Service) after restarting the
machine. For information on changing the login service, see the MEAP SMS
Administrator's Guide.
See the MEAP SMS
Administrator's Guide.
Can only be backed up if you have
another imageRUNNER machine
that is equipped with the Device
Information Delivery Settings mode.
It is not necessary to back up this
information if you want to use it. For
more information on the Device
Information Delivery settings mode,
see the Reference Guide.
Depending on the MEAP
application. For information, see the
documentation included with the
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1.2 Checking components
1.2.1 Checking Items in the Package
[1] License Access Number Certificate Sheet1pc.
[2] Reference Guide1pc.
[3] Caution sheet for Users1pc.
[4] License Registration Booklet1pc.
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1.3 Installation procedure
1.3.1 Backing Up
(reference only)
Memo: Points to note when the security
kit and its iR machine are installed at a
Install the security kit first if the security
kit and its iR machine are installed at a
time. Backup work is unnecessary in this
case. If the security kit is installed in a
machine that is already set up, backup
work is required.
Overview of backup procedures for each
data is as follows.
Backup using the import/export
function of Remote UI
Procedure for backing up address book
(1) Access the following URL, and access
Remote UI.
http:// [Device IP Address] /
(2) Click Add. Func., and select import/
export from the menu displayed. A dialog
box is displayed at this time if a system
administrator ID and a password are set up.
Enter a system administrator ID in the user
name field, and a password in the password
field. Click OK.
(3) Click Address Book and click Export.
(4) Select Address Book and file format,
and click Start Export.
(5) Specify a storage location of the files
according to the screens. Name files to
easily identify a file and its page of address
All information in address book is included
once Forwarding settings are exported.
Backup of Address Book is unnecessary if
there is no need to backup pages
Procedure for exporting Forwarding
(1) Access the following URL, and access
Remote UI.
http:// [Device IP Address] /
(2) Click Add. Func., and select import/
export from the menu displayed. A dialog
box is displayed at this time if a system
administrator ID and a password are set up.
Enter a system administrator ID in the user
name field, and a password in the password
field. Click OK.
(3) Click Forwarding settings.
(4) Click Export, and click Start Export.
(5) Specify a storage location of files
according to the screens.
Procedure for exporting Additional
(1) Access the following URL, and access
Remote UI.
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http:// [Device IP Address] /
(2) Click Add. Func., and select Import/
Export from the menu displayed. A dialog
box is displayed at this time if a system
administrator ID and a password are set up.
Enter a system administrator ID in the user
name field, and a password in the password
field. Click OK.
(3) Click Additional Functions and Click
(4) Select Address Book, and click Start
(5) Specify a storage location of files
according to the screens.
Backup using the device information
delivery function
If same iR machines connected on the
network are installed more than two and
they have the device information delivery
function, it is possible to register one
machine as a master and deliver same
information to the other machines to
synchronize settings.
Refer to [Device Information Delivery] in
the Reference Guide.
(1) Make settings of a master machine (i.e.,
transmission side). Register destinations of
device information to the master machine.
Select Additional Functions>System
Settings>Device Information Delivery
Settings>Register Destinations.
(2) Register destinations manually/
automatically. In the case of auto-search,
select destinations from search results, and
press OK.
(3) Check settings status of destinations to
see if the master machine can send device
information to slave machines.
(4) Make manual delivery settings. Make
the settings when slave machines are not
used on the network/Local UI.
(5) Select Additional Functions>System
Settings>Device Information Delivery
Settings>Transmitting and
Settings>Manual Delivery. Set target
information for delivery to ON from Add.
function settings value, Dept. ID, and
Address Book, and press Next.
If address book is selected, forwarding
settings and favorites button settings are
also delivered.
(6) Select destinations, and press Manual
delivery start. Device information will be
delivered to the specified slave machines.
Check delivery results after delivery.
Backup of MEAP applications
If any of MEAP applications is already
installed, data and a license stored in the
MEAP application is deleted. However,
you don't need to consider it if MEAP
applications are not installed.
If a MEAP application has the backup
function, be sure to backup data specific to
the MEAP application using the function.
For licenses, it is necessary to stop all
applications from SMS (Service
Management Service), disable the licenses,
and download the disable license files.
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Note: MEAP backup function using SST
Concerning data backed up with
MEAPback of SST before starting the
security kit, it must not be re-written to the
iR machine after the security kit starts to
run. Also, if data backed up after the
security kit starts to run is re-written to an
iR machine that the security kit is yet to
run, it does not work properly. It is
absolutely necessary to match operating
conditions of the security kit before and
after backup work. For that reason, backup
is impossible with the MEAP backup
function while installing the security kit.
The following procedures are for stopping
MEAP applications, disable licenses, and
downloading license files. Refer to the
MEAP SMS Administrator Guide for
(1) Select the following URL to access
http://[Device IP Address]:8000/sms
If user changed a SMS password from a
default, ask the user to login or ask the user
to change the password after the security
kit starts to run. The default password is
Therefore, be sure to ask user to change a
(2) Select the radio button of an application
to be stopped from the Application list
page, and click stop.
(3) Click name of application that a license
is Installed, and access the Application
License Information page.
(4) Click License Management, and click
Disable. Click OK on the Disable license
file confirmation screen.
(5) Click download from Download/Delete
Disabled License File.
Specify a storage location of a file
according to indications on the screens. At
this time, name the file to easily identify an
application and its disable license file.
Click deletion after the disable license file
is downloaded to PC. Click OK on the
Delete disabled license file confirmation
(6) Go back to the application list page, and
select the radio button of an application to
be uninstalled. Then, click uninstall. Click
OK on the uninstallation confirmation
screen. Repeat the steps (1) to (6) if there
are multiple applications.
(7) After the security kit starts to run, reinstall applications using application files
(jar file) of applications and the backed up
disable license files (.lic file).
SMS password will be initialized after the
security kit starts to run.
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User authentication information
registered in SDL (Simple Device Login)
When user changed a login application of
MEAP to SDL, backup of user
authentication information is necessary
according to the following procedure.
(1) Access the following URL.
http:// [Device IP Address]:8000/sdl/
(2) Login using user name and a password
registered in SDL as an administrator.
Defaults are as follows:
User name: Administrator
Password: password
(3) Click user management.
(4) Place a checkmark to Select All, and
click Export.
(5) Click start without changing File
Format and Encoding from defaults.
(6) Specify a storage location of file, and
click save.
Note: Data that backup is impossible
Data stored in the boxes, yet-to-betransmitted documents, overlaid-image
data are deleted since backup is
impossible. Ask user how to handle data
that backup is impossible, and take
appropriate actions such as printing out the
data if necessary.
Refer to Points to Note on Installation for
details of data that backup is impossible.
1.3.2 Obtaining and
Registering the
license key
After completion of data backup, then
move to next step: obtain a license key
through LMS and register it. Basically
users are supposed to operate obtaining
their license keys by themselves following
the License Registration booklet Guide,
which offers the detailed procedures. The
outline of the procedures is described
below just for reference.
Memo: What is LMS?
The LMS (License Management System)
is new license server system, which has
been offered by Canon Inc. to be used as a
mean of validating the iR software options.
The purposes of the system are to centrally
manage the options in the forms of license
and to keep the options from being copied.
Instead of conventional methods, such as a
dongle or PC, in this new system, the
license keys are used in order to validate
the options. Basically users are supposed
to do the operation, however, the situation
will be various in countries or regions.
When purchasing an option, a license
access number certificate sheet is
packaged with the option. The access
number is used to obtain a license key,
which is specific to the number. Users can
access to the Web server, the LMS itself,
with the number, and obtain the license
key. With the license key is registered to
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the iR device, the function of the option is
validated finally.
When users input both the number on the
license access number certificate sheet and
the device serial No. of the iR itself to the
LMS, a license key composed of 24-digit
number, which is specific to each option, is
generated. The key includes the
information of the device serial No.,
therefore, users cannot use the key to other
devices. Additionally, when once the
option information is validated, it will not
be invalidated even if parts are replaced for
repairs since the information is backed up
and stored in the device.
Procedures to obtain and register the
license key
(1) Access to the LMS clicking the URL
below, and obtain a license key following
instructions displayed on the screen step by
The URL of the LMS
When users obtain a license key, both the
24-digit number on the License Access
Number Certificate Sheet and the serial
No. (e.g.: ABC01234) of the device to be
installed are required. The device serial
No. is displayed in the "Serial Number"
when the counter key of the iR is pressed.
(2) Write down the 24-digit number
displayed on the Web in the space provided
on the license access number certificate
Make sure to transcribe correctly. Give an
appropriate explanation to users so that
they will keep License Access Number
Certificate Sheet surely.
(3) Press the Additional function>System
settings>License Registration, then input
the license key in the designated space, and
press Start key so that the license key is
registered and the function of the option is
If the function fails to be validated, an error
message will be displayed. Refer to the
followings what action to be required.
"There are not enough required features for
→Check if the USB Application Interface
Board-D1 is recognized correctly and also
check if the RAM capacity is 512MB. The
special option may be needed with the
copier product used.
"The value for the license key is incorrect.
Check the license key."
→Check if the license key issued to
another device is used.
→Check if the license key is input
→Check if the license key is correct.
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"This function has already enabled."
→Check if the security function has
already been enabled.
(4) Press the power switch on the control
panel for 3 seconds or more. Following the
instructions displayed on the shutdown
sequence step by step with operations to
select appropriate items on the touch panel
so that the main switch can be ready for
turning off. Turn the main power off, and
after 10 seconds, turn it on again.
(5) The registered license will be validated
when the power supply of the device itself
is turned on once again.
At the first reboot after the license key
registration, in some cases, it might take 30
min. or more in order to initialize the data
in HDD. If the data erasing method of
HDD of the device is set to "Overwrite
random data 3 times", it might take longer
than the cases above. Make sure not to turn
off the power supply when the message,
"Remaining data that is not needed is being
erased. Do not turn off the main power.",
is displayed.
(6) When the device starts normally, press
counter key and then press the Device
Configuration to check if the security kit is
displayed in the space of options. Then, set
the Service mode at user's request.
1.3.3 Setting the
Service mode
When this kit is installed, the Service mode
needs changing in response to the user's
1. Changing the setting of "Complete
erasing of HDD"
Change the setting of complete erasing of
HDD at user's request.
- Service mode level 2
Set value
1: Overwrite NULL data one time
2: Overwrite Random data one time
3: Overwrite Random data three times
Default value: 1
As the value is set higher, the security level
becomes higher while the performance
level becomes lower.
2. Switching the key of "Job Log
Display ON/OFF" between display
and not display
Switch the key of "Job Log Display ON/
OFF" between display and not display.
- Service mode level 2
Set value
0: Not display the key
1: Display the key
Default value: 0
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When this key is set to "1", the device will
always respond "0" to the demands of job
history reference from the remote
applications. Therefore, software, such as
NetSpot Accountant, which manages the
device using the job history, cannot be
3. OFF/ON of connection devices
Re-start procedure may change with
connection apparatus used.
When the setting of the Service mode is
changed, need to turn off/ on the power of
connection devices.
1) Press the power switch on the control
unit for 3 seconds or more.
2) Following the instructions displayed on
the shutdown sequence step by step with
operations to select appropriate items on
the touch panel so that the main switch can
be ready for turning off.
3) Turn the main power off.
4) Turn the main power on.
If the target data to be erased completely
remain in the HDD at the time of turning
off the main power, the erasing operation
will be carried out at the start-up.
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Procédure d'installation du Kit de
Sécurité-A2 pour iR
Procéder aux étapes suivantes lorsque ce kit de sécurité est installé sur la machine hôte.
1.1 Points caractéristiques de l'installation
1.1.1 Points caractéristiques de l'installation
1. Les options suivantes sont requises pour l'installation du kit de sécurité : Kit d'extension
B1 du Bus PCI, carte I/F USB-D1 et extension RAM imprimante 256 Mo-B1 (sauf sur
modèle 120V)
Assurez-vous auparavant que ces options soient installées. Si elles ne sont pas installées, la
clé de licence ne pourra être enregistré et le message "Il manque des options requises pour
l'installation" apparaîtra.
2. Les données de l'utilisateur sont effacées dans les cas suivants.
- Lors de l'enregistrement d'une clé de licence du kit de sécurité pour activer les fonctions
de sécurité.
- Lors d'une nouvelle création de clé d'encryptage des données.
- Lors de l'annulation d'une licence du kit de sécurité pour arrêter la sécurité.
Informer la personne chargée de l'administration de l'appareil que les données ci-dessous
sont toutes effacées si l'une des actions ci-dessus est effectuée et qu'il est par conséquent
nécessaire d'effectuer une sauvegarde des données. Pour des raisons de sécurité, une
personne quelconque du service ne doit pas sauvegarder les données de l'utilisateur.
Pour référence, la procédure de sauvegarde est indiquée dans ce manuel.
Données à effacer
- Données stockées dans les boîtes de courrier
- Informations contenues dans le carnet d'adresses
- Paramètres de numérisation mémorisés pour la fonction de transmission
- Mode de mémoire enregistré pour les fonctions copie / boîte
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- Applications MEAP et fichiers de licence
- Données stockées pour chaque application MEAP
- Mot de passe du Service Management Service (SMS) MEAP
(Si l'utilisateur change le mot de passe, celui-ci se réinitialise aux paramètres d'usine)
- Informations d'authentification de l'utilisateur enregistré en SDL (Simple Device Login)
- Documents en attente de transmission (par exemple les documents à transmission
programmée/en réserve de transmission)
- Historique des tâches
- Paramètres définis en mode utilisateur
- Paramètres d'expédition mémorisés
L'utilisateur doit sauvegarder les données suivantes:
- Carnet d'adresses, paramètres des fonctions supplémentaires, paramètres d'expédition
(Voir le [Guide Remote UI] pour l'exportation des données.)
- Fichiers de licences des applications MEAP
(Voir le [Guide administrateur MEAP SMS] pour le téléchargement des fichiers de licence.)
- Informations d'authentification de l'utilisateur enregistré en SDL
(Voir le [Guide administrateur MEAP SMS] pour l'exportation des informations
- Données enregistrées pouvant être transmises en utilisant la fonction de transmission
(Sauvegarde possible uniquement si une autre machine iR possède la fonction de
transmission d'informations. La sauvegarde n'est pas nécessaire si les données de
l'utilisateur sont mémorisées dans la machine iR. Voir le [Guide de référence] pour les
fonctions de transmission d'information.)
-Données stockées dans les applications MEAP
(Les données stockées doivent être sauvegardées selon les applications MEAP. Pour plus
de détails, vérifier le manuel d'instructions de chaque application.)
- Les mots de passe pour les boîtes utilisateur, fax et système sont effacés une fois qu'une clé
de licence est enregistrée. Toutefois, assurez-vous d'enregistrer à nouveau ces mots de passe.
- Avant d'enregistrer une clé de licence, il est nécessaire de sélectionner à nouveau le service
de login après un redémarrage si l'utilisateur à paramétré l'authentification en SDL (Simple
Device Login) ou en SSO (Single Sign-On).
- Le premier redémarrage après l'enregistrement d'une clé de licence peut prendre plus de 30 minutes.
Il peut prendre beaucoup plus de temps si l'utilisateur a modifié les paramètres des services
pour effacer des données du disque dur par "triple remplacement des données aléatoires".
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1.2 Vérifier les articles fournis
1.2.1 Vérifier les articles fournis
[1] Certificat de numéro d'accès à la licence 1
[2] Guide de référence1
[3] Feuillet d'avertissement pour les utilisateurs1
[4] Livret d'enregistrement de la licence1
[5] Procédure d'installation1
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