AI Servo AF Custom Function &
ISO Speed Settings Guide
AI Servo AF Custom
Custom functions for personalized
AI Servo AF settings to capture
moving subjects more effectively
ISO Speed Settings
A wide range of normal ISO speeds
(ISO 100 – 12800) and ISO
expansion options (ISO 50, 25600,
51200, 102400) are available
The EOS-1D Mark IV offers photographers a variety of
opti ons t o cus tomiz e AF and C o ntin uous shoo ting
operatio n. These can b e found in the third Custom
Function group (C.Fn III). Among the Custom Function
options are those that can be set for a variety of subjects
when using AI Servo AF which is the best AF mode for
moving subjects. As introduced on page 4, the Custom
Function settings provide a greater level of versatility for a
wide variety of shooting situations. Depending on the
shooting conditions, it is possible for the AI SERVO AF
mode to focus more accurately on fast moving subjects by
selecting an appropriate Custom Function. This guide
describes the features of these key Custom Functions, and
how to select and use the most appropriate settings.
A major feature of the EOS-1D Mark IV is its outstanding
image quality at high ISO speeds. Image quality
improvements brought about as a result of the newly
developed 16 megapixel CMOS sensor and Dual "DIGIC
4" image processing make it possible to use a maximum
standard ISO speed of 12800, with an ISO expansion of
up to ISO 102400. Until now, images at ISO speeds of
3200 and 6400 were of such a quality that usage was
generally due to the need for an image rather than a
desire to have the best possible image quality. With the
EOS-1D Mark IV, image quality has improved so much that
the normal ISO range up to 12800 is now suitable for a
much greater range of photographic situations. The
second half of this guide introduces the superior image
quality of the EOS-1D Mark IV including use of high ISO
speeds, and offers tips for getting the best results at all
ISO speed settings.
AI Servo AF
4 Default Settings: Basic Settings with the Greatest Versatility
Notable New Custom Functions
06 [C.Fn III-11] ‘Switch to Registered AF Point’ Instantly Applies Preselected AF Points
[C.Fn III-16] ‘Orientation-Linked AF Point Selection’ Switches Focusing Points Automatically When
Changing Between Vertical and Horizontal Camera Positions
10 [C.Fn III-6] Pinpoint Focusing with ‘Spot AF’
Important Custom Functions for AI Servo AF
12 [C.Fn III-2] Tracking Sensitivity: Use ‘Intermediate Slow’ for Fast Moving Subjects
14 [C.Fn III-2] Tracking Sensitivity: Use ‘Slow’ For Subjects that Appear and Disappear Intermittently
[C.Fn III-8-2, C.Fn III-8-3] AF Expansion with Selected Point: Capture Subjects with Rapid Movement
by Selecting Surrounding AF Point Expansion
[C.Fn III-8-1] AF Expansion with Selected Point: Capture Subjects with Fast Side to Side Movement
by Selecting Left/Right AF Point Expansion
[C.Fn III-4-1] AI Servo AF Tracking Method: Shift Focus to Foreground Subject with Continuous AF
Tracking Priority
[C.Fn III-4-0]
[C.Fn III-3] AI Servo 1st/2nd Image Priority: Determine the Relationship between AF Operation and
Shutter Release During Continuous Shooting
Mutual Association of Important C.Fn: How Camera Operation Will Change When Combining C.Fn
III-2, 4, 8
Special Hints for Sharp Photos
28 Collecting Predictive AF Data for 0.5 Seconds Before Shutter Release Raises the Probability of
Accurate Focusing
30 Using AF Point Expansion to Prevent Mistakes with Focus Shifting to the Background
Using AI Servo AF Tracking Method to Prevent Focus Shifting to Obstructions in the Foreground
34 Deal with Slightly Out of Focus Photos from Minor Shaking with Even Faster Shutter Speeds
ISO Speed Settings
36 Normal ISO Speeds of ISO 100 – 12800 Achieve High Image Quality
38 ISO Expansion from ISO 25600 – 102400 Adds a New Dimension to Shooting
40 Image Quality at Each Setting with High ISO Speed Noise Reduction
42 Auto ISO Function is Useful for Shooting Conditions with Great Differences in Contrast
44 Confirming How to View Noise at High ISO Speeds with Print Size
46 Low ISO Speed Expansion ISO 50 can be Useful for Shooting Expression
47 Various Custom Functions that can be Applied to Shooting
AI Servo AF Tracking Method: Continuously Follow One Subject with Main Focus Point Priority
AI Servo AF
Default settings
The basic settings have great levels of versatility and can
handle a wide variety of shooting opportunities and subjects
Custom Functions related to AI Servo
AF are inc lude d i n t he C.Fn III AF/
Drive group.
The def ault out of the
bo x se t ti n gs a re t he
simplest settings and are
mo re th a n ca p a ble o f
handling shooting for a
variety of subjects.
EOS-1D Mark IV Custom Functions related to AI Servo AF are
included in the C.Fn III AF/Drive group. This group's default Custom
Function settings are the basic settings for AI Servo AF.
Basic Settings are the most general settings, capable of handling the
majority of shooting conditions. The Custom Functions that will be
introduced later, when set for specific conditions can raise the
probability and precision of focusing. However, when the settings are
not appropriate, the probability and precision of focusing may actually
be reduced.
AI Servo AF on the EOS-1D Mark IV uses a new AF algorithm, and
the tracking performance of moving subjects has been significantly
improved. So, first try shooting with just the default settings and
none of the Custom Functions selected. Then after considering the
shooting conditions try setting the Custom Functions for even higher
consistency and precision of focusing.
Photo taken with the default settings, and not using any of the C.Fn
III AF/Drive Custom Functions. This setting will get the best possible
performance when shooting subjects that generally do not move.
EF400mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/2000 sec. f/2.8 ISO100
Setting hints
When even more stability is required than that provided by the Default Settings, using the
options within C.Fn III-8
Default settings are the easiest to use, however, when
you want to consistently capture subjects that move
extremely quickly, C.Fn III-8 AF expansion, and C.Fn III-4
(AF expansion)
, and C.Fn III-4
(AI Servo AF tracking method)
are also effective
AI Servo AF tracking method: Option 1 (Continuous AF
track priority) will be effective. Refer to the description
pages (pp. 16, 20).
AI Servo AFCustom Function C.Fn III-11
Notable function
Switch to Registered AF Point
You can instantly shoot with a different
registered AF point
Registered points can be applied with one button
Manually selected AF pointSwitch to registered AF point
Press the
Multi-controller once,
The 45-point AF system on the EOS-1D Mark
IV makes it possible to capture the subject
within a wide area. However, when shooting
sports where the players move around quickly,
switching from a manually selected AF point
while shooting can be difficult. In situations like
this, Custom Function C.Fn III-11 Switch to
registered AF point is useful.
This function allows instant switching to a
previously registered AF point with just one
button. Registration of AF points can be carried
out durin g normal s hooting c onditio ns by
While pressing the AE
lock button
In the manual AF point selection mode select the desired
AF point, by pressing the AF point selection button. Once
the required point has been chosen, then press the ISO
button, the AF point will then be registered and this is
confirmed by a beep.
manually selecting the AF point, then while
pressing the AF point selection button, press the
ISO button to register. Then when C.Fn III-11 is
set to option 1 or 2 switching to the registered
AF point is possible.
Because it is possible to switch the AF point
with just one button, while shooting with a
manually selected AF point on the left edge, it
is also possible to instantly switch and shoot
with a registered AF point on the right side.
This function is convenient for registering an
AF point that is frequently used.
With the C.Fn III-6 option, when lenses with an AF stop button are attached, selection of registered AF point with the AF stop button is possible.
Manually selected
AF point
EF300mm f/2.8L IS
USM 1/1600 sec.
f/2.8 ISO3200
It is possible to instantly
switch between two AF
In order to capture the skater on the right hand side
while shooting with a manually selected AF point
on the l e ft h a n d si d e , th i s ph o t o wa s shot by
switching to a registered AF point on the right. This
feature is effective for shooting sports where there
is a lot of left-right, right-left movement.
Switch to registered
AF point
EF300mm f/2.8L IS
USM 1/1600 sec.
f/2.8 ISO3200
For illustrative purpose, all AF points are displayed superimposed.
AI Servo AFCustom Function C.Fn III-16
Notable function
Orientation linked AF point selection
Three AF Points with differing orientations can be set
Automatically switch between set AF points for each different hold
Vertical position, with
grip on top
Se t C.Fn I I I -16 Or i e ntatio n
linked AF point to Option 1:
Select differen t p oin ts, an d
then while holding the camera
in each orientation, carry out
the AF point registration.
With the EOS-1D Mark IV, it is possible to select
individual AF points according to the camera
orientation (horizontal position, vertical position
with grip on top, and vertical position with grip
on bottom) for the AF points. First, select C.Fn
III-16 Orientation linked AF point Option 1:
Select different AF points, then while holding
the camera in each different orientation, select
each AF point. Then, by switching back and
forth between horizontal and vertical positions,
Horizontal positionVertical position, with
grip on bottom
Different AF points can be set to
three orientations. Changing the
orientatio n of the camera will
automatically switch to the preset
AF point
the preset points will auto m at i ca l ly swi t ch
according to the orientation.
By using this it is possible to shoot in rapid
succession without button operation, additional
moving from the horizontal position with the
AF point on the right, to the vertical position
with the AF point at the top.
This function is effective for shooting subjects
where changes in framing are required.
EF300mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/1600 sec. f/2.8 ISO3200
Automatically switch AF points
between the vertical and
horizontal positions
Shoot w ith the set AF p oin t i n the ve rti cal po sit ion
(center of the screen), then right away in the horizontal
position shoot when automatically switched to the AF
point at the top right of the screen. By using AF point
selection for each orientation, this kind of shooting is
For illustration, all AF points are shown at once.
AI Servo AFCustom Function C.Fn III-6-7
Notable function
Spot AF
Pinpoint focusing is possible
Spot AF narrows the operating area of the AF sensor
EF200mm f/2L IS USM 1/1000 sec. f/2.8 ISO3200
Sp o t AF ca n b e used b y
selecting Custom Function
C.Fn III-6 Lens/Stop Button
Function for setting: 7 Spot
AF. ( Ill ustration i s the AF
sensor dur ing AF. Actual
length not displayed.)
Among the EOS-1D Mark IV AF functions, a
new function that stands out is Spot AF.
This function narrows the operation area of
each i ndivi dual A F poin t. As f ocus c an be
attained on a smaller area of the image, it can
be effective when used in situations like sports
when aiming at players through a net, or when
attempting to focus on the eyes of a race driver
wearing a helmet. (When using a normal line
sensor, the probability of focusing on a net in
the foreground or on the edge of the helmet is
higher, this will make it possible to focus on the
* This function can only be used when lenses with an AF stop button are attached.
Lens AF stop button on
large-diameter single focal length
telephoto and super-telephoto
Sp o t AF can b e ac t i vated on s u pertelephoto L-type IS lenses by pressing
and holding the AF stop button after
C.Fn. III-6 AF stop button function has
been set to option 7: Spot AF setting.
EF300mm F2.8L IS USM
EF400mm F2.8L IS USM
main subject at the back.) Also, for distant
subjects (athletes on a podium, etc.) that must
be captured even though appearing very small
wit hi n t he im age , S po t A F i s e ffe cti ve in
preventing focus shifting to the background.
When compared to normal settings, the AF
Du ring Spo t AF sho o ting ,
the active area of the sensors
is shorter and narrower than
during regular AF shooting.
(Note: The above drawings
are for illustration purposes
only and do not accurately
represent the size and shape
of the AF sensor.)During Normal AFDuring Spot AF
tracking speed on the subject will not be slower
in Spot AF mode, however, it is important to be
a w a r e th a t t h e f o c u s i n g sp e e d f r o m a
completely defocused state may be slower.
For illustration, all AF points are shown at once.
AI Servo AFAI Servo Tracking Sensitivity 1
Important C.Fn
C.Fn III-2
Set the sensitivity to the intermediate
slow setting when stability is important
Effective for extremely fast subjects and sports with random movement
Set C.Fn III-2 AI Servo tracking sensitivity (hereafter "sensitivity"),
when shooting fast moving subjects and sports with lots of close
activity, to one of the slower options for even more stable tracking
With sensitivity set to fast, when a background with no subject or a
secondary subject cuts in front of the AF point, a new point of focus
will be quickly detected, and AF point will shift. So, for fast moving
subjects (where there is a chance of the AF point moving away in a
short time), and sports with lots of close play (players that are not the
primary point of focus cut into the foreground), the fast setting will
raise the probability of focus shifting to unwanted subjects or
In many cases, appropriate focus is achievable with the default
sensitivity setting, however, when shooting fast subjects and when
obstacles cut in, in order to raise the focus stability (less likely to be
unfocused) selecting option -1: the intermediate slow setting can be
In sports such as soccer or basketball
where obstacles c an oft en cut int o
the foreground (players that are not
th e ta r ge t ) , th is se tt i ng is ve r y
EF300mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/3200 sec.
f/4 ISO200
EF400mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/400 sec. f/3.2 ISO1600
Wit h m a n u a lly selec t e d
focusing points, when the
subje ct is ext rem ely fa st,
selecting the intermediate
slow op t i o n mean s l e s s
chance of the focus shifting
to t h e b a c k g round, and
m a ke s fo cu s in g mo r e
Key point
Focusing speed for the first shot is always at
maximum speed regardless of sensitivity
Regardless of the fast, or slow sensitivity options, AF speed from the time the AF drive
starts to the first focus is always optimized for maximum speed. This initial focus
speed (or catching speed) is a main feature of AF on the EOS-1D Mark IV. It is possible
to capture the subject quickly whenever you want to shoot.
For illustration, all AF points are shown at once.
AI Servo AFAI Servo Tracking Sensitivity 2
Important C.Fn
C.Fn III-2
Take advantage of slow sensitivity
for intermittently appearing subjects
Use at swimming events or event where the subject disappears and appears
When tracking sensitivity is set to slow (option -2) the length of time
that objects entering the AF point are viewed as obstructions will be
longer than when set to the intermediate slow option (-1). So, when
the time a subject is hidden behind an obstruction is brief (long
means about "0.X" sec.), this setting can be highly effective.
For example, when shooting events like breast stroke and butterfly in
swimming, with repetitive patterns such as the swimmer going in and
out of the water at regular intervals, the slow option (-2) setting can
often be effective.
Depending on how long the subject is hidden, it will be best to
distinguish between the intermediate slow option (-1) when the time
hidden is shorter, and slow option (-2), when it is slightly longer.
Wh e n sho o t ing s k i i ng sp o r t s li k e
sl alom whe re the skie r s a re o ften
hidden behind flags, sensitivity set to
option -2: slow, can improve the hit
EF300mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/3200 sec.
f/4 ISO100
EF400mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/4000 sec. f/2.8 ISO3200
Competitive swimming’s breast stroke and butterfly can be highlighted as typical examples of sports where the athlete disappears and
reappears at regular intervals. For events like this, sensitivity set to slow can be effective.
For illustration, all AF points are shown at once.
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