Canon Service Bulletin COPIER
Issued by Canon Europa N.V.
Saddle Finisher-R2
Service Manual (Maintenance>Adjustment)
Addition of Descriptions on Service Mode
The Service Manual is being updated by adding descriptions of service mode items, designed as remedies to
implement in the event of stacking faults; these mode items consist of the following:
- upward curl mode
- special curl mode
- heavy paper downward curl mode
- heavy paper upward curl mode
- stack delivery mode
The new descriptions are as follows:
1. Upward Curl Mode
a. Outline
Paper tends to curl upward in certain conditions, preventing normal delivery/stacking. (See the following figure.)
Ref No.:

If such is the case,
1) Turn over the stack of paper inside the paper source (e.g., cassette). If doing so makes the upward curling worse
than before, turn back over the stack. If the paper still develops upward curl and, thus, fails to deposit itself normally,
try enabling the upward curl mode item.
b. Enabling the Upward Curl Mode
1) Turn off the host machine.
2) Set the bits of SW104 on the finisher controller PCB as follows:
3) Turn on the host machine.
- When this mode item is enabled, the machine changes the speed of its stack delivery roller to ensure proper stacking.
- When this mode item has been enabled, changes in conditions (e.g., the use of paper with little curl or paper with
downward curl) can cause improper stacking. In this regard, it is very important to study the type of paper that is
most often used by the user before enabling this mode item.
2. Special Curl Mode
a. Outline
If paper with irregular curl is deposited*, its edges can block the delivery slot of the finisher, pushing forward the
exiting stack when the next sheet arrives. (See the following figure.)
*LDR size only (mainly, Boise Cascade; 75 g/m2 in weight).
Paper with
appreciable body.